Cryptic, you want to make money? It's simple. Adults only locations. Role-playing a probably the only reason most people play this game anymore. Why not capitalize on this?
"Games" like Red light and IMVU pull in more money than they're really worth because of adult oriented material.
There are plenty of locations in champions online that can be opened or re-purposed for this. Add clothing, items and emotes that can only be used in these areas or hideouts and you're set.
Basically, Red light with better graphics. Guarantee the money will flow. While on the subject, why not make this "red light district" a cross game area, so that Champs could mingle with STO characters.
For the people worried about explaining why there are super heroes in STO and vise-vera: It could be explained as an interdenominational time anomaly opening up over an area, which opens up a path way between alternate Earths and time. When a character leaves this area, they immediately fade back to their own space-time. The exception being going to hideouts/ship interiors.
You'd rather deny that people are doing things like this anyways? Why not create a place for them to do it and let PWE/Cryptic cash in on it?
Then they could use the money to add some decent new content for a change instead of giving us 12 types of lockboxes and calling it content.
I never said that I denied it. 'Romance' is a perfectly normal thing, however each persons opinion on it is different.
I feel that, for an online game based around comic books and rated T(?) (Correct me if I'm wrong, I can't find it on the website.) that adding in a 'adults only' portion would be extremely unfitting.
How would one go about keeping minors from said area? Aside from sex appeal, how much do you think they would realistically gain from such a practice?
And the 'crossover' section. Why should that be applied only to this 'special' area? Nevermind the coding nightmare it would be to have crossover sections like that (I give them thumbs up on the channels system personally.)
The 'games' that you mentioned are less about gameplay and more along the lines of the 'Sims' series. Living a virtual life, not punching the crap out of Cthulu.
I never said that I denied it. 'Romance' is a perfectly normal thing, however each persons opinion on it is different.
I feel that, for an online game based around comic books and rated T(?) (Correct me if I'm wrong, I can't find it on the website.) that adding in a 'adults only' portion would be extremely unfitting.
How would one go about keeping minors from said area? Aside from sex appeal, how much do you think they would realistically gain from such a practice?
And the 'crossover' section. Why should that be applied only to this 'special' area? Nevermind the coding nightmare it would be to have crossover sections like that (I give them thumbs up on the channels system personally.)
The 'games' that you mentioned are less about gameplay and more along the lines of the 'Sims' series. Living a virtual life, not punching the crap out of Cthulu.
Most RP isn't about punching anyone. It's about Role playing.
How would the keep minors out? Same way every porn site in existence does it. Credit Card check.
Also, sex sells. And ratings can be changed. Most online games don't have ratings at all at least not on the online portion of them anyways. Because the ESRB can't rate player interactions, so nay saying an idea based on a rating that the game doesn't even have is an invalid point.
People are role playing romantic stories and even sex already. Games like Red Light make their money based SOLEY off sex appeal and sex. I don't see why Cryptic wouldn't want to cash in on something their players are doing anyways. Why not make money off making it even easier/better for these people?
Also, sex sells. (An unfortunate case for our generation.) And ratings can be changed. Most online games don't have ratings at all at least not on the online portion of them anyways. Because the ESRB can't rate player interactions, so nay saying an idea based on a rating that the game doesn't even have is an invalid point.
Actually, most games have a disclaimer underneath the regular ESRB rating stating that 'Online content not rated'. This doesn't mean that the game doesn't have a rating (Just did a check, CO is rated T.) it only means that they can not possibly rate everyone online.
However, this does not mean that they can change whatever they wish without affecting the ESRB. Why would they chance a massive portion of their child userbase to cater to a small section of RPers? Not everyone RPer ERP's, and the income generated would not only require work towards it, it would require funding, and the amount of funding they could get is likely to be heavily limited.
People are role playing romantic stories and even sex already. Games like Red Light make their money based SOLEY off sex appeal and sex. I don't see why Cryptic wouldn't want to cash in on something their players are doing anyways. Why not make money off making it even easier/better for these people?
