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Can we move our money please?

wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
I'm worried about CO, i really am. With all the server issues happening at cryptic lately as well as how little is going on at Champions i'm very worried. All of the last events have had been having issues, and this last one seems like they just gave up on it and tossed out the end just to be done with it. These are all bad signs, signs like the Boss saying STO isn't going F2P a week or so before STO went F2P. If the servers can't handle the load of the 3 games, it's a guarantee which one is getting the ax, and it's the one they've stopped caring about.

This is why i think people should be allowed to switch over their cash based Zen before the Plug is pulled. I can understand no stipend Zen and no Questionite Zen, but the last sale they had i bought $50 worth (with that bonus as well) and frankly this game has done nothing since to earn it. I know i can't be the only person who wants to put it else where to actually be used. With how bad things are on champions development right now i can honestly say i doubt there is anything worth while coming before the end of the year. I could be wrong and i really hope that i am, but seriously.... How long have we been waiting?

The wasted potential is bad enough, but the fans are throwing out ideas constantly on how to take their money. People WANT to invest in Champions online, but cryptic isn't letting that happen. They're not even interested. So let us move our Zen where it can actually be used. I want mine in STO, i'm sure there are others that want it in NW when it hits live, and a few that would love to put it in other PWE games. Let us move the Zen purchased with real currency back to the wallet.

Chances are when this game does close, it's going to be sudden like COH. They've already proven they're not concerned about the fans here, they're probably won't be much warning before it goes down. God forbid it goes down and people still have all the untouched zen still in it, that would be a nightmare. I'd even waste my stipend on a token that let me send the money bought Zen back to the wallet. And it's not like i'm one of the many rats leaving a sinking ship, i'll still play, and if anything ever makes it to the store that's not a terrible lock box or cash grab i'd be willing to buy Zen to acquire it, but the sad thing is right now that's just not going to happen. Not with the mess this game is stuck in developmentally.

I know i can't be the only one to be thinking this is going to happen as well as wanting to move the Zen where it will actually be used. Please Cryptic consider this for Champions Online until you get serious about it again and decide to put out some real content, some real power sets, or real costumes, or real effort into making this look like a real MMO again.

Post edited by wraithshadow13 on


  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Glaring issues with the utter lack of any significant long-term development plans aside...

    We haven't gotten a outage for the past week, and it seems that things have stabilized, at least for now. Let's not jump to hasty conclusions that because of the recent outages, Cryptic would be forced to shut down CO for the benefit of the other two games.

    Now, let's say in the event that the plug is pulled for CO, the least they could do is to let us transfer whatever ingame ZEN we had during that time for the other games. That I fully agree with. It's even better if they did refunds for unused ZEN, but I doubt they'd want to bother.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    CoH did not close suddenly. They had 3 months warning.

    Also, you spent $50 on Zen and haven't used any? Why would you do that?

    Finally, once you have Zen, you have Zen, regardless of source. For instance, say you have 5000 Z from purchase, 1500 Z from stipend, and 1000 Z from the exchange. Total 7500 Z.

    You spend 3500 Z on various things. That means 2500 Z left.

    How much of this Z is "from cash"?

    Give up.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *never mind :P*...but

    Hang on, lads, I've got a great idea.!
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Let's not jump to hasty conclusions that because of the recent outages, Cryptic would be forced to shut down CO for the benefit of the other two games.

    Well, if there is such a thing as a bright side to our dwindling population, it's that Cryptic would have no motivation to shut us down for capacity reasons. We're a drop in the bucket compared to the NW surge that started this whole mess.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
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  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Champions isn't shutting down as long as it makes money. Cryptic isn't a big game company nor is PWE and wouldn't cut losses like that. They thrive off of customers that regret purchases.

    As long as people spend money on this thing that never gives anything else in return, they'll keep it up.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, you spent $50 on Zen and haven't used any? Why would you do that?

    Finally, once you have Zen, you have Zen, regardless of source. For instance, say you have 5000 Z from purchase, 1500 Z from stipend, and 1000 Z from the exchange. Total 7500 Z.

    You spend 3500 Z on various things. That means 2500 Z left.

    How much of this Z is "from cash"?

    Give up.

    It was the Sale right after they started making the empty promises of "we'll talk to you more" and "we'll add more content", so instead of dropping it all on STO i sent half of it here. Of course at the time i was still under the impression that as long as it was bought with cash i could still transfer between STO and CO, which goes to show how long it's been since i've bought points for Champions.

    I've currently got 6322 in Zen, so with the $50+ bonus and two months worth i've stipend, i'd say i'd still have all of it... Because there's been nothing worth spending it on. I was hoping for some new power sets or costumes, but all we're getting is lock boxes and vehicles, both of which are kind of underwhelming.

    Champions isn't shutting down as long as it makes money. Cryptic isn't a big game company nor is PWE and wouldn't cut losses like that. They thrive off of customers that regret purchases.

    As long as people spend money on this thing that never gives anything else in return, they'll keep it up.

