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Avuncular Advice for the New Dev Team

canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Champions Online Discussion
However, in the event that you're listening, here's five pieces of advice I hope you will consider.

1. Get Help.

There are a number of individuals who have poked into the system and discovered a lot of cool things in the engine. Offer them a bit of money for their expertise and use them. I'm thinking specifically of Kaiserin and her work on costumes, and Brou, for his general understanding of the engine, or Bernard, for making cool movies.

We need costume bug fixes. Kaiserin is capable and passionate. In my experience, capable and passionate beats someone who's highly conversant with the engine but who views that as grunt work. Take advantage of such people.

Find people (ie. Players with the right tools) who are good artists and can follow directions, give them the specs and let them know your preferred format, and have them develop new costumes for you. Ask them to send samples so you know you cam trust them to do the job without too many corrections on your end. You'll likely find only one or two people with the right combination of talent and technical skill, but that should be enough to supplement (not replace) your in-house team and keep costumes coming on a regular basis.

The costuming community is one of the big components of CO, and should be supported with regular updates, in the C-store, in the Q-store, and in Recognition stores, on Missions, and (yes, I can hear the groans now) in lockboxes. Be ambitious. Aim for one new set a month and an additional 100 new pieces to scatter into stores and missions by 2Q 2014.

2. Aim for the Foundry.

Rob Overmeyer has very passionately and effectively made the case that the Foundry is a very cost effective addition to Cryptic engine games. We need it here.

Yes, this is going to be an incredible amount of work, and not just in asset preparation. Nonetheless, seeing what is being done with a beta in NWO, I believe this is a tool very much worth bringing into CO, for the reasons that Rob describes so eloquently.

I also believe that if you want to bring back the game's population, you need to do something big. There is nothing you can do that is bigger, and provides more sustainable game content, than the Foundry. A new AP or comic series, desirable as they are, will be done in a day, and then people will complain "X months for Y hours of content?" Based on the reaction to Vibora, nice as that was from many standpoints, a new zone will last 1-2 months. The Foundry, however, will keep on giving, and it will make it easier for you to construct set-up missions for events, particularly if you use Champions Online as a training ground for other titles.

I'll also advocate a few other things. First, if you can offload asset preparation to a few people in the community (see recommendation #1), please do so. I think there are people who'd be happy to help. Also, every asset you make from this point should be catalogued, tagged, and processed under the assumption that you will be adding it to a Foundry.

Second, when (I say optimistically) the Foundry comes out, find the best missions and incorporate them into the regular missions. It's pretty seamless in NWO, but full adoption means voice and brief cutscenes, which would need to be done on your end.

Third, commission by contest. Here's three sample proposals:

1. Design a 30-45 minute noir-flavored mission for levels 10-12, starting off with a murder scene in a Westside tenement, and ending in a showdown with a city council member in VIPER's pay in a downtown apartment. 1000 Questionite for submissions that meet the guidelines (as determined by your volunteer review board), and extra 2000 Q for the winner.

2. Redesign the "Your Friend on the Force" escort mission and make it more interesting, but keep the escort portion and limit it to 5-10 minutes. 500 Questionite for submissions that meet the criteria, and an extra 1500Q for the winner.

3. Design a nemesis mission for an Alien Warlord nemesis archetype, 15-20 minutes in length, focused on freeing mind controlled slaves on Monster Island who are cannibalizing a destroyed Qularr ship and building a new spaceship. 500 Q for missions that meet the criteria, an extra 1500 Q for the winner.

You see? Three new missions which achieve three different ways to improve the game.

Mission one provides a major storyline that serves as an alternative to the normal Westside mission path and can serve as a mini comic series for street level heroes. Mission two replaces a dull (IMO) escort mission with something potentially more interesting and involving. Mission three gives us a new Nemesis mission and supports an expansion in the Nemesis Archetype system.

3. Reincentivize PVE and PVP.

Is "reincentivize" even a word? It is now.

At the moment, it seems a lot like Champions Online is "Alerts: The Game". Zones beyond Millennium are empty. And it's a shame.

