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Video's and Pvper's

kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
I been thinking about this for awhile now as a community that's running thin I find it very dumb to make video's of Pvper's making video's of ganking.How can you welcome new people to pvp if your gonna show them the bad side of not following I wanna say community but its more like a cult.You wanna make video's of the fun side of BASH or HERO games not this ganking crap.Now not saying everyone does this but its really dumb also just cause u post a duel don't mean your great or your the best duelist so we get that clear.Yet from here on I think if you wanna make the pvp community grow 1st stop being jerks about everything you dont agree with.Stop whining about how great you are cause its kinda dumb act like you got pride.3rd give back to the community by doing events to let people know about pvping.Its already enough bad clouds over pvpers anyway no need to keep adding on.Hmmm anything else I wanna add nah you guys will fill out the rest.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • honestresearcherhonestresearcher Posts: 657 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    PvP is so broken that all of the vets quit the game and the queues never pop anymore.

    Take my advice, just 'dont care' about it, and just duel with friends you know who arent using whats broken.

    Dont try to take PvP serious, it is far too flawed.
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So Many Pro Bros Who Don't Know Why Pvp Is Amusing. Somebody Explain The Obvious, Please.
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    I been thinking about this for awhile now as a community that's running thin I find it very dumb to make video's of Pvper's making video's of ganking.How can you welcome new people to pvp if your gonna show them the bad side of not following I wanna say community but its more like a cult.You wanna make video's of the fun side of BASH or HERO games not this ganking crap.Now not saying everyone does this but its really dumb also just cause u post a duel don't mean your great or your the best duelist so we get that clear.Yet from here on I think if you wanna make the pvp community grow 1st stop being jerks about everything you dont agree with.Stop whining about how great you are cause its kinda dumb act like you got pride.3rd give back to the community by doing events to let people know about pvping.Its already enough bad clouds over pvpers anyway no need to keep adding on.Hmmm anything else I wanna add nah you guys will fill out the rest.

    ^ Someone is mad he got killed in B.A.S.H.

    PvP is awesome, really fun, and hilarious. Normally, the people getting ganked in hero games are the ones who like to whine, complain, talk smack, have a bad attitude, or just plain are not liked.

    If you are a friendly, nice. respectful player who doesn't constantly whine, complain, try to act tough, try to act like you're the best, etc..then we have no reason to gank you.

    The only time ganking happens between regular PvPers is when the person getting ganked is winning, which is fine. If you are top score about to win, expect to get ganked.

    QQing about it on forums will not stop you from getting ganked, just makes you look worse and gives us more reason to gank you :wink:

    P.S This is posted in the wrong section. There is a "Hero Games" section on the forums for a reason.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    braddkashh wrote: »
    ^ Someone is mad he got killed in B.A.S.H.

    PvP is awesome, really fun, and hilarious. Normally, the people getting ganked in hero games are the ones who like to whine, complain, talk smack, have a bad attitude, or just plain are not liked.

    If you are a friendly, nice. respectful player who doesn't constantly whine, complain, try to act tough, try to act like you're the best, etc..then we have no reason to gank you.

    The only time ganking happens between regular PvPers is when the person getting ganked is winning, which is fine. If you are top score about to win, expect to get ganked.

    QQing about it on forums will not stop you from getting ganked, just makes you look worse and gives us more reason to gank you :wink:

    P.S This is posted in the wrong section. There is a "Hero Games" section on the forums for a reason.

    Hmm, explain what "ganking" means please...:confused:

    I think I might try a BASH today..and I will totally beat all of you with PSI LASH AND MANIPULATOR!:biggrin:
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hmm, explain what "ganking" means please...:confused:

    I think I might try a BASH today..and I will totally beat all of you with PSI LASH AND MANIPULATOR!:biggrin:

    Ganking is when a player is teamed up on usually by 3 or more other players. This could be due to a number of different reasons but mainly is for the reasons I mentioned above,

    You don't have to worry raven, no one will gank you, and if they try, they'll have to go through me :smile:

    Hit me up in game if you do, I'll join with ya. Most epic B.A.S.H video ever! :wink:

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *videos and *pvpers

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sigh I dont remember saying to anyone about me being ganked I do remember saying my feelings about video's I been seeing lately.Now if me saying this is effecting a person then u must feel guilty about it.Also I dont think I can get ganked I dont BASH or do HERO games like its worth it.I just think there are other ways to show better video's than a person claiming he's this or that.YOu wanna do something for pvp make video's worth watching show how fun pvp not you trolling someone or ganking seems kinda childish really seems like you want attention.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    Sigh I dont remember saying to anyone about me being ganked I do remember saying my feelings about video's I been seeing lately.Now if me saying this is effecting a person then u must feel guilty about it.Also I dont think I can get ganked I dont BASH or do HERO games like its worth it.I just think there are other ways to show better video's than a person claiming he's this or that.YOu wanna do something for pvp make video's worth watching show how fun pvp not you trolling someone or ganking seems kinda childish really seems like you want attention.

