I have been playing CO for a while now, actually a while before PW bought the game and i seem to have developed a love/hate relationship with it.
I started my hero and enjoyed most of the content this game had to offer (and i have only cryptic to thank for that since it was all from the time before you guys got your damn, stinking paws on it), i was particularly fond of the Nemesis functions, that is of course before all the quests broke and i had to repeat them two or three times each. The adventure packs were a blast too, when they don't bug of course (and it would be nice to see a new one if it is not too inconvenient). When you guys from PW took over the game i thought to myself "that is nice, i guess now these nice people will take this nice game and give it the attencion it deserves" imagine my surprise when i saw that the only content you have added since then is complete BULL****, just a bunch of shiny marbles to impress some morons.
What i am really trying to say is that this is a game that deserves better, with CoX out of the picture this is the only Hero MMO that its heroes have the option not to look like gay wrestlers on steroids (i am looking at you DCUO)
As for all the sorry excuses for gamers that are still subscribed to this travesty of a game i only have one thing to tell you. YOU SUCK, they are just a company, they don't care for anything other than the content of your pockets (and i don't mean the lint in them) and you enable them to pass on to you crappy content and luxury crap items like vehicles. And for the smartass that will tell me that "Geez dude, if you don't pay them how are they going to fix the game?" i only have to say "Are you a moron, you pay money for a product that satisfy your needs, not for something clearly BROKEN"
That is all i had to say, and before you judge me too harshly, just know that i am only being a jerk because i belive that this game could have been something much better than this and i hope that eventually through the communities pressure it will reach the heights it deserves. I leave you with some words i firmly belive to be true
"The developers might be the ones making a game but it's community is what shapes it"
I'm going to hop in on this for something of a different take.
See, I'm new here. Like many, a CoX refugee. What I saw CoX doing when they went F2P made me woefully unhappy, but at least I felt I was still getting the meat of the game. Incarnate content was accessible because I paid, and I could then earn my unlocks and such.
Here, every single thing is based on your wallet. The best gear in the game comes randomly from lock boxes that in the end, must be opened by your wallet. Now, you can make the argument that you can farm questionite or buy keys from someone else with globals. Sure. But that isn't EARNING anything. This feels very pay-to-win for someone like me who comes from a legacy of many MMOs.
Now, don't judge me too harshly, but I did play WoW. I played it since it's release and left after Cata came around. I worked and earned all I ever had, and felt good about it. I never once had to pay money to go on my raid, or randomly open a box to get gear because I spent 5+ dollars on the keys to do it...on top of my monthly fee.
This double-dipping drains your player base, and they end up canceling the sub rather than paying to play. Not being able to buy PARTS of a costume set when something like the halloween tights are 475 zen...for a pair of tights. and then it's 475 for a whole set of fantasy gear. 1 pair of tights costing as much as a whole set? Do you see what I'm getting at here? You can't flat-rate this.
In the end, what will kill this game is the double-dip. No one feels they earn anything, so no one is attached. They spend the money, run out of money, move on. That's great in the short term, but long term? Either this is to milk us all before they disconnect the game, or they truly don't learn from history.
Please, stop the lockboxes. Let us earn things. Gear. Bikes. All of that. Give us a clear path and drop chance from stuff. Make it gold member only missions if you have to. But this cosmic key and zen thing? It's kill'n me. Look how it's working out for Star Wars? That's going -real- great over there. (for those that haven't played, star wars a while back did a large server consolidation because of lacking player base.)
Okay, I don't know how things worked in CoH after it went F2P, because I only played it for a short while (I had trouble adjusting to the idea that my energy-blasting toon had to punch things in order to build up enough energy to blast something), but I can tell you that rather a lot of things here don't require a dime.