It's good to have more than one path to success. Unfortunately as an advancement path, there are serious flaws to smash alerts at low levels: large numbers of low levels in Smashes is a good recipe for failure and repeated failure encourages people to quit the game, especially if they are not yet hooked on the system. Does that make sense?

Now, we need more content and alternate paths. Hopefully the Foundry would do a better job at providing it. But also, I'd recommend a few steps in the interim.

First: Alerts:

Let's break Smash alerts into rookie and veteran hero brackets. Rookie alerts are L1-30, autolevel everyone to L30, and are balanced with reduced Health on the bosses. In Veteran alerts, everyone is autoleveled to L40 (no more onerous nerfing), the bosses are tougher, and L40s get a small Q reward (50, 100 or 200 Q) instead of Globals or XP. If L31-40s want to help lowbies level, great, they can team with them and the level of the leader of the team determines the alert.

Second: Open World PVE:

Let's try to encourage people to get out of Alerts (the basements of Champions Online) and into the open world. Consider a 10-20% nerf to Smash alert XP, or doubling the XP bonus from Alerts on Mission XP only (the original bonus would apply to other forms of gaining XP).

Consider a daily mission in each zone outside Millennium to complete five missions for 1000 Q. Also, beef up the end reward for major mission chains a little bit.

Third: Lairs
Add some more costume drops to the lairs. I realize you can't do a lot with them, because the lairs are fragile, codewise, but...

Let's hope they're not so unstable that you can't change a few encounters and change the drop tables. At the halfway point of small lairs (or the one-third and two-third point of larger lairs) add sub-bosses that drop a box of Questionite and have a 10% chance of dropping one new costume piece. And beef up a final reward of Recognition and Questionite based on difficulty level. We may not be able to make many alterations, but I would hope this wouldn't be system breaking.

Fourth: PVP

Oh dear. Poor unloved PVP, home of the unwashed masses.

Those unwashed masses are, however, your customers, and as worthy of support and respect as any other segment of the game population, and they've been treated pretty shabbily. So let's throw them a few bones.

Let's gear them properly. Expand what they can buy in the Acclaim store. Let's come up with a Acclaim to Q exchange. Let's add Free-for-alls to Team Duels. And let's replace the Luchadore set pieces with other costume pieces that can be earned only with Acclaim. Let's try to get some of the PVPers to come back.

4. Don't Forget the Pre-Event Systems

Every new team that has come onto this project has wanted to put their stamp on this game. The problem is that they tend to neglect the things that are not immediately on their agenda.

Nemesis system. This is a big one. This should be one of the selling points of the game; it's unique and a great way to represent the genre. Unfortunately, it's also half-baked.

First, reconsider the decision not to add new powersets to the Nemesis types. Adding them (and more minions) is the easiest way to expand it. If you have the manpower, try to develop an alternate opening and closing mission for each master villain type. Divide the mastermind into mad scientist and mystic master, and add a Crimelord for street level players. Use prison break as the opening mission only for reselected nemeses (ie. your brand new nemesis doesn't start in prison, but the one you put away does), And when we have a Foundry, find ways to integrate the best Nemesis foundry missions into the system.

Consider the possibility of assigning 2-3 months of schedule time in 2014 for designing new nemesis types, new opening and closing nemesis missions, customizable minions (possibly a C-store purchase), and whatever new features you can quickly add to the system, and marketing it as a major expansion, with a nemesis invasion event (characters' nemesii randomly appearing in locations in various zones) to launch.

UNITY could also use more expansion. At some point, it would be great to rework the UNITY-2 missions (and vibora crypt instances in general) so they're about half their current length, but I'd understand if it's not a priority. But more and varied things for L40s to do is a good thing. The end game needs work.

Also... bugs. Let's get Bullet for Biselle working again, okay?

5. Respect Community

The customer isn't always right, nor are we always worthy of respect, nor are our criticisms always fair. Even so, keep the lines of communication open. Represent yourselves on the boards and in the game. The best dev teams are those that forge a relationship with their customers that go beyond "we're putting out a product, like it or lump it".

