PowerHouse (Link to this build)Name: Oppa Execution StyleArchetype: FreeformSuper Stats:Level 6: Dexterity (Primary)Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)Level 15: Ego (Secondary)Talents:Level 1: The VoidLevel 6: AcrobatLevel 9: ShooterLevel 12: AsceticLevel 15: Quick RecoveryLevel 18: WordlyLevel 21: ImpresarioPowers:Level 1: GunslingerLevel 1: Two-Gun Mojo (Rank 2, Crippling Challenge)Level 6: Killer InstinctLevel 8: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 11: Sonic Device (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 14: ConcentrationLevel 17: Chest BeamLevel 20: Force Shield (Force Sheathe)Level 23: Bionic Shielding (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 26: Sniper Rifle (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 29: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)Level 32: Resurgence (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 35: Bolas (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 38: Lead TempestTravel Powers:Level 6: Jet BootsLevel 35: Ninja LeavesSpecializations:Dexterity: Combat Training (3/3)Dexterity: Gear Utilization (2/3)Dexterity: Deadly Aim (3/3)Dexterity: Quick Reflexes (2/3)Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)Mastery: Dexterity Mastery (1/1)
Okay so far in my fiddling with this
non-leveling build in the Power House Danger Room the way I'm using it is Opening shot on the big bad is Sonic Device + Ego Surge + Sniper Rifle. I then hit it with Bolas and then start in with the Lead Tempest on the mobs around me at which point I mop up with judicial use of Chest Beam and two gun Mojo...Using Bionic Shielding and Resurgence as needed...
With this layout, and some Gear my current Offense is sitting at 188.9, with a Crit Chance of 45.1% and a Crit Severity of 118.8%. Defense is sitting at 166.6 (hah just saw that XD) with Dodge at 43.4% and Avoidance at 60% and this is all at rest in the Tank Role.
So what do you think of my build that I have dubbed Oppa Execution Style...any improvements...tweaks?
Also: Is chest beam strictly necessary? It seems like an active defense would be welcome in its place.
I happen to like BCR over Biotic Shielding, but Biotic Shielding CAN be used on others, so maybe that was part of the reason for choosing it (or the shiny-plastic coating it gives you).
With Invulnerability and Biotic Shielding in Tank Role, I don't really see the need in Resurgence --- those ranks could be better served in Lead Tempest which is woefully under-ranked. If you DID go with BCR (or even if not), then the Tread Softly dodge-advantage on Lead Tempest could help mitigation a great deal. Looks like you'd be better served for clearing remaining spawns with at least rank 2, also.
While Sonic Device rank 3, Ego Surge and Sniper Rifle rank 3 is a LOT of damage, it's all very front-loaded. I personally prefer Tungsten Rounds, so you can take out foes in a line with your target. Since Sniper Rifle can be interrupted, you basically only get one shot to open the fight, unless you have some means of disabling ALL the foes you're facing (like an AoE hold like Grasping Shadows).
Since Lead Tempest is a PBAOE, I usually use a Lunge of some kind to get into the middle of a pack of foes and THEN use it ---- it does more damage the closer you are to foes, I believe (or has a greater chance to hit or something).
I've not used Bolos very much, but what does rank 3 really get you? If it only increases the duration of the hold, it seems like that would not really be too useful since your attacks are so powerful they'll likely destroy the hold almost instantly anyway. If it just does a little more damage, it looks like those ranks would serve you better elsewhere (like in an AoE).
My invulnerable gunslinger (Steelmage) is quite fun, I will admit...
and at R3 for the Bolas, it does up to an additional 1k of damage on hit and increases the hold duration. It also does increased damage for its duration...add in Sonic Device and it applies a stun along with the hold...
and I have Bionic Shielding because its a reactive heal, meaning so long as I have aggro of something for five hits they're healing me. I have Resurgence as a back up plan in case I'm in the window of time for me to not be able to apply Bionic Shielding to myself....
And as far as the Ranks on Lead Tempest...I just forgot to apply them before I posted the build it is at R2 with Tread Softly advantage....
And Resurgence is an Active Defense....it applies a huge burst of healing at activation and then for a few seconds it applies smaller amounts of heal...
and Thematically the character that's using this build is a cybernetic cop....I'm using the Bolas to simulate handcuffs...and chest beam for the S.W.A.T. Battering Ram...
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Freeform Builds
In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
See previous answer behind the reasoning for Chest Beam...debuff and thematic reasons...and Resurgence is as stated an Active Defense...
As for BCR in stead of Bionic Shielding...BCR drops my offensive capabilities, where as Bionic Shielding keeps me healed and doesn't lower my output...and its also sort of thematic too Cybernetic Cop :biggrin: