I 've seen alot of players complaining about the lack of new content
and with the death of COX I think it would be the best time to do some wise moves !
I left CoX since the start of CO and now im a lifetime,
I still like the game alot, and I am excited for this new 'patch''
I think CO have the biggess sleeping potential in it , and dont use it for what it could be !
A game that can andle 'ALL Magic an fantasy' of all kinds . (weird creaturs, heros, superHeros,supersentai, gods ,mutans,robots, aliens, magic, elfs, warriors of all times and species ect..)
This game have the power to be the best MMO of all times !!! and not just for me and you !
Maybe they have some surprise... (they said something on the on wheels vehiculs !! ) Cant whait !!!!

maybe we will get a new power set a new costums.. lets hope !
I think this game need '' new Areas , new Possibilitys and new Powers ''
*An ''asgard'' type city , for peoples who like medieval ,would be GREAT ! ( Im a ''futuristic'' lover) and I would like !
It think it would agro some more Fantasy fans.
*Since the old crafting system is gone ''the power replacers'' are gone too..
An adventure game need cool Items to quest for !
--Adding a new ''power replacer'' system would be cool !!(buffed) Fire swords , electric fist , toxic axes(ext..) This way your heros could be more unique ,versatile and powerfull.
-- With the new MODs system , this kind of weopons, would be a great addition for all players; Freeform and silver !
*This game got rooms for more '' Pets'' too , (Even if im not a Poke/digimon fan) I think that would be cool if we could get a special Pet friend ,that could ''evolve'' and help you in the game , (buff, transport or fight ) like in some others poppular MMO.
Yes all this .. is in my dream ..if I was millionaire I'd come to Cryptic and get them to make my dreams realtiy. !! ahah :P
but like I said This game got ALOT POTENTIAL and could GRAB ALOT more people if they use the potential wisely !
GRAB Alert!
I agree there is a ton of potential within both the lore and what could be done with the game. My thoughts are that the dev team isn't infinite in size so they can only do what they can do.
With that, they are working on things that seem to be things we asked about a long time ago. Granted not in the format that was asked for, but it is still delivering on our requests.
I think if they had more developers they might be able to put out more content. At regular intervals even. However, I don't think they would be able to keep up with the amount of suggestions, requests, wants, demands, etc. we players could heap (and have heaped) upon them.
I think this is THE best Hero MMO out there. Would I like to see more 'things' put in? Oh my yes! Will I lose my mind if it isn't in there NAO? Nope.
I think I'm too laid back for these forums...
Vanish in the air you'll never find me
This is one of those areas that makes me wonder why, instead of putting the limited resources toward stuff that takes a lot of time - like new maps or art, they don't add smaller, more frequent updates using existing game assets. I'm certain that the devs could add in other characters from the Champions IP using *just* existing costume pieces, maps, and powers.
By doing this, it should greatly reduce the turn around time for developing new content - even if it's just a few mini-arcs here or there. Attach a few Questionite rewards, and heck, use some of the costume pieces that were removed as rewards for the mission.
After having played for a while now, and seeing the awesome costumes and concepts some players come up with, I have no doubt that interesting content can be added using only what's currently in-game.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
Many weapon skins are still unavailable. Certain Recognition costume pieces unlock only per character instead of account wide. Two old crafting stores/social instances are still closed. The skill objects in Help A Citizen missions are 100 levels above the modification skill of the characters running them, making them inaccessable. The tutorial and after-tutorial doesn't give new players some of the most vital information, which they used to get pre-On-Alert.
On Alert was a year ago! It broke more than it added, and nest to nothing got fixed!
A new paint job is not going to help the game while it is rusting underneath. Burrying the flaws and bugs under new and shiny events won't make the game look better, as the players will eventually face the bugged content. Fixing what we have and preserving the overall quality of the game shuld have priority over any new additions!
This thread should go to suggestions forum.. it does not discuss the contents currently in Champions Online
"Maintenance Mode" implies that the game is only being kept at its current state/level. Things are being added and there is proof that they are continuing to do so, thus the game is *not* in "maintenance mode".
