Hi. I've migrated to CO pretty much back when CoH died, I was glad to see a ncie and friendly community, and the virility of the Freeform AT, the Customization was amazing, lots of people helping you just out fo the kindness of there heart - it was just like CoH. I managed to make a Soviet themed Power armor toon which I leveled for a long time, then I made a cyber samurai that used a laser edge and was a Asian themed "slim" robot, one of those anime styled things that were basically as thin as possible.
And as most stories that start out with this much lube - there is a but.
Today i ventured to Zone chat with a tune I made about a month prior and was playing it on and off again. My primary inquiry was weather or not anyone had a Western Rifle for sale as it fitted my char's theme
And then imminently got attacked by some guy I never met or saw for having the audacity to be a complete ripoff and what a piece of **** I am and all the more things. Now I'm not proud - I barked back at him, it was a long day at work I didn't have to take a random internet person's mood swings.
Why was I called out in such a manner? I dared to name my character after myself: Grimes, Sheriff Grimes.
When the guy was backed up to a Corner he publicly said that I am some sort of known and notorious Ripoff character creator. I was for a moment in shock, it was new for someone I clearly never saw or met in my CO career to say such a bold-faced lie in the sole attempt to make themselves seam as the righteous party, I was basically burned there and then because there is absolutely no way to prove you never made a ripoff character, unless CO has accessible database of Characters being made and deleted...
It's just... I don't even know what to do. I ~HATE~ being accused of unoriginal, especially when this skidmark didn't even see my costume, I'm basically now labeled as a ripoff maker because someone was too arrogant to admit they made a too hast assumption.

any advice on how to handle situations like this?
And remove the @assmonkeyname from your post. 'Naming and Shaming' rule of the forum.
Ripoff of what? I have no idea. The dude from the Walking Dead tvshow/comicbook?
Well, he sure looks like him. Not....
Zone is full of idjots. Just try not to meddle in, if some of them try to bait you.
Just use Ignore and move on.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
You going to dish it out, be prepared to eat your own medicine.
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
Just some bored 12 year old D-Bag looking to ruin YOUR day because HIS life sucks. Just put him on Ignore. There is nothing else you CAN do, unless he resorts to out and out threats, harassment, or other violations of the Terms Of Service. Frankly, the only people who care about what this A-Hoel thinks are other griefers. It happens to all of us, fortunately not all that often in this game.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Couldn't have said this better myself..
If he harasses you even after putting that guy on /ignore, or follows you around to simply ruin your game, simply ask for a GM for help..
Everything that happened to you may seem like a shock but honestly, who cares about one guy's opinion? I'm not saying that in any negative way but, literally, if he ran around zone chat smearing dirt on your name it'd reflect worse on him then you. He'd be ignored and no one would care. I know I'd be upset if I went through what you went through and have been plenty upset about things in the past, but they all just be trolls.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
step 1: /ignore
step 2: change instance
problem solved....he cant communicate with you anymore, and he cant find you anymore either.
That's not the attitude you want to have because it only ends you up in the same place that guy put himself.
Honestly, I'm sure there were more people that thought he was an **** than the number of people that believed what he said. Anyone who did believe him... is probably some moron who just believes everything they hear without thinking... I'm going to go ahead and point out that you don't care what those people think (since if you wait a minute, what they think will change the second someone else says something). Nobody actually cares anyway... it's not like you're running around in a Deadpool costume, and even if you were, no one would care anyway (they would just report a clone).
Do what I'm guessing a lot of people who were also in zone chat at the time did... put him on ignore, and get back to having fun.
If there is a copyrighted character called Sheriff Grimes somewhere that looks reasonably exactly like that, you're in trouble...to the tune of a free name change and generic'd costume. Otherwise, you have nothing to worry about; people don't put much stock in what "random aggro teenager in zone chat" tries to pass off as fact.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
This is the problem with calling out people for making character clones. Yeah, it's obvious when someone makes a green hulk clone, or a spider man or a bat man. But when you start ripping a player a new one for naming a character "Sheriff Grimes," you've gone beyond the pale.
The Walking Dead is certainly not the first publication to name a character Rick Grimes, or Shane Walsh, or The Governor. There are literally thousands of Americans named Rick Grimes who have every right to use that name -- they didn't lose their rights to their own names when some guy published a comic book a couple years back.
