Right now we have Ultimate powers that... well... are kinda garbage. The only one out of them that's really considered powerful is Unleashed Rage, so that one stays. As far as what the other ultimate powers should be...
Masterful Dodge. It's the most powerful active defense in the game. Who says an active defense can't be an ultimate power? Outperforms all other active defenses by a wide margin.
Ego Surge. Again, the most powerful active offense, outperforms the others by miles when you take the advantage on it.
Ebon Ruin. There's a reason people have so many bad things to say about it, and that's because many people take it because it's damn powerful. Darkness power set, say hi to your new Ultimate.
Strafing Run. Comparable to Unleashed Rage for sure, so why isn't this also an ultimate power?
2 Gun Mojo. The ultimate 50 range dps power...that sounds like an ultimate power to me.
This has been a farce on ultimate powers.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
You haven't been around long enough to know the pain of using Two-Gun Mojo as your main attack since beta.
Shut your pie hole.
Now that that's out of the way...
Don't bother with "Ultimate" powers. Make an "Ultimate" slot, and when a non-passive power is slotted there, give it a power boost and maybe a graphical upgrade. *Note: "Graphical Upgrade" is synonymous with "make it bright as hell".
Imagine the possibilities. Then give it a super meter that fills based upon a mechanic determined by your current role (usually meaning 'do damage and/or heal').
That's about the only idea I've wanted to steal from Neverwinter so far.
Ego Surge. Again, the most powerful active offense, outperforms the others by miles when you take the advantage on it.
Only true if you are a CON based ranged character. Ice sheathe still outperforms it for any melee or charge attack heavy builds, and the new imbue outperforms both of them on any maintain heavy build.
Also, the only reason anyone uses ebon ruin is for the Trauma debuff in PvP, in pve it performs at about the same level as any of the other single target ranged charge ups. Far behind Defile still, as a matter of fact.
You haven't been around long enough to know the pain of using Two-Gun Mojo as your main attack since beta.
Shut your pie hole.
Actually I have. I've not only been around long before 2GM was buffed, but I was also an avid user of the power on multiple characters because I happen to like dual gun using types.
So um... yeah... putting your foot in your mouth was a good example of how to shut your pie hole :biggrin:
I'm gonna stop you right there. Good idea, if you stop right there.
The whole idea of ultimate powers is a joke. You can't balance them as if they were high tier powers, because they're not...you can take them as your 2nd power, and in most cases they're some of the weakest powers in the game, and in some cases they're some of the strongest powers in the game.
Just make them regular powers, throw out all that ultimate nonsense.
Only true if you are a CON based ranged character. Ice sheathe still outperforms it for any melee or charge attack heavy builds, and the new imbue outperforms both of them on any maintain heavy build.
Also, the only reason anyone uses ebon ruin is for the Trauma debuff in PvP, in pve it performs at about the same level as any of the other single target ranged charge ups. Far behind Defile still, as a matter of fact.
Attack balance doesn't matter in pve... you just need to clear a minimum healing threshold and you've pretty much put all pve content on farm status.
Also... can you do the reverse of this with a bunch of the current ultimate powers? As in, give a bunch of reasons justifying why they are ULTIMATE powers... when they're taken drastically less often than any of the powers I listed? Just curious, since you seem so confident in your ideas of why those powers wouldn't qualify as ultimates over what we have now...
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Another Alternative is to make Ultimates for each powerset? Whilst I know this would be very tedious it would be a good idea I think.
Each Powerset would have an Offensive or Defensive Ultimate, I'll give two or three examples here:
Electricity - OFFENSE - High Voltage! - You summon ALL of the power from inside you and draw on energy around you, focusing the tremendous amount of energy you have stored and firing it out in one, huge, high voltage blast, this blast is an AoE and a ranged power, usually melting through most things in it's way, especially your enemies.
Electricity - DEFENSE - Electro Storm - Gathering a large amount of energy you can generate a storm of pure electrifying energy which surrounds you and can deal heavy damage to foes and super charges the Endurance of all inside it, for the entire duration.
Force - OFFENSE - Maximum Force! - By entering a state of pure power, you send out a wave which targets every enemy in a 150ft radius, and containing them in a very powerful containment field, which deals heavy crushing damage per .5 sec. If that wasnt enough you then detonate every single containment field causing a high level shockwave which wipes out all targets, only the strongest of foes will be left standing.
Force - DEFENSE - Force Field - A true testament to your shield mastery, you throw up an impenetrable field of pure force energy which stops all incoming damage to all allies within a 60ft radius. This field also pulsates a medium level repulsion wave as a outlet for the tremendous energy being used, which keeps all enemies out of melee range for the duration, only the strongest of foes will be able to resist this effect, even then they may fall down. The shield occasionally sends back 50% of the incoming damage back to the attacker.
