Reading these forums is kind of an entertainment for me when I am not playing the game. However, the recent forum activities have dropped to an all-time low. Please do something to revive this game and this forum.
Reading these forums is kind of an entertainment for me when I am not playing the game. However, the recent forum activities have dropped to an all-time low. Please do something to revive this game and this forum.
Agreed, this game has a lot of fans to it but with the way things have been going lately it's been just getting worse and worse as both the game and the forums seem more empty as it spirals down.
Most of the new threads I see are complaints about the state of the game, which is fine and I believe is justified, but I'd rather not participate in them. Besides that I do what I can.
I find the official forums too full of doom and despair to really enjoy reading or posting here. I'm content to get my game related news and discussion from other sites, places like CORP or of the SG's I belong to. A
With nothing new coming to the game that's groundbreaking, it's hard to invest any time into it. So it gave me the perfect time to catch up on my console backlog. Tomb Raider and also Injustice. Yes please!
Speaking for myself, I find little to talk about with Champions. Cryptic has just about run this game into the ground, and given their continued attitude towards doing anything else, it seems a might bit unproductive to bother with it.
What little time and funds I can spare are going towards The Old Republic, who actually seem to have some interest in improving their game.
Cryptic just seems interested in grinding out the bare minimum of content at then not listening to the players about how its broken.
You know, they say the only thing required for evil to prevail is for the good to do nothing. And technically we ARE doing something! We are flooding the forums with cries of anger and despair, which ultimately means the evil Perfect World will not succeed in their evil corrupted plans! The night is darkest before dawn, so let me see some expressions of hope instead! All hail VIPER!
Two economy-crushing exploits. One was a bugged class armor set that allowed the wearer to one-shot EVERYTHING, bosses included, flooding the Auction House with blue and purple boss drops. The other was an Auction House/web gateway bug that put so many Astral Diamonds in circulation, every last Zen in the AD Exchange was bought out.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Seems that way in game, too. This place is turning into a ghost town. This is worse than when skyrim and GW2 launched. I'm starting to think the lack of content might actually come close to killing the game this time. I hate to doom say, and I know it'll take time to see, but given the issues neverwinter's having? I don't expect we'll see any more devs any time soon, and the place is starting to feel pretty empty.
Since neverwinter open beta, I've logged in to 2 instances of MC. That's less than 200 people sitting around in queue or doing whatever. I've also seen an empty power house for the first time since the chat server went down and kitchen sink 2 happened. My friends list is trimming down to the point where I'll often only have 2 or 3 friends playing co, where there were 25-30 as little as a month and a half ago. Blood moon didn't really touch this number.
It could just be from my perspective, but I think we're in bad shape. I'd be thrilled if someone could prove me wrong.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
What cheeses me off is that some Chinese stuffed suit somewhere is going to pull the plug on CO saying 'see? It's failing. We were so smart not to sink more money into that game!'
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
With nothing new coming to the game that's groundbreaking, it's hard to invest any time into it. So it gave me the perfect time to catch up on my console backlog. Tomb Raider and also Injustice. Yes please!
The FPS has been quite poor recently, so I've been playing the open beta Romulan content on STO a lot instead. (If you'd like, I can go into the quality of the writing at length; let's just say that the mission "Mindgames" was sufficiently well-done that when I found a facility doing similar things with NPCs in "Installation 18", I was looking for the option that would let me burn the installation to the ground and sow salt over the ashes. I, as a player, was angry at what one group of NPCs was doing to another group of NPCs, because it had been done to my character earlier.)
OTOH, I logged into CO last night because I've been urged to level up my top characters, and the framerate issue didn't seem as bad - heck, I was moving almost too fast in the submarine Cherenkov while defeating my Nem's plot there, and things also flowed smoothly in the followup mission in the Irradiated Mine. So maybe it was some temporary issue (it started before Blood Moon, so I can't lay all the blame there).
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
OTOH, I logged into CO last night because I've been urged to level up my top characters, and the framerate issue didn't seem as bad - heck, I was moving almost too fast in the submarine Cherenkov while defeating my Nem's plot there, and things also flowed smoothly in the followup mission in the Irradiated Mine. So maybe it was some temporary issue (it started before Blood Moon, so I can't lay all the blame there).