    Like I said..

    That's over a years worth of videos and only lately a couple are about punishing a troll.

    You're delusional.
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    oobtree wrote: »
    Like I said..

    That's over a years worth of videos and only lately a couple are about punishing a troll.

    You're delusional.

    ^ What he said.
    kurski wrote: »
    Sigh I dont remember saying to anyone about me being ganked I do remember saying my feelings about video's I been seeing lately.Now if me saying this is effecting a person then u must feel guilty about it.Also I dont think I can get ganked I dont BASH or do HERO games like its worth it.I just think there are other ways to show better video's than a person claiming he's this or that.YOu wanna do something for pvp make video's worth watching show how fun pvp not you trolling someone or ganking seems kinda childish really seems like you want attention.

    If you don't B.A.S.H or PvP then why are you complaining? You clearly don't know the history or reasons behind the videos we make so you're arguments are invalid and not credible at all. This thread is pointless.
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well when you make fun video's that's worth supporting but showing you trolling or ganking yea then you make pvp look bad.You may think your doing a justice but your not your just proving more point to what people already think of pvpers and HERO games.Also BRadd who the hell are "WE" you speak of I don't even know you let alone care about who your we is.When you go about saying "WE" will gank lmao you just prove more too the whole video crap about ganking and trolling.Anyway no need to get to out of whack here this is why I don't do forums to many people get emotional.
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    braddkashh wrote: »
    ^ What he said.

    If you don't B.A.S.H or PvP then why are you complaining? You clearly don't know the history or reasons behind the videos we make so you're arguments are invalid and not credible at all. This thread is pointless.

    LMao Im sorry did I say I dont know about pvp or did I say I dont pvp much hmm history Im sorry but I dont think you know much my friend about pvp history in this game.I think you should leave this to real pvpers talking seems Obee know a little more than you you can come back when the adults are done writing.Your 2centing off Obee's comments seems kinda pointless for you to write here but thankx for coming by.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    See what you have to understand is that BASH is sort of a pvp simulation of the chat ban system.

    Once enough people have decided that they don't want you to be able to play BASH anymore, you can't.

    Certain people have had similar experiences with both systems, and those people will promptly reply multiple times after reading this, whoever those people may be. :biggrin:

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    braddkashh wrote: »
    try to act tough, try to act like you're the best, etc..

    QQing about it on forums will not stop you from getting ganked, just makes you look worse and gives us more reason to gank you :wink:

    hmmm :rolleyes:

    My build directory (work in progress)
    Guide list
    Freeform Builds

    In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think I better stop too I don't wanna get chat banned by people I don't even know that would suck bad.I heard when they don't like you they start to mute you but anyway I i said my piece on the whole video thing.:biggrin:
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    oobtree wrote: »
    ... So yes, bad PvPers get punished by good PvPers. We police ourselves. It's all we can do in this game, after all.

    That's corruptible and prone to cronyism.

    It's not our responsibility. No one needs to please a cartel to have a good experience in PvP. I have lost count how many times people in BASH have asked me in /tell to focus on one person. I've had to ignore them or shut off PMs and zone for a while. When I do not listen, or decide to attack one of these people who inundate me with their pleas, they get their friendlist to try to "punish" me.

    "Bad" or "good" isn't up to anyone's review, and no one is a sheriff. Cryptic should be discouraging this situation, because only they should decide who is breaking their rules, not someone who pays as much or less to use the same service on the consumer level, injecting their ideology into the environment and attempting to usurp the only rules that matter.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "Bad" or "good" isn't up to anyone's review, and no one is a sheriff. Cryptic should be discouraging this situation, because only they should decide who is breaking their rules, not someone who pays as much or less to use the same service on the consumer level, injecting their ideology into the environment and attempting to usurp the only rules that matter.

