I've waited to get a better PC system around all spring to play and I the similarity of your problem with me after the patches clicking on Play, getting an Authentication one time aces code verification sent to me by e-mail.
In the beginnings when that window appeared it was possible to skip the process and play anyway if that e-mail was really late. Now I don't get the code sent as I click play and I'm waiting for it wondering if it really get sent by the program or not.
In anyway, even if it ain't same problem, I'm stucked in the same place and I wonder if it is part of the same problem if some devs read this or folks read this may help them or us by realizing what to do with us.
I've waited to get a better PC system around all spring to play and I the similarity of your problem with me after the patches clicking on Play, getting an Authentication one time aces code verification sent to me by e-mail.
In the beginnings when that window appeared it was possible to skip the process and play anyway if that e-mail was really late. Now I don't get the code sent as I click play and I'm waiting for it wondering if it really get sent by the program or not.
In anyway, even if it ain't same problem, I'm stucked in the same place and I wonder if it is part of the same problem if some devs read this or folks read this may help them or us by realizing what to do with us.