This build(with the right gear) has done pretty well for me, the biggest problem im having is trying to find a final power to put into it. Also if there are any fixs that can be made to make it better than it is, throw somthing in here. PowerHouse(Link to this build)
Name:The Knight
Super Stats: Level 6:Strength(Primary) Level 10:Dexterity(Secondary) Level 15:Constitution(Secondary)
I'd be inclined to get a 100' range ranged attack, for those times you don't want to lunge into combat... I believe most foes don't aggro if you're beyond ~50 ft range or so, which means a 100' attack will let you attack -first-.
Or a ranged AoE that doesn't require a target (Conflagration, etc) to hit foes that get stuck in geometry, etc.
If you prefer to keep everything in melee range, though, I'd recommend getting Nailed To The Ground on the lunge --- against flyers and without a ranged attack, looks like you'd be hard-pressed.
That looks a lot like my sword build - which was significantly more survivable once I took Laser Knight. Although you did a bunch of different things with the stats.
I'd suggest Evasive Maneuvers, get your defenses up.
Otherwise - looks good to me!
Although I took the ninja lunge instead of Thunderbolt Lunge - I wish there was a non-laser sword sword lunge, but we get what we get.
Firstly, Reaper's Touch is one of the weakest energy builders in the game. Get anything but Reaper's Touch.
Thunderbolt Lunge is...Alright. You should look across the entire set of lunge abilities and determine what effects you want. Darkness is popular for it's spamable AoE fear.
Any combination of BCR and Dodge usually builds off of Parry's synergy in Elusive Monk. If you want to add offense and general survivability, then stack defense and take 'The Best Defense' from the Warden tree.
I'd be inclined to get a 100' range ranged attack, for those times you don't want to lunge into combat... I believe most foes don't aggro if you're beyond ~50 ft range or so, which means a 100' attack will let you attack -first-.
Or a ranged AoE that doesn't require a target (Conflagration, etc) to hit foes that get stuck in geometry, etc.
If you prefer to keep everything in melee range, though, I'd recommend getting Nailed To The Ground on the lunge --- against flyers and without a ranged attack, looks like you'd be hard-pressed.
I'd suggest Evasive Maneuvers, get your defenses up.
Otherwise - looks good to me!
Although I took the ninja lunge instead of Thunderbolt Lunge - I wish there was a non-laser sword sword lunge, but we get what we get.
Thunderbolt Lunge is...Alright. You should look across the entire set of lunge abilities and determine what effects you want. Darkness is popular for it's spamable AoE fear.
Any combination of BCR and Dodge usually builds off of Parry's synergy in Elusive Monk. If you want to add offense and general survivability, then stack defense and take 'The Best Defense' from the Warden tree.