    Technically, teaming up against people isn't against the rules in a free-for-all, and neither are temporary ( or permanent ) alliances. You're not even required to care who wins... it's complete chaos!

    Also, if anything, Cryptic is actively funneling us into BASH due to the queue restrictions on the other games, so apparently this is the situation they want. Turn all the pvpers against each other!

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I dont ever think BASh need police I think when someone doesnt agree with what someone thinks then thats when you consider them bad.Its a system thats bias case in put I remember DC was looked at as this bad SG when cleary they just didnt agree with the pvp community.Fast foward now I see video's of SG's doing the same as DC of ganking cant see were u police your self when you throwing rocks from a glass house.
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    LMao Im sorry did I say I dont know about pvp or did I say I dont pvp much hmm history Im sorry but I dont think you know much my friend about pvp history in this game.I think you should leave this to real pvpers talking seems Obee know a little more than you you can come back when the adults are done writing.Your 2centing off Obee's comments seems kinda pointless for you to write here but thankx for coming by.

    I was referring to the history of that person and the community and why they got ganked, not the history of PvP. Learn to read.

    And you clearly have no idea who I am so I will let you off the hook this time. Next time you want to act tough, come do it in game in the form of a duel or B.A.S.H instead of typing behind your monitor big boy, I'll show you who the "real pvpers" are.
    smoochan wrote: »
    Certain people have had similar experiences with both systems, and those people will promptly reply multiple times after reading this, whoever those people may be. :biggrin:

    Haha smoochy, no signs of them yet. Lets keep our fingers crossed :biggrin:
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    LAMO ohhh ok from what Im being told your a a duelist not a pvper who was trained by Malware.No wonder you keep piggy backing off his words also I heard every build you have is giving to you in that case nah bro I don't have time to duel hand me downs but thnkx for the invite.Anyway I don't think you know anything about the pvp community your just a guy looking to be accepted by them.Who ever them is anyway u can't let me off anything cause in my world sidekicks don't matter.Hmm maybe soon I'll come in BASH and see what you can do Im sure you have a set of skills that some one didn't build you.
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lol you changed your name too. >_>

    PvP is so freakin' boring. Let's do some smashes.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Guys, I'm gonna say this once. Offer up any insults or call out other players, and I stop reading the post and get rid of it. If you really want people to know what you have to say, act like an adult. Please.
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You're no fun. ^_~
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Guys, I'm gonna say this once. Offer up any insults or call out other players, and I stop reading the post and get rid of it. If you really want people to know what you have to say, act like an adult. Please.

    Have I ever mentioned just how much I appreciate you bringing the smackdown? Because I noticed a severe lack of doing that.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    LAMO ohhh ok from what Im being told your a a duelist not a pvper who was trained by Malware.No wonder you keep piggy backing off his words also I heard every build you have is giving to you in that case nah bro I don't have time to duel hand me downs but thnkx for the invite.Anyway I don't think you know anything about the pvp community your just a guy looking to be accepted by them.Who ever them is anyway u can't let me off anything cause in my world sidekicks don't matter.Hmm maybe soon I'll come in BASH and see what you can do Im sure you have a set of skills that some one didn't build you.

    This comment has me believing you are likely a friend of the person who got ganked. No sense in arguing with a brick wall that believes everything they are told.

    I didn't teach Brad anything, he learned what he knows mostly from old members of DC.

    Regardless, this conversation is really retarded. You choose to ignore the facts as I represented a long list of them on the first page.
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    LAMO ohhh ok from what Im being told your a a duelist not a pvper who was trained by Malware.No wonder you keep piggy backing off his words also I heard every build you have is giving to you in that case nah bro I don't have time to duel hand me downs but thnkx for the invite.Anyway I don't think you know anything about the pvp community your just a guy looking to be accepted by them.Who ever them is anyway u can't let me off anything cause in my world sidekicks don't matter.Hmm maybe soon I'll come in BASH and see what you can do Im sure you have a set of skills that some one didn't build you.

    You heard Malware trained me?

    You heard every build I have is given to me?

    I'm just a guy looking to be accepted by the PvP community?

    LMFAO I haven't laughed this hard in awhile, thanks for that. Now on to your points.

    1) I am a former leader of Dark Crusade. Malware didn't train me. We only just recently became friends. So whoever you "heard" that from either doesn't know what they are talking about or you are just full of boloney.

    2) None of my builds are copies of anyone and I make all my own builds. Nice try again. You really should check your sources or just not believe everything you hear from fail trolls.

