I'm quite peeved that my 3-month for 30 deal is now forfeit because for some reason despite the fact i do have funds on my pre paid card that the sub is linked to, it isn't applying it?
What do i even do? i no longer know who to pester about it and now i can't play without subbing, or i'll have to revert my build to silver AT and i don't have all the stats memorised to fix later.
i go to support and it mentions cryptic account users click their crpytic support link... since the merge... where do i go? do i stay on PWE side or click to cryptics side of it?
I'm pretty sure you want PWE support. I imagine that the billing goes through them.
When I saw the topic title, my first thought was "Did the card expire? If so, you need to enter the new card's info." That is less likely with a prepaid card, but possible. Did you check?
Are you outside the US? If the card isn't in USD and you're very close to the exact amount, the exchange may be being calculated differently than the last time you used it, and you may be literally a penny or two short.
Otherwise, I have no idea.
_________________________________________________ @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
I'm pretty sure you want PWE support. I imagine that the billing goes through them.
When I saw the topic title, my first thought was "Did the card expire? If so, you need to enter the new card's info." That is less likely with a prepaid card, but possible. Did you check?
Are you outside the US? If the card isn't in USD and you're very close to the exact amount, the exchange may be being calculated differently than the last time you used it, and you may be literally a penny or two short.
Otherwise, I have no idea.
Valid concerns to mention, i have $50 AU currently stored however, so at most it would take out $32 and leave me with near 18. as the ratio is pretty close.
The card is still active, it still has more than a year to go, and even though i don't think it has any idle period amount before it gets inactive, i still use it regularly enough, that it wouldn't happen.
I don't know if it even is possible to get issues with the pre paid's side not working, but i don't know... maybe i'm bias and just don't think it's the cause? i really am dismayed by this nonetheless, at it seems like there's no option to even retain it if there is a hiccup like other MMO's i play do, where you have 1 week before the sub ends to start again before you lose that fixed offer.
If it costs $32 it costs way more than that in Australian currency.
You guys have to pay stupid prices/taxes for video games.
We pay $40 you pay $100.
Leave that place.
thats on a full game purchase that's non-pc
cases like this, it is actually pretty close to the normal conversion rate, i only pay like 9 cents transaction fee and 3% of conversion if it's a different currency.
The same thing happened to me today. I almost freaked out about it but then I found a solution. I had to make an account on Paypal with my card and then I bought the subscription and it just went in without any hassle at all.
You should give it a try to that- hope it helps.
The same thing happened to me today. I almost freaked out about it but then I found a solution. I had to make an account on Paypal with my card and then I bought the subscription and it just went in without any hassle at all.
You should give it a try to that- hope it helps.
I don't follow? making a paypal account will fix my 3month sub for $30 rate again?
I also never used paypal before because it's a bit overwhelming for me, i find a pre paid card simpler for me, and safer
In-game, or on the site? In-game tickets still work, but they're a little slower, usually. I'd recommend making sure your ticket was from https://support.perfectworld.com/app/home.
In-game, or on the site? In-game tickets still work, but they're a little slower, usually. I'd recommend making sure your ticket was from https://support.perfectworld.com/app/home.
Well... from this very screen, at the top in the PWE bar i clicked on support, which led to that sort of looking page you linked, then i proceeded to begin my ticket by clicking the "contact us" button on the page and filled in the info.
I realise it may be slow over a weekend.. just sucks i'm missing the only spare time i have for bloodmoon because there's an issue with my sub no longer working and i really won't be able to afford again if i lose the 3 month deal for $30
Three for $30 was a limited time offer that ended a long time ago.
Yes, it ended BUT if you maintained a constant subscription without letting it lapse, you were allowed to keep that deal price at the end of every 3 months, which is why i'm upset at why it suddenly canceled when i definitely had a sufficient amount of funds and it still cancelled on me for no apparent reason.
And it seems as others mentioned there was already a recent stipend issue who think it might be linked, but i have no idea how far in relation it actually is, all i do know is now i lost my sub and can't play without retraining my main if i wish to use it, but i don't want to retrain it because then if it's fixed i have to pay to re-train it again afterward =\
A lot of information has already been given to you on contacting PWE. As a banker though I feel some additional suggestions are in order to cover all your bases so to speak. I'd suggest reaching out the financial institution backing your pre-paid card and asking that they review the card history for recent authorization attempts from Cryptic or PWE. Also, request that they look for any authorizations that have failed and why they failed. There's a very good possibility that this will turn up nothing but in the event that PWE requests that you contact them or tries to place the blame with the card company you've already checked in to that.