Thanks for listening.

Oh, and moar emotes please. Give us a cross arms stance, hands on hips, a face palm, a wall lean, a prone sleeping position, a formal bow, a facepalm and an air guitar. And a pony. Okay, the pony can go.
Post edited by canadascott on


  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    About the beginning and end of your advice...

    You made me look up a word.:smile:

    Flaming ponies and winged ponies would be most welcomed, by me.:redface:
  • sanmercisanmerci Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    6. Listen to Thundrax

    He knows his $#!^! Seriously. Let me say that again for emphasis. LISTEN TO THUNDRAX!

    ...and, if that wasn't clear enough, just let me add: /signed. Big time.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    6. Listen to Thundrax

    He knows his $#!^! Seriously. Let me say that again for emphasis. LISTEN TO THUNDRAX!

    ...and, if that wasn't clear enough, just let me add: /signed. Big time.

    Seconding all of that.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Great ideas, man, and I hope they listen to you.
    Also, one more point: We could use a serious cooldown reduction on Nemesis Missions. Maybe break them down into two types:
    1) "Filler" missions: These would be short, comparatively easy missions with comensurate low rewards (just a handful of Tokens, based on level). These would have little or no cooldown.
    2) Major missions which would be considerably longer and more involved with a much greater reward. These would have a longer cooldown, maybe once a day, or once every 10 filler missions.

    (because everything is better in all caps ;)

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, I'd love to have a player-based costuming 'gang' that is willing to provide suggestions.

    Select a couple of people. Even if they can't produce the art, have them go and find examples of things out there and submit them- 'A cape something like this guy has' or 'shoulder pads like this dude'. Not to make exact replicas, but draw inspiration... and don't sit and tell me CO doesn't EVER do that...
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hear hear!
    Would like to see 'the Team' aswering about what Thundrax wrote.

    we have 'player-based costuming gang'. It lurks in the Suggestion Box, it flounders around at Costumes and Concepts....
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • stoopidmestoopidme Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Great post as always, if time was spent just making the game more sustainably fun before adding new major features (with the exception of foundry) it would make all the difference.

    Brick_McDuggins in game.
  • bloodx13bloodx13 Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    You are one of the few people in game and in forums that I find myself always agreeing with. You always bring advice that is nonconfrontational to any of the sides and do so in a manner that almost brings all those warring sides together(PvE,PvP and Rpers). As negative as one would like to be about the state of Champions its hard to totally give up when their are players like yourself and the ones you mentioned in your post still pushing for champs.

    To the Devs,

    Your playerbase in Champions is quite unique. They provide more new content then the game itself currently. You are always seeing new contests being held, new rp story arcs being developed and even a pvp tourney from time to time.

    These players make videos advertising for champs, they make vidoes showing bugs and glitches and they even make videos on how champs can improve. In fact alot of your players in certain chat channels(forumites for the win) could actually tell you the coding to improve or fix issues in the game. You pretty much have a free labor force ready and willing to go to work that your just not taking advantage of.

    There has been times when previous devs have taken advantage of this, a prime example being the CO wiki. So why not take advantage of it now, you can even do so by making it into competitions like suggested by the OP. If your costume set, if your villian design, if your missions wins it gets put in game etc...

    Now that I have added on to how useful your playerbase is lets talk about the half done work in the champs not being finished. Things like costume sets, animations and even missions. One of the things that irritates me the most out of all the half finished things is the items we can reach in game.

    I'm talking about the extra rooms in hideouts or the areas we can see under the maps of the game. Granted we may have to logout in a certain spot or run into a specific area on the instance to reach these things but we can still reach them. The hideouts rooms for example almost look fully functional so why not just open them to us?

    So i guess the gist of all this is finish the work you have started and take advantage of your unique playerbase. The things we would have if all the unfinished stuff in the champ files was completed is ridiculous. Well thanks for listening or not listening which ever the case may be!
  • forrksakesexcoforrksakesexco Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    On the incentives front I would suggest a store selling higher than you can get in PVE mods. In exchange for Hero games acclaim or whatever it's called. Perhaps also a fusion improvement thing, 20 percent say.
    The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
    About the @handle - it's a long story.
    Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In my experience, capable and passionate beats someone who's highly conversant with the engine but who views that as grunt work.