    As for this, Cryptic will openly lie to the fans as well as misinform or just not tell us things as long as they feel like it, so while i fully believe TrailTurtle when he says no, i still there there's too much saying its still going to happen sooner than any one thinks. They've already given up on this game, and it's been clear for well over a year. I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom here, that's some one elses thread on the forum, but i'm just trying to voice my concern about the use of Zen and what little there is to do here when i used to be able to use it on STO as well as CO from a single pool (minus the stipend of course).

    I'd even be willing to buy more Zen for Champions if they were actually doing something useful with it IN champions. If we were getting regular power sets or costumes and such i'd gladly be spending money here, but there's not, we hardley ever even get reskins of travel powers let alone something worth buying. They've already got my money, at least let people use their points where they want too, stipend or not. I've been here since beta as have many other people, i've been in STO since Beta as well as Beta for NW. It's pretty clear that even though i don't like the company's business handling, i really enjoy playing their games, and as long as i'm buying and using C-points or Zen i don't really understand why they can't let me move it between them all to enjoy it. They obviously have ways to track it as well as tell how much is from what, why not let us move the cash bought Zen back to the wallet? Or just let Cryptic do what it used to and let you draw from a pool of it for all it's games? That in itself already accounted for stipend vs money points, and it was a great feature.
  • borg10f9borg10f9 Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe they prevent moving Zen back to the wallet to prohibit 'farmers' from gathering vast amounts in one game then transferring the Zen to another game. It seems like there would be the possibility of economy crashing actions happening were it allowed.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still giving this game three months after NWO goes live before I abandon ship. That game pretty much hurt any production thanks to its delay and revamp and Cryptic focus. I may need to change what I mean by NWO live though considering that its Beta feels pretty live to me.

    We'll see what the summer brings and if NWO decides to go to true live or if anything happens here in CO.

    Remember, that when NWO was finally going into closed Beta and open Beta things picked up here. We got the Leviathan event finally rolled out, some of the more annoying bug fixes (invisible picked up objects), the following Forum event coming out rather quickly after, and hints that telepathy is coming pretty close here and that its actually being worked on.

    The only problem with CO is that NWO exists right now and its the primary focus. But with STO having an enormous update coming out and NWO is finally moving along, it may mean that CO can finally have some focus time as those two game got massive updates/releases leaving them time to work on other stuff.

    Hopefully that other stuff includes Champions. I'm doing my best to ignore the OTHER project Cryptic is working on.
  • scorpagorscorpagor Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    borg10f9 wrote: »
    Maybe they prevent moving Zen back to the wallet to prohibit 'farmers' from gathering vast amounts in one game then transferring the Zen to another game. It seems like there would be the possibility of economy crashing actions happening were it allowed.

    This is probably the reason.

    All 3 of Cryptic's games have some form of currency (questionite in CO) which can be exchanged for zen.

    It would be odd yet amusing if I could farm questionite through alerts, sell it for zen, transfer the zen to STO, and then use it to buy Dilithium.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still giving this game three months after NWO goes live before I abandon ship. That game pretty much hurt any production thanks to its delay and revamp and Cryptic focus. I may need to change what I mean by NWO live though considering that its Beta feels pretty live to me.

    We'll see what the summer brings and if NWO decides to go to true live or if anything happens here in CO.

    Remember, that when NWO was finally going into closed Beta and open Beta things picked up here. We got the Leviathan event finally rolled out, some of the more annoying bug fixes (invisible picked up objects), the following Forum event coming out rather quickly after, and hints that telepathy is coming pretty close here and that its actually being worked on.

    The only problem with CO is that NWO exists right now and its the primary focus. But with STO having an enormous update coming out and NWO is finally moving along, it may mean that CO can finally have some focus time as those two game got massive updates/releases leaving them time to work on other stuff.

    Hopefully that other stuff includes Champions. I'm doing my best to ignore the OTHER project Cryptic is working on.

    The problem I have with this, although your logic is sound, is we've been here before. Every time they put out a massive expansion for something else, we then gotta deal with them bug fixing said expansion, and doing just about anything but tossing some devs our way. Hell, we first lost Tumerboy over a big expansion for STO. There'll always be something. I've been saying since people started this "after launch, we'll get our devs back" insanity: Nope. They'll still need to fix issues and come out with random cash store stuff, and work on new expansions. We are an IP independently owned by Cryptic. That means they have nobody to please but themselves, and we can obviously see how far that's carrying us.

    I mean, like the game for what it is, that's cool. But I wouldn't put too much hope into large expansion here. The last state of the game pretty well laid out how that's not gonna happen.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, they released the Legacy of Romulus expansion for STO - and are now dealing with incredibly exaggerated queues, functions not functioning (Romulan Captains can't train their bridge officers in skills, and Reman captains apparently can't spend skill points at all), and assorted other bugs (including having their connection between the game and the login server collapse - which proves they did fix something after the Nevergonnaplayagain debacle, because it didn't take CO down with it this time). So everybody who's had at least one class in C# is face-down in a keyboard working on STO right now.