Because they are a game company? They make games, not life simulators? Hell, I even give Cryptic credit, CO is one of the few games where I can actually make a female character and equip heavy armour that isn't a chainmail bikini. (Course if that's your thing, all power to you. Just not my style.)
I'd rather see the money that the OP suggests be spent on mature content emotes, costumes, and such be allocated to new emotes, costumes, and such with a broader appeal.
If the goal is to spend money on something to, "cash in," on potential sales I think it would be more productive to focus on elements with broader applicability to the game. Remember its not as if CO has artists and coders sitting around with nothing to do, hoping that someone can come up with something productive for them to do with their time and the company's resources. Every dollar spent on an X-rated emote or costume piece is coming from the development of content or genre related costume options (or something of the sort).
What the OP is suggesting is that development of superhero related elements be sidelined or canceled in favor of focusing developer time on pornographic material.
Actually, most games have a disclaimer underneath the regular ESRB rating stating that 'Online content not rated'. This doesn't mean that the game doesn't have a rating (Just did a check, CO is rated T.) it only means that they can not possibly rate everyone online.
Your point is moot. They can't rate online content because there's no way to rate player interactions, so how can a game that is ONLINE only and is structured around player interaction have a rating?
Besides, your local video store is open to the public yet they still have an adults only section. The movie theater down the street plays G and PG rated movies right next door R rated movies. Go into game stop or whatever store; Halo 4 and GTA, M rated games, and on the shelf right below? Some Lego Star Wars game, which is rated E. Just because something contains T rated material doesn't mean it can't have a section some more mature audiences.
Hell the T rating you keep babbling about is based ONLY on a player's interactions with NPCs, so the rating has nothing to do with anything outside running missions and alerts.
However, this does not mean that they can change whatever they wish without affecting the ESRB. Why would they chance a massive portion of their child userbase to cater to a small section of RPers? Not everyone RPer ERP's, and the income generated would not only require work towards it, it would require funding, and the amount of funding they could get is likely to be heavily limited.
For get the ESRB rating. It has NOTHING to do with this. Hell have you seen Gravitar lately? How about some of the player costumes out there. I doubt the game would still have a T rating if it was rated today. Ratings CAN change.
Why would they lose any kid players at all? There should be any children playing anyways. You have to be 13 to even create an account anywhere on the internet let alone play the game. They wouldn't even have access to the location anyways. Besides, how about letting parents do some parenting for a change instead of having companies and **** raise their kids for them.
Because they are a game company? They make games, not life simulators? Hell, I even give Cryptic credit, CO is one of the few games where I can actually make a female character and equip heavy armour that isn't a chainmail bikini. (Course if that's your thing, all power to you. Just not my style.)
Wait, why RP if this isn't a life simulator? Once again, your argument is moot. It doesn't matter if it's a life simulator or not. How does that stop them from creating an area for adults to RP with other adults. It's not even about sex, although having it as an option would draw in a lot more people.
If the goal is to spend money on something to, "cash in," on potential sales I think it would be more productive to focus on elements with broader applicability to the game. Remember its not as if CO has artists and coders sitting around with nothing to do, hoping that someone can come up with something productive for them to do with their time and the company's resources. Every dollar spent on an X-rated emote or costume piece is coming from the development of content or genre related costume options (or something of the sort).
What the OP is suggesting is that development of superhero related elements be sidelined or canceled in favor of focusing developer time on pornographic material.
The game is basically dead. Most of the development team have been moved to other projects. Namely STO and NeverWinter. They won't be coming back after wards. There's nothing but a skeleton crew on this project, and their job is just to keep the game on life support. Hence nothing but lock boxes and recycled material.
Something like I'm suggesting would bring in more money. More money = hire new developers = more actual content for everyone.
When's the last time we got a new costume set, area, or even new ATs? Way too long ago. Why? Because no one's home anymore.
Lock this, and delete it. It's a terrible suggestion, and it's not going to happen.
This is like asking "Why not just make this game a porn game because the porn industry makes a lot of money?"
