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incen rounds on vehicles need nerf

crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Items and Crafting
included in the hover tank avalanche the incen rounds are very powerful> not only do they do good damage over time but its a stacking taunt.

the stacking taunt part i can not stand.... it allows people who have not put in the time and effort to make their character a legitamate tank to essentually out aggro everything save the back up devices. as someone who actually has spent a lot of time perfecting tanking methods: i am disappointed that i can now be outdone by a pretender in a vehicle spamming this disgrace. not even using crippling challange (normal taunt that costs 3 advantage points;admitingly i dont use it that often anyway) can even come close to how incen rounds work.

i feel that incen rounds are just to powerful of a taunt that it allows anyone regardless of roles (considering vehicles have no roles), usage of taunts and challanging strikes, and any other tricks one might use to gain aggro.
Post edited by crosnight on


  • deviousideviousi Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Incendiary Rounds just needs a delay(or a longer charge time), I can think of better Champion abilities which offer better DPS(especially with Crit-spam). However, the fact you can shoot one IR right after the other, with the previous burn still in effect, does serve to make clearing our pesky mobs rather easy(compared to the Heavy Cannon which does between 1000-2000 damage for me, the IRs total about 4000+ per shot, per target).
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    incen rounds aint so good in DPS. I use it so I know well. It's just taking aggro as usual "TANK" position.
  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    incen rounds aint so good in DPS. I use it so I know well. It's just taking aggro as usual "TANK" position.

    yea... thats why you can put it into a grav bike or a jet.... let them be the tank.

    DPS i dont care bout how much damge it does

    what i care about is that it lets pretenders take the spot light from those who actually put in the time and effort to be spec'd out as a tank... it basicly just saying "oh hey you can be lazy with this device"....

    what im getitng at is: if a vehicle with this weapon mod just needs to spam this crud... why should some1 actually spend time to make a toon a tank?
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The T2 weapons are meant to be strong so that people will buy them :p Except Decoy Drones. I have no idea what's up with that one.

    I just hope they will add some kind of T2 Powers lockbox, so that I can unlock Ebon Rift Mk. II with 120ft range and 75ft AoE and Mystic Flight Mk. II with flat +120 flight speed or something to match vehicles :p
  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selphea wrote: »
    The T2 weapons are meant to be strong so that people will buy them :p

    regardless... a vehicle should NEVER out perform a spec'd out player in thier roles. and while i can agree with the fact that T2 weapons are ment to be strong, just not so stupidly over powered that it cuases an entire role in which people put more effort into then just getting lucky from a lockbox to basicly be useless.

    in a normal no vehicle alerts: i can maintain aggro without much difficualty (unless A) boss dies in like 15 seconds or B) kiters kite the boss around so i cant attack since im melee).

    in alerts with vehicles a pretender using that incen round can take aggro from me without much difficualty.

    as a tank its feeling like my efforts have been for naught if some lucky punk can take my aggro from me just be being a lazy bum spamming an obviously broken taunt
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The point is that it's not just the tanks being outdone by vehicles. Gravity Pulse and Incendiary Round do far more AoE DPS over a wider area than specced out DPS characters too. A combo of Incendiary Round and Railgun puts Sniper Rifle builds to shame and even the lowest tier Grav Bike flies faster than R3 Flight.

    Vehicles were made to be P2W, and it's very unlikely that that will change. The last time they nerfed Hawkwing speed there was a lot of forum outrage and they had to give out refunds. I doubt another vehicle nerf will happen again.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    crosnight wrote: »
    yea... thats why you can put it into a grav bike or a jet.... let them be the tank.

    Take care put them on Bike... It's nearly easy death. Like a glass canon without good DPS. :3
    Gravity Pulse is the best IMO.
  • sanguinevipersanguineviper Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selphea wrote: »
    The point is that it's not just the tanks being outdone by vehicles. Gravity Pulse and Incendiary Round do far more AoE DPS over a wider area than specced out DPS characters too. A combo of Incendiary Round and Railgun puts Sniper Rifle builds to shame and even the lowest tier Grav Bike flies faster than R3 Flight.

    Vehicles were made to be P2W, and it's very unlikely that that will change. The last time they nerfed Hawkwing speed there was a lot of forum outrage and they had to give out refunds. I doubt another vehicle nerf will happen again.

