I've seen a few familiar forum faces (say that 3 times fast

), but so far haven't seen any of my teaming buddies from Pinnacle.
Don't tell me y'all are too drunk to find the forums here.
Claws has arrived, kicking and screaming. Tried DCUO and it was pretty....meh. So, I figured I'd check out CoH's prodigal half-sibling to get my superhero gaming fix.
I do have a question or two that I couldn't think of anyplace better to ask:
1) If I buy a freeform character slot as a Silver player, that will allow me to build a freeform character without having to subscribe? I'm not sure how much money I am willing or able to commit to a new game, and I'd like to check out the freeform build process.
2) What is the pricing on Zen? A freeform slot is 5,000 Zen, what does that translate to in terms of real money? That seems a little steep if pricing is what I think it is (100 Zen per $1?). Would I be better off just subscribing for a month or two to check out the freeform stuff? Can't justify dropping $50 on a game if I'm not sure I'll keep playing or not. That would get me a console game to keep myself entertained with.
And for any Pinnaclites that find their way to this thread:
Anyway, I can answer both of your questions, though I don't play CO much.
Buying the freeform slot allows you to make a freeform character, whether you're subbed or not.
And yes, you are correct, the pricing is what you think it is. A freeform slot will indeed cost you $50 (US).
You probably would be better off subbing for a month or two and trying things out that way. Much cheaper. It could get even less expensive if you can find a time card. I've seen them go for less than $10 (US) for a 30 day card on Ebay and/or Amazon, but it's been a while since I last looked for any.
Also, there has been recent news that Cryptic has formed a new studio (Cryptic North) and this studio is going to be working on polishing CO. The game has potential, it's just needed actual developers working on content and not lockboxes. I guess there have been some small content releases here and there, but from what I gather, the game has sat idle since around the time it went free to play with only very minor updates.
I loaded up CO about 2 weeks after the shutdown notice dropped and *tried* to get into it, but it just hasn't clicked for me. Since late September I've made 2 heroes and the highest level one is lvl 16. I keep trying but I just can't stand playing for very long.
Hopefully with the new allocation of resources, Champions can turn the corner and start living up to its potential.
I've been playing Star Trek Online since October and have been liking that a lot. Also, I plan on downloading Neverwinter at some point and giving it a shot as well. I'm not a huge fantasy game guy, but it's free so I figure it won't hurt to try it.
One last thing, if you do start playing, join the global channel CoX. Lots of former City players and the really cool thing is that Cryptic's global channels are cross game. So you could be in CO, someone else in NW and others in STO and you can still talk with everyone of them.