Where is the logic behind this? Please tell me this is a bug and the devs didn't forget to add certain powers to the list of what procs Manipulator. Please fix this.
I am laughing (also I am drunk).. You can't expect ANY standards from Crowd Control in Champions Online.
Either way that hybrid would rock. No peeling necessary.
Yes, manipulator's ****ing weird. Things that trigger it include:
Void Shift
Smokebomb Lunge
Any charge holds (no charge stuns.)
Any maintain holds
I'll extend and edit that list for more accuracy when I get home.
And then submit it to the CO-Wiki.
Which nobody can edit.
Thanks, Bluhman. Hopefully they'll address Manipulator's picky list down the road. For now I'll put my Manipulator build on hold until things get fixed (hopefully).
Yes, manipulator's ****ing weird. Things that trigger it include:
Void Shift
Smokebomb Lunge
Any charge holds (no charge stuns.)
Any maintain holds
I'll extend and edit that list for more accuracy when I get home.
And then submit it to the CO-Wiki.
Which nobody can edit.
You can also throw Decimate w/ Restraining Order (root advantage) on that list of things that proc Manipulator. The funny thing is Thunderbolt Lunge can't even do the same thing with it's root. If that isn't a sign that Manipulator is incomplete or bugged, I don't know what is.
Manipulator was fixed to include all holds and stuns and cc attempts but was reverted after new Telepathy was put on a break for a year, so lerl.
Anyways, can someone test if Power Gauntlet and Back Hand Chop proc Manipulator?
I remember them doing so, but it has been a while.
So other words, they fixed it, put things on the back burner, reverted it (which unfixed it), and released the TP update with a broken Manipulator intact. :rolleyes:
Well, I think I'm going to take my toon that I wasted my globals retconning for Manipulator with and test out all of the holds. I'll edit my original post with my findings. If the devs ever notice this post, maybe it will make their work easier fixing it.
I did a forum search the other day on Manipulator and found your post regarding the same bug. That was a year ago. No wonder you're being such such a pessimist.
I did a forum search the other day on Manipulator and found your post regarding the same bug. That was a year ago. No wonder you're being such such a pessimist.
I am laughing (also I am drunk).. You can't expect ANY standards from Crowd Control in Champions Online.
It has never worked.
So Champions' logic = "it may look like an apple, taste like an apple, and actually BE an apple - but really, it's an orange, guys". :rolleyes:
A delicious applange . . . or is it an orapple?
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I'll extend and edit that list for more accuracy when I get home.
And then submit it to the CO-Wiki.
Which nobody can edit.
Either way that hybrid would rock. No peeling necessary.
Thanks, Bluhman. Hopefully they'll address Manipulator's picky list down the road. For now I'll put my Manipulator build on hold until things get fixed (hopefully).
You can also throw Decimate w/ Restraining Order (root advantage) on that list of things that proc Manipulator. The funny thing is Thunderbolt Lunge can't even do the same thing with it's root. If that isn't a sign that Manipulator is incomplete or bugged, I don't know what is.
Anyways, can someone test if Power Gauntlet and Back Hand Chop proc Manipulator?
I remember them doing so, but it has been a while.
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I am @RavenForce in game
So other words, they fixed it, put things on the back burner, reverted it (which unfixed it), and released the TP update with a broken Manipulator intact. :rolleyes:
Well, I think I'm going to take my toon that I wasted my globals retconning for Manipulator with and test out all of the holds. I'll edit my original post with my findings. If the devs ever notice this post, maybe it will make their work easier fixing it.
Fix Crowd Control.
*This post has been flagged for hilarity*
I did a forum search the other day on Manipulator and found your post regarding the same bug. That was a year ago.
Tragedy + Time = Comedy!