No. A thousand times no
I'd also like to point out that Cryptic would never do this, let alone PWE, and the advertising for this game would DECREASE because it's an adult game, and would have to be taken off of places like Steam and other major game hubs.
You are an idiot, and even more so for posting this.
Lock this, and delete it. It's a terrible suggestion, and it's not going to happen.
This is like asking "Why not just make this game a porn game because the porn industry makes a lot of money?"
No. A thousand times no
I'd also like to point out that Cryptic would never do this, let alone PWE, and the advertising for this game would DECREASE because it's an adult game, and would have to be taken off of places like Steam and other major game hubs.
You are an idiot, and even more so for posting this.
Since when is this failing game advertised anywhere? It's not because that would cost money they do not have. They'd rather spend the money they do have on their new project Never Winter and spend just barely enough to keep this game on life support in the mean time.
Also it wouldn't make the game a porn game any more than Blockbusters was a porn store because they had an adult section. You're the idiot for thinking otherwise.
CO is more about pewpew with literal guns than... the other kind of guns. I think most of the adults here would rather not have their childhood ruined by the thought of clones of their favorite Saturday morning cartoons getting it on with each other.
Any form of erp, should be considered a bannable offense and punished severely.
There are too many pedos playing this game already, giving them further options to
fulfill their disgusting fantasies is not the brightest idea.
Any form of erp, should be considered a bannable offense and punished severely.
There are too many pedos playing this game already, giving them further options to
fulfill their disgusting fantasies is not the brightest idea.
I'd like this clarivoyance power of yours, having been able to determine that "too many" pedophiles are playing the game, and that anyone who engages in ERP is an actual pedophile.
And to the OP, age verification will not work. Just because a player is able to use a CC to purchase things in the game or have a gold account does not make that player a confirmed adult. The used CC could have belonged to a consenting parent. The fact that the game is advertised strictly as a MMORPG and not an online adult service also complicates it.
The game is basically dead. Most of the development team have been moved to other projects. Namely STO and NeverWinter. They won't be coming back after wards. There's nothing but a skeleton crew on this project, and their job is just to keep the game on life support. Hence nothing but lock boxes and recycled material.
Something like I'm suggesting would bring in more money. More money = hire new developers = more actual content for everyone.
When's the last time we got a new costume set, area, or even new ATs? Way too long ago. Why? Because no one's home anymore.
What you are suggesting would cost money to implement. That money would be better spent on other CO related elements (IMO of course) with broader appeal.
What you are suggesting would bring in nothing. As you note, there are already venues online for those who choose to substitute cyber for the real thing; there is absolutely no reason those people would suddenly abandon their preferred venues to come cyber as superheroes. It's not a common fetish.
In fact, it would drive away customers who don't want to be associated with such, well, sleazy practices as this.
As an adult, I have all the physical interaction I need in the real world, thanks. I come in here to pretend I have sufficient personal agency to actually improve the world at large in a quickly palpable fashion, something which reality does not afford me. From what I have seen, at least judging by the quality of the writing involved, the majority of those engaging in cyber-relationships in CO are in fact underage, and have very little idea what the activities they describe look or feel like.
In short, no. This is a phenomenally bad idea, and a potential powder keg of Oppenheimer proportions.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I find it mildly amusing that the original poster seems to think that anyone who's against this proposal must have some sort of sexual hangup, or doesn't get what roleplaying is. Certainly not so; it's merely that Champions Online is not the right place for such things. This isn't a porn site, and shouldn't be moved in that direction, beyond maybe including some more "stripperific" costume pieces for some of the more outlandish superhero/villain costume styles sometimes found in comics.
If someone wants to engage in ERP, let him do it via chat, and in the privacy of his or her Hideout or somewhere else where a minor isn't going to walk in on them. To the extent that this sort of thing needs to be supported by the game, it already is.
I have nothing against erotic roleplay, and have infact engaged in it at length in the past.
That said, this game is not the proper place for such things. If you want erotic roleplay you should be going to adult oriented forums. Doing such things in a game targeted towards kids is a flat bad idea, and changing the game to be adult oriented is even worse.
They have adult MMOs. Go play them. Leave this one to the super heroes.