You can play from tutorial to level cap, and never have to purchase access to an area. The Adventure Packs and Comic Series are completely free. There are a lot of costume unlocks you can get for free when a mob drops them - or, if you're not patient enough for that, you can buy them from the (badly-misnamed) Auction House for in-game currency, which is easily available just by selling the drops you don't want. For the next couple of days, there's even a free Travel Power available; all you have to do is run the Red Winter alert three times, and you get Flag Speed for free (and it unlocks for your entire account, not just the toon that did it). There's a pretty fair assortment of costumes available without spending anything as well, even aside from the drops. You can't use FreeForm without paying, of course (as the slogan has it, "It's Free For All, not All For Free"), but there's an interesting assortment of free Archetypes available, including the arguably-overpowered Unleashed. (I think its attack power is compensated for by the lack of a lunge, and the fact that its Force Pull has to be charged before it can be used.)
Maybe if you're a PvP fan, or have to wax your epeen a lot, you just need to have all the latest and greatest gear - but if you just want to play through the game, the drops and what you can purchase from the AH should be plenty.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Maybe if you're a PvP fan, or have to wax your epeen a lot, you just need to have all the latest and greatest gear - but if you just want to play through the game, the drops and what you can purchase from the AH should be plenty.
See, I'm new here. Like many, a CoX refugee. What I saw CoX doing when they went F2P made me woefully unhappy, but at least I felt I was still getting the meat of the game. Incarnate content was accessible because I paid, and I could then earn my unlocks and such.
Here, every single thing is based on your wallet. The best gear in the game comes randomly from lock boxes that in the end, must be opened by your wallet. Now, you can make the argument that you can farm questionite or buy keys from someone else with globals. Sure. But that isn't EARNING anything. This feels very pay-to-win for someone like me who comes from a legacy of many MMOs.
Now, don't judge me too harshly, but I did play WoW. I played it since it's release and left after Cata came around. I worked and earned all I ever had, and felt good about it. I never once had to pay money to go on my raid, or randomly open a box to get gear because I spent 5+ dollars on the keys to do it...on top of my monthly fee.
This double-dipping drains your player base, and they end up canceling the sub rather than paying to play. Not being able to buy PARTS of a costume set when something like the halloween tights are 475 zen...for a pair of tights. and then it's 475 for a whole set of fantasy gear. 1 pair of tights costing as much as a whole set? Do you see what I'm getting at here? You can't flat-rate this.
In the end, what will kill this game is the double-dip. No one feels they earn anything, so no one is attached. They spend the money, run out of money, move on. That's great in the short term, but long term? Either this is to milk us all before they disconnect the game, or they truly don't learn from history.
Please, stop the lockboxes. Let us earn things. Gear. Bikes. All of that. Give us a clear path and drop chance from stuff. Make it gold member only missions if you have to. But this cosmic key and zen thing? It's kill'n me. Look how it's working out for Star Wars? That's going -real- great over there. (for those that haven't played, star wars a while back did a large server consolidation because of lacking player base.)
You can play from tutorial to level cap, and never have to purchase access to an area. The Adventure Packs and Comic Series are completely free. There are a lot of costume unlocks you can get for free when a mob drops them - or, if you're not patient enough for that, you can buy them from the (badly-misnamed) Auction House for in-game currency, which is easily available just by selling the drops you don't want. For the next couple of days, there's even a free Travel Power available; all you have to do is run the Red Winter alert three times, and you get Flag Speed for free (and it unlocks for your entire account, not just the toon that did it). There's a pretty fair assortment of costumes available without spending anything as well, even aside from the drops. You can't use FreeForm without paying, of course (as the slogan has it, "It's Free For All, not All For Free"), but there's an interesting assortment of free Archetypes available, including the arguably-overpowered Unleashed. (I think its attack power is compensated for by the lack of a lunge, and the fact that its Force Pull has to be charged before it can be used.)
Maybe if you're a PvP fan, or have to wax your epeen a lot, you just need to have all the latest and greatest gear - but if you just want to play through the game, the drops and what you can purchase from the AH should be plenty.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Not even then really.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.