    This is a point that I'd like to emphasize as much as I possibly can. The biggest factor to having a thorough team is one that doesn't mind doing that grunt work. Devs that don't want to do work that could effectively eliminate game breaking bugs because its "not fun" is poison to your team.

    Not only should you keep communication with your customers, but keep communication amongst your team as a whole. Make SURE that they work together and keep their goals tight and in line with each other.
    A single goal in mind amongst your ENTIRE team is key to making the biggest impact.

    The Champions customers and Cryptic fans are starting to feel how much Cryptic has let its open door policies deteriorate amongst their customers as well as internally.

    But being a team that worked on previous games before working with Cryptic, you may already be better off. Good luck.
  • gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd add this-

    Serve the RP crowd. I know we're the 'nerds' here but if you bother with working over PvP 'the jocks' stuff, don't leave us behind.

    We need Emotes
    [Remember CoX? Yea, steal that list and make all of those]

    We need static interior 'social areas'
    [Some of which already exist but some &%^$ took away in On Alert]

    Supergroup support, lots of it!

    [Give us SG rewards like STO has, seriously just like that just super-ized]

    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
  • ariesmajorariesmajor Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, on the alerts thing, especially the EXP alerts. You're giving people too much experience for doing those alerts.

    Someone had to say it, but, the alerts shouldn't be a viable substitute for the actual gameplay and content of the world maps. As it stands now, you can hit level 40, skip all maps in the game and stand in one spot in millinium city. <
    You're killing your own content like this.

    Doing the XP alerts should be an attempt at gaining that buff, so you can get bonus XP from turning in quests and completing the normal content.

    Not, spam 10 xp alerts in a row, easily make it several levels ahead.

    XP alerts breed lazyness.

    The resource alerts and the burst alerts are fine, but you guys need to seriously look into balancing the rewards on those XP alerts so people have a reason to actually leave millinium city and do content.
  • darqauradarqaura Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ariesmajor wrote: »
    Honestly, on the alerts thing, especially the EXP alerts. You're giving people too much experience for doing those alerts.

    Someone had to say it, but, the alerts shouldn't be a viable substitute for the actual gameplay and content of the world maps. As it stands now, you can hit level 40, skip all maps in the game and stand in one spot in millinium city. <
    You're killing your own content like this.

    Doing the XP alerts should be an attempt at gaining that buff, so you can get bonus XP from turning in quests and completing the normal content.

    Not, spam 10 xp alerts in a row, easily make it several levels ahead.

    XP alerts breed lazyness.

    The resource alerts and the burst alerts are fine, but you guys need to seriously look into balancing the rewards on those XP alerts so people have a reason to actually leave millinium city and do content.

    When they actually start having content updates sure. Until then no.

    The reason folks spam the xp alerts is because there is barely any new content in existence. They need to tackle THAT problem first.

    If there had never been a COH there would never have been a CO. :cool:
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    darqaura2 wrote: »
    When they actually start having content updates sure. Until then no.

    The reason folks spam the xp alerts is because there is barely any new content in existence. They need to tackle THAT problem first.

    That or some of us have too many alts and can't be arsed to do the same line of missions because it honestly loses its luster after the 15th time.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kemmicals wrote: »
    That or some of us have too many alts and can't be arsed to do the same line of missions because it honestly loses its luster after the 15th time.

    This is it or me.

    Before alerts I was farming Shadow Colossi. I'll do whatever is the newest content ( using the term loosely) in order to not do the old stuff.
  • ukatoenasniukatoenasni Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    6. Listen to Thundrax

    I'm nobody important, and I approve this message. ob

    Which also means I thereby similarly approve the OP in it's full format. Is that proper grammer? I don't, nor do I care!

    Paid for by absolutely nobody, because if I could get paid for this kind of thing, I'd be rolling in money.

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    And, we have 'player-based costuming gang'. It lurks in the Suggestion Box, it flounders around at Costumes and Concepts....

