PS: Didn't you say you were new to the game about a week ago Intrinsicman? Maybe following Nepht's advice might be in order?
Yeah, and I beat it within a month. Which means that this is all there's left to do in this game. I'm just trying to get a return on the time I invested downloading this hunk at this point.
You're getting off topic. The debate has been specifically about WoW mechanics not MMO mechanics in general. Or are you arguing that WoW invented questing, training abilities, and gear? Remove that from ANY game, single player or MMO, and you are left with little else.
WoW popularized the theme park. The Beatles didn't technically invent rock n' roll, but every band who tried to do what they did were still Beatles clones, not Elvis clones. Use some common sense.
Actually, reinventing the wheel is the entire point. Why bother to leave Wow, and years of established characters for something all to similar? The parts that CO does differently have been brilliant and have been the main draws to this game. The failure has not been in the innovation but the execution. Few can argue that systems like Free form, the character creator, the nemesis system, the combat system, even alerts have been poor, or stale ideas. By the contrary, they have been good ideas and refreshing innovation but poorly done or neglected. So its less of a case of more like WoW and more a case of polish and attention.
If you really think CO doesn't conform to a genre and add some unique hooks I have a bridge I can sell you. This game does not reinvent the wheel, it adds some unique systems to an established template. If you really think it reinvents the wheel, your intelligence is very indicative of why you play this game.
The impact of gear is minimal by the standards of most MMOs. Measure it by the number of pieces you need or by its impact in success its still the same. I know of no one being judged by their gear or gear rank. I know of no one needing to run a parse to see how well they do. Ive heard of no one requiring a certain level of gear to run content. You will however find such things in WoW. So the debate isnt that gear is useless, but that its over all impact is judged less. CO will never be a game based on gear snobbery. I consider that a good thing.
lol, it's still an integral part of the game. Seriously start using your head. You basically said there was no gear earlier. If gear didn't matter you wouldn't be able to spend hundreds of dollars on mods in the cash shop. Gear matters in this game. Stop being intentionally obtuse for the sake of defending this pile of junk, it's getting pathetic.
As to my faith in the player base. It matters not. Simply put, the entire goal of tiered content to to limit its access. Otherwise why bother? Are you really saying that EVERYONE who plays WoW has seen ALL the end game dungeons? What is the percentage of players who will even see it all or done it all? Whats the point of adding content that only a percentage can enjoy?
The entire goal of tiered content is to progress your character. It's no fun if there's no challenge. A video game is like any other game. I wouldn't want to play a basketball game and not keep score. I wouldn't want to play chess and knock all the pieces over half way through. It's pointless. The percentage of players who will have access to end game content would be 100%. If some people choose not to take advantage of that access, it doesn't make it a bad design choice. EVERY MMO worth its salt has an end game. To say you don't want one is just retarded.
The idea that the game starts once you cap out is another WoW idea. To me, progression is the journey, not something that starts at the end. I feel this is more a problem of mindset then design.
Uhh look at TOR. They place great emphasis on the level up journey. They have great questing with high production value and great team specific content as you level up matching that production value. They still have a raiding end game and tiered progression. The game has about five times the content of this one and it's been out for a third of the time. They even finished it, who'da thunk. COH had a fleshed out end game too and it wasn't a "race to the level cap" game for everyone. Seriously please stop making excuses for this game. There are no valid ones.
Yes, this game does need more content. But more things to do does not always equal more levels to progress. More adventure does not have to equal a new level cap. The general mindset I feel from the community I know of. Is they simply want new stuff to do. Few really care about more levels or more progression.
You can raise the level cap more dynamically like COH did. Personally I thought that was a weird idea and it only served as a "lol look how unique we are!" gimmick, but it's still an option. You're nitpicking at this point.
1. bug fixes. not the costume ones, which allow funny combos but actual play affecting ones.
espcially some of the one awhich have been around for a while
2. new content which is NOT grab bags or toys but actual areas or missions.
3. not a PvP person but can someone please adjust their queuing system so they get a shot with 5 not 5 from an area or whatever it is currently.
D. remote colume control for Caliga so we can lower his volume from another zone :biggrin:
If you really think CO doesn't conform to a genre and add some unique hooks I have a bridge I can sell you. This game does not reinvent the wheel, it adds some unique systems to an established template. If you really think it reinvents the wheel, your intelligence is very indicative of why you play this game.
Derp. Coming from someone who struggles with the English language in almost every single post, that's some novel advice.
Oh you wound meh you truly do but if you want I can say the exact same thing in my native tongues XD
Ik heb een remedie voor. Hou je mond.
There we are me telling yew to shut yewr hole in perfect grammar. That saying as most people have pointed out to yourself you struggle with English , due to the fact they dont know what the f@&k your talking about .
Everyone here knows my excuse for my awful English the question is whats yours ?
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
@ intrinsicman, I do agree with some of your points. Though I love playing basketball without keeping score, because I just like to play, I dont really care who wins or losses.
As far as comparing CO and its content to games like TOR and WoW is rediculous and shows your new to the game. This game has no budget or Dev team. They do what they can with the little they have.
WOW and TOR's budgets could buy this game a hundred times over.
I would love for Champions to get a higher level cap and some end game stuff. Raids dungeons whatever you want to call it. I would love to have a level 40+zone. Destroyer's island would be perfect for that. I would love to have half of the content of TOR which just celebrated its 1st birthday and is heads and tails past CO.
Unfortunately it is not in the cards with this game. It is to the point where if you dont like it, then just go play WoW or ToR.