I'd like this clarivoyance power of yours, having been able to determine that "too many" pedophiles are playing the game, and that anyone who engages in ERP is an actual pedophile.
This what you keep telling to yourself, on a daily basis i assume. I got facts, i see it often times enough. It is an issue, it should be punished. This is a kiddie game after all, isn't it?
Ok, this is just sooo wrong. This is an extremely bad idea.
It upsets me to not be able to go into club Caprice without someone asking me if I ERP or want to "do something fun".
For those of you who know me ingame and know my mistells on the trade channel, you know I have quite a bit of trouble with ERPers. I find it continually unsettling that, the ERPers I have run into are so quick to judge your character if they are as one person put it "up for the taking". Which has given me a negative view towards ERPers, I don't like to hold negative opinions of people in general but when there is a mountain of evidence...
I do think, however trying to enforce the side of ERP more than it already is (such as walking into CC and hearing about "events" with tentacles and all) is a very very bad idea.
As a number of people have already pointed out the age restriction on this game is low anyway, so making an adult zone in any way shape or form is calling into question the nature/intentions of people playing the game in the first place.
As an RPer, I love the game, lore and friends who RP with me and talk to me outside of RP as well, so that's sort of the main reason I play the game, but I also play it for other reasons as well.
Whilst I am familiar with certain people's view on RPers which are largely negative, I am begining to see why they are that way, both in game and now on the forums.
I've...been known to think and talk about adult things, as I am an adult...despite what people think about how I act, but that's beside the point.
I don't think CO should change the ratings, or create adult zones/costumes/emotes. CO won't be anywhere close to Second Life for me. I would, however, like a mature art style to the game I play...and much more art.
And for those clowns that started dropping the pedo accusations all willy-nilly. REALLY?! You went there of all places?
You can make an adult content MMO yourself.
There is a software, pretty sure it uses Cryptic's engine, looks like it to me
from the content I've seen and how I found it digging through...stuff.
Anyway Keneva is a build your own MMO service with a Foundry like system.
There's adult themed clubs and what have you.
But like many hundreds of MMOs out there, or say Vibora Apocalypse, its kind of devoid of life.
You find four people, and its awkward because if you don't like one of those four people, thats 1/5th of the game population.
Everyone's personal MMO design is a 'zone' that you have to login into, has its own design dynamic, etc. Bizzaroville in someone's lazy toy box.
But I don't mean to review it. Just let you know you can go wack-a-mole over in your own private pervertosphere if its so important to you.
Negative. Marketing something for only a specific age group means that they can't sell it to a wider market.
Indeed take The Secret World for instance, rated adult simply for over use of the F word and a suggestive foot massage. Majorly low sales. Lasted less than a month on Steam top 100. They crippled themselves and it took the whole company down with them.
Such a stupid move going adult rating without actual adult content, like blood, gore and boobs know an average day for any pubescent girl is obviously too much for most people to handle until they are twenty one.
I just want to say that I hate this phrase as it's been proven time and time again tha it is false.
Porn sells, but only if it is sold as porn. Attempts to inject porn or sexual elements into other kinds of genre tend to have negligible effect on sales. In fact, the higher restrictions would decrease sales in this case because we have a large minor (that sounds like an oxymoron.) demographic that the CryptAri alliance would be fools to lock out.
That said, ERP is just a valid kind of RP as regular RPing, it's just that people get squicked out at it in an otherwise sexless game. Foxbat's Balls do not count.
It would be a big shift, and it would stop me playing.
That said, I have nothing against ambiguous props in the decor of hideouts, zones, and instances, like beds, chains, etc that could be used to boost the ERPers possibly buying stuff without being obviously "Penetrate the Other Side Of the Building Grab Bag". However, it needs to be done tastefully, without neglecting other markets.
We are, after all, a superhero genre game. While sex is a part of the genre nowadays, it isn't a relevant USP, or Unique Selling Point to it. It wouldn't get us more players or money if we focused exclusively on adult content.