Trademark law allows you trademark names only in certain domains, and only if they're sufficiently unique. That means you can't just TM every name in your comic book and then sue anyone who happens to be named the same thing.
Thus, "Sheriff Grimes" is probably only trademarkable in the context of a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world set in the American southeast. Putting a different-looking Sheriff Grimes in a world filled with superheroes in Millennium City is not a violation of trademark law.
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So I fought the guy and blocked his attacks. He got mad and told me to stop blocking/turtling or something to that effect. I told him no. He could not break my block and I got board with the fight after being berated for a bit. So I left the room and went to the room with the test dummies.
Either I got koed or something and I went back to the main hall. He keeps the same mode of conversation from before, repeatedly blocking in front of me and saying he is me, trying very hard to antagonize me. He started to talk about sexual overtones and such about what I have done, have not done or something.
Here is what I did:
1) put him on ignore
2) Opened up the report menu.
3) Copy pasted what I could into the window from the chat
4) Made sure that the screenshot taken would have his correspondence.
5) Moved on with my day.
Subsequently, I never saw his @handle online again after that day.
Been playing since the game came out. Guess these steps are super effective.
Real Soviet Damage PRIMUS Page | Soviet Might Build | Artwork of my Characters | I wrote a book called "The Ring of Void"
I used to know this guy, real good church-going Christian. Very nice person, he'd give anyone the shirt off his back. He was just flat-out decent. Never criticized anyone for what they do. He was around things that should bother a person of his beliefs, and I had to ask him 'doesn't this bother you?' He told me something that I still remember, and wish I followed.
"I don't spend my time worrying about others. I think if I want people to change, the best way to do it is to be an example- not a critic. Sure, I may not like what they do, but there's no point in me wasting my time worrying about them when I have to worry about what I do."
So, someone doesn't like what you're playing? Well, did they sign your paycheck? Pay your subscription? Cook your dinner? Sleep with you at night? Run your bathwater?
Then f**k them, do what you wanna do. CO is where you can be the hero you want to be, not the one everyone else thinks you should be- that game is called DCUO.
So I guess the thing to take away from this is, don't play your character in the Zombie Apocalypse hero game
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I bet she ended up muted.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
And BTW I made this character way before that bad looking movie as well. My inspiration came from an old flash game on the other hand.
Grappling/Wrestling Power Set Suggestion 2012-2013
How a Wrestling Power Set Can Work
They must have meant B.B hood from Darkstalkers and vs Capcom games shes not that obscure has quite a fan base.
But yeah barring a Red Riding Hood toon was a teeny tiny bit extreme.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Methinks that may have been a blessing in disguise.
You should join a CC and see who are the winners there... *rolls eyes*
Been to dozens of CCs and seen my fair share of winners that made me scratch my head. Even won a few times myself and some of those wins made me scratch my head too.
I find it hilariously bad that a Little Red Riding Hood looking outfit was recognized by someone as a video game character instead of the character from the fable.
lol Honestly, I didn't ignore her because it was kind of amusing to watch her ramble. At first I thought she was joking but every time I came back to MC she'd be saying something crazy. It was definitely... one of the weirder/most hilarious things I've seen in zone chat. If I ignored her I feared I'd miss some psycho gem that she'd pumped out.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
Was this person's handle Shev88 by any chance?
If so you were in the presence of a Champions Online legend:cool:
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I find it hilarious how people on the boards feel the constant urge to knock CC hosts, and am considering trying to get a protest going where we all stop hosting ccs entirely for a week, just so y'all appreciate wtf we do for you. Just because you don't recognize a character, doesn't mean it's not a recognizable character. I wouldn't know the main character from fable if you hit me in the face with him, because the only things I've played on x-box are fallout 3 and mass effect, and afaik the character in that game is heavily customizable.
Just a general note to a few of you on the boards picking on CC hosts? We spend large portions of our time farming for g, so we can host events to entertain YOU. Show some respect. I never get hate for my ccs, and spear doesn't tend to either, but still. This bothers me to no end. Taste Is Subjective. Period.
RIP Caine
Shieldtower said "the character from the fable" (ie, the titular character from "Little Red Riding Hood"), not "the character from Fable".
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.