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So wut are we doing while Hero-Game queue are totally dead in CO ?

monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Hero Games
I farm, I check in Forums, but if Hero-Games bugs are fixed and pop more often, I think I don't even do anything but just do PvP day by day.
I feel I need PvP the most but wut do you do during Hero-Games queue are totally dead ?

Let's try to keep this thread as clean as possible this time. xD
Post edited by monaahiru on


  • hdaggerzhdaggerz Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I can't post <- 'it was a lovely new meme made by me until I remembered you can't discuss this'


    My brother wanted me to post this here but it seems he can't. ;)

  • whyaldwhyald Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't post borderline porn, stupidly violent stuff, or girls that only anime would say are 18.
  • hdaggerzhdaggerz Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2013


  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All you guys know I like posting funny pics now and then. But ONLY now and then. All you guys that keep spamming pictures are not only going to get yourself banned but you are also going to get the forum ability to imbed pictures removed. People on the STO forums abused the picture imbedding and it was removed.

    I understand some of you may be wanting to get yourself banned if thats the case just leave and dont ruin the forums for the rest of us who post here in the forums.

    You know its gotten bad when the local nutcase is forced to put her serious face on U_U"
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • stergiosmanstergiosman Posts: 717 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hello, plz implin,monaahiru and pallihwtf pls tell me how to get the banned title looks nice
  • hdaggerzhdaggerz Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hello, plz implin,monaahiru and pallihwtf pls tell me how to get the banned title looks nice

    'Don't post borderline porn, stupidly violent stuff, or girls that only anime would say are 18.'

    In other words post stuff from Elfen Lied... ;)

    But why do you want to get banned for? I'm still planning on coming back and trying to get people back into the game, plus get the dev's back somehow.. :< There must be a way!

    I wasn't on for the past 2-3 weeks which pvp died in because of personal reasons but I want to be getting some hero games going again when I get back, there must be a way to convince the RPer's to pvp? Maybe by making it more organized and player controlled? PvP is vital for an MMO plus a lot of PvPers pay lots of money which PWE don't seem to understand. By adding new content for PvP people will get into doing it, only problem is these people will find they get beat... Fastest way to win at PvP, pay for Zen and get really good gear, then just copy a build you see someone good using.

    I don't really feel there is anything more for me at CO other than PvP, all the other PvE content is super easy and I could probably solo that new alert faster than most 5 man teams can do it. So for me CO is all about PvP and talking to people. All that needs to happen is I get chat banned and PvP stays dead and there will be nothing left at the game for me personally.

    So don't troll quit sters, wait to see if I can bring PvP back atleast a little. (as if it was ever truly here ;D )
  • stergiosmanstergiosman Posts: 717 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm @lakamaseleos stres left he gave the account . But I don't plan to PvP anytime soon.
    Making a dmc themed build atm
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yall should roll up some level 7 toons and seen how many grab alerts it takes you to reach 40.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yall should roll up some level 7 toons and seen how many grab alerts it takes you to reach 40.

    Then try and beat that on a 2nd character!
  • redsymbolredsymbol Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm @lakamaseleos stres left he gave the account . But I don't plan to PvP anytime soon.
    Making a dmc themed build atm

    It's Sters dammit!
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    whyald wrote: »
    Don't post borderline porn, stupidly violent stuff, or girls that only anime would say are 18.

    Sir, YES sir !!! xD
  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013


    Okay that's what I've been wanting to post for a while. ;) All good now.

    Hi everyone!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • pallihwtfpallihwtf Posts: 677 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    OH SNAP!!

    They just copypasted your ban message onto mine, SO LAZY! as I didn't post underage girls or violent gifs. XD Did I post borderline PORN??? that's debatable. xD

    @Pallih in game
  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pallihwtf wrote: »
    OH SNAP!!

    They just copypasted your ban message onto mine, SO LAZY! as I didn't post underage girls or violent gifs. XD Did I post borderline PORN??? that's debatable. xD

    Well.. Well... YOU ASKED FOR ALL 3!!! :<<<< It's all your fault! ;)

    Anyway I say we should post some...




