This weekend, everything is discounted! We've slashed prices by 10%, but make sure to get your favorites before Monday.
This is an all-inclusive sale. Every single costume set is on sale, every single vehicle, and Freeform slots.
It's worth noting that this is the first time that we've discounted Cosmic Keys of Power -- your ticket to get Legion-quality gear, the Grav Chariot Centurion, and costume pieces. Get your discounted keys during this sale!
Start: 10AM Pacific on Thursday, 6/6
End: 10 AM Pacific on Monday, 6/10
But this is very very nice...will help me to add to prizes for the CC hurhurhurhurhuhur :biggrin:
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I am @RavenForce in game
Was just about to buy a bunch of costume slots too.
Its not exactly a Freeform sale, but an entire store sale.
The only reason I can see them doing this is that they are trying to squeeze a bit more money for the next thing.
Bacon Jerky item. It replenishes your health and energy.
Gotta be specific, or it'll just make things worse. The only two things that really need to be done are:
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
ermm.. How about fixing the issue of being removed from pvp instances after they have finally popped?
-Also the number of people it takes for the team pvp instances to pop should be redone. It should be possible to have a 2 vs 2 pvp match (without it being due to some bug in the system)