Silver players want to try out the power sets out there before they go for 15 month subscription for freeform. The archetypes represent all the power sets. Let them try them all out. Cut the 1.5k zen costs, in return for all the accounts that purchased at least one of the gold ATs give them 500 zen (the monthly stipend) as a thanks for their contribution.
Playing these ATs would mean they have to buy character slots anyway because there's so many of them.
They do (or did) periodically offer normally-charged-for Archetypes for people to 'try out'... but they make money by selling archetypes, and I cannot see any reason for them to change that. This is a business, after all.
I don't know how much ATs cost (lifetime member since beta) but I would be tempted to subscribe for one month to try them all out and then if I decided I only want to play ATs and do not want to stay gold for freeform, I can pick-and-choose which ATs I want to pay for once I go back to silver.
I don't know if it's still available or if it was a limited time offer, but at one time they even offered a freeform slot for sale to silver players (much to the consternation of many gold players).
They would make more money in keys and vehicles and what have you if they had a bigger population.
They would have a bigger population if the game wasn't such a pain in the **** for the FTP community.
The only thing this game has going for it is the huge level of customization, which they lock away. Or if you get it and then drop it, getting your character to work again is a fifty fifty bet. This doesn't have to be both difficult and alienating.
This game is awesome even for Free To Play. Its not the fault of the players but of Cryptic for not advertising it along with STO during their NWO convention events that the population sucks.
Also not giving us anything new to play save for the last 40 minutes in total that have been added since Whiteout, 30 of those minutes are temporary events that have been temporarily removed.
It would be sensible if they even had a sale on these things every few months.
However, I bought a few ATs while I was silver with my save stipends and Q grind Zen and feel very disappointed. When I play these characters I often think how quickly disgusted people who pay real money must be.
I went gold to reset over forty level forties and unlock/delete six or so level forty freeforms that were held hostage by the Cryptic system for over a year. My account has value, with all those chararacter slots, costume unlocks, low rate q to z riches, etc, the average player with their two free characters has no value attached to their account and they walk away very easily.
Most of the idiots play a behemoth as their first character.
Remove the AT and maybe people wont' pick it and become bored out of their minds.
I know they, the behemoth, is boring the living stuff out of me.
make all ARCHETYPES free for silvers. Freeform is why people go gold, freeform at will.
I think the problem is people aren't going gold, and they're not buying FF slots either, not in high enough numbers at least. Give them one FF slot so they know why they should consider going gold or buying additional slots.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I think the problem is people aren't going gold, and they're not buying FF slots either, not in high enough numbers at least. Give them one FF slot so they know why they should consider going gold or buying additional slots.
Once upon a time I probably would have said that is the stupidest thing I have ever read in these forums, but that would be silly.
I am actually in favor of giving Silvers a single freeform slot. I do think it would add Gold members once they see all the things they can do.
They would make more money in keys and vehicles and what have you if they had a bigger population.
They would have a bigger population if the game wasn't such a pain in the **** for the FTP community.
The only thing this game has going for it is the huge level of customization, which they lock away. Or if you get it and then drop it, getting your character to work again is a fifty fifty bet. This doesn't have to be both difficult and alienating.
Admittedly I've been a Lifer since Beta, however, I have to ask, what exactly is a PITA for the FTP?
Playing the game?
Seriously, help me understand what is a PITA for FTP. You get access to everything with just a bit of work.
Obtain daily amount of Questionite, refine it then convert it to ZEN, alt, repeat till you've used all your available characters (or want to do something else...RP, normal missions...what have you).
With the ZEN you can buy anything. Want to speed up the process a bit? Spend 5-10 dollars a month on Zen (I say 5-10 as it's less than a monthly sub).
The only problem I see with their system (and it effects anyone regardless of status) is drop rates on those lockboxes could be tweaked a little better for Legion Gear. Hard to obtain it and you're not likely to get the one you're looking for either.
Is it? I play archetypes as gold, and I never have a problem. I have the free devastator from alienware at 40. I have a grimoire at 40. I've leveled a cursed to 40 (granted, only free with some luck, a few years ago). I've got a marksman at 20ish that seems to be the easiest of any of em.
Just because freeform trivializes the game, doesn't mean that archetypes are in any way hard.