    Sorry I just found these three all lined up together and I had to post. ;D

    I don't know if the girl is under 18...

    ...Or just from an anime.

    nonono Anime has too much under 18 borderline extremely violent porn. Lets get back to the topic of PvPeee!


    Too be honest I don't think CO pvp is THAT unfair, it's not really that hard to farm global and get okay gear. CO is mainly about knowing about the games OP stuff and exploits. Then again so is NWO other than in NWO it is impossible to farm enough to get the top gear, the only people who have this amazing gear in pvp are all exploiters or pay to win people who pay the gold farming companies. I was playing against a team with some of the 'best' players in, we got obliterated ofcourse, but in a 1v1 verse their GWF who has gear 100x more expensive (probably more than that) I was gonna beat him. (but some stupid rogue decided to troll us)

    Meh most people who don't PvP don't do it because they hate to loose, but to be good at PvP you need to do trial and error.

    I hope to get my sub back soon so I can get on again, I feel really bad not being on to help coPvP survive for that bit longer.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    While the hero games queues are dead I play other games.

    I have two monitors, which makes it really easy to glance over, post something like this, and then get back to the other game. I also have a second laptop that can run champions, so it's easy to just fire that up, log in, confirm there's nothing worth logging in for, and then get back to the new game.

    I'd post on the forums for the new game... but they're not as much fun. Apparently when the game is actually fun to play, people do that instead of having interesting conversations on forums.

    Oh the pvp is pretty good too... when I move out of the way of an attack, it actually misses me! Now I'm going to go write a long essay-style post on why this game should adopt active dodging.

    Also, something something Smackwell something something rng something something powerbuilders something theme.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes, absolutely.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I farmed and farmed and farmed, got every costume drop I can get since Alerts are active (except for Kigatilic ones) and I'm bored.
    I wanna do PvP PvP PvP Hero Games !!!!!
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you are bored with PWE free to play, spend some money and play with me.


    I have been pretty active on Guild Wars (not Guild Wars II) everyone beat that in like 3 months and headed right back to the original. But yeah, that is what I do, when I am bored and not playing STO or CO. I came back to check out STO's "Romulans" and what a jerk move that was... They make your Romulan join Starfleet or the Klingons!! :eek: I am by no means a Trekkie or whatever but I can't see a Romulan group going for help to either of those groups.

    I see they added some new stuff since I was here last. I got my account one of those minis (toys) on here but my characters are pretty low level still, so I guess I will hang in CO and have a look around. I gave NW a try but it sucks worse than what people are saying. All in all, out of the PWE games Champions Online is the best by far.

    Raging Princess Blaze + Model 286 + Red Inferno + Burgundy Beetle
  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    I farmed and farmed and farmed, got every costume drop I can get since Alerts are active (except for Kigatilic ones) and I'm bored.

    I wanna do PvP PvP PvP Hero Games !!!!!


    ( EDIT: I think this may have been K-ON meme overkill... o.O )


    LOLOL Champions Online content. ;)


    Hopefully with this new studio they'll do something to bring people into pvp. The problem is with PvE is it doesn't take long to complete it and once you've done that it feels pointless to repeat again, while in PvP players aren't predictable which makes it less boring.

    I see they added some new stuff since I was here last. I got my account one of those minis (toys) on here but my characters are pretty low level still, so I guess I will hang in CO and have a look around. I gave NW a try but it sucks worse than what people are saying. All in all, out of the PWE games Champions Online is the best by far.

    In what way is NWO THAT bad? 0.o Sure it is very copy and pasted but there are some parts of it that a really cool such as the foundry. Also I'm still good at PvP in it despite the game apparently being pay to win, I just need them to add a dueling system in so I can beat some of these pay to win exploiters. ;) I just don't see what you think is so bad about it though.

    Also is that your character in GW or just some random pic you found? 0.o What level are you? lol ;)

    But really I have done most there is to do on GW ages ago. :p
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • pallihwtfpallihwtf Posts: 677 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zomg she offers a cake to somebody and it enables Millennium Flight.