There's no indication that Cryptic will ever turn Champions into an adult-oriented thing, even in private areas, so this dog won't hunt. Closing thread.
No to all of it.
Deliciously nutritious!
You'd rather deny that people are doing things like this anyways? Why not create a place for them to do it and let PWE/Cryptic cash in on it?
Then they could use the money to add some decent new content for a change instead of giving us 12 types of lockboxes and calling it content.
I never said that I denied it. 'Romance' is a perfectly normal thing, however each persons opinion on it is different.
I feel that, for an online game based around comic books and rated T(?) (Correct me if I'm wrong, I can't find it on the website.) that adding in a 'adults only' portion would be extremely unfitting.
How would one go about keeping minors from said area? Aside from sex appeal, how much do you think they would realistically gain from such a practice?
And the 'crossover' section. Why should that be applied only to this 'special' area? Nevermind the coding nightmare it would be to have crossover sections like that (I give them thumbs up on the channels system personally.)
The 'games' that you mentioned are less about gameplay and more along the lines of the 'Sims' series. Living a virtual life, not punching the crap out of Cthulu.
Deliciously nutritious!
Most RP isn't about punching anyone. It's about Role playing.
How would the keep minors out? Same way every porn site in existence does it. Credit Card check.
Also, sex sells.
People are role playing romantic stories and even sex already. Games like Red Light make their money based SOLEY off sex appeal and sex. I don't see why Cryptic wouldn't want to cash in on something their players are doing anyways. Why not make money off making it even easier/better for these people?
I am well aware of that, being a RPer myself.
Yes, because everyone above 18 has a credit card, and everyone below does not.
Actually, most games have a disclaimer underneath the regular ESRB rating stating that 'Online content not rated'. This doesn't mean that the game doesn't have a rating (Just did a check, CO is rated T.) it only means that they can not possibly rate everyone online.
However, this does not mean that they can change whatever they wish without affecting the ESRB. Why would they chance a massive portion of their child userbase to cater to a small section of RPers? Not everyone RPer ERP's, and the income generated would not only require work towards it, it would require funding, and the amount of funding they could get is likely to be heavily limited.
Because they are a game company? They make games, not life simulators? Hell, I even give Cryptic credit, CO is one of the few games where I can actually make a female character and equip heavy armour that isn't a chainmail bikini. (Course if that's your thing, all power to you. Just not my style.)
Deliciously nutritious!
And changing game rating would be harmful for CO, so... Not gonna happend.
If the goal is to spend money on something to, "cash in," on potential sales I think it would be more productive to focus on elements with broader applicability to the game. Remember its not as if CO has artists and coders sitting around with nothing to do, hoping that someone can come up with something productive for them to do with their time and the company's resources. Every dollar spent on an X-rated emote or costume piece is coming from the development of content or genre related costume options (or something of the sort).
What the OP is suggesting is that development of superhero related elements be sidelined or canceled in favor of focusing developer time on pornographic material.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Get your Caprice's Romantic Lockboxes now!
It's called Caprice.
RIP Caine
Glad to see it did not disappoint my expectations.
Yet somehow that's never stopped it from being THE age verification method of choice since back in the BBS days.
Your point is moot. They can't rate online content because there's no way to rate player interactions, so how can a game that is ONLINE only and is structured around player interaction have a rating?
Besides, your local video store is open to the public yet they still have an adults only section. The movie theater down the street plays G and PG rated movies right next door R rated movies. Go into game stop or whatever store; Halo 4 and GTA, M rated games, and on the shelf right below? Some Lego Star Wars game, which is rated E. Just because something contains T rated material doesn't mean it can't have a section some more mature audiences.
Hell the T rating you keep babbling about is based ONLY on a player's interactions with NPCs, so the rating has nothing to do with anything outside running missions and alerts.
For get the ESRB rating. It has NOTHING to do with this. Hell have you seen Gravitar lately? How about some of the player costumes out there. I doubt the game would still have a T rating if it was rated today. Ratings CAN change.
