I just wanted to
thank the modeling and 2D artists at Cryptic for making this guy:
My only criticisms of him specifically is that his animations are meh... kind of poor quality (so my praise is going out to the modeling and 2D artists specifically, not the animator)... and his clipbox (controls occlusion, how close you can get to him) needs to match the model's gargantuan shape & size better).
Outside of that?
Great boss!

Thanks Cryptic!
Here's a few tips for those who complain about him as well:
- Complaint: My graphics card overheats when I'm near him and I lag badly!
Helpful Tip: Go underwater, it will increase your framerate as your GPU only has to render his tentacles and the water surface. Also considering tuning down the graphics quality. I realize they are workarounds, but it DOES help. So if you're having bad lag still, get underwater.
- Complaint: I can't catch those stupid exocet fighters!
Helpful Tip: Three things...
First of all, try to let the vehicle users do most of the chasing, especially if you're melee. They spent the money to be big-shots with vehicles, let them do their thing.
Second, if you're ranged (and there's few vehicles users around or they're going very slowly about killing the Exocets), you can pick up one of those UNTIL Hoverdisks for free at the "respawn" tent area, then use tap-spamming of your charged blast attack (100 ft. single target) or AoE 100ft attacks to take them down with ease. This is an excellent travel power substitute.
Third, when targeting them, make use of "target_next" not "target_nearest". Target nearest will almost always select the Harbinger because of his size and proximity to you.
- Complaint: I never know when he's going to use his AoE backhand swipe and instant kill me! *tears*
Helpful Tip: Learn to play? There are actually 3 tells when he's going to do this. When you see a tell, you must block or you're most likely going to get one-shotted dead! MANDATORY BLOCK! The three tells are:
A) In the combat log, you'll see the damage he's taking from you suddenly turns to a bunch of 0's. That's because he's no longer taking damage, and you know what comes a second later, so hold BLOCK damnit!
His animation suddenly resets and he does this two-handed GRRRR! pose. Looks the same as when Ripper is charging his Thunderclap attack actually. When you see this, you have a split second to block or die.
C) He makes this UUUUNGH noise that's different that his normal roars and lower frequency, when you hear that, hold block.
My only complaint is that the event isnt permanent. Bring it back!
Actually I'm going to disagree on the sounds; the roars are too high-pitched, low quality, and inconsistent (like they just use a cheap "monster sound effect" package from a download-4-free website). Give me 1 hour with Adobe Soundbooth and I could have made roars that sounded significantly better.
I will definitely agree that I wish it was a permanent special queue event. Especially considering Sky Command is still listed.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)