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NEED HELP Cryptic game launcher has stoped working

cyberkill1255cyberkill1255 Posts: 6 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PC & Technical Issues
I have bean trying to get on champions online today but when i start it it comes up with a error. When i tried to do what people on forms told me to do. It didn't work. can someone help me with this.
"Never Underestimate the Cyberkiller" :cool:
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Be a bit more specific.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • cyberkill1255cyberkill1255 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Im saying that whenever i try to start champions online a error comes up saying that cryptic game launcher has stoped working, and i tried what people were telling me to do and it didn't work
    "Never Underestimate the Cyberkiller" :cool:
  • willywilddwillywildd Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Mine's broken, too. I first started in January, been no problems until about 2 weeks ago when suddenly CO would no longer load, all I got was the icon on the taskbar. nothing I tried worked so I deleted and reloaded, this time with ARC. I lost my first account because it wanted a verification link clicked and I couldn't find where they sent it so I started a new account annnd you guessed it, now I get the ARC screen and after clicking on "play" I get the icon on the taskbar and that's as far as it goes. I've deleted and reloaded 4 times to no effect....think I'm going to have to move on...
  • rextyranisrextyranis Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In the same boat now apparently myself. Worked just fine last week. Now on this AC thing. Everything Updated, all suggestions followed, all it does is plop an icon down in the lower menu bar and sit there. What the hell PWE/Cryptic ..... Some of us PAY for this thing. We would like it to work.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • geebus55geebus55 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why should I have to force anything? It worked and something the Devs did screwed things up. I've reloaded 5 times already. WTF is the problem? I WAS at the point of going Gold but if this is the best I can expect then it's off to MechWarrior Online. I'm not jumping through hoops to play a game I intend on paying for.

    Former City of Heroes player that NEVER had a problem like this in almost 7 YEARS.
  • wesker04wesker04 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is happening to me now too.

    After submitting a ticket i wait almost a week for a reply, and all they give me is the generic FAQ "turn ur modem off then on" garbage.

    Second week goes by after (despite having tried 30x) following their instructions and messeging them back. What do I get as a reply? A link on how to fix STAR TREK ONLINE.

    The support team is a joke and has no clue what theyre doing.

    If ANYBODY knows how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated, as the devs dont care enough to address a problem that many users are now facing.
  • cyberkill1255cyberkill1255 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rextyranis wrote: »
    In the same boat now apparently myself. Worked just fine last week. Now on this AC thing. Everything Updated, all suggestions followed, all it does is plop an icon down in the lower menu bar and sit there. What the hell PWE/Cryptic ..... Some of us PAY for this thing. We would like it to work.

    I agree with you (even though im a free to play member of this game) some people pay to play this game and this is how you thank us cryptic. Not solving this problem? I literaly tried everything the community told me to do and it still won't work.
    "Never Underestimate the Cyberkiller" :cool:
  • lovelyspylovelyspy Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    join the club. this morning everything was working fine. then Arc updates and BAM!!! launcher stops working. just gives me a thing on the menu bar on the bottom and does nothing

    I tried running it through the client itself but after log in, I always get an 'Accoount Timed Out" message. I been loyal to PWE and Cryptic for YEARS and this is how they reward me. I am done. FInished. Unless they fix this soon, PWE goes on my list of company games to never play again(along with NCSoft and Nexon):mad::mad:mad::mad:
  • wesker04wesker04 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree. its pretty ridiculous. Just got another reply today from support....took them 4 days to send. And what did I get you ask?

    I got another FAQ answer. Todays answer was:

    "uninstall and reinstall the game, and make sure you run the game as admin. Thanks from the Cryptic staff."

    What. A. Joke.

    Im done. Done with Cryptic and PWE
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The solution has already been posted in this thread:


    I ran into someone having a similar problem the other day, and the above link did NIT work for him. He was able to get it working by giving the launcher focus, pressing Alt+Space to bring up the menu for that window, selecting "Move" (hotkey: M), and holding the arrow keys until the window was onscreen.

    There was someone else who found a similar solution, but I can't remember what it was right now.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wesker04 wrote: »
    I agree. its pretty ridiculous. Just got another reply today from support....took them 4 days to send. And what did I get you ask?

    I got another FAQ answer. Todays answer was:

    "uninstall and reinstall the game, and make sure you run the game as admin. Thanks from the Cryptic staff."

    What. A. Joke.

    Im done. Done with Cryptic and PWE

    As far as I know, Cryptic doesn't have any support staff; it all goes through PWE. And I don't think PWE has any game-specific support staff.

    End result is that you end up with massive queues for even the most basic tickets, and you might get a rep that knows nothing about your game, so they just regurgitate an answer that seems to match your issue.

    It results in terrible customer service, but from a business standpoint, it looks more efficient. But when it costs customers, one has to wonder if it would be better to assign one or two GMs to each game, with overflow being handled as it is now, so that in general each customer is served by a rep that actually knows how to service the game they're working on.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • wesker04wesker04 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yea Ive tried all this and still nothing.

    Im pretty much done with trying. I feel bad for anyone who actually pays to recieve garbage like this.
  • jasperzeddenjasperzedden Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am a CoH refugee as well and set aside today to play CO ....nothing. Can't get in. Sadness.
  • edited August 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • lovelyspylovelyspy Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    and I doubt it ever will be.PWE and Cryptic seem to view CO as low priorty. thy add new events but kind of worthless when a good majority of people cant get in.

    even with CO in the hands of cryptic north they dont weant to fix this launcher problem. which is a shame. With CoX dead and DCUO sucking this is the only super hero MMORPG out there.

    Please fix this already. lets see what I tried.

    1. All their suggestions..FAIL
    2. Try running through the client and not Arc....FAIL
    3. Try to insall CO from a mirror site to avoid Arc..FAIL
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If the launcher fails to, well, launch (or shows up in the task bar but isn't visible), this is the fix:

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  • lovelyspylovelyspy Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    might as well give it a try. ot nohing else to lose. guess i will run it through the client and then try Arc.
  • lovelyspylovelyspy Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well that didnt work. my task manager didnt have an application tab and when i tried min/max I could only min. guess I will wait il they fix it, if they ever do:frown::frown:
  • cyberkill1255cyberkill1255 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    somebob wrote: »
    If the launcher fails to, well, launch (or shows up in the task bar but isn't visible), this is the fix:


    It does not work, i tried it it does not work
    "Never Underestimate the Cyberkiller" :cool:
  • gamemasterjosegamemasterjose Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    my launcher stops when it asks if i have an cryptic account, it does nothing either if i select yes or no.. any clues?
  • lovelyspylovelyspy Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    don't hold your breath. I have been playing tech support tag and all of the ideas PWE tld me dont work.

    a shame. this was one of my favorite games. until they fix it, I am done with Cryptic and PWE:frown::mad::frown::mad:
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