    3) I am one of the most known PvPers in the community right now and not that it matters to me if I am or not, but have been accepted and continue to be accepted by the PvP community. Head on over to the Hero Games sections, join a B.A.S.H anytime, or just stand in ren centre and you will see for yourself.

    Considering I've never heard of you, or recognize your forum name, I will go ahead and assume you are just a random PvE'er trying to look tough on forums by spewing false information you got from other randoms that don't know me. Like I always say: Hater's gonna hate :).

    Oh and P.S. I would LOVE to see you in B.A.S.H sometime :)

    Thanks for the publicity though, my haters are always my biggest my fans. Be sure to check me out on youtube by searching shaGuarCO.


    Oh and one more thing....
    oobtree wrote: »
    This comment has me believing you are likely a friend of the person who got ganked. No sense in arguing with a brick wall that believes everything they are told.

    I didn't teach Brad anything, he learned what he knows mostly from old members of DC.

    Get caught lying. KTHX BAI :wink:
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Come on now people, let's be reasonable.

    The pvp videos are showing what pvp here actually is. That's a better alternative than:

    A) Videos that try to fake it and show some sort of "pvp utopia", and then people show up and actually try it and find out it's nothing like the utopia in the videos.


    B) No videos whatsoever, giving people the impression that this game doesn't have any pvp whatsoever; I mean hey, we're close, but if people can still shoot videos of it happening then it obviously isn't gone.

    Might as well at least show what there actually is. Also, you might even learn something from them... even if it's how not to pick music for your video, or how to make an ugly costume. Or in some cases how to look like an absoloute fool. Not naming names... you wanna find out who's what, go watch the videos.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Guys, I'm gonna say this once. Offer up any insults or call out other players, and I stop reading the post and get rid of it. If you really want people to know what you have to say, act like an adult. Please.
    smoochan wrote: »
    Come on now people, let's be reasonable.

    The pvp videos are showing what pvp here actually is. That's a better alternative than:

    A) Videos that try to fake it and show some sort of "pvp utopia", and then people show up and actually try it and find out it's nothing like the utopia in the videos.


    B) No videos whatsoever, giving people the impression that this game doesn't have any pvp whatsoever; I mean hey, we're close, but if people can still shoot videos of it happening then it obviously isn't gone.

    Might as well at least show what there actually is. Also, you might even learn something from them... even if it's how not to pick music for your video, or how to make an ugly costume. Or in some cases how to look like an absoloute fool. Not naming names... you wanna find out who's what, go watch the videos.
    Kiss me~

    Also, I was wondering when somebody would make mention of a that person's pvp videos. Trying to gussy up the gameplay itself really doesn't do it much justice especially when you put crappy music in the background. If you're going to show what the game can do, make it a spectacle using the in-game assets.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    In other word...Ask.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    I been thinking about this for awhile now as a community that's running thin I find it very dumb to make video's of Pvper's making video's of ganking.How can you welcome new people to pvp if your gonna show them the bad side of not following I wanna say community but its more like a cult.You wanna make video's of the fun side of BASH or HERO games not this ganking crap.Now not saying everyone does this but its really dumb also just cause u post a duel don't mean your great or your the best duelist so we get that clear.Yet from here on I think if you wanna make the pvp community grow 1st stop being jerks about everything you dont agree with.Stop whining about how great you are cause its kinda dumb act like you got pride.3rd give back to the community by doing events to let people know about pvping.Its already enough bad clouds over pvpers anyway no need to keep adding on.Hmmm anything else I wanna add nah you guys will fill out the rest.

    You just gotta have the right outlook when approaching PvP....