    The day a vehicle out dps' me is the day i stop playing CO forever.

    I for one haven't seen a vehicle beat a 25k per shot eagle blaster nor my 10,000 dps lead tempest vs. 5 targets.

    Oh, and yeah, the threat vehicles generate is totally broken compared to the threat players put out. But whatever, let the guy on the grav bike or riding in a tank take the 30ft. sword to the face. That's fine by me.

    Snark never dies.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,619 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    10k dps Lead Tempest? Is that 10k per target or in total?
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The day a vehicle out dps' me is the day i stop playing CO forever.

    I for one haven't seen a vehicle beat a 25k per shot eagle blaster nor my 10,000 dps lead tempest vs. 5 targets.

    Oh, and yeah, the threat vehicles generate is totally broken compared to the threat players put out. But whatever, let the guy on the grav bike or riding in a tank take the 30ft. sword to the face. That's fine by me.

    The vehicle puts out a consistent 11k on main target per 3 seconds + additional 2.4k per second per target. At 120ft, the vehicle may be slightly behind on single targets, but it should pull ahead if there are 2 targets or more.

    As for 10k DPS vs 5 targets, it is very easy to cluster more than 5 targets together in the Lemurian invasion. I would personally expect to hit more than 5 targets in a 75ft AoE, myself
  • sanguinevipersanguineviper Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    10k dps Lead Tempest? Is that 10k per target or in total?

    Altogether, an average of 1,000 per tick at .5 sec x5 targets is 10,000dps. It can dip lower or rise higher depending on how the RNG feels at any given time, of course. During an 18 second Imbue, it easily hits 12,000 DPS for the duration.

    Though, I've yet to retest Pink's numbers now that I have finally gotten my DU core, but they've certainly gone up noticeably thanks to that passive -15% resistance. :3

    Also, with vehicles, you seem to be forgetting that you have to sit there with your thumb up your **** reloading every so often, which completely destroys your DPS. My toons don't ever run into energy issues anymore thanks to the ridiculous cost discount gear, and can maintain a power rotation indefinitely aside from outside interruption like knocks, etc...

    I can guarantee you that no vehicle in the game can out dps a top end freeform build in a single target fight against a boss. You might have a nice AoE spike, but in the long run for PvE fights, spikes don't really matter much.

    Also, if you want a real DPS test, you need to go onto PTS with the parser, and pick a fight with Qwyjibo or Teleiosaurus. Then review your combat log parse after the fight. I'm admittedly not built for soloing cosmics, Pink has 4995hp and is entirely reliant on dodging to stay alive in a one on one with a big bad. As such, I imagine a real test of my DPS would last around 15-20 seconds before I got punched into the ground or melted by toxic breath. But hey, with some meat shields I can dump aggro and dps just fine. :P

    I can't say the same for someone stuck in a deathtrap tank that's putting out 10x the threat of a player with no way of managing it.

    Snark never dies.
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I can guarantee you that no vehicle in the game can out dps a top end freeform build in a single target fight against a boss. You might have a nice AoE spike, but in the long run for PvE fights, spikes don't really matter much.

    Of course not, vehicles can't use Gas Pellets + AoED + Dinos :p

    But if that >5 target AoE spike is going to make my Lemurian Invasion trash clearing phase faster because there's so much trash to kill, you can bet I'm going to use it. A vehicle's energy bar is long enough to kill a group without needing to reload.
  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selphea wrote: »
    The last time they nerfed Hawkwing speed there was a lot of forum outrage and they had to give out refunds. I doubt another vehicle nerf will happen again.

    A) thats a vehicle performance issue before there were mods... at which point they did suck and only effective to move around.

