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Make it really FTP already

judgeb0tjudgeb0t Posts: 35 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Suggestions Box
The one thing I get resistance on in getting people to come back to Champions is that it isn't REALLY Free To Play. It's free to play a couple of very tightly controlled builds.

If you made the game honestly FTP there would be more people in the game. The more people in the game, the more keys they buy to unlock boxes. The more vehicles they buy in the Zen store, etc.

I think if you look at it you will find that buying premium membership is costing you money in the long run rather than making you money.

If you used to be gold and want to come back FTP it's a HUGE pain converting and from the people I have talked to it's about 50/50 that they are even successful.

I am saying this as somebody who bought a lifetime membership. Keeping that barrier up is hurting the game and is a drain on the population which ultimately hurts the community.

At the very least, stop selling any archetypes. Open them all up. This is currently the most difficult game in the Unrepentant Guild to populate. (We have a bunch of games we support and people are free to go from one game guild to another.) Even GW2 is easier to get a group together for than CO and that is mostly because of how inaccessible the game insists on being for the new player and how difficult reentry is for a previously gold member.
Post edited by judgeb0t on


  • mushermusher Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nevermind that, ATs needs to be buffed up a notch or two with some innate buffs exclusive to archetypes (meaning a freeform won't have access to them). It's like we have a "Fail" tier for archetypes, "Ok" tier for decent freeforms and "God" tier for freeform PvP pros. The last two depend solely on player's skill, but archetypes are relatively strong only in one thing, be it offense, defense or support. Playing offense is easy, since 95% of the time you can mow down enemies before they finish you, defense is annoying with pitiful damage, every damn fight takes forever, and don't even get me started on support archetypes...
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I always thought it was a bad thing that free players can't see what is one of the biggest strenghts of CO. So if they don't want to give Freeform for all and make money out of powers they should maybe sell simply powersets, and you can make a freeform with all the powersets you own.
  • amarillonmcamarillonmc Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    musher wrote: »
    Nevermind that, ATs needs to be buffed up a notch or two with some innate buffs exclusive to archetypes (meaning a freeform won't have access to them).

    It is said that Archetype Character never suffers from diminishing returns.

    ...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, I believe CO will die faster if it became totally F2P. I like it how it is right now. Although, some changes may be necessary (e.g. lowering the price of FF slot in Z-store), more content(or at least added every year or half a year).
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
    Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Archetypes should be removed; silver players should receive one FF slot for free.

    When I think of all the people who started playing this game and only ever played an archetype, and then got bored because it seemed like "just another class-based game"... I wonder why they would want that to be the experience that new players encounter.

    Put your best foot forward is the saying, not hold out your hand and demand money for people to see your best foot.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • mushermusher Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Never suffering diminishing returns is nonsense, otherwise any AT with 100% or more defense would be Invincible literally.
  • aceretrieveraceretriever Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's probably because I didn't play when the game was P2P, but I see FF as a bonus more than something mandatory.

    As a silver player, I don't mind ATs at all. ATs are perfect for starter players to get a feel of the game and figure out how they want to play, and good templates for those that just don't want to put too much thought into their hero's powers or build. And, personally, my main is level 28 now, and I haven't had any problems solo-ing anything and I've held my own in the few duels I've had, even against FFs.

    I'm sure that if I started with a FF character, I'd be overwhelmed and intimidated by all of the choices. Now, I feel like I've learned the ropes (not the metagame, though) and I want to get a FF slot myself, but the only thing keeping me from buying one is the price: I'm not paying $50-USD for one FF, even if it's permanent, nor am I paying a subscription for a bunch of content I probably won't use. If they'd lower the FF price a bit ($20-25?) I'd reconsider, and I'm sure a lot of the other silvers would, too. ^^;

    They should do something about lockboxes, though... It's so annoying to find an item just to find out that you need to BUY a $1-one-use item just to use it. Just make it a straight-up gachapon. :P

    EDIT: A one-time Icon-like perk for silver players that unlocks an FF would be nice, too. ^^;
    beldin wrote: »
    I always thought it was a bad thing that free players can't see what is one of the biggest strengths of CO. So if they don't want to give Freeform for all and make money out of powers they should maybe sell simply powersets, and you can make a freeform with all the powersets you own.

    Though I do like this idea. ^
    Champions: @ace112233
  • mushermusher Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sell powersets? No, no, God no! They will make a Powerbox with a faint chance to unlock 1 random powerset (including one you already have), and Ultibox to unlock a random Ultimate. Why? Because f**k you, that's why.

    P.S. I do NOT share their opinion.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited May 2013
    I do understand your concern.

    AT were terrible idea and should be never implemented. It should be from the very beinnging an FF slot and selling additional powersets for the game income.

    But it's an utopian thought, because right now it's too late.