Fire - OFFENSE - Pyromaniac - You turn up the heat and stretch your abilties to the MAX! This Ultimate power, increases all of your fire damage by 70% and your critical chance and severity by 40%, you generate a large ball of fire larger than even you yourself, by pouring all your flame into this heated ball of energy, you create an overwhelming ball of energy which does extreme damage when you let it go. Leaving you slightly more resistant to all damage types for a duration, this Ultimate leaves your Fire Form Passive in an overcharged state, buffing all your damage and resistances for a short while. Only the strongest of foes will still have a leg to stand on after this devastating blow.
Fire - DEFENSIVE - Super Nova - You muster all your power and create a field of searing heat and fire which melts everything in it's wake, you can use this awesome power to defend yourself and your allies or just yourself. All incoming damages are weakened and have a chance to be turned into fire damage which you can absorb, your foes weaponry is mostly useless against you whilst in the Super Nova State. Foes who are strong enough to breach and survive this energy are affected by sweltering heat and overpowering energy debuffs, which reduces their damage output and puts their endurance at max which further decreases their damage output as long as it remains high.
Might - OFFENSIVE - Bring It! - Sadly your enemies are foolish enough to drive you into this state of pure rage, which drives you to exceed your normal damage and movement speed limits. You can uproot very large chunks of earth and concrete and throw them at your enemies for 3 second stuns all round, most of your might attacks are so devastating you enemy simply seems to evaporate on contact with your fist. You cannot even be knocked in such a state and even the strongest of foes will have difficulty standing up to your bone crushing might.
Might - DEFENSIVE - It's Tankin' time! - Your natural physique will be pushed to the limit increasing all defense, dodge and damage mitigation levels to near, if not total immunity for yourself. Whilst in this state your allies, become emboldened by your raw power and gain 50% of your damage resistance values for the Ultimate duration. Whilst activated It's Tankin' Time! You generate 500% threat and absorb all threat that your team mates may get and redirect it to you, this includes healing agro, this allows your team to pick off the stray enemies and focus on doing damage without much worry. After this Ultimate is over you retain the % threat you gain and a small portion of boosted defense, and your team retains 10% of the buff they got for a short time. The threat buff to you lasts for 2 minutes and can be refreshed 3 times before it goes.
Instead of ruining peoples builds like the Imbue change did by changing some powers like MD/Ego Surge etc, my suggestion would be to make Ultimate powers..
Single Blade: Reaper's Scythe
A sort of AoE-lunge hybrid where you quickly move from enemy to enemy, cutting them down! Think of it as an Onimusha critical chain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b8RTR6BSbs Reaper's Scythe doesn't stop until you've landed a blow on every enemy in a 30ft radius or until 15 enemies have been struck. Survivors can expect to bleed. A lot.
Unarmed: Death From Above
DIVE KICK! Deal ONE BILLION DAMAGE with a single Dive Kick! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heenWdYYhg0
Just kidding.
REALLY Unarmed: Ultimate Dragon Uppercut
When used on an enemy that isn't gigantic (ie everyone but Grond, the Harbinger, Kigatilik) you perform a rising Dragon Uppercut charged with ki, bringing your enemies into the air with you! You finish up with a midair punch to the stomach and you let them fall.
Dual Blades: Hurricane's Fury
Throw your blades as if they were boomerangs and use your inner focus to passively control them to rip apart enemies! Effectively turns your swords into homing boomerangs for 10 seconds, which automatically attack whatever you're targeting.
Fighting Claws: Cobra's Rage
You prepare your Fighting Claws and proceed to rip and tear through any enemies in front of you! This automatically pushes you forward at R1 Acro speed and makes you slash really hard, Shredding targets if not outright defeating them. You can either move this manually or target enemies and have your character guide themselves to the target.
Archery: Final Arrow
You put everything you have into this next shot, all of your skill and power! As a result, this arrow is almost supernaturally powerful; defense is penetrated and armor has a hole ripped through it and massive damage is incurred. 'Final Arrow' is not meant to be taken literally, as it's just named that way to sound cool.
Dual Pistols: Bullet Death Dance
When started in melee range, you backflip-kick your main target into the air and start going absolutely wild with your pistols, hitting in the air and all around you like an upgraded Lead Tempest, ending it with a devastating Breakaway Shot. When started at range, you just go wild with your pistols. The guy in the air takes double damage, and knock-resistant enemies whom are hit with Bullet Death Dance's kick take 1.25x more damage.