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    W0rd to ya mutha. :P
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Closing statement here this thread was about positive video's being shown instead of trolling and ganking.Now again i will say this Malware you have some positive videos I neva said you didnt just dont need the negative videos for pvp is all.You wanna show there is a brighter side then ganking and trolling.Now another thing Mr.Bradd I dont get why you keep coming at me but here is a few history lessons.1st off dont just say you met Malware cuz you didnt he gave you a few builds.I could name a few but pff I dont care about that my soruce is legit.Also ask me if I give 2 craps of your credentials umm.... no and having Malware lie here when u use to kick his back in makes me lol even more anyway ppl postive video's lets get them out there instead of showing you can gank and troll.To my few fans Im getting instead of throwing ya pvp status at me trying making ppl enjoy pvp instead of showing the ugly side.Damn Im on my Ric Flair **** and these guys gettin mad.Pff kick rocks
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    heh... cool story, br0. Try telling that to people who don't care what you think.
  • braddkashhbraddkashh Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    Closing statement here this thread was about positive video's being shown instead of trolling and ganking.Now again i will say this Malware you have some positive videos I neva said you didnt just dont need the negative videos for pvp is all.You wanna show there is a brighter side then ganking and trolling.Now another thing Mr.Bradd I dont get why you keep coming at me but here is a few history lessons.1st off dont just say you met Malware cuz you didnt he gave you a few builds.I could name a few but pff I dont care about that my soruce is legit.Also ask me if I give 2 craps of your credentials umm.... no and having Malware lie here when u use to kick his back in makes me lol even more anyway ppl postive video's lets get them out there instead of showing you can gank and troll.To my few fans Im getting instead of throwing ya pvp status at me trying making ppl enjoy pvp instead of showing the ugly side.Damn Im on my Ric Flair **** and these guys gettin mad.Pff kick rocks

    When did I say I just met Malware? You truly either are completely stupid or need to learn how to read because what I said was "Me and Malware just recently became friends". NOT that I recently met him.

    Anyway, I don't have time to argue with some random nobody that knows nothing about PvP. Good thing Malware did the talking for me:
    oobtree wrote: »
    This comment has me believing you are likely a friend of the person who got ganked. No sense in arguing with a brick wall that believes everything they are told.

    I didn't teach Brad anything, he learned what he knows mostly from old members of DC.

    Regardless, this conversation is really retarded. You choose to ignore the facts...

    Even after Malware just told you himself he never taught me anything (which also means gave me any builds), you still choose to ignore it. Stick to PvE and leave PvP to the big boys, nerd. :wink:

    Anytime you wanna put your big boy pants on and step up to me in game, let me know. Otherwise my advice is to just shut your mouth because we already made you look like a moron, you're just digging the hole deeper every reply you make now :biggrin:
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ganking and trolling is CO pvp. If you can find something else... please, by all means, make a video of it.

    Oh but right right, you only tell other people what to do... you don't actually go and do it yourself. My bad my bad.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I feel good PvPer or build kind a like Boss character.

    Vixy, Kien, Xeno, Sister Smash, etc... They where great and I wanted to win them. I spend long long time and learned. I did over 5,000 Hero Games run or so since Beta. I did Melee Tank, I did Healer, I did DPS, I think I did everything I can think out in this game. (Except Duel. I'm not good in duel. xD)

    I lose, I win, everything were fun.

    Hero Games popped 24 h 365 days. I miss far old good days...
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    I feel good PvPer or build kind a like Boss character.

    Vixy, Kien, Xeno, Sister Smash, etc... They where great and I wanted to win them. I spend long long time and learned. I did over 5,000 Hero Games run or so since Beta. I did Melee Tank, I did Healer, I did DPS, I think I did everything I can think out in this game. (Except Duel. I'm not good in duel. xD)

    I lose, I win, everything were fun.

    Hero Games popped 24 h 365 days. I miss far old good days...

    Jewel your a great player and I always have fun when we BASH yea the good old days were fun and Im glad you still having fun in HERO games.CO Legends,Future Shock,Saikashuu, and so on all great old SG's and I hope one day I hope Hero games return to its glory.I dont care too much about the new players talking crap about how good they are I just like to see positive things and you miss are one of those have fun BASHING.
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    smoochan wrote: »
    Ganking and trolling is CO pvp. If you can find something else... please, by all means, make a video of it.

    Oh but right right, you only tell other people what to do... you don't actually go and do it yourself. My bad my bad.
    I don't make videos but if I did I would make positive ones.Im not into show casing my talent I'm not that type of guy but b4 you go on the record as to wanting something to be video why not ask I'll see what i can do for you I know a few ppl in that field.:biggrin:
  • kurskikurski Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    braddkashh wrote: »
    When did I say I just met Malware? You truly either are completely stupid or need to learn how to read because what I said was "Me and Malware just recently became friends". NOT that I recently met him.