    Current model can not be ditched because of all people who are subscribed, went LTS or bought FF slots.
    It's too late, CO had limited, if not killed, its own future options.

    I can understand why Cryptic went with ATs. It was the most simple way to make f2p, certainly more simple than making all the powersets playable only on their own or making changes to powersets and moving utility powers into some kind of "base" powerset.
    We all know that given the choice Cryptic always choses the most rushed and half-assed way. It's their trademark - hence the inctroduction of the ATs.

    Freeform was supposed to be a selling point of the game except not enough new people are sticking around with AT's to finaly buy FF slot/go subscribing.
    On the other hand, the game has not enough content to have ANY selling points except freeforming. They have nothing else to sell. Either way - CO had lost it's battle for good. And that's why it is in the eternal maintenance mode.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    musher wrote: »
    Never suffering diminishing returns is nonsense, otherwise any AT with 100% or more defense would be Invincible literally.

    They mean on damage, not defense. It's documented fact that an Archetype with the exact same stats, using the exact same powers as a FF will do more damage.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • cellarrat33cellarrat33 Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    judgeb0t wrote: »

    If you made the game honestly FTP there would be more people in the game. The more people in the game, the more keys they buy to unlock boxes. The more vehicles they buy in the Zen store, etc.


    Even if CO started bringing in more money, it would just be justification for the current direction the game is going.

    All we would get is more lockboxes and temporary content.

    To be honest, I believe CO will die faster if it became totally F2P. I like it how it is right now. Although, some changes may be necessary (e.g. lowering the price of FF slot in Z-store), more content(or at least added every year or half a year).

    Not sure if the death spiral could be hastened all that much.

    But it's an utopian thought, because right now it's too late.

    CO had lost it's battle for good. And that's why [it] is in the eternal maintenance mode.


    So in the end...

    Might as well open up FF.

    CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared

    "The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
    From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
  • mushermusher Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The way I see it, we have 3 options:
    1) Sit tight and watch what other atrocities they commit with this game before it becomes a freaking Perfectstein
    2) Keep yelling here (read: in an isolated basement over 9000 feet underground which they locked up and threw away the key)
    3) Swarm them with complaints. They can ignore 1 person, or 10. But can they just ignore a hundred? A thousand? I don't think so. But it needs to be coordinated.
  • drgmstrdrgmstr Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's probably because I didn't play when the game was P2P, but I see FF as a bonus more than something mandatory.

    As a silver player, I don't mind ATs at all. ATs are perfect for starter players to get a feel of the game and figure out how they want to play, and good templates for those that just don't want to put too much thought into their hero's powers or build. And, personally, my main is level 28 now, and I haven't had any problems solo-ing anything and I've held my own in the few duels I've had, even against FFs.

    I'm sure that if I started with a FF character, I'd be overwhelmed and intimidated by all of the choices. Now, I feel like I've learned the ropes (not the metagame, though) and I want to get a FF slot myself, but the only thing keeping me from buying one is the price: I'm not paying $50-USD for one FF, even if it's permanent, nor am I paying a subscription for a bunch of content I probably won't use. If they'd lower the FF price a bit ($20-25?) I'd reconsider, and I'm sure a lot of the other silvers would, too. ^^;

    They should do something about lockboxes, though... It's so annoying to find an item just to find out that you need to BUY a $1-one-use item just to use it. Just make it a straight-up gachapon. :P

    EDIT: A one-time Icon-like perk for silver players that unlocks an FF would be nice, too. ^^;

    My thoughts exactly. I have been playing since F2P release. I had my eyes on this game for awhile before F2P but the price for monthly subscription or lifetime was too much at the time on my budget since I only do freelance work and my money income isn't as high as others would be. (Lets just say its just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table) If FF lowers in price I could consider getting one. But as for now I am liking the ATs. Don't have to worry about choosing powers except at 17 and 35. Plus since I am mostly an RP player, all my characters backstory are tied to their ATs which to me is a challenge to come up with a story to a reason why this character has these abilities. If these suggestions were implied, it wouldn't change my gaming experience. Heck I might even make a AT build with a FF slot since I am so used to them by now. :tongue:

    Handle: @drgmstr

    "Embrace your dreams"

    Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Current model can not be ditched because of all people who are subscribed, went LTS or bought FF slots.
    It's too late, CO had limited, if not killed, its own future options.

    It MUST be ditched.. its simply NOT working. There are what seem to be fewer than 500 players online at any given hour.. and many of those players probably don't give $ to the game.

    Get more players by enticing them back with promises of "Free2Play"
    Make paying very attractive to them by restriction of customization and optional features (Supergroups, Nemesis, Housing, Banking etc)
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    musher wrote: »
    Never suffering diminishing returns is nonsense, otherwise any AT with 100% or more defense would be Invincible literally.

