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Fighting Staff Power Set.

thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
edited December 2013 in Suggestions Box
As many have suggested before me and I'm sure as many will suggest after me. I have come up with a list of powers for a Fighting Staff Power Set.

First What Framework would it go in? Martial Arts. With the actual name of Fighting Staff.

Energy Builder - Rapid Strikes - single target - follows basic energy building mechanics - deals crushing damage - first attack has a chance of knocking target down.

Starter - Stick Fighting - Combo - AoE - Deals Crushing Damage - each strike has a chance of causing Disorient.

T1 - Dizzying Sweep - Charge - AoE - Deals Crushing Damage - Has a chance to apply Disorient

T1 - Form of The Sage - Toggle - Buff Self - Applies the Focus Buff when ever you cause an opponent to become disoriented or stunned.

T2 - Oscillation - Maintain - AoE - deals crushing damage - has a chance to disorient all targets hit, percent chance increases based on duration of the maintain.
- Advantage - Total Defense - Power Becomes a Damage Shield - Damage dealt decreases the longer the power's maintained, while the protection provided increases the longer the power is maintained.

T3 - Dragon's Dance - Charge - Untargeted PbAoE - deals crushing damage - On Full Charge Stuns All targets hit and applies the Rush buff.


Rapid Strikes would Share Animation with Righteous Fists only flagged to have the weapon in hands.

Stick Fighting would share animation with Blade Tempest with exception of the idle stance. In this pose the entirety of the staff would be held on a slant diagonally down the body.

Dizzying Sweep would share animation with Scything Blade with the back end of the staff tucked under the armpit.

Form of the Sage would use the Bow emote animation.

Oscillation would share animation with Eye of the Storm. with the same end stance of Stick Fighting.

Dragon's Dance would share animation with Sword Cyclone and be treated as if it has the Butcher's Blades advantage by default instead of as an Advantage.

How to solve the issue Cryptic's Engine was having with placing two hands on a weapon model. Make the weapon models into Three Section Staves like this


At least outside of the Tailor and in actual use. That way the Character's hands are "on" two weapons according to the engine despite them technically being on one whole one. For example if you take the nightstick weapon from the single blade skins and put one in either hand and then laid one horizontally between both hands with a connector between it and the two in either hand. BOOM! staff done.

When Standing still by way of the powerscancelallactivations command it would appear as one long piece held in one hand vertically with one end touching the Ground like a Fantasy Game's guard's spear.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • nomorereasonnomorereason Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Duuuude! I'm Totally with you!
    /signed!!!!!!!! ^_^
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So it'd just be dual weapons w/ a segment in-between them?

    Nah, if they're gonna do a "staff powerset" I'd rather they figure out some way to do a true staff set.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    haha, yes, I can see my new Character now!

    Brittany Bospin!

    /signed ^_^
  • mistatesmanmistatesman Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    It can be done....if this would have made it in CoH and it didn't close I would have gone back.

    All I want is to play my own personal character with his correct power set...unarmed MA is BS and doesn't fit him...at all.

    Perfect world / Cryptic Please for the love of GOD!! create a Fight Staff/ Bo Staff / Stick Fighting power set....it is the basic of most if not all weapon based fighting and only 1 game has a fighting staff set...DCUOnline!!

    Also add wallcrawling effects to acrobatics/atletics/Super Speed powers...
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    It can be done....if this would have made it in CoH and it didn't close I would have gone back.

    All I want is to play my own personal character with his correct power set...unarmed MA is BS and doesn't fit him...at all.

    Perfect world / Cryptic Please for the love of GOD!! create a Fight Staff/ Bo Staff / Stick Fighting power set....it is the basic of most if not all weapon based fighting and only 1 game has a fighting staff set...DCUOnline!!

    Also add wallcrawling effects to acrobatics/atletics/Super Speed powers...

    Just because it can be done in another game doesn't mean it can be done here. It can't or at least wont be done here because of the Arm sliders. This has been addressed in the past by devs. Same reason Heavy weapons were one handed and not two handed, not feesable in this game.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • mistatesmanmistatesman Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Champions pretty much spawned from CoH... and offered things people wanted in CoH but couldn't get mainly because of the "class" structure. Many of the animations in the game already exsist hell I don't care if they hol dit liek sowrd as long as its a bo staff or fighting stick power set....one of my characters has sat for years...its taken me 4 years you get him to lvl 34...and I cannot play him any further because I can't stand the unarmed animations is just doesn't suit him...not even flavor texting it doesn't help (oh he uses the heavy weapon power because it "looks" like a staff attack...nope can't do it.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited December 2013
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