Munitions: "Meta-Melta" Plasma Gun
You bring out a large bazooka-shaped device that acts as an incredibly amped up Plasma Beam, leaving you immobile during its duration because the beam is that strong. Anything hit by the Meta-Melta will suffer massive damage (2k-3k a tick with a DPS setup every .5 seconds) and horrendous debuffs to damage and defense. Again, can be either targeted manually or automatically aimed with targeting so it can hit airborne foes. Also acts as a cylinder AoE.
Nighthawk Gadgets: Strafing Run
Yup. Just make the animation cooler and shinier and maybe place it on a slightly longer cooldown.
Power Armor: Infinity Circuit
Grant yourself infinite energy and a massive damage/healing boost for fifteen seconds! Invokes a 'cooldown' period where your energy generation is slowed to half its normal rate for five seconds after Infinity Circuit wears off. Reconstruction Circuits has double effectiveness during Infinity Circuit. You cannot use any non-Power Armor abilities during Infinity Circuit.
Ice: Ice Age
You charge up and focus your chilly powers on yourself, gathering them before releasing them into a gigantic wave of pure cold! This is a 50ft no target AoE that causes great damage, chills enemies and creates a number of ice objects within its field of range in case you're inclined to Shatter things.
Darkness: Monstrous Shadows
Create a large portal to a dark realm underneath enemies. They don't fall though... but they are trapped within its borders. After five seconds, a massive shadowy beast engulfs the enemies before vanishing! Does massive damage and acts as a control for five seconds as well. Enemies defeated by Monstrous Shadows give you HP.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Rain
You pin your main target down with two TK blades, then conjure hundreds of TK weapons behind you. You let loose on your enemy, doing massive damage to them and everything around them!
Ultimates should be powerful. Ultimates should be epic in size and scale.
Attack balance doesn't matter in pve... you just need to clear a minimum healing threshold and you've pretty much put all pve content on farm status.
Right, and nothing in PvP matters because PvP in CO has and always will be a sick joke on the part of the devs. So why not just make all attacks do five million damage and all enemies deal one damage. Then we can all be the heroes we want to be Comrade.
Also... can you do the reverse of this with a bunch of the current ultimate powers? As in, give a bunch of reasons justifying why they are ULTIMATE powers... when they're taken drastically less often than any of the powers I listed? Just curious, since you seem so confident in your ideas of why those powers wouldn't qualify as ultimates over what we have now...
Right now the only "Ultimate" that qualifies as such is Unleashed Rage. It deals 20,000 damage to 5 seperate targets rather easily with a relatively decent CD. The problem with "Ultimates" was that they were never really thought out at all. if they had been, every individual power set would have gotten one instead of them being some crappy umbrella "meta" system based on Power tree grouping categories.
That Meta-Melta reminds me of Ironman's Proton Cannon on Marvel vs Capcom. :biggrin:
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Rain
You pin your main target down with two TK blades, then conjure hundreds of TK weapons behind you. You let loose on your enemy, doing massive damage to them and everything around them!
since when does unleashed rage do 20,000 damage? last I tested it did 9k max with a r3 unstoppable at lvl40.
Depends on the build I guess, mine on BD does around 10-12k with 8 stacks of Enrage. 12k tends to be with an active offensive on, she uses Invuln and works in Hybrid Role, I think I showed you before.
I've seen 20k on UR before, pretty mad, but I think they were using AoPM or something.
Shut your pie hole.
Now that that's out of the way...
Don't bother with "Ultimate" powers. Make an "Ultimate" slot, and when a non-passive power is slotted there, give it a power boost and maybe a graphical upgrade. *Note: "Graphical Upgrade" is synonymous with "make it bright as hell".
Imagine the possibilities. Then give it a super meter that fills based upon a mechanic determined by your current role (usually meaning 'do damage and/or heal').
That's about the only idea I've wanted to steal from Neverwinter so far.
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
Only true if you are a CON based ranged character. Ice sheathe still outperforms it for any melee or charge attack heavy builds, and the new imbue outperforms both of them on any maintain heavy build.
Also, the only reason anyone uses ebon ruin is for the Trauma debuff in PvP, in pve it performs at about the same level as any of the other single target ranged charge ups. Far behind Defile still, as a matter of fact.
Snark never dies.
Actually I have. I've not only been around long before 2GM was buffed, but I was also an avid user of the power on multiple characters because I happen to like dual gun using types.
So um... yeah... putting your foot in your mouth was a good example of how to shut your pie hole :biggrin:
I'm gonna stop you right there. Good idea, if you stop right there.