    That's why I agree with the three-month assessment. That means three months from now, not three months from every time someone asks the question... :smile:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • neyarineyari Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Champions isn't shutting down as long as it makes money. Cryptic isn't a big game company nor is PWE and wouldn't cut losses like that. They thrive off of customers that regret purchases.

    As long as people spend money on this thing that never gives anything else in return, they'll keep it up.
    You know, this exact argument was made on the old City of heroes/villians forums riiiight before it died.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Three months is my stance as well before I write off this game as something not worth my commitment of time and money. Three months for them to come up with a new State of the Game.

    We're coming close to a full year since the very last SOTG by the way...
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neyari wrote: »
    You know, this exact argument was made on the old City of heroes/villians forums riiiight before it died.

    The difference is, NCSoft is a big enough distributor to dump their games as they please. They don't feel it.

    Dumping Champions on the other hand because Cryptic's servers aren't able to handle three games would make Cryptic's reputation worse.
  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    scorpagor wrote: »
    This is probably the reason.

    All 3 of Cryptic's games have some form of currency (questionite in CO) which can be exchanged for zen.

    It would be odd yet amusing if I could farm questionite through alerts, sell it for zen, transfer the zen to STO, and then use it to buy Dilithium.

    That's why all questionite bought Zen is bound to CO as it says in the exchange info that when you sell Zen it become bound, and when trading you'll use CO-Bound Zen first and then it uses your normal Zen

    So if you have say, 1000 Zen, 500 of it is Bound to CO, and you sell 600 zen, it should always sell the CO-Zen first, then it'll grab that other 100 Zen and turn it into CO-bound Zen
  • bullseye8bullseye8 Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic has many issues to deal with regarding CO: CO is a superb game with incredible potential. With NWO being their primary focus, CO has obviously not seen much going on. We've had the Lemurian Invasian and now for the Malvan Race/Challenges. We've seen more vehicles pop up.

    Still, there are numerous bugs that haven't been fixed in months or years.

    The Lemurian vehicles being added are merely the vehicles from the Lemurian invasion, so that didn't take much to change to a player-usuable item.

    I'm most concerned with two things: lack of advertising for Champions Online and the dwindling player base. There used to be 25-60 map instances, depending on the events going on. Now, we have very few - this morning only had 3 map instances with less than 90 players total on them.

    In business, owners are concerned about upset/disgruntled buyers because they know that single unsatisfied buyer can affect many others. Can Cryptic get players back when so many things have gone ignored for so long? Time will tell.

    I seriously enjoy this game and agree Cryptic will keep this game going so long as it brings in money but Cryptic is also cutting it's own throat financially. They want money but the inactivity has players moving on.

    You want to keep us Cryptic, in the face of new and other MMORPG's? Do something with the game! Of course, they may be satisified with NWO's growth and will milk CO until it's not feasible to keep going. I hope this isn't the case.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The difference is, NCSoft is a big enough distributor to dump their games as they please. They don't feel it.

    Dumping Champions on the other hand because Cryptic's servers aren't able to handle three games would make Cryptic's reputation worse.

    They're reputation is already pretty bad, and frankly i doubt they care as long as they're making money. They've already proven that with how bad things are here in champions. I don't doubt that they would leave it open and untouched just to make money, but at the same time given a lot of the other things that have happened to give Cryptic that bad PR, i really wouldn't doubt them just dropping the F-Bomb and shutting it down. For all we know PWE might even just pull the cord and not let Cryptic have a say.

    The fact of the matter is that it's bad though. The over all state of the game is just that they don't really seem to care with every thing else going on. Yes, it's guaranteed that some of the Cryptic team as individuals might care a lot about CO, that's probably why we've even had any additions in the last year or more, but as a whole Cryptic doesn't care and isn't doing anything other than wringing a dirty used up sponge.

    Its a bit of an insult (more than a bit honestly) to the fans and long time players and no one is asking for compensation, no one wants refunds (that i've heard anyway), but why shouldn't we be able to put our Money bought Zen somewhere it can still be used? They have ways of tracking it, they know what is purchased and what is farmed or stipend. Why not just let the purchased Zen be moved or better yet, pooled like it used to be? I'm sure the system is still there somewhere to do that, just turn it back on for champions.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neyari wrote: »
    You know, this exact argument was made on the old City of heroes/villians forums riiiight before it died.
    The parent company put Paragon studios into liquidation in August. The game closed because of that.
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  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The difference is, NCSoft is a big enough distributor to dump their games as they please. They don't feel it.

    Their stock price dropping 40+% very quickly after CoH's close, and never rebounding (it's going back up, but VERY slowly), combined with the fact that they just put Guild Wars 1 into permanent maintenance mode rather than closing it (something I don't think they've ever done before) makes me think that they DO feel it, but they'll be damned if they're going to admit it.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chaelk wrote: »
    The parent company put Paragon studios into liquidation in August. The game closed because of that.

    So you're saying that nobody at Paragon Studios knew about it until the announcement in September?

    According to Zwillinger, War Witch, Positron and others, no Paragon staff knew until they got the memo, about 6 hours before the players were notified.

    I think you have your timeline wrong.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
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