Why would they lose any kid players at all? There should be any children playing anyways. You have to be 13 to even create an account anywhere on the internet let alone play the game. They wouldn't even have access to the location anyways. Besides, how about letting parents do some parenting for a change instead of having companies and **** raise their kids for them.
Wait, why RP if this isn't a life simulator? Once again, your argument is moot. It doesn't matter if it's a life simulator or not. How does that stop them from creating an area for adults to RP with other adults. It's not even about sex, although having it as an option would draw in a lot more people.
The game is basically dead. Most of the development team have been moved to other projects. Namely STO and NeverWinter. They won't be coming back after wards. There's nothing but a skeleton crew on this project, and their job is just to keep the game on life support. Hence nothing but lock boxes and recycled material.
Something like I'm suggesting would bring in more money. More money = hire new developers = more actual content for everyone.
When's the last time we got a new costume set, area, or even new ATs? Way too long ago. Why? Because no one's home anymore.
Actually it's the same for all generations. Past, Present, and Future. It's programmed into the brain of every animal species on this planet.
This is like asking "Why not just make this game a porn game because the porn industry makes a lot of money?"
No. A thousand times no
I'd also like to point out that Cryptic would never do this, let alone PWE, and the advertising for this game would DECREASE because it's an adult game, and would have to be taken off of places like Steam and other major game hubs.
You are an idiot, and even more so for posting this.
Since when is this failing game advertised anywhere? It's not because that would cost money they do not have. They'd rather spend the money they do have on their new project Never Winter and spend just barely enough to keep this game on life support in the mean time.
Also it wouldn't make the game a porn game any more than Blockbusters was a porn store because they had an adult section. You're the idiot for thinking otherwise.
RIP Caine
Well in that case, later. I have nothing more to say on the matter.
CO is more about pewpew with literal guns than... the other kind of guns. I think most of the adults here would rather not have their childhood ruined by the thought of clones of their favorite Saturday morning cartoons getting it on with each other.
There are too many pedos playing this game already, giving them further options to
fulfill their disgusting fantasies is not the brightest idea.
Pixel boobs and sex appeal were simply not enough to save that one...even when offered for free. Something to consider.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I'd like this clarivoyance power of yours, having been able to determine that "too many" pedophiles are playing the game, and that anyone who engages in ERP is an actual pedophile.
And to the OP, age verification will not work. Just because a player is able to use a CC to purchase things in the game or have a gold account does not make that player a confirmed adult. The used CC could have belonged to a consenting parent. The fact that the game is advertised strictly as a MMORPG and not an online adult service also complicates it.
What you are suggesting would cost money to implement. That money would be better spent on other CO related elements (IMO of course) with broader appeal.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
In fact, it would drive away customers who don't want to be associated with such, well, sleazy practices as this.
As an adult, I have all the physical interaction I need in the real world, thanks. I come in here to pretend I have sufficient personal agency to actually improve the world at large in a quickly palpable fashion, something which reality does not afford me. From what I have seen, at least judging by the quality of the writing involved, the majority of those engaging in cyber-relationships in CO are in fact underage, and have very little idea what the activities they describe look or feel like.
In short, no. This is a phenomenally bad idea, and a potential powder keg of Oppenheimer proportions.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
If someone wants to engage in ERP, let him do it via chat, and in the privacy of his or her Hideout or somewhere else where a minor isn't going to walk in on them. To the extent that this sort of thing needs to be supported by the game, it already is.
Just keep the ERPing off the Zone.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
That said, this game is not the proper place for such things. If you want erotic roleplay you should be going to adult oriented forums. Doing such things in a game targeted towards kids is a flat bad idea, and changing the game to be adult oriented is even worse.
They have adult MMOs. Go play them. Leave this one to the super heroes.
This what you keep telling to yourself, on a daily basis i assume. I got facts, i see it often times enough. It is an issue, it should be punished. This is a kiddie game after all, isn't it?
End of story.
Buy them. Have adult RP.
Give Cryptic money.
It upsets me to not be able to go into club Caprice without someone asking me if I ERP or want to "do something fun".