Now, that said? I agree with half of the OP. It's been years, we're low on population. Let's make the ATs free, and push that as a bit of an advertisement with gaming mags. It will only draw new players, and maybe with the extra versatility we can keep em. Unless anyone's honestly gonna try to tell me there's more sure money in keeping an archetype like the impulse as a directly paid item, whereas we can't buy new costume sets anymore, I can't see as if they're making that much of a profit on AT sales.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
We don't need to make any more stuff free - I've only found one F2P game that gives away as much as CO, and that's STO. "Not enough free stuff" is obviously not the problem.
The problem is that those lesser games get advertised. I can scarcely log into Facebook or read without hitting ads for SWTOR. World of Tanks had a partnership with the online comic Looking For Group for a while. Even CoH had ad placement in TV shows like Big Bang Theory. Meanwhile, I've seen CO advertised once. The very ad that brought me here, three years ago. How are people supposed to come flocking to this game if they don't even know that it exists?
It's not that Cryptic doesn't advertise. Heaven knows I've seen enough banner ads for STO, and even NW a bit. It's that Cryptic doesn't advertise CO in particular, which I find highly aggravating.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
When you have less than three million users roll through the game over four years and only 1% ever pay money, then there is no budget for advertising and the dev team gets removed.
Then you spend a year of development with the skeleton crew pulling the game in the wrong direction, with vehicles that nobody wants, and the entire year of development can't even be advertised because its such failure.There are so many free to play flying vehicle combat games now that actually use physics instead of lame floating platforms why would anyone pay money for a 'vehicle' that can't simulate the feeling of flying?
Did Cryptic ever hear of a roll?
Maybe they need to watch some Blue Thunder and catch up with 20th century vehicle dynamics.
Advertise something that:
Is on lifesupport?
Hasn't gotten a decent size expansion since.....never?
Offers allmost nothing for F2P population?
Relies only on LockBoxes?
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
It's been years, we're low on population. Let's make the ATs free, and push that as a bit of an advertisement with gaming mags. It will only draw new players, and maybe with the extra versatility we can keep em.
The issue we have is what do they advertise? It'd have to be big, to draw back all those people who this game has burned a bunch of times. And make no mistake, it has burned a lot of people a bunch of times. I tried to bring my sister's boyfriend back, who used to do stuff like solo vikorin pre on alert. Good guy, helpful, and you know what his response was? "even if the game wasn't stupidly easy, when I left half of the missions were broken and I couldn't even chat for 4 days in a row". He quit halfway into the Great Chat Server Doom of 2011, just a bit after the second steam launch. How would we bring players like that back, of which there are a ton? Hell, he's an example of someone who was flat out looking for *anything* free to play so I could game with him, this game was his only "I REFUSE". That's telling, and how do we possibly bridge that gap and build a bit of good will with our ex-player base?
Simple, give them a reason to come try us again. Something like this would be *free* advertising, game sites would pick it up left and right. And we'd get the inevitable play through from a few of em, with a fresh review. If we got this right after the bug pass, when the game is more stable and the missions run a bit more smoothly? It'd be a great bit of free press and maybe a cash infusion for neverwinte... I mean us to get new content.
Odd, Jon, we're usually on the other sides of this argument. I'm always the one arguing that stuff that's for subscribers should stay for subscribers, and that hard is good. I feel like making the ATs free would make the game a bit easier for new players, which would keep them around longer, and ultimately benefit the game.
God, this is like bizarro world.
At least we agree on the crux of the issue: We do need advertisement. I just feel like, at the least, making the oldest ATs free is a great step in that direction.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Simpler Answer: bring back the Referral Program. This would allow people to get a "demo" of the game, play with freeform available to them, and then they can either go Silver or go Gold. Taa...Daa. :biggrin:
instead of macking all premium ATs free, they should add ability to choose 1 premium AT for free for silver players(so if u choose wrong- u can blame only urself). In terms of sales it will be very stupid idea if they make all premium ATs free for all. as a result we will get only new lockboxes- because there will be almost nothing else to sale.(well actually the only new content we have now --lockboxes and stupid vehicles. new storylines is more like sandbox ).
Do u want more lockboxes????????????if u want to have some more free content- make a thread about " choose 1 pemium At free for silver players "it will be more than enough
For the time being you can farm Questionite and avoid paying Cryptic for Archetypes.
Premium archetypes don't sell well anyway. Most of them isn't worth buying unless you want them for theme.
Some are straight worse than free ones. Many have more or less botched builds.
Now onder that game generates income only from keys and locboxes.
Cryptic can blame only themselves, they simply botched archetype system. The whole thing should be from the very beginnig made for selling not AT, but access to powersets and character slots.
Or they should decide. If archetypes are powerset samples and a demo, or a product.