    The DR model for additive damage bonuses is less stringent for ATs. This has been observed, tested, and documented (and acknowledged by a dev) for well over a year now. It has been described as a bug, but has never (that I have seen) been listed as something to be fixed.

    Also that is not how defense works. Defense has no DR in the sense referred to. Incoming damage is merely divided by 1 + (def/100). Defense over 100% is not affected by DR because it has the same proportional impact on the amount of incoming damage as defense below 100%.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • mushermusher Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, no, wait, I remember reading from the Wiki that to get an actual reduction of 90% you need 900% defense, your fomula doesn't add up with that. But regardless, we're getting off topic here (again), and I have no interest to argue over DRs.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    musher wrote: »
    No, no, wait, I remember reading from the Wiki that to get an actual reduction of 90% you need 900% defense, your fomula doesn't add up with that. But regardless, we're getting off topic here (again), and I have no interest to argue over DRs.

    Not trying to argue with you, just trying to help by providing accurate information.

    The example you mention getting from the wiki is exactly the same numbers I gave.

    1 + (900/100) = 10

    If incoming damage is 100 and you divide it by the 10 from the formula you end up taking (100/10 = 10) 10 actual damage. That is a 90% reduction from the base 100 damage. Exactly as I mentioned above (and exactly as mentioned by the wiki entry you reference).

    There is no diminishing returns there. Each % point increase in defense provides the exact same amount of damage reduction.

    Again, no intent to argue or anything of the sort. I just recognize that having accurate information available makes discussion more productive.


    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ashensnow wrote: »
    Not trying to argue with you, just trying to help by providing accurate information.

    There is no diminishing returns there. Each % point increase in defense provides the exact same amount of damage reduction.

    100 / ( 100 + defense ) is the formula I know.

    50% defense = 66% damage taken
    50% additional defense gave 34% reduction

    100% defense = 50% damage taken
    50% defense gives 16% reduction

    150% defense = 40% damage taken
    50% additional defense gave 10% reduction

    200% defense = 33% damage taken
    50% additional defense gave 7% reduction

    900% defense = 10% damage taken
    700% additional defense gave 22% reduction

    It seems that as you have more defense, the effect of additional defense is diminished.
    You can really see this because that last 700% additional defense from 200 to 900 gave less total damage reduction than the first 50% defense that brought you from 0 to 50.

    Let's look at your formula 1+(DEF/100)

    50% defense = 1.5
    100% defense = 2
    150% defense = 2.5

    50%: 100 damage incoming = 66 damage taken
    reduction = 34%

    100%: 100 damage incoming = 50 damage taken
    reduction = 50%
    increase from above: 16%

    150%: 100 damage incoming = 40 damage taken
    reduction = 60%
    increase from above: 10%

    So as we can see here, the first 50% defense gave a full 34% damage reduction. The next 50% after that only gave 16%. The next 50% after that only gave 10%.

    As you can see, both formulas give the same numbers, and both point to the same conclusion: As you have more defense, the effect of additional defense is diminished.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    smoochan wrote: »

    100 / ( 100 + defense ) is the formula I know.

    50% defense = 66% damage taken
    50% additional defense gave 34% reduction

    100% defense = 50% damage taken
    50% defense gives 16% reduction

    150% defense = 40% damage taken
    50% additional defense gave 10% reduction

    200% defense = 33% damage taken
    50% additional defense gave 7% reduction

    900% defense = 10% damage taken
    700% additional defense gave 22% reduction

    It seems that as you have more defense, the effect of additional defense is diminished.
    You can really see this because that last 700% additional defense from 200 to 900 gave less total damage reduction than the first 50% defense that brought you from 0 to 50.

    Let's look at your formula 1+(DEF/100)

    50% defense = 1.5
    100% defense = 2
    150% defense = 2.5

    50%: 100 damage incoming = 66 damage taken
    reduction = 34%

    100%: 100 damage incoming = 50 damage taken
    reduction = 50%
    increase from above: 16%

    150%: 100 damage incoming = 40 damage taken
    reduction = 60%
    increase from above: 10%

    So as we can see here, the first 50% defense gave a full 34% damage reduction. The next 50% after that only gave 16%. The next 50% after that only gave 10%.

    As you can see, both formulas give the same numbers, and both point to the same conclusion: As you have more defense, the effect of additional defense is diminished.

    Yeah, I kept going over this in my head last night and realized that I was mistaken on the DR aspect. The formula is linear, but still results in a reduction of benefit per point of resistance as the resistance number inflates.

    My mistake and apologies.

    as to the two formulas, they are the same.

    your 100/(100+defense) = 100/100 + defense/100 = 1 + defense/100

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • judgeb0tjudgeb0t Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So like I was saying...make it Free To Play for real already.
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