While the OP does have some suggestions in their post, it is also a sort of commentary (read: 'discussion'), on the game as well.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
You mean that part of the forum that none of the Devs ever read ?
I support "Sell Z-store items individually" & Japan Zone
No, that's the whole forum.
The section we're using right now still probably gets viewed by the devs more often than the suggestions and pvp sections combined.
Of course, instead of doing new stuff, Cryptic could start by actually bothering to adjust existing missions to reflect the reality of Smash alerts existing. The might be easier with a dev team of about none.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
We just got new content, we have new content on the way.. a whole new campaign and the introduction of a new race to fight with the hint of new vehicles/powers.
Hang in there and read the FB page from time to time.
This message brought to you by the superhero:
All available action figures, check.
Hit the global cap, check.
All lore and event perks done, check.
All 1K mob perks done, check.
All nemesis mob perks done, check.
Break 20,000 perk points, check.
Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!
Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
The CoH devs started doing the same thing, putting news everywhere but on their own forums, do forums have cooties of unhipness now or something?
3 missions, 2 of them repeatable and 1 big alert? wow... that is some mighty content there!!!
Don't low the bar... they are focusing on EVENTS that will ROTATE... wont get the missions available ALL the time... they must focus on PERMANENT content not on 3 missions that don't take longer than 5 minutes to finish ALL.
Pfff we all could do the same DAILY if we had foundry... releasing quick missions...
So yes... we get new content... that is clearly not enough and not what the game needs.... releasing 3 missiosn and 1 alert in the span of what? 3 months is laughable LAUGHABLE
Last year of CoH we got 3 new zones with tons of story lines and quality writing...
Maybe they should put news in the news section of the launcher. I dunno, the news section of a site seems to a good place for NEWS, but apparently that's old-school.
And yes, I like the Lemurian invasion. But lets keep that in context, we've been begging, whining, screaming for devs just to SPEAK to us for months to no avail. Then we get weeks of lead-up for something that can be played through in about an hour, and has no new permanent content.
Yes, you could play through the introductory incarnate content in a couple hours, but it had a reason to replay, you had to grind for the incarnate salvage. There's nothing of value in the Lemurian content that can't be obtained in regular gameplay or through the market.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Jon, I dunno why you bother:
The oldies are bitter to the point where they cannot be placated any longer.
When you reach that point in a relationship it's best to end it so you can find partners, you will be happy with.
There's no post about the Forum Malvanum in the SNN, unless it's buried in a patch notes post.
Maintenance 3/21 ( 1 2)
Yesterday 01:36 PM
by sockmunkey
19 1,067
Windows Shortcut Issue
03-21-2013 10:58 AM
by rokurocaris
2 193
The Making of the Lemurian Invasion ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
03-20-2013 12:39 AM
by xvii013
54 2,401
Maintenance, March 14 [Complete]
03-14-2013 07:15 AM
by gradii
1 271
Ask Cryptic Answers! ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
03-21-2013 08:19 AM
by theravenforce
302 11,872
Release Notes, March 14
So.... /thread?
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Sing it. Preach it.
Basically, we could use sidekicks. You know like batman and robin, Captain america and Bucky, and so on. Yeah, I can agree with that
I mean, if those features were such great cure-alls, it seems odd that they're gone and we're still here...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
You are free to ask NCsoft why closing down a game that was not only on the blue but making more money since going F2P... directly from the mouth of Matt Miller... want me to link to the interview again ??? i linked to that interview in response to you months ago...
QFT. Currently trying to make due with what we got and hope for the best. One bug fix, one new mission/quest, and one upgrade/improvement to existing content at a time. There's actually been a lot of good news in the little things in the past few months if you've watched closely.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Actually, it is more than odd, it is quite stunning that a game which, in execution, is inferior to Issue 0 CoH in graphics, story, gameplay, dev contact, development and any number of other areas, and only has two areas of superiority that I've noticed (some elements of costume creation and freeforms), and THIS game is still around.
There's a reason why I just bought a 3 month to CO, during a sale, and I felt BAD for doing it. And then in STO, I went and bought an LTS, and have bought Z since then, without hesitation (why? better story, graphics, gameplay, dev contact development...).