    B) the servers couldnt handle the speed of them (friend lost a toon due to flying through the invisible wall on his hawkwing)

    C) im asking for a weapon mod nerf, not an actual vehicle nerf: vehicles are just fine the way they are right now.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    crosnight wrote: »

    Incen's Damage over time doesn't stack BTW. :3
  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    Incen's Damage over time doesn't stack BTW. :3

    again: i dont care about the damage: i care about that the mod completely makes the tank role for characters WORTHLESS... the taunt is what i believe stacks considering not even crippling challange, the taunt that players can get by spending 3 advantage point, cant even out do it. esentualy how i see it right now, incen rounds is using CC spam that actually stacks up. where with players using CC spam i can atleast use my CC to cancel out thier own CC when compairing thier aggro against mine. but incen rounds taunt is what stacks so i cant do that so i cant do my job.

    im a guy who enjoys tanking... i enjoy being able to do my job... i get annoyed whenever i see a DPS toon use CC. so this allowing people whatever thier normal role is to out do an actual person who took the time and effort to tank effciently... and enjoys... is just down right terrible. i get that aggro is already wonky but to break the tank role (for players not the sodding vehicles) even more.... seriously?
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selphea wrote: »
    The point is that it's not just the tanks being outdone by vehicles. Gravity Pulse and Incendiary Round do far more AoE DPS over a wider area than specced out DPS characters too. A combo of Incendiary Round and Railgun puts Sniper Rifle builds to shame and even the lowest tier Grav Bike flies faster than R3 Flight.

    Vehicles were made to be P2W, and it's very unlikely that that will change. The last time they nerfed Hawkwing speed there was a lot of forum outrage and they had to give out refunds. I doubt another vehicle nerf will happen again.

    *looks at lines above, tries out Gravity Pulse on bike*

    *does 500 damage a tick to an AoE around self, can't crit for anything reasonable with no chance thanks to diminishing returns*

    *gets off of bike, looks at Freeform player*

    *does 1000-3500 damage with Conflag (based on crits and other debuffs) per tick (tooltip damage of 940, give or take)*

    *tilts head*

    Vehicle damage is a joke. Yes, vehicles are broken in NUMEROUS ways, but damage is not one of them:

    1) Vehicles have different diminishing return scaling based on if rider is AT or Freeform.

    2) Vehicle taunt IS OUTRIGHT BROKEN and can EASILY out taunt a player any day of the week no matter their powers. They're getting a massive boost to +threat...because. It's very poorly designed and needs a huge nerf.
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  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    somebob wrote: »
    *looks at lines above, tries out Gravity Pulse on bike*

    *does 500 damage a tick to an AoE around self, can't crit for anything reasonable with no chance thanks to diminishing returns*

    *gets off of bike, looks at Freeform player*

    *does 1000-3500 damage with Conflag (based on crits and other debuffs) per tick (tooltip damage of 940, give or take)*

    *tilts head*

    Vehicle damage is a joke. Yes, vehicles are broken in NUMEROUS ways, but damage is not one of them:

    1) Vehicles have different diminishing return scaling based on if rider is AT or Freeform.

    2) Vehicle taunt IS OUTRIGHT BROKEN and can EASILY out taunt a player any day of the week no matter their powers. They're getting a massive boost to +threat...because. It's very poorly designed and needs a huge nerf.

    You're doing it wrong :p

    First off, open with Incendiary Round. Second, mash Gravity Pulse, don't hold it.

    Your DPS should look like this:


    That's 13.8k raw DPS, 9.8k final on the first spawn of elites in the outdoor map of Resistance, the last few seconds of it were single target on the master villain and I lost a few seconds due to getting knocked too.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    crosnight wrote: »

    Then take Crippling Challenge or Challenging Strike Adv. to any of your maintain power and it will solve all of your problem.

    Never think you can take all aggro so easily by any tap power effect. Tap CC can't even take Aggro from normal high DPS power without any Adv. I've got tired of seeing useless low DPS low taking aggro Tank esp. in Smash Alert.
    crosnight wrote: »
    i get annoyed whenever i see a DPS toon use CC.

    I think they aint using any CC.
    With normal R3 Epidemic, Lightning Arc, Two-Gun Mojo or any power kind of such maintain DPS power, I take aggro in most case and die. I wish Tank to do their job. Its not nerf cry.
  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »

    I think they aint using any CC.
    With normal R3 Epidemic, Lightning Arc, Two-Gun Mojo or any power kind of such maintain DPS power, I take aggro in most case and die. I wish Tank to do their job.