    Anyway, I don't have time to argue with some random nobody that knows nothing about PvP. Good thing Malware did the talking for me:

    Even after Malware just told you himself he never taught me anything (which also means gave me any builds), you still choose to ignore it. Stick to PvE and leave PvP to the big boys, nerd. :wink:

    Anytime you wanna put your big boy pants on and step up to me in game, let me know. Otherwise my advice is to just shut your mouth because we already made you look like a moron, you're just digging the hole deeper every reply you make now :biggrin:

    Hmmm...you are a very interesting guy it seems you take this thread personal are u mad bro?Im sorry I didnt know you was a big boy thought you was some random who keeps talking but aint saying much.Look how about this you not write and I wont write you that way I dont have to look at the dumb crap you say.When you talk about positive things to do for pvp then you can tell me all the things you wanna say.As far as Malware Im not gonna mention him anymore not worth my time.i know him but he dont know me thats all to it.Have fun bro cuz you need to lighten up too much Kurski might kill ya.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    I don't make videos but if I did I would make positive ones.Im not into show casing my talent I'm not that type of guy but b4 you go on the record as to wanting something to be video why not ask I'll see what i can do for you I know a few ppl in that field.:biggrin:

    Do it. Make some positive pvp videos. I'm kind of interested to see what that would entail in this game.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    smoochan wrote: »

    Do it. Make some positive pvp videos. I'm kind of interested to see what that would entail in this game.

    Well, I went into a couple of BASH Matches with my telepath Mentella (who only has Psi Lash as a form of attack, as well as Manipulator Form and the passive healing spec and no other powers)

    And it would probably what I did during the BASH Match with another person. Namely Energy Builder fights :biggrin:

    But when the other person hit me and it was a non dodge, I did admittedly scream HAX :3
  • clcmercyclcmercy Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This entire thread is a /perfect/ example of why I gave up PvP so very long ago. The absolute idiocy that most (not all, but most) participants in this activity display.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Man I love these PvP battles..

    Where's my popcorn?

    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    I feel good PvPer or build kind a like Boss character.

    Vixy, Kien, Xeno, Sister Smash, etc... They where great and I wanted to win them. I spend long long time and learned. I did over 5,000 Hero Games run or so since Beta. I did Melee Tank, I did Healer, I did DPS, I think I did everything I can think out in this game. (Except Duel. I'm not good in duel. xD)

    I lose, I win, everything were fun.

    Hero Games popped 24 h 365 days. I miss far old good days...

    I admired these nutters until they decided to act a fool... so I had to smack a ho. I still respect Sister Smash since she doesn't use nooby stuff.... (except boom rawr? can't remember)

    I don't care about big names anymore.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kurski wrote: »
    Jewel your a great player and I always have fun when we BASH yea the good old days were fun and Im glad you still having fun in HERO games.CO Legends,Future Shock,Saikashuu, and so on all great old SG's and I hope one day I hope Hero games return to its glory.I dont care too much about the new players talking crap about how good they are I just like to see positive things and you miss are one of those have fun BASHING.

    I probably never forget golden age of COpvp. And I also wish for Hero games return to its glory. Future Shock, Saikashuu, AE, DC, Spectre... I was not in any SG at first time so fighting all was so thrilling and fun.

    I admired these nutters until they decided to act a fool... so I had to smack a ho. I still respect Sister Smash since she doesn't use nooby stuff.... (except boom rawr? can't remember)

    I don't care about big names anymore.

    They gave me huge pressure in game, thrill, I wasn't good at all in PvP so I lost bunch of times but those day were truly fun...
    Main thing were team work those days so I couldn't even imagine what will happen in game with random team so that was one of exciting factor.

    Well, had good time in UTC and SH for last night and last Sunday tho. :)

    Did you know? KotH popes! xD
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    King of the hill is the best hero game... I don't know why people hate it so much. xD Only reason I never played it back in the day (you know, in the 90's :P) is because it sounded stupid. xD
  • pallihwtfpallihwtf Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    King of the hill is the best hero game... I don't know why people hate it so much. xD Only reason I never played it back in the day (you know, in the 90's :P) is because it sounded stupid. xD

    Haha yeah back in the day... Auuugh >_< my back... KOTH is fun yeah, it was just very weird when first time trying it. Tho it was always a pleasure to knock EVERYBODY off the platform with Telekinetic wave or Force CASCADE or whatever AoE knock power I was using at the time.

    I used to play it a lot with Violet Hot with her annoyance build. :biggrin: (ice cage with the interrupt, telekinetic wave with energy debuff, Flashfire with Snare, Binding of Arathron with the ENERGY SUCKING advantage mixed with EBON NAAB and Gigabolt) Fun stuff :biggrin: This was before F2P patch tho.

    @Pallih in game
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