    The thing about it is, the biggest costume suggestion across the board is this:

    Unlock all costume parts in games for players that are seen on Mobs, NPC's, and Be-Critters.

    And I've yet to see even ONE costume suggestion get acknowledged.
  • wethree1wethree1 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I like this.

    Starting a dialogue with the devs is the key to this game moving forward. I'm new to this game (a CoH refugee), but what made CoH great was that we had an active and healthy dialogue with the dev team. And this is a great community too, so I would think they should want and enjoy a dialogue with us.

    To the devs I say this--if you come in and do a good job, you will be well loved and OUR heroes!

    Can TT help us make this dialogue happen?

    He said that he has regular phone conferences with the devs, could we ask him to put this thread on the agenda and then give us their general response? Something like that?
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2013
    About the beginning and end of your advice...

    You made me look up a word.:smile:

    Flaming ponies and winged ponies would be most welcomed, by me.:redface:

    How about flaming winged ponies?


    Would love to see motivation and joy return to the game. Keep the spark alive players.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kaizerin wrote: »
    How about flaming winged ponies?

    I heart you:biggrin:
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kaizerin wrote: »
    How about flaming winged ponies?


    Would love to see motivation and joy return to the game. Keep the spark alive players.

    Kaiserin has acquired Heavy Firewing Inferno Nightmare Pony!
  • nivjinivji Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I Support this thread ! Go thundrax go !
  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes! /signed

    I approve to all of the above, AND a flame winged pony AF? I'm cool with that!!
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jerax1011 wrote: »
    Yes! /signed

    I approve to all of the above, AND a flame winged pony AF? I'm cool with that!!

    I was hoping more like a vehicle.

    Back to supporting the OP's advice +1
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kaizerin wrote: »
    How about flaming winged ponies?


    Would love to see motivation and joy return to the game. Keep the spark alive players.

    When I heard the line flaming ponies I didnt expect that I expected ponieh burgers.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Anyone remember the "ponieh burger" catastrophe in Europe? oooh boy....:biggrin:
    We've been eatin poniehs for ever!!!! YYYEEEAaaaaaggghhhh!!!
    And in Finland theres santa's reindeer meat in the mettwurst!!!! And it's sooo tastyyy!

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    And in Finland theres santa's reindeer meat in the mettwurst!!!! And it's sooo tastyyy!

    I've always been curious about that. I like American deer jerky/steak, and I've tried elk jerky/steak- how's reindeer jerky/steak?
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bumped for reindeer steak, and the off-chance that CryptNorth is reading the forums.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've always been curious about that. I like American deer jerky/steak, and I've tried elk jerky/steak- how's reindeer jerky/steak?

    I never had deer steak, but have had a Chinese dish of wok-fried venison before and it tastes soooo guuuuuud.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Mmmmm meat.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • dantheiceman1dantheiceman1 Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    thundrax knows his stuff,

    the link in my sig was his idea originally and i dug it up to help with the nem system since it is the BIGGEST selling point of the game...

    Devs please listen to him so we can make this game the BEST superhero game mmo in the industry.

    the only way we are going to be able to make this game the best in the industry IS WITH YOUR HELP
    The Nemesis system needs fixing and here's ideas:
    A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Henry Ford
  • deathsentry2012deathsentry2012 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wow, this was so eloquently put.. also as a CoH refugee I would hope we could develop a relationship with the devs as we had in CoH. I remember there being a costume wish thread where they would let you know when they took a suggestion and incorporated it into the game.

    The points on the foundry were excellent though we keep hearing that they won't do anything with it due to "code incompatibility" (seems that CO code is too old compared to STO and NWO where Foundry is working..guess though they started at the same code base, development was continued on the latter two games and not CO).

    Honestly, this is a great game but if they won't do anything actively with it, then they are wasting a great property.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Cannot believe I didn't read this thread before, silly ravenforce...

    But yes, I totally agree with what Thundrax has said.

    Here is hoping they accept and apply the advice and wise words from the OP.

  • edited September 2013
    This content has been removed.
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