1 - If they are only a demo and a sample, then they can stay as they are now (save for the Impulse, this AT will likely scary most people from playing with Force powerset and this game), but they should be free.
As it is now, Cryptic sells archetypes knowing very well that they are made faulty of purpose and can't even perform their locked roles (see tanks AT). It's a scam for new players who don't know enough about game system and Q farming and may be fooled into spending real money.
They are trying to take money for toons that are not only badly set up, but also were limited to enforce trinity play. In a game where players don't use trinity and even it they would, ATs aren't well built for it (how many of all ranged DPS archetypes have threat wipe moves - two?).
2 - If they are a product, archetypes should have updated effective build and this strange smaller diminishing return removed.
Choice in passives and specialisations, no locked roles. Maybe choices in stats. Then they can be paid.
Not having all freeform power picks and full customisation wil still make them less desirable than freeform. And maybe finally it will be possible to have difficulty levels suited for both AT and FF. Because for now it isn't even doable to set challenge level in this game.
Every time when someone asks in game channels which AT to buy, I strongly discourage them spending any money and instead pointing them to Q exchange.
My sentiments to all poor souls who were fooled into paying for the Night Avenger AT, thing with no active clickies, worthless passive and not a single self-heal.
I don't know how much ATs cost (lifetime member since beta) but I would be tempted to subscribe for one month to try them all out and then if I decided I only want to play ATs and do not want to stay gold for freeform, I can pick-and-choose which ATs I want to pay for once I go back to silver.
I don't know if it's still available or if it was a limited time offer, but at one time they even offered a freeform slot for sale to silver players (much to the consternation of many gold players).
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
They would have a bigger population if the game wasn't such a pain in the **** for the FTP community.
The only thing this game has going for it is the huge level of customization, which they lock away. Or if you get it and then drop it, getting your character to work again is a fifty fifty bet. This doesn't have to be both difficult and alienating.
Also not giving us anything new to play save for the last 40 minutes in total that have been added since Whiteout, 30 of those minutes are temporary events that have been temporarily removed.
However, I bought a few ATs while I was silver with my save stipends and Q grind Zen and feel very disappointed. When I play these characters I often think how quickly disgusted people who pay real money must be.
I went gold to reset over forty level forties and unlock/delete six or so level forty freeforms that were held hostage by the Cryptic system for over a year. My account has value, with all those chararacter slots, costume unlocks, low rate q to z riches, etc, the average player with their two free characters has no value attached to their account and they walk away very easily.
Most of the idiots play a behemoth as their first character.
Remove the AT and maybe people wont' pick it and become bored out of their minds.
I know they, the behemoth, is boring the living stuff out of me.
I think the problem is people aren't going gold, and they're not buying FF slots either, not in high enough numbers at least. Give them one FF slot so they know why they should consider going gold or buying additional slots.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Once upon a time I probably would have said that is the stupidest thing I have ever read in these forums, but that would be silly.
I am actually in favor of giving Silvers a single freeform slot. I do think it would add Gold members once they see all the things they can do.
Admittedly I've been a Lifer since Beta, however, I have to ask, what exactly is a PITA for the FTP?
Playing the game?
Seriously, help me understand what is a PITA for FTP. You get access to everything with just a bit of work.
Obtain daily amount of Questionite, refine it then convert it to ZEN, alt, repeat till you've used all your available characters (or want to do something else...RP, normal missions...what have you).
With the ZEN you can buy anything. Want to speed up the process a bit? Spend 5-10 dollars a month on Zen (I say 5-10 as it's less than a monthly sub).
The only problem I see with their system (and it effects anyone regardless of status) is drop rates on those lockboxes could be tweaked a little better for Legion Gear. Hard to obtain it and you're not likely to get the one you're looking for either.
Just because freeform trivializes the game, doesn't mean that archetypes are in any way hard.
Now, that said? I agree with half of the OP. It's been years, we're low on population. Let's make the ATs free, and push that as a bit of an advertisement with gaming mags. It will only draw new players, and maybe with the extra versatility we can keep em. Unless anyone's honestly gonna try to tell me there's more sure money in keeping an archetype like the impulse as a directly paid item, whereas we can't buy new costume sets anymore, I can't see as if they're making that much of a profit on AT sales.
RIP Caine
We don't need to make any more stuff free - I've only found one F2P game that gives away as much as CO, and that's STO. "Not enough free stuff" is obviously not the problem.