    While tank's ability to hold aggro helps dps to perform better, it is also true that DPS should also be wary of its threat level especially at the beginning of an encounter. This happens in many mmos. Aggro wipers are your friends. Letting the tank to take aggro before going into the fight quickdraw mcgraw style also helps. :biggrin:
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selphea wrote: »
    You're doing it wrong :p

    First off, open with Incendiary Round. Second, mash Gravity Pulse, don't hold it.

    Wait. There's no way that works.


    Okay, that totally does work. Yeah, that's broken.
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  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    Then take Crippling Challenge or Challenging Strike Adv. to any of your maintain power and it will solve all of your problem.

    uh... i do have those

    cs on reaper's caress (my spam attack)
    cc on my ice blast (i barely have to use my cc)

    somebob wrote: »
    2) Vehicle taunt IS OUTRIGHT BROKEN and can EASILY out taunt a player any day of the week no matter their powers. They're getting a massive boost to +threat...because. It's very poorly designed and needs a huge nerf.

    ^ so true
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well I think vehicles would not be nerfed for 2 reason.

    1. Those are only for open map.
    2. MY main toons without any vehicles never lose them in duels.

    They have only very limited way of uses and why they need nerf? :confused:
    Thats the only thing they can do. Means vehicles nerf = scrap.
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have ~6000G's worth of vehicles, vehicle weapons and mods so yes, I wouldn't want to see them nerfed either $_$
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selphea wrote: »
    I have ~6000G's worth of vehicles, vehicle weapons and mods so yes, I wouldn't want to see them nerfed either $_$

    Yeah, each of them prices like XXX Drifter's salvage or 1% drop from box/keys. It's way over priced.
    Nothing are free except for Lemurian drop.
  • d0m1nusdrak3d0m1nusdrak3 Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Veichles being nerfed in general wouldn't happen. That and how could Incendiary round be nerfed anyways, you can't use veichles in alerts and in open instances its a miracle against abunch of enemys. Especially in the Harbinger instance, its much easier to deal with them so your team can deal with the giant lump of seaweed and animated coral(WHICH MEANS IT WAS STILL ALIVE ANYWAYS, BUT IT REALLY MADE NO SINCE).
    Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    Well I think vehicles would not be nerfed for 2 reason.

    Means vehicles nerf = scrap.

    once again.... your missing the point

    im not asking for a vehicle nerf

    im asking for a vehicle MOD nerf, not the vehicle: the mod.

    the reason im asking for it is because it makes a general player build tank like me completely and utterly pointless if you got one around

    i get they cant be used in alerts but thats besides the point becuase you dont need vehicles for any alert becuase with competent players they are easily done.

    in terms of aggro gen: one stack on incen rounds > a player using CC and CS

    what i want for incen rounds
    1) taunt be = to CC
    2) taunt not stacking
    3) nothing else becuase the taunt part is the only thing i have a problem with

    re-emphisising: I AM NOT ASKING FOR A VEHICLE NERF....... only a nerf to 1 vehcile MOD
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    crosnight wrote: »

    Incen Round nerf means Hover Tank Avalanche = Scrap.
    1% drop from 100 cosmic keys + 100 boxes becomes just a scrap. So nice. So where can we get Incen Round from other place?
    I wish you understand wut I want to say.

    Just try to make your build take more better aggro by your own self.
    Powers, Spec trees, Stats... There are many places you can fix before nerf cry.
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Just my 2 cents on this matter. I can usually out-aggro almost anything with just DPS on my main tank (I do not have crippling challenge or challenging strike, pretty weird for a tank) with very occasional exception of devour essence with CC. However, my experience is that the incendiary round does pull away the aggro from me quite easily. Having said that, I don't really care if someone else wants to be tank and eventually dies because of it. It can be a nuisance at times when you are melee and you end up having to chase the enemy around because the IR user cannot take the heat or you have the enemy nicely positioned only to be pulled away.

    My take is really to live with it and no it is not because I have a desert fox and a grav bike widow both with IR (I hardly ever play with them, no not even in Lem Inv, they are more like collector or vanity items). There are not really that many tanks firing IRs anyway. Why get too upset if someone else wants to tank on your behalf afterall LOL, just sit back and watch them die or if they are effective then all the more faster farming for everyone. A post-release nerf is always a bad thing for players who have spent money on it.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have one more idea. I can give 999 Tank Boxes to someone saying "nerf Incen" for free.