The whole idea of ultimate powers is a joke. You can't balance them as if they were high tier powers, because they're not...you can take them as your 2nd power, and in most cases they're some of the weakest powers in the game, and in some cases they're some of the strongest powers in the game.
Just make them regular powers, throw out all that ultimate nonsense.
Attack balance doesn't matter in pve... you just need to clear a minimum healing threshold and you've pretty much put all pve content on farm status.
Also... can you do the reverse of this with a bunch of the current ultimate powers? As in, give a bunch of reasons justifying why they are ULTIMATE powers... when they're taken drastically less often than any of the powers I listed? Just curious, since you seem so confident in your ideas of why those powers wouldn't qualify as ultimates over what we have now...
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Each Powerset would have an Offensive or Defensive Ultimate, I'll give two or three examples here:
Electricity - OFFENSE - High Voltage! - You summon ALL of the power from inside you and draw on energy around you, focusing the tremendous amount of energy you have stored and firing it out in one, huge, high voltage blast, this blast is an AoE and a ranged power, usually melting through most things in it's way, especially your enemies.
Electricity - DEFENSE - Electro Storm - Gathering a large amount of energy you can generate a storm of pure electrifying energy which surrounds you and can deal heavy damage to foes and super charges the Endurance of all inside it, for the entire duration.
Force - OFFENSE - Maximum Force! - By entering a state of pure power, you send out a wave which targets every enemy in a 150ft radius, and containing them in a very powerful containment field, which deals heavy crushing damage per .5 sec. If that wasnt enough you then detonate every single containment field causing a high level shockwave which wipes out all targets, only the strongest of foes will be left standing.
Force - DEFENSE - Force Field - A true testament to your shield mastery, you throw up an impenetrable field of pure force energy which stops all incoming damage to all allies within a 60ft radius. This field also pulsates a medium level repulsion wave as a outlet for the tremendous energy being used, which keeps all enemies out of melee range for the duration, only the strongest of foes will be able to resist this effect, even then they may fall down. The shield occasionally sends back 50% of the incoming damage back to the attacker.
Fire - OFFENSE - Pyromaniac - You turn up the heat and stretch your abilties to the MAX! This Ultimate power, increases all of your fire damage by 70% and your critical chance and severity by 40%, you generate a large ball of fire larger than even you yourself, by pouring all your flame into this heated ball of energy, you create an overwhelming ball of energy which does extreme damage when you let it go. Leaving you slightly more resistant to all damage types for a duration, this Ultimate leaves your Fire Form Passive in an overcharged state, buffing all your damage and resistances for a short while. Only the strongest of foes will still have a leg to stand on after this devastating blow.
Fire - DEFENSIVE - Super Nova - You muster all your power and create a field of searing heat and fire which melts everything in it's wake, you can use this awesome power to defend yourself and your allies or just yourself. All incoming damages are weakened and have a chance to be turned into fire damage which you can absorb, your foes weaponry is mostly useless against you whilst in the Super Nova State. Foes who are strong enough to breach and survive this energy are affected by sweltering heat and overpowering energy debuffs, which reduces their damage output and puts their endurance at max which further decreases their damage output as long as it remains high.
Might - OFFENSIVE - Bring It! - Sadly your enemies are foolish enough to drive you into this state of pure rage, which drives you to exceed your normal damage and movement speed limits. You can uproot very large chunks of earth and concrete and throw them at your enemies for 3 second stuns all round, most of your might attacks are so devastating you enemy simply seems to evaporate on contact with your fist. You cannot even be knocked in such a state and even the strongest of foes will have difficulty standing up to your bone crushing might.
Might - DEFENSIVE - It's Tankin' time! - Your natural physique will be pushed to the limit increasing all defense, dodge and damage mitigation levels to near, if not total immunity for yourself. Whilst in this state your allies, become emboldened by your raw power and gain 50% of your damage resistance values for the Ultimate duration. Whilst activated It's Tankin' Time! You generate 500% threat and absorb all threat that your team mates may get and redirect it to you, this includes healing agro, this allows your team to pick off the stray enemies and focus on doing damage without much worry. After this Ultimate is over you retain the % threat you gain and a small portion of boosted defense, and your team retains 10% of the buff they got for a short time. The threat buff to you lasts for 2 minutes and can be refreshed 3 times before it goes.
Instead of ruining peoples builds like the Imbue change did by changing some powers like MD/Ego Surge etc, my suggestion would be to make Ultimate powers..