What do i even do? i no longer know who to pester about it and now i can't play without subbing, or i'll have to revert my build to silver AT and i don't have all the stats memorised to fix later.
If you need to memorize the stat of one of your char, go here :
well.. i guess maybe on the off chance someone else is having this issue or people are curious (i know i like to keep posted about other peoples issues) i figure an update, finally got some responses, but not quite as expected.
the first was to tell me it was being directed toward billing support, which is the category i sent it anyway so i'm confused by that, and then another saying there's a delay and should get a reply in the next 48 hours >.<
kinda concerned if this problem might be unfixable if it goes too long like this
I'm guessing there's no way to use it to find my current build without actually being able to log in to do it myself? otherwise i have no use for it as my problem lies in being able to get online on my gold toon and record my stats choices and then retrain to silver
When I saw the topic title, my first thought was "Did the card expire? If so, you need to enter the new card's info." That is less likely with a prepaid card, but possible. Did you check?
Are you outside the US? If the card isn't in USD and you're very close to the exact amount, the exchange may be being calculated differently than the last time you used it, and you may be literally a penny or two short.
Otherwise, I have no idea.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Valid concerns to mention, i have $50 AU currently stored however, so at most it would take out $32 and leave me with near 18. as the ratio is pretty close.
The card is still active, it still has more than a year to go, and even though i don't think it has any idle period amount before it gets inactive, i still use it regularly enough, that it wouldn't happen.
I don't know if it even is possible to get issues with the pre paid's side not working, but i don't know... maybe i'm bias and just don't think it's the cause? i really am dismayed by this nonetheless, at it seems like there's no option to even retain it if there is a hiccup like other MMO's i play do, where you have 1 week before the sub ends to start again before you lose that fixed offer.
You guys have to pay stupid prices/taxes for video games.
We pay $40 you pay $100.
Leave that place.
thats on a full game purchase that's non-pc
cases like this, it is actually pretty close to the normal conversion rate, i only pay like 9 cents transaction fee and 3% of conversion if it's a different currency.
You should give it a try to that- hope it helps.
I don't follow? making a paypal account will fix my 3month sub for $30 rate again?
I also never used paypal before because it's a bit overwhelming for me, i find a pre paid card simpler for me, and safer
subject feild- subscriptions failure
describe as much as possible. If it was April, the smae thing which screwed up the stipends might have screwed up yours
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Thanks, i had already sent in a ticket to them, i just have to wait for a reply... the timing kinda sucks cause i wanna do bloodmoon
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umm.. i used their ticket system? :S
In-game, or on the site? In-game tickets still work, but they're a little slower, usually. I'd recommend making sure your ticket was from https://support.perfectworld.com/app/home.
Well... from this very screen, at the top in the PWE bar i clicked on support, which led to that sort of looking page you linked, then i proceeded to begin my ticket by clicking the "contact us" button on the page and filled in the info.
I realise it may be slow over a weekend.. just sucks i'm missing the only spare time i have for bloodmoon because there's an issue with my sub no longer working
The offer may have finished, but if you took advantage of it (as I did), then you keep that price until you unsubscribe.
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Yes, it ended BUT if you maintained a constant subscription without letting it lapse, you were allowed to keep that deal price at the end of every 3 months, which is why i'm upset at why it suddenly canceled when i definitely had a sufficient amount of funds and it still cancelled on me for no apparent reason.
And it seems as others mentioned there was already a recent stipend issue who think it might be linked, but i have no idea how far in relation it actually is, all i do know is now i lost my sub and can't play without retraining my main if i wish to use it, but i don't want to retrain it because then if it's fixed i have to pay to re-train it again afterward =\
the first was to tell me it was being directed toward billing support, which is the category i sent it anyway so i'm confused by that, and then another saying there's a delay and should get a reply in the next 48 hours >.<
kinda concerned if this problem might be unfixable if it goes too long like this
I'm guessing there's no way to use it to find my current build without actually being able to log in to do it myself? otherwise i have no use for it as my problem lies in being able to get online on my gold toon and record my stats choices and then retrain to silver