For those of you who know me ingame and know my mistells on the trade channel, you know I have quite a bit of trouble with ERPers. I find it continually unsettling that, the ERPers I have run into are so quick to judge your character if they are as one person put it "up for the taking". Which has given me a negative view towards ERPers, I don't like to hold negative opinions of people in general but when there is a mountain of evidence...
I do think, however trying to enforce the side of ERP more than it already is (such as walking into CC and hearing about "events" with tentacles and all) is a very very bad idea.
As a number of people have already pointed out the age restriction on this game is low anyway, so making an adult zone in any way shape or form is calling into question the nature/intentions of people playing the game in the first place.
As an RPer, I love the game, lore and friends who RP with me and talk to me outside of RP as well, so that's sort of the main reason I play the game, but I also play it for other reasons as well.
Whilst I am familiar with certain people's view on RPers which are largely negative, I am begining to see why they are that way, both in game and now on the forums.
So my vote is no, this is a horrific idea. Fact.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
You were asking for it.. wearing those provocative clothes. The ERP **** was all your fault! LOL
"Champions-Online and Star Trek Online contained hundreds of hours of mediocre content!"
and "nothing was polished".
--Jack Emmert
LOL, as if. I know alot of people who don't fancy my chars...I think..
besides, I was refering to ForceGirl..who doesnt wear the same things as Mentella..and STILL got grief...
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I don't think CO should change the ratings, or create adult zones/costumes/emotes. CO won't be anywhere close to Second Life for me. I would, however, like a mature art style to the game I play...and much more art.
And for those clowns that started dropping the pedo accusations all willy-nilly. REALLY?! You went there of all places?
@Quincy-St-Moth's PRIMUS page
There is a software, pretty sure it uses Cryptic's engine, looks like it to me
from the content I've seen and how I found it digging through...stuff.
Anyway Keneva is a build your own MMO service with a Foundry like system.
There's adult themed clubs and what have you.
But like many hundreds of MMOs out there, or say Vibora Apocalypse, its kind of devoid of life.
You find four people, and its awkward because if you don't like one of those four people, thats 1/5th of the game population.
Everyone's personal MMO design is a 'zone' that you have to login into, has its own design dynamic, etc. Bizzaroville in someone's lazy toy box.
But I don't mean to review it. Just let you know you can go wack-a-mole over in your own private pervertosphere if its so important to you.
Indeed take The Secret World for instance, rated adult simply for over use of the F word and a suggestive foot massage. Majorly low sales. Lasted less than a month on Steam top 100. They crippled themselves and it took the whole company down with them.
Such a stupid move going adult rating without actual adult content, like blood, gore and boobs know an average day for any pubescent girl is obviously too much for most people to handle until they are twenty one.
I just want to say that I hate this phrase as it's been proven time and time again tha it is false.
Porn sells, but only if it is sold as porn. Attempts to inject porn or sexual elements into other kinds of genre tend to have negligible effect on sales. In fact, the higher restrictions would decrease sales in this case because we have a large minor (that sounds like an oxymoron.) demographic that the CryptAri alliance would be fools to lock out.
That said, ERP is just a valid kind of RP as regular RPing, it's just that people get squicked out at it in an otherwise sexless game. Foxbat's Balls do not count.
It would be a big shift, and it would stop me playing.
That said, I have nothing against ambiguous props in the decor of hideouts, zones, and instances, like beds, chains, etc that could be used to boost the ERPers possibly buying stuff without being obviously "Penetrate the Other Side Of the Building Grab Bag". However, it needs to be done tastefully, without neglecting other markets.
We are, after all, a superhero genre game. While sex is a part of the genre nowadays, it isn't a relevant USP, or Unique Selling Point to it. It wouldn't get us more players or money if we focused exclusively on adult content.
That should go up on a billboard in Ren Cen.
Cybersoldier1981 for Mayor 2013
Just a thought. Also, inbeforelock.
Because there is no dev team to implement any good ideas.
...and its about 'adult' stuff, so its fun.
There's no indication that Cryptic will ever turn Champions into an adult-oriented thing, even in private areas, so this dog won't hunt. Closing thread.