I am doing a Let's Play of Champions Online on YouTube!
It's a normal play-through of the game. I discuss the basic interface of the game, with video of the game footage and commentary along the way. I discuss how to create a character, power selection (archetype selections for those who are Silver Players), and much more.
I will continue on this Let's Play, all the way up to Level 40, and will also do other content within the game. This includes the Action Packs, Comic Series, Nemesis Confrontation, the Gravitar Alert, all Lairs, and etc.
During the Lair missions (5-man instances), I will be inviting people to team up and go through the instance.
I will include the link to where this can be found on YouTube, for ease to find the Let's Play.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Unfortunately, I don't have the editing skills to do highlight reels at this time. But when I do, I will do them when I can. Right now, I only have 1 day I am able to record the videos, and I do several parts at a time, to get as much of the game footage that I can. Also, my personal game recorder is quite complex, and I am still in a slight learning process with it.
Lol, you be crazah, Smoochan.
Go Jay Go!
Don't Worry, I shall succeed!
I do it not only for our community, but for new comers and Veteran's alike.
This is a great resource new players could refer to.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.