Recently there's been a spike in people ticketing in to Customer Support trying to get their
@handles changed, or their forum names changed. To head off the tickets and make sure everyone's aware, read on.
-Forum names are unchangeable. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work. I once tried it, and it completely broke the account, three times before I gave up. Display names are hardcoded per account.
@handles was.... technically possible, back in the day. We can't offer that as a service anymore, though, because of the difficulty and time involved in making those changes.
Sorry that these aren't feasible, folks. Our Customer Support team has gotten a bunch of tickets recently, so I wanted to clarify this.
--Part 1: Spells and Coin (NW-DHM3XQVQK)
--Part 2: A Blind Eye (NW-DI3QTHZGJ)
--Part 3: Dodo's Dinner (NW-DHPA8O253)
-One Shots
--The Wizard of Eldeur (NW-DRKQNE4S7)
haha, So that's why the server crashed now? :biggrin: jk
ze alt account
Betting it's a database issue.
It's no longer as simple as going in one place in the game server SQL and editing a field.
Betting there are indexes in other tables/databases chained off that global. You change the field, you break the association.
And writing a query to (PROPERLY) alter EVERY instance of that name across multiple tables (some of which may be in different db platforms, can be an absolute beach.
I've had enough experience with this sort of stuff that I can't blame Cryptic for not wanting to do it. With a platform as inter-connected as Cryptic's is, such changes are time and labor intensive. So time and labor intensive that it's not worth it even as a paid service.
"Champions-Online and Star Trek Online contained hundreds of hours of mediocre content!"
and "nothing was polished".
--Jack Emmert
I'm still waiting for an explanation about why you abuse the chat bann system without having ever seen me or talked to me IN game at all. Openly admitting it may not be the smartest move you have made.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I was just curious why he/she did it, since in game... like i said i don't even chat at all (unless i had few drinks). + my Toon actually is a good guy. Unlike me in real life.
Technically what he/she did is contra - productive for PWE, since that person clearly is a NON paying customer, taking away a small amount of fun from a PAYING customer. Less paying customers = less content = even less pew pew pve, less population etc.
just saying.
There's no content anyways. Only Lockboxes. Besides, what does any of this have to do with the topic of the thread?
gradii gets easily upset, thats just gradii, with a different name in the game.
you haven't seen that haircut? honestly? Its always gradii.
That's how I run into them all the time.
If this person uses the ingame chat ignore function, because he/she doesn't like my opinions /posts on the forums... it is indeed a case of abusive behaviour.
I guess this is none of your business. But i can tell you, it has something to do with @handles.
No it isn't. That's what it's for. He doesn't like you on the forums, so he doesn't want to hear you in game.
And you wonder why people block you? Someone blocking you has absolutely nothing to do with being able to change @handles or not.
That doesn't make much sense. I do not chat ingame, with randoms. The forums and the actual game are 2 different things, seperated from eachother. On here you are talking to ME, it is real life not a stupid game. I never saw that person, neither did i chat with it. Yet it openly admits to be abusing the chat system.
The end of the story, period.
It's NOT Abuse of the chat system. Show me the rule where it says you can't per-emptively ignore someone in game because you don't like what they have to say in the forums. I can ignore you for any reason I want. The ignore means "I don't want you talking to me. Ever." You said your self that you chat in game sometimes. They ignored you to make sure you can't talk to them during the times you do chat in game.
Are you like 12 or something? The forums are real life?
No, me sitting in front of a table, with a keyboard and a screen ontop is definitely a videogame... Using a forum is like calling someone by using a mobile phone. Or is that a videogame too now? :rolleyes:
wow, you're an idiot. To you things are either real life or a video game? Seriously? This is an internet forum. It's not real life. If you think this is real life, you really need to get a life.