There is also a chance that we'll be able to make some deep infrastructure fixes in this maintenance, to fix the problems that caused the outages recently. If so, this will be a longer maintenance.
Unfortunately, we're not sure whether that will be possible just yet. If so, I'll let people know as soon as I can, and maintenance would go a little hour as a result.
Caliga could spend that time reading a book called "Not Shouing in Zone for Dummies" 1st and 6th addition.
Caliga doesn't shout - that's his whisper. He did shout once; they're still repairing the damage that did to Westside.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
This maintenance has been canceled. We don't think we'll have the tool ready in time for the deep fix I mentioned, but that should be ready soon, so we're going to wait until it's prepped before doing our weekly maintenance.
We're hoping to be able to do this maintenance on Friday, but that's a guess at this point.
I still have the framerate lag in-game, funny enough it doesnt happen to me when I'm in a hideout, just in zone; MC, Canada, Vibora, etc.. Whatever it is, it seems to only be affecting a very small amount of people, while the majority of the rest arent..
And I've been getting this ever since two days ago, right around when the other maintenances started..
I still have the framerate lag in-game, funny enough it doesnt happen to me when I'm in a hideout, just in zone; MC, Canada, Vibora, etc.. Whatever it is, it seems to only be affecting a very small amount of people, while the majority of the rest arent..
And I've been getting this ever since two days ago, right around when the other maintenances started..
Until then have you:
1. Tried a proxy (change under options in launch window) other than your default
2. Turned off nameplates
3. Turned down the lighting options
4. Disabled on demand patching
5. Launched in safe mode and gradually turned up the settings until your fps/fx are tolerable if not preferable
I'm sure other things can be done in the interim, too tired to think off em atm. Hope this helps meanwhile.
1. Tried a proxy (change under options in launch window) other than your default
2. Turned off nameplates
3. Turned down the lighting options
4. Disabled on demand patching
5. Launched in safe mode and gradually turned up the settings until your fps/fx are tolerable if not preferable
I'm sure other things can be done in the interim, too tired to think off em atm. Hope this helps meanwhile.
CORRECTION: We've just verified that we have the tool we need for the deep fix. I very much apologize for the whiplash, but we now have what we need to prevent more outages of the kind we've recently had, and we're making that fix ASAP.
Maintenance will begin at 9AM PDT, a little under half an hour. There is no patch, but this kind of infrastructure change could (potentially) take up to 3 hours -- hopefully less.
One of our top priorities has been preventing more crash-outages. Again, I apologize for the change in plans, and thank you for your patience -- we're on the home stretch.
I just want a power set with straight-up energy blasts.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I just want a power set with straight-up energy blasts.
I can't believe it's been several years, and there is still no power that give us a barrage of generic blasts/bolts in cone or line form. You would think force would have this before it would have crushing wave. I want an energy projector that "projects" energy, rather than evoking or summoning it.
I can't believe it's been several years, and there is still no power that give us a barrage of generic blasts/bolts in cone or line form. You would think force would have this before it would have crushing wave. I want an energy projector that "projects" energy, rather than evoking or summoning it.
Guess what...Mind Break is a energy projection power, its just telepathic energy, it looks (as a placeholder) quite interesting..oh well that's all in the Telepathy Update Files.
Argh!!1 What Shall Caliga Do With His Time!?!?!
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Unfortunately, we're not sure whether that will be possible just yet. If so, I'll let people know as soon as I can, and maintenance would go a little hour as a result.
Caliga could spend that time reading a book called "Not Shouing in Zone for Dummies" 1st and 6th addition.
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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We're hoping to be able to do this maintenance on Friday, but that's a guess at this point.
Guess I won't be able to play CO until then ._.
I still have the framerate lag in-game, funny enough it doesnt happen to me when I'm in a hideout, just in zone; MC, Canada, Vibora, etc.. Whatever it is, it seems to only be affecting a very small amount of people, while the majority of the rest arent..
And I've been getting this ever since two days ago, right around when the other maintenances started..
Until then have you:
1. Tried a proxy (change under options in launch window) other than your default
2. Turned off nameplates
3. Turned down the lighting options
4. Disabled on demand patching
5. Launched in safe mode and gradually turned up the settings until your fps/fx are tolerable if not preferable
I'm sure other things can be done in the interim, too tired to think off em atm. Hope this helps meanwhile.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Tried all that, nothing changed.
Nope. /10chars
Maintenance will begin at 9AM PDT, a little under half an hour. There is no patch, but this kind of infrastructure change could (potentially) take up to 3 hours -- hopefully less.
One of our top priorities has been preventing more crash-outages. Again, I apologize for the change in plans, and thank you for your patience -- we're on the home stretch.
plan changes
messing with brain
meh....its only 3 hours.......hopefully
I just want a power set with straight-up energy blasts.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Fixed that for you.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I for one support your effort Good Sir!
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
^This is misinformation..we ALL want Telepathy..hiding your true desires from the Developers is poor form guys..
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I can't believe it's been several years, and there is still no power that give us a barrage of generic blasts/bolts in cone or line form. You would think force would have this before it would have crushing wave. I want an energy projector that "projects" energy, rather than evoking or summoning it.
Guess what...Mind Break is a energy projection power, its just telepathic energy, it looks (as a placeholder) quite interesting..oh well that's all in the Telepathy Update Files.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me...
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
RIP Caine
Hey Trail, does "normal maintenance" mean about an hour then?
That's my personal guess. We're blocking off until noon PDT (1.5 hours from now) just in case, but my guess is we should be back by 11, 11:30.