    I think he or she can get both Avalanche and Desertfox and after trying by them selves, I'm sure they will never say "nerf Incen" again.:biggrin:
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    I have one more idea. I can give 999 Tank Boxes to someone saying "nerf Incen" for free.

    I think he or she can get both Avalanche and Desertfox and after trying by them selves, I'm sure they will never say "nerf Incen" again.:biggrin:

    LOL no, unless you intend to give 999 cosmic keys together with them LOL.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    LOL no, unless you intend to give 999 cosmic keys together with them LOL.

    I want 999 cosmic keys for myself!!!
    Is it like 99.9k G or so? lol
  • mensarmensar Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    crosnight wrote: »
    included in the hover tank avalanche the incen rounds are very powerful> not only do they do good damage over time but its a stacking taunt.

    the stacking taunt part i can not stand.... it allows people who have not put in the time and effort to make their character a legitamate tank to essentually out aggro everything save the back up devices. as someone who actually has spent a lot of time perfecting tanking methods: i am disappointed that i can now be outdone by a pretender in a vehicle spamming this disgrace. not even using crippling challange (normal taunt that costs 3 advantage points;admitingly i dont use it that often anyway) can even come close to how incen rounds work.

    i feel that incen rounds are just to powerful of a taunt that it allows anyone regardless of roles (considering vehicles have no roles), usage of taunts and challanging strikes, and any other tricks one might use to gain aggro.

    It only stacks 3x.. and in almost every case where I've seen someone using this for anything other than routine grinding of lower-level mobs (great example is the harbinger event) they died from all the aggro. Every single time.

    You can only do so much with even 8 mod slots when compared with a defensive passive on a tank BUILD.

    I think the taunt is more the negative aspect of a great weapon since there's only so much you can do with a vehicle, but that's IMHO.

    I have to admit I'm always a little secretly satisfied to see someone take a dive while using a vehicle. I'm not sure if it's the whole "back in my day things were harder" thing, or maybe it's because it's just flat out annoying to have mobs bounced all over the map during a team-based event.

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  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    Incen Round nerf means Hover Tank Avalanche = Scrap.
    1% drop from 100 cosmic keys + 100 boxes becomes just a scrap. So nice. So where can we get Incen Round from other place?
    I wish you understand wut I want to say.

    Just try to make your build take more better aggro by your own self.
    Powers, Spec trees, Stats... There are many places you can fix before nerf cry.

    from what your saying: pay to win is acceptable......

    and about my build: like i said earlier in the thread
    crosnight wrote: »
    in a normal no vehicle alerts: i can maintain aggro without much difficualty (unless A) boss dies in like 15 seconds or B) kiters kite the boss around so i cant attack since im melee).

    also mentioned earlier
    somebob wrote: »
    Yes, vehicles are broken in NUMEROUS ways, but damage is not one of them:

    1) Vehicles have different diminishing return scaling based on if rider is AT or Freeform.

    2) Vehicle taunt IS OUTRIGHT BROKEN and can EASILY out taunt a player any day of the week no matter their powers. They're getting a massive boost to +threat...because. It's very poorly designed and needs a huge nerf.

    while i dont care bout the first point: the second point is what i've been trying to say this entire time. a nerf to the taunt aspect of incen rounds WONT turn the avalanche into scrap.
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The best way to hold aggro is to crit very high and constantly. CC cannot even compete with dps, which is sad if you are actually playing as a tank. I can steal a vehicle's aggro without using any form of CC. You can do it, too... anybody can.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    crosnight wrote: »
    from what your saying: pay to win is acceptable......

    If you want to win without Pay to play, Learn to win.
    This game is able to build High DPS aggro Tank with wide range.

    Not few of us can solo Andrith, Bronze King, Kigatilik, Qwyjibo, Teleiosaurus, or even Therakiel without vehicles or even without any R9 mods, Legion Gears now.
  • ruprechtvandoom1ruprechtvandoom1 Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Can Incendiary Rounds be used in any regular alerts? NO

    Can Incendiary Rounds be used in Gravitar? NO

    Can Incendiary Rounds be used in Adventure Packs/Comic Series? Mostly NO

    So basically you demand the nerfing of a very expensive weapon, that can barely be used in any of the most played content. What were people crying about again?...
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