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
A sort of AoE-lunge hybrid where you quickly move from enemy to enemy, cutting them down! Think of it as an Onimusha critical chain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b8RTR6BSbs Reaper's Scythe doesn't stop until you've landed a blow on every enemy in a 30ft radius or until 15 enemies have been struck. Survivors can expect to bleed. A lot.
Unarmed: Death From Above
DIVE KICK! Deal ONE BILLION DAMAGE with a single Dive Kick!
Just kidding.
REALLY Unarmed: Ultimate Dragon Uppercut
When used on an enemy that isn't gigantic (ie everyone but Grond, the Harbinger, Kigatilik) you perform a rising Dragon Uppercut charged with ki, bringing your enemies into the air with you! You finish up with a midair punch to the stomach and you let them fall.
Dual Blades: Hurricane's Fury
Throw your blades as if they were boomerangs and use your inner focus to passively control them to rip apart enemies! Effectively turns your swords into homing boomerangs for 10 seconds, which automatically attack whatever you're targeting.
Fighting Claws: Cobra's Rage
You prepare your Fighting Claws and proceed to rip and tear through any enemies in front of you! This automatically pushes you forward at R1 Acro speed and makes you slash really hard, Shredding targets if not outright defeating them. You can either move this manually or target enemies and have your character guide themselves to the target.
Archery: Final Arrow
You put everything you have into this next shot, all of your skill and power! As a result, this arrow is almost supernaturally powerful; defense is penetrated and armor has a hole ripped through it and massive damage is incurred. 'Final Arrow' is not meant to be taken literally, as it's just named that way to sound cool.
Dual Pistols: Bullet Death Dance
When started in melee range, you backflip-kick your main target into the air and start going absolutely wild with your pistols, hitting in the air and all around you like an upgraded Lead Tempest, ending it with a devastating Breakaway Shot. When started at range, you just go wild with your pistols. The guy in the air takes double damage, and knock-resistant enemies whom are hit with Bullet Death Dance's kick take 1.25x more damage.
Munitions: "Meta-Melta" Plasma Gun
You bring out a large bazooka-shaped device that acts as an incredibly amped up Plasma Beam, leaving you immobile during its duration because the beam is that strong. Anything hit by the Meta-Melta will suffer massive damage (2k-3k a tick with a DPS setup every .5 seconds) and horrendous debuffs to damage and defense. Again, can be either targeted manually or automatically aimed with targeting so it can hit airborne foes. Also acts as a cylinder AoE.
Nighthawk Gadgets: Strafing Run
Power Armor: Infinity Circuit
Grant yourself infinite energy and a massive damage/healing boost for fifteen seconds! Invokes a 'cooldown' period where your energy generation is slowed to half its normal rate for five seconds after Infinity Circuit wears off. Reconstruction Circuits has double effectiveness during Infinity Circuit. You cannot use any non-Power Armor abilities during Infinity Circuit.
Ice: Ice Age
You charge up and focus your chilly powers on yourself, gathering them before releasing them into a gigantic wave of pure cold! This is a 50ft no target AoE that causes great damage, chills enemies and creates a number of ice objects within its field of range in case you're inclined to Shatter things.
Darkness: Monstrous Shadows
Create a large portal to a dark realm underneath enemies. They don't fall though... but they are trapped within its borders. After five seconds, a massive shadowy beast engulfs the enemies before vanishing! Does massive damage and acts as a control for five seconds as well. Enemies defeated by Monstrous Shadows give you HP.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Rain
You pin your main target down with two TK blades, then conjure hundreds of TK weapons behind you. You let loose on your enemy, doing massive damage to them and everything around them!
Ultimates should be powerful. Ultimates should be epic in size and scale.
Right, and nothing in PvP matters because PvP in CO has and always will be a sick joke on the part of the devs. So why not just make all attacks do five million damage and all enemies deal one damage. Then we can all be the heroes we want to be Comrade.
Right now the only "Ultimate" that qualifies as such is Unleashed Rage. It deals 20,000 damage to 5 seperate targets rather easily with a relatively decent CD. The problem with "Ultimates" was that they were never really thought out at all. if they had been, every individual power set would have gotten one instead of them being some crappy umbrella "meta" system based on Power tree grouping categories.
Snark never dies.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
What superstats? Mine does 12k without active offenses, and my character that uses it just upgraded from gear with names like "sight" and "thrust".
RIP Caine
Depends on the build I guess, mine on BD does around 10-12k with 8 stacks of Enrage. 12k tends to be with an active offensive on, she uses Invuln and works in Hybrid Role, I think I showed you before.
I've seen 20k on UR before, pretty mad, but I think they were using AoPM or something.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game