While making suggestions seems to be near futile as this point, I was bored (and slightly delusional that someone might care) and decided to write them down anyway, maybe for a better game one day...
- More eye/face masks. We've had the same ones since the beginning with the exception of the 2 Golden Age set additions. Think Green Lantern crab mask, think Scarlet Witch, think Spiderman eyes for some ideas. Or even better, a flowing face hood ala
- I'm not a fan of furries at all, but I sometime have use for animal heads and I notice that felines have been pretty badly neglected. Got a nice set of wolf/werewolf and bird heads but only one crappy cat head. We need highly detailed lions, panthers, tigers, sabertooth...
- Weapons: Add small knifes and daggers. More claw and bow options.
- I have mentioned this in another thread but being able to have a weapon/object in your hand (visiable at all time) that's not linked to your powers. Example: a wizard with a staff or wand, but with no blade/HW powers required.
- Arm tassels. Seriously, it's already in the game, look at Valerian Scarlet and Demoiselle Nocturne. Give it to us...
- Firey hair. 'Nuff said.
- More character poses! More emote poses also! Arms crossed, hands on waist looking heroic, threatening...
- More color choices. Or more specifically, GIMME GEMINI'S PURPLE NAO!
- Options for the face available while wearing a partial mask...
- Give every texture to EVERYTHING. There's nothing I hate more when making a leather-cladded character then not being able to use certain costume pieces because they are metallic only (Dragon armor set comes to mind). Or my character is metallic skined but can't have metallic hair.
- In the same vein, making EVERYTHING available for, um, EVERYTHING. Yeah, I know it won't happen but their reasoning for it is pure BS. There's plently of clipping, costume bugs and broken textures as it is, what difference would it make? None. The REAL reason why they won't do it is because the character creator has probably become a complete and utter boggled mess they can't be detangle it at this point. There's NO REASON why you can't have both a collar and wear a hat. There's no clipping issue involve to excuse this. The limitations of a tool that should be near limitless are just more frustration for the players.
- Gravity / Magnetism powers.
- Metamorphosis / Cloning / Illusions powers.
- An actual physical SHIELD block. With selectable shield options in either the character creator or power window.
- Wall walking/climbing. Could be Spiderman style in which case you are simply sticking to the walls or could be Batman style, using grappling hooks and/or spiked boot to walk up the walls/building.
- A way to have relaxed animal tails. Animal don't continusly wiggle their tail, and a lot of times it just ends up clipping through stuff. If the tail was hanging lower in a calmer state you wouldn't have such issues.
- More female tights showing skin. Right now, you either have your entire torso covered in tights with not a square inch of skin showing or you use the very limited options available to you in the skin category. You can find ways to bypass this sometimes by using the armor tights or bustiers, but I would love to see some new tights with some skin worked into the design. Could even use semi-transparent material...
- A chest/torso height option to make some truly elontaged heroes. Or just give characters better proportions in general...
- New back quivers. Maybe waist quivers also?
- Melee abilities for power sets that are currently mainly focused on range. Force punches, fire punches and etc. Sometimes I have a concept in which a character should be fighting with his/her fists but don't want to harm my build by having to pick up unarmed or might abilities. These would of course have effects matching their power set. Force punch could have a repel effect, while fire punch could set your opponent on fire and so on. And I'm sure a lot of martial artists would love to have firey fists!
That said, we do need more travel powers. But so far most of the reskins are Flight-oriented - Phoenix Flight, Shadow Wings, the various Questionite remakes of the removed CTP's, etc...
How about some love for the other forms of travel, like running or such?
One idea I've had is inspired by the "earth surfing" power used by Toph in "Avatar: the Last Airbender" - it would be sort of a reskin of Energy Slide - the user pulls up a small chunk of earth and glides along the ground on a cloud of dust and dirt, like a non-flying Earth Flight, leaving trailing debris like that seen with Tunneling.
Now, some sort of "organic" variant of swinging would be a nice variation - since the only alternate skins for swinging are in the Q-store at a very high price.
As for items like staves and wands - well they could add them, but without hooking them up as true emanation points, they'd look very odd.
I do agree that we could use more claw and other weapon models.
As for masks - I would like to see more "eye-only" masks - there are a few in the formal costume set too.
If you notice, Valerian's arm tassels tend to bug a lot, which is probably why we don't get them. Oddly, the Persian waist=cloth pieces, Roin'esh shoulder tassels, and aviator scarf, do *not* bug - so maybe it's just that single piece that's the issue.
As for gravity or magnetism powers - well you can already simulate those pretty well with force, wind, or darkness. The key with powers in CO is to give them a unique mechanic or feel. What would magnetism or gravity have, that force, wind, or darkness do not? Also remember that you have to think from the perspective of freeform, where you can pick and choose what powers you want to create a theme, instead of how an AT may operate.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
It's only a visual thing. This bug was introduced when cape animations got an overhaul. When the camera is far enough away from a cape wearer, you can see his cape being slightly off. If he is down on the ground, it becomes obvious, as the cape appears to be still "standing" unless you get closer.
The cloth on Valerian's arm does this in a more extreme way, maybe because of how narrow it is. It's not really detached and it will look as intended if you stand right next to her, and probably in the editor as well.
However, with regard to other powers, I'd have to say no.
I know not everyone has freeform capability, but that's one of the selling points of FF slots and Gold Membership. You can build a gravikinetic (not so much a magnetic though) and any number of other themed powers with a little hand-waving and a little creativity in dipping into other powersets (like Ego Blades before they made energy swords for PA.)
That being said, they need more powers to simulate more effects but I'd rather they focus on customization and fixing bugs rather than working to create new powersets that just reskin old powers with a slightly different effect. Now, if they wanted to create a paid AT that put some gravity powers together (from Wind, Darkness, and Force) that's fine (esp. if sales of new ATs mean fewer lockboxes,) but they really don't need to make new powersets when so much is possible with current powers and there are more pressing issues (like Darkness for Nemeses)
We allready have elbow pads, sio why not make something to cover the other important joint?
Pretty please? :biggrin:
Auras - Lets face it its time for aura costume slots... its possable there are a limited selection of auras already available via gear slots or costume slots, expand these and make a new catagory
Change stance feature in power selections, ability to change the animation stance of some pre existing powers to the new stances found in wind and martial arts (like open palm strike animation for force cascades)
Greeko-Roman outfits (not togas).
And some non-messy, wavy hair styles would be good in neck and shoulder length versions.
Girls also need some mid-thigh length skirts.
The half-cape needs much more in the way of looks instead of two.