Glad the FPS is back to normal for you. Not sure what could have caused that... nor sure whether it's client- or server-side, I'm afraid.
to be honest, with how bad this game has become i wouldn't doubt that it was going to be gone by years end. With how Cryptic does business it's just too broken to put effort into, so while it has the fan base and potential, it won't get any thing more than a limp here and there in terms of direction. I just hope they let us transfer our Zen to other games before they close it.
As much as i love this game, the company is just doing nothing with it other than making it worse. They basically gave up on the new event before it was even done. which is a really bad sign....
I think the best thing they could do is open up the foundry(for all) and access to some more dev tools(for gold) and allow users to start making their own content, powers, and costumes, much like valve is letting happen in Team Fortress 2 which is releasing it's first entirely Community Created content update.
Cryptic is obviously not doing anything with Champions other than wiping their feet on it and laughing at the players, they might as well open it up to the fan base and let people who care about it make content that would actually make it better.
I think the best thing they could do is open up the foundry(for all) and access to some more dev tools(for gold) and allow users to start making their own content, powers, and costumes, much like valve is letting happen in Team Fortress 2 which is releasing it's first entirely Community Created content update.
Cryptic is obviously not doing anything with Champions other than wiping their feet on it and laughing at the players, they might as well open it up to the fan base and let people who care about it make content that would actually make it better.
Champions needs the foundry. If the foundry comes here coupled with CO's toon maker it would be the making of CO and Cryptic would never need to lift a finger in CO's direction ever again.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Champions needs the foundry. If the foundry comes here coupled with CO's toon maker it would be the making of CO and Cryptic would never need to lift a finger in CO's direction ever again.
I agree with this SOOOOO MUCH!
So much so that I hereby give my stamp of approval for it:
But yes the forum activity has died down significantly, but this is due to the lack of things to actually discuss, aside from our displeasure with the current state of the game. I'm not gonna butter it up and say "A foundry will really bring this game back to life and solve all our problems!!". Instead, A foundry, would definitely take SOOOO much pressure off the developer's already overwhelming heavy load from NWO, and the aggravation of the die hard fans and community members here in CO.
Find a way to give us a foundry, even a basic layout, but functional version of it, and that alone would do wonders for us.
Seems that way in game, too. This place is turning into a ghost town. This is worse than when skyrim and GW2 launched. I'm starting to think the lack of content might actually come close to killing the game this time.
Its the lack of NEW content, at least for me. When i left for GW2 i thought i come back maybe in 3-4 months or whatever, but while lurking the forums here i just saw nothing that gave me any reason to come back .. i never was interested in these glorified become Devices, and they have always been becomes for me, even when people told me : oh .. wait .. thats just Beta ... wait for the final release .. and i'm especially disapointed how all development has stopped or just switched to new Vehicles in Lockboxes.
Heck .. even the Costume Artist now create new Vehicles instead of actual costumes for our Heroes (at least thats what i think, could of course also be that the costume artist is gone and another person makes the Vehicles).
So if we look at all the development that happend after On Alert .. any reason why not call the Game now "Vehicle Online" ?
Heck .. really .. give me at least a new Costume Set
We could always establish a mandatory, no infraction, weekly, drunk posting night.
City of Heroes used to have something like that. Only it was nightly, and we called it the Pinnacle server.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Agreed, this game has a lot of fans to it but with the way things have been going lately it's been just getting worse and worse as both the game and the forums seem more empty as it spirals down.
If we weren't already way down on their priority list, I can't imagine that this recent event is going to bring us a single notch up.
Really? plan to rid the world of NWO is working!!! But..I didnt prepare for the Devs who would fix it...hmm...back to square one... Q_Q
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
What's happening over there?
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Speaking for myself, I find little to talk about with Champions. Cryptic has just about run this game into the ground, and given their continued attitude towards doing anything else, it seems a might bit unproductive to bother with it.
What little time and funds I can spare are going towards The Old Republic, who actually seem to have some interest in improving their game.
Cryptic just seems interested in grinding out the bare minimum of content at then not listening to the players about how its broken.
