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Stop the Lockboxes

joashijoashi Posts: 2 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Suggestions Box
That's enough lockboxes! When are you going to release simple costume sets again? This is just annoying as hell.

Fellow players, please stop buying keys. Make them release things you actually get when you pay for them, and not a stupid mini game Russian roulette.

Unless I can start getting things I can actualy enjoy out of this game again, start EARNING grav bikes, costume sets, and etc, and stop having to open my wallet just to get farther, I'm canceling my long standing gold subscription.

PW, you're screwing us, and you know it. So unless you want more money out of me, you need to stop messing with me.

I may only be one customer, but I'm not the only one who is upset. Most will just leave without saying anything. Others will try to get their voices heard. I'm giving you a warning. You're about to lose a veteran subscriber, and many more if you keep this up. Do what the players want. Remember, we're the ones paying you.
Post edited by joashi on


  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As you say, you are only one player. Lockboxes exist, here and in other games, because they work. Either the majority of the players accept them, or the minority that likes them spends enough to make up the difference.

    It's rare that you'll hear me speak ill of City of Heroes, but this is one case where you will: Their equivalent of lockboxes was cash only; the only way to get Paragon Points was direct purchase or a subscriber stipend. There was no Questionite Exchange, and the Super Packs could not be traded.
    Here, you can buy others' Zen with your Questionite, or buy their keys with Resources or trade for them. I have opened hundreds of lockboxes, and never spent a single cent of my own money on keys.

    It's already been said that lockboxes are here to stay. Now that development is (slowly) ramping up, your best bet is to ask that full costume sets (or anything else) be added alongside the lockboxes, because you aren't going to convince them to stop the lockboxes.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • m1ndfr1km1ndfr1k Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i agree. lockboxes are sh*t.but they need to make money- so u can play this game.any f2p game must have something to gain money. But anyway i hope to c in future the Phoenix Project. PS i already stop my subscribe cause they add only new lockboxes.
  • mighty738mighty738 Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    m1ndfr1k wrote: »
    i agree. lockboxes are sh*t.but they need to make money- so u can play this game.any f2p game must have something to gain money. But anyway i hope to c in future the Phoenix Project. PS i already stop my subscribe cause they add only new lockboxes.
    Yeah.. No. Lockboxes is practically this games income. They will not stop doing it. Its just something people have to live it. We lose, Why? because its cryptic. They don't listen to us, or even give a damn about us? This new 'TR0N update, (because it is tron. come on.) will just be yet ANOTHER money maker.

    http://materdoreindustries.webs.com/ Materdore Industries.. For a safer tomorrow.

  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited July 2013
    I do not mind lockboxed.

    I DO mind that nothing except lockboxes is done. No permanent content or real Z-Store things.

    As it is now, it's pretty obvious that we will never see anything not related to yet another lockbox.

    And even if this game will make any money, it will be used for STO or NW.

    This game needs to be taken from Cryptic. Forever.
  • rykus83rykus83 Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree on both ends of the topic, yes it's there source of income for cryptic but I would like to see the frequency of there drop rate lowerd I don't know about others but theres time when all I get is lockboxes as dropped loot last for 20-30 min periods about every hour and a half to two hours. we also need new content up the level cap progress some of the story lines, anew tutorial we've fought the qularr invasion time to move on from that now, we've defeated the numerous gangs in westside and dealt with the prison break time to move the story line on, if the up the level cap I would like to see a new zone not on earth maybe another planet because the heroes of earth have to help stop an intergalactic threat like Galactus from marvel or Darkseid from DC I've no clue if champions has its own villians like that I don't know the source material. Well that's my 2 cents and then some kinda went of the lockboxes topic sorry :rolleyes:
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do not mind lockboxed.

    I DO mind that nothing except lockboxes is done. No permanent content or real Z-Store things.

    Pretty much sums up the issue.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mighty738 wrote: »
    We lose, Why? because its cryptic. They don't listen to us, or even give a damn about us? This new 'TR0N update, (because it is tron. come on.) will just be yet ANOTHER money maker.

    Speak for yourself. They seem to love me.
    I've been waiting for some digital world action since June 2, 2011 when I subscribed
    and made a TRON homage named TURNON.

    Me in the character creator
    Don't mind my underoos.
  • sinistro1978sinistro1978 Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree that lockboxes are here to stay, but I have to admit the same thing crossed my mind when I saw new costume pieces added to the new lockbox. It's getting to the point where content isn't offering much of anything useful and everything is being saved for a lockbox. The fact the best gear in the game comes from a lockbox is enough to make me cringe every time I think about it, but now it seems as of late they're saving costume pieces/sets for lockboxes too. Toss in vehicles and Rank 7 mods (doesn't drop in content), and it becomes crystal clear the only reason why we have what little content that we do is to farm questionite, which in turn is used to buy zen, which we use to buy keys to open lockboxes.

    I also think a big chunk of the problem is that keys are $1 or 20,000 questionite a piece, which is insane considering the pathetic drop rates on stuff like vehicles, legion gear and rank 7 mods. Either the cost of keys need to go down, or the drop rates on vehicles, legion gear and rank 7 mods need to go up. One or the other. Personally, the way drop rates are set up right now, you should be getting 4 keys for $1. I don't know about you guys, but my luck usually averages 1 out of every 30-50 lockboxes opened. Those odds are very bad.
  • thearkadythearkady Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally, the way drop rates are set up right now, you should be getting 40 keys for $1.

    How about this? That'd make getting a costume set through boxes at the current drop nochance at least almost as cheap as one sold directly in the Z store.

    They could simply cut the useless mods then, too.

    No, wait, if boxes could actually come up empty even the biggest idiots might finally come to terms with the fact they are, for all practical intents and purposes, gambling.

    Expensive gambling right now, to boot.
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