    [Millenium Cake] Targets friendly target - enables Milllennial flight on target during maintain.

    Dunno much about NWO or its PVP. Can you fill your device tray with Ice-Bombs or something to throw at your enemies dealing 3000-7000 damage each????

    @Pallih in game
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pallihwtf wrote: »
    zomg she offers a cake to somebody and it enables Millennium Flight.

    [Millenium Cake] Targets friendly target - enables Milllennial flight on target during maintain.

    Dunno much about NWO or its PVP. Can you fill your device tray with Ice-Bombs or something to throw at your enemies dealing 3000-7000 damage each????

    Full of Immunes and Hatchlings and perma-stealth and over 10k Dmg one shot kill and die !!
    We need something more ridiculous !!
  • redsymbolredsymbol Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    WoW. Is good too...jking

    Dam I will keep playing minesweeper and chess 'Till my eyes bleed!
  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lol no NW doesn't have any devices.

    BUT it instead has enchants where you can enchant your gear to be super awesome. Really I'm not joking, theres a weapon enchant that gives 34% crit severity.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I suppose NWO is ok if you like redundancy of a theme, STO in a WoW or Jade Dynasty Stylized wrapper. My husband and I played many D&D campaigns when we were younger and NWO comes on strong and fizzles out.


    Sorry, That is just my opinion. In my previous posting I am saying that back when GW2 was released GW1 turned into a ghost town until people beat the game and returned to what they knew and loved. So give your buds time and the new shiny thing will become dull and they will return by the thousands.

    Raging Princess Blaze + Model 286 + Red Inferno + Burgundy Beetle
  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I do agree with GW1 being WAY better than GW2 though. ;) I never felt anything with GW2... They gave it stupid cartoony graphics and none of the characters were really 'lovable' not to mention the way everyone farms was go around in a big group of 40 people in a 'train' doing stupidly easy open world events to get good drops and turn them to ecto's.. What ever happened to the soloing of underworld were one mistake could kill you.


    But you know one of the things I hated the most about GW2? Not only was it pay to win and look cool but the community was awful, the WvW seemed pointless as you never felt like you were anything, the PvP you got nothing from at all, the PvE seemed boring and pointless and completing the stupid zones was the most boring thing I could ever do. It just seemed like the you spend loads of the game looking around at what to do, it seems there's lots to do but you go to do the stuff and your like WTF is this?


    The reason why that K-ON! meme was CO was because it represented content being given and your like YEAH CONTENT but then it's only an event and get's taken away. ;)

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    implin wrote: »

    The reason why that K-ON! meme was CO was because it represented content being given and your like YEAH CONTENT but then it's only an event and get's taken away. ;)


    We have no violence, we have no porn, we won't get Banned !! xD
  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    We have no violence, we have no porn, we won't get Banned !! xD

    Just as long as Sawa-Chan doesn't appear...




    The problem with pve is that I get through the content like Ritsu eats paper.


    While it seems this is what other people do.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My Goth UTC popped...
    With bunch of Bugs...

    Much better then nothing pops tho.
  • mrf0rz1mrf0rz1 Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All I'm seeing is a childish and self-righteous hypocrite making hundreds of offensive accounts to spit its meaningless venom against the rest of the world and eventually spamming most of chats.

  • implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mrf0rz1 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is a childish and self-righteous hypocrite making hundreds of offensive accounts to spit its meaningless venom against the rest of the world and eventually spamming most of chats.

    Yes, that malware is one devious troll...

    Wait a minute..

    I'm malware... :OOOOO

    Or am I? 0.o


    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mrf0rz1 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is a childish and self-righteous hypocrite making hundreds of offensive accounts to spit its meaningless venom against the rest of the world and eventually spamming most of chats.

    Zone Chat PvP !!

    implin wrote: »
    Yes, that malware is one devious troll...

    Wait a minute..

    I'm malware... :OOOOO

    Or am I? 0.o


    Every_PvPer_lier !!! xD
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