The problem is that those lesser games get advertised. I can scarcely log into Facebook or read without hitting ads for SWTOR. World of Tanks had a partnership with the online comic Looking For Group for a while. Even CoH had ad placement in TV shows like Big Bang Theory. Meanwhile, I've seen CO advertised once. The very ad that brought me here, three years ago. How are people supposed to come flocking to this game if they don't even know that it exists?
It's not that Cryptic doesn't advertise. Heaven knows I've seen enough banner ads for STO, and even NW a bit. It's that Cryptic doesn't advertise CO in particular, which I find highly aggravating.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Then you spend a year of development with the skeleton crew pulling the game in the wrong direction, with vehicles that nobody wants, and the entire year of development can't even be advertised because its such failure.There are so many free to play flying vehicle combat games now that actually use physics instead of lame floating platforms why would anyone pay money for a 'vehicle' that can't simulate the feeling of flying?
Did Cryptic ever hear of a roll?
Maybe they need to watch some Blue Thunder and catch up with 20th century vehicle dynamics.
Is on lifesupport?
Hasn't gotten a decent size expansion since.....never?
Offers allmost nothing for F2P population?
Relies only on LockBoxes?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
The issue we have is what do they advertise? It'd have to be big, to draw back all those people who this game has burned a bunch of times. And make no mistake, it has burned a lot of people a bunch of times. I tried to bring my sister's boyfriend back, who used to do stuff like solo vikorin pre on alert. Good guy, helpful, and you know what his response was? "even if the game wasn't stupidly easy, when I left half of the missions were broken and I couldn't even chat for 4 days in a row". He quit halfway into the Great Chat Server Doom of 2011, just a bit after the second steam launch. How would we bring players like that back, of which there are a ton? Hell, he's an example of someone who was flat out looking for *anything* free to play so I could game with him, this game was his only "I REFUSE". That's telling, and how do we possibly bridge that gap and build a bit of good will with our ex-player base?
Simple, give them a reason to come try us again. Something like this would be *free* advertising, game sites would pick it up left and right. And we'd get the inevitable play through from a few of em, with a fresh review. If we got this right after the bug pass, when the game is more stable and the missions run a bit more smoothly? It'd be a great bit of free press and maybe a cash infusion for neverwinte... I mean us to get new content.
Odd, Jon, we're usually on the other sides of this argument. I'm always the one arguing that stuff that's for subscribers should stay for subscribers, and that hard is good. I feel like making the ATs free would make the game a bit easier for new players, which would keep them around longer, and ultimately benefit the game.
God, this is like bizarro world.
At least we agree on the crux of the issue: We do need advertisement. I just feel like, at the least, making the oldest ATs free is a great step in that direction.
RIP Caine
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
We need more players for Chat Mute Roulette!
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
Do u want more lockboxes????????????if u want to have some more free content- make a thread about " choose 1 pemium At free for silver players "it will be more than enough
Premium archetypes don't sell well anyway. Most of them isn't worth buying unless you want them for theme.
Some are straight worse than free ones. Many have more or less botched builds.
Now onder that game generates income only from keys and locboxes.
Cryptic can blame only themselves, they simply botched archetype system. The whole thing should be from the very beginnig made for selling not AT, but access to powersets and character slots.
Or they should decide. If archetypes are powerset samples and a demo, or a product.
1 - If they are only a demo and a sample, then they can stay as they are now (save for the Impulse, this AT will likely scary most people from playing with Force powerset and this game), but they should be free.
As it is now, Cryptic sells archetypes knowing very well that they are made faulty of purpose and can't even perform their locked roles (see tanks AT). It's a scam for new players who don't know enough about game system and Q farming and may be fooled into spending real money.
They are trying to take money for toons that are not only badly set up, but also were limited to enforce trinity play. In a game where players don't use trinity and even it they would, ATs aren't well built for it (how many of all ranged DPS archetypes have threat wipe moves - two?).
2 - If they are a product, archetypes should have updated effective build and this strange smaller diminishing return removed.
Choice in passives and specialisations, no locked roles. Maybe choices in stats. Then they can be paid.
Not having all freeform power picks and full customisation wil still make them less desirable than freeform. And maybe finally it will be possible to have difficulty levels suited for both AT and FF. Because for now it isn't even doable to set challenge level in this game.
Every time when someone asks in game channels which AT to buy, I strongly discourage them spending any money and instead pointing them to Q exchange.
My sentiments to all poor souls who were fooled into paying for the Night Avenger AT, thing with no active clickies, worthless passive and not a single self-heal.