Two economy-crushing exploits. One was a bugged class armor set that allowed the wearer to one-shot EVERYTHING, bosses included, flooding the Auction House with blue and purple boss drops. The other was an Auction House/web gateway bug that put so many Astral Diamonds in circulation, every last Zen in the AD Exchange was bought out.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Since neverwinter open beta, I've logged in to 2 instances of MC. That's less than 200 people sitting around in queue or doing whatever. I've also seen an empty power house for the first time since the chat server went down and kitchen sink 2 happened. My friends list is trimming down to the point where I'll often only have 2 or 3 friends playing co, where there were 25-30 as little as a month and a half ago. Blood moon didn't really touch this number.
It could just be from my perspective, but I think we're in bad shape. I'd be thrilled if someone could prove me wrong.
RIP Caine
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Same exact two games I'm working on.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
OTOH, I logged into CO last night because I've been urged to level up my top characters, and the framerate issue didn't seem as bad - heck, I was moving almost too fast in the submarine Cherenkov while defeating my Nem's plot there, and things also flowed smoothly in the followup mission in the Irradiated Mine. So maybe it was some temporary issue (it started before Blood Moon, so I can't lay all the blame there).
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
That doesn't affect my presence on the forums, I'm still here.
Glad the FPS is back to normal for you. Not sure what could have caused that... nor sure whether it's client- or server-side, I'm afraid.
As much as i love this game, the company is just doing nothing with it other than making it worse. They basically gave up on the new event before it was even done. which is a really bad sign....
I think the best thing they could do is open up the foundry(for all) and access to some more dev tools(for gold) and allow users to start making their own content, powers, and costumes, much like valve is letting happen in Team Fortress 2 which is releasing it's first entirely Community Created content update.
Cryptic is obviously not doing anything with Champions other than wiping their feet on it and laughing at the players, they might as well open it up to the fan base and let people who care about it make content that would actually make it better.
Champions needs the foundry. If the foundry comes here coupled with CO's toon maker it would be the making of CO and Cryptic would never need to lift a finger in CO's direction ever again.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I agree with this SOOOOO MUCH!
So much so that I hereby give my stamp of approval for it:
But yes the forum activity has died down significantly, but this is due to the lack of things to actually discuss, aside from our displeasure with the current state of the game. I'm not gonna butter it up and say "A foundry will really bring this game back to life and solve all our problems!!". Instead, A foundry, would definitely take SOOOO much pressure off the developer's already overwhelming heavy load from NWO, and the aggravation of the die hard fans and community members here in CO.
Find a way to give us a foundry, even a basic layout, but functional version of it, and that alone would do wonders for us.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Level Size: Small / Medium / Not finished
Mob type: Viper / Zombies / Unknown_entity / Unknown_entity / Unknown_entity / Unknown_entity
Level Shape: Square / Circle / Narrow corridor / Oblong
Story: "Insert crap here, 200 letters remaining"
Difficulty: Super Easy / Very Easy / Easy / Normal / Error / Error / Error / Error
Please pay 5000z per creation!
The Caliga pokemania and 'Caliga facts' topics seem to have dried up.
Let me hear your suggestions people! Caliga needs more attention!
the short version is they never bothered to check if NWO had the same negative currency bug STO did.
Once it got out to more than a few people. half the server was trying to create AD (NWO questionite) out of thin air in massive quantities.
It should keep things busy for a couple of days. :biggrin:
Exactly! Dam those were the days...
@Pallih in game
Its the lack of NEW content, at least for me. When i left for GW2 i thought i come back maybe in 3-4 months or whatever, but while lurking the forums here i just saw nothing that gave me any reason to come back .. i never was interested in these glorified become Devices, and they have always been becomes for me, even when people told me : oh .. wait .. thats just Beta ... wait for the final release .. and i'm especially disapointed how all development has stopped or just switched to new Vehicles in Lockboxes.
Heck .. even the Costume Artist now create new Vehicles instead of actual costumes for our Heroes (at least thats what i think, could of course also be that the costume artist is gone and another person makes the Vehicles).
So if we look at all the development that happend after On Alert .. any reason why not call the Game now "Vehicle Online" ?
Heck .. really .. give me at least a new Costume Set
Wait! We're supposed to be sober? @#$%!
Part of the problem since December, 2012.
City of Heroes used to have something like that. Only it was nightly, and we called it the Pinnacle server.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
That may be true, but none of his vehicles were selected to be made. At least the ones he had more emphasis on.