Of course, your attitude towards people WHO WANT THE GAME TO SUCCEED is not helping me want the game to succeed.
coh was worth getting 24 issuesover 8 years, several of which introduced new zones, powers mechanics and systems, including a growing endgame system. co has been worth exactly one new zone, exactly 4 new power frameworks(celestial, heavy weapons, wind and stone) a series of diminishing content packs and now a lock-box mill. and no, its not odd, different publishers have different goals, atari threw co out in the trash and pwi swooped in, coh was an ncsoft game. ncsoft is kind of a Jekyll and hyde, it invested enough to make coh a game worth caring about, in contrast to co's continual neglect under atari and pw, but they close and sit on the games as a matter of policy. had they been as willing to let go of coh as atari was champs, paragon was planning on keeping it alive, and it would probably have continued onward with issue 25, the kind of issue that co has not, nor ever will ever see, content wise, but ncsoft would not sell. funny thing, when i bought a co lifetime, i figured it was a good deal, coh grew quickly and a lifetime there would have saved me close to a thousand dollars, i mean, mmos justify their cost with content updates, new zones, new powersets,new outfits(in superhero genre) and build on the story. obviously cryptic was going to do the same with co right? they would have to.
Heres the thing, i still like the game, I am just TRYING along with some, to get cryptic to commit to caring for this game and implementing more of what we are asking for, not more vehicles, lock-boxes and temp content, a success of this game would be fantastic revenge against ncsoft. This game deserves attention and its frustrating seeing people who ostensibly like this game defend the status quo when it is so clear that that status quo is not working for a good portion of the forum base. I wish people felt that this game was worth as much attention a coh was, rather than spitefully making snipes at coh's unfortunate closure.
save coh's online petition got over 20k signatures, how many ya think co would have gotten if pwi didnt want sto so much?
CoH ended up, in my opinion, better than CO in most ways. Storytelling, crafting, area design (especially scale), teamplay, player economy, support&control power functionality, gear, UGC...
But the pace of combat bored the heck out of me, and I really like Freeform building. That's why I've spent a lot more time, and money, in CO, even though I think CoH was better-designed, better-executed, better-managed, and vastly better-supported. But by the gods I wish CO had gotten even half the continuing improvements that CoH did, and I'd be a lot more happy (and spendy, compared to recently) if it was.
NCsoft invested a lot of money into western release of their winged fantasy game and didn't make it back, by contrast CoH had never made huge megabucks but had always quietly chugged away making a decent profit. By contrast their big western failure was/is NCsofts flagship title at the moment, so closing down the MMO they'd made a massive fuss over would make them lose face.
Now the other problem was CoH failed miserably in Korea itself. Western style Superhero MMOs are just not a 'thing' there. By Contrast their grindy fantasy mmo was doing pretty well but still not making the megabucks expected. NCsoft pretty much decided they'd rather have MMOs succesful in Korea than succesful in the west.
So boom, CoH goes because it isn't Korean focused and as usual NCsoft simple up and refused to sell their closing MMOs to someone else. There was rumour that the staff of Paragon Studios actually tried to buy it off NCsoft but got no dice along with several other companies who were willing to buy it who simply got told no.
NCsoft has this weird thing where, unlike virtually every other MMO making company, they won't sell off their IP and studios who work on MMOs, they'd much rather just sit on it forever and make no money off it whatsoever. I'm not sure if this is a Korean thing or whether they don't want their failures to come back to haunt them under a new company who has turned it around and turned a loss maker into a profit maker.
That is what upset people the most though, that CoH was still profitable, infact it was actually outdoing CO at the time but NCsoft were too homeland focused to see.
Pretty much all of this.
As Matt Miller said on an interview, F2P was working so well that is why we saw so many things added to the store and so much new content... the last year of CoH so more content added than the previous 3 years...
Is real there are some bugs to set before going with new cool new stuff
(and there is some cool stuff coming too) !
I would set an exemple; ist not a bug , but to me need some attentions.
: Heros Games ..
I remember the day everyone was killing zombies..
Cryptic could add some rewards to the hero game , such as some questionite
and people would have fun to play this again !
This game just need some LOVe