It's funny how a new computer can freshen up an old game.
No more gray fog in every direction...
...instead, the fog has been lifted all of the way to the horizon.
And it's not just the fact that my heroes can now see a horizon, and every thing in between, but objects that used to be invisible are now right there.
The tutorial alone had a few objects that went unseen; the Qularr pods from Seeding Frenzy, also trash cans and mailboxes and during the final mission of the tut, Homestead Security, those beacons that -
drive the Qularr crazy - also invisible.
Believe me, it's very cool to be able to see the world as my heroes fly around in it as they go to, and return from, missions.
I will try and post other things that I can see now or at least mention them as I think of them. Or maybe I'm currently the only person playing the game that had this problem, this bad, because my PC was
REALLY that far under powered. :eek:
The the Qularr pods, a mailbox, and said, same mailbox stil visible after being picked up. :cool:
The shimmering underwater-like effect is definitely new to me.
Not only that, but unlike every other game I try to run (Fallout NV, Bioshock, Saints Row, Borderlands, etc) their engine doesn't seem to stutter/crash after 3+ hours of playing.
Except on Thursdays. We never know what's going to happen on Thursdays.
Oh, and I can finally put capes on my heroes if I want to. I didn't need the extra lag, before, but now - SWOOOOSHHHHH - flutter, flap, flutter - capes in the wind. :biggrin:
Exray's Primus Page
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
The client is still not compiled with Large Address Aware and when there are some Memory Leaks after patches it crashes quite fast. There was a big problem with that after the On Alert update.
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
Also try dropping your brightness a bit, that adds some mood to the game that gets lost under the glare.
Brightness? I'll check that out. I'm usually comfortable with whatever my PC decides is best, but this game has so many more options than I'm used to. I have to make sure that I write down what everything is before I tamper with it so that if it causes lag or what-have-you I can set it back.
{ looking at game current config }
Brightness is set at 100%. Are you suggesting a number or to just play with until it looks good to me?
Go somewhere like the powerhouse or the tutorial or Purple Reign.
Something very familiar, then change the setting.
Once it feels right to you, not too dark and saturated and not too blown out, you're good.
100% is a bit over bright. Crates on a shelf for instance are lit for the full length of the shelf, as you adjust the brightness crates at the far end from you should fall into shadow.
At 100% mooks should be totally visible in a large room from end to end.
At 85% there's plenty of dangerous dark corners.
Might be too dark,some thresholds are invisible.
Wish we had a flashlight.
I do more outdoors missions than indoors, when possible.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Yeah. It often felt as if all of the other kids all had the 120 box of Crayolas while was stuck using the 8 color set of crayons.
The coolest part, for me still, is flying up high and looking from horizon to horizon and being able to see mountains in the distance. Even the evil looking ones.
Oooooooh, that's right. I have got to go back to Vibora Bay. :biggrin:
{ flies off with a ::SWOOSH:: }
More objects that used to be invisible. Your hero used to have to access three the Qularr consoles, where as now he/she must scan 2 of these towers.
The rings of light flowing upwards are new, but the laser-like beam of light in the middle of the rings, is not.
How can you tell sombody named BRIGHTlander to turn of brightness ?
My father did not stutter, btw, it was just a phrase he used to use sometimes. I can only assume he heard it as a child and repeated it as an adult.
Much the way folks younger than me seem to say, "Whatever panics your disco." which I remember as "Whatever floats your boat." which I got from my father's generation. Who knows where they got it from.
Sometimes I feel like I'm taking vacation pics. :rolleyes:
Still not sure what is is supposed to be/do other than look alien. LOL
Yup. The only way to travel through this/these missions on a low powered PC was to use the map exclusively to travel. Even then it was a pain if you jammed up against a the wrong rock face. :rolleyes:
Actually, it was mostly see through, but a little smokey looking. { shrug }
It is good to know I am not the only one who suffered in the past with playing on the low end of the settings. :biggrin:
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
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So the tree, the fungi balls and even the grass remained invisible to my heroes. The ground looked more like a lunar landscape, but dark-brownish instead of light grayish.
I like that the trees grow their own "light bulbs."
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Only John Travolta could be crowned Disco King back then.
(I wouldn't know - during the disco era, I was mostly listening to Rush, ELP, and Floyd.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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