Given TOR's budget, in fact, I find their frequent, annoying, and highly distracting graphical glitches to be inexcusable. The famed "pick-up-and-throw" bug is NOTHING when compared to the pain and eyestrain of just trying to move around on Coruscant. (It may get better later in the game - I'll never know, because those random jagged flashes of light were too much for me to put up with, so I quit trying.)
I will admit to jealousy over the voice acting in the cutscenes, however...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Given TOR's budget, in fact, I find their frequent, annoying, and highly distracting graphical glitches to be inexcusable. The famed "pick-up-and-throw" bug is NOTHING when compared to the pain and eyestrain of just trying to move around on Coruscant. (It may get better later in the game - I'll never know, because those random jagged flashes of light were too much for me to put up with, so I quit trying.)
I will admit to jealousy over the voice acting in the cutscenes, however...
I agree. I love the cinematic story telling and I wish we had it here. The voice acting in the other games make CO seem like it was made 10 years ago.
I agree. I love the cinematic story telling and I wish we had it here. The voice acting in the other games make CO seem like it was made 10 years ago.
The voice acting in CO makes CO seem like it was done 10 years ago by amature teens in their parents basement... even without taking other games into account. Every time I see it (even before playing SWTOR or TSW) I cringe with embarrassment.
All of the suggestions I've seen are great--I'd love to eventually see a Villain-Side expansion like CoX, since so many people are running around on Villainous toons--but the one thing that would really make a difference is:
Yes, we can all see that we have been back-shelved and we don't appreciate it. It's a great start, but for heaven's sake, KEEP GOING! It's not finished!
There is so much potential here with the PnP content and the existing framework, it'll just be a crying shame if you let it peter out from neglect when it could be a truly great, lasting game.
All of the suggestions I've seen are great--I'd love to eventually see a Villain-Side expansion like CoX, since so many people are running around on Villainous toons--but the one thing that would really make a difference is:
Yes, we can all see that we have been back-shelved and we don't appreciate it. It's a great start, but for heaven's sake, KEEP GOING! It's not finished!
There is so much potential here with the PnP content and the existing framework, it'll just be a crying shame if you let it peter out from neglect when it could be a truly great, lasting game.
I love the emotion! Unfortunately the only way we will get the attention of anyone who works on this game in the least bit, is to argue and start a back and forth attackfest.
So your opinion is wrong you poo poo head.
<_< >_> <_< >_> any devs looking at this yet? TT you their too? >_> <_< >_>
Put the character creator back the way it was for new accounts.
Seriously. My 90-man guild come over here from CoH, and *all of them* said something like, "The costume creator is so limited compared to CoH!" And I had to explain to each one that after you finish the tutorial for the first time it opens up and you get access to all the options.
Word. Bafflingly, hair-pullingly, surreally weird choices in what is basically a very good game. Like, the only explanation I can think of is "well, we want to make sure that we're not TOO successful" they're such bad choices.
And what an amazing opportunity they have with so many CoX people coming over. If they fumble THAT ball I'll have to start taking the "we don't want it to be TOO successful" theory seriously--and that's scary.
And, to B Dubyah--YOU'RE a big poopy head and YOU'RE wrong cause your face! Put that in your pipe and suck on it!
That should get us some attention...
<_< >_> <_< >_> No? Still? My theory is gaining plausibility... >_> <_< >_>
Put the character creator back the way it was for new accounts.
Seriously. My 90-man guild come over here from CoH, and *all of them* said something like, "The costume creator is so limited compared to CoH!" And I had to explain to each one that after you finish the tutorial for the first time it opens up and you get access to all the options.
The response was, in general, "WHY?!?!?!?"
And I have no good answer.
I've been playing for so long I guess I didn't know that this was a problem. Why indeed. That's not just a bad idea, that's a DCUO bad idea.
And what an amazing opportunity they have with so many CoX people coming over. If they fumble THAT ball I'll have to start taking the "we don't want it to be TOO successful" theory seriously--and that's scary.
Well, I'm .5/3 for bringing the CoH regulars I played with here.
.5 (more like .25) since one "plays" CO but mostly plays STO, which at least shares a chat system. The lack of a Mac client is keeping one of the remaining two away and one just can't get past the "look" (which admittedly took me some time to do).
It took me multiple tries to like CO. Thankfully I found out it had some version of sidekicking so I buckled down and gave it a serious try. CO does a really good job of hiding the good bits. From little things like stuffing the exit mission in SOCRATES (and never mentioning it) to the gimped costume creator until level 10.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
1) Capeless "Cape Glide" travel power! As much as my caped "flightless" characters dig it. We have underarm costume pieces begging to be truly shown off.
2) LET ME BUY THE FLIPPIN' BIRD COSTUME ALREADY! Months I waited only to have it made a veteran perk.....I was actually looking forward to buying it, and I wouldn't have waited for my stipend either. Full on no-brainer impulse buy.
3) Add the shark fin to ALL HEADS!
4) "Sonic Blaster" maintain! I think it could be such an awesome maintain power. It already has a nifty AOE advantage. Beef up the damage maybe add a disorient effect or advantage as well...Badabing! Sweet new old power.
5) Did I mention putting the Bird costume on the C-store?
1) Capeless "Cape Glide" travel power! As much as my caped "flightless" characters dig it. We have underarm costume pieces begging to be truly shown off.
2) LET ME BUY THE FLIPPIN' BIRD COSTUME ALREADY! Months I waited only to have it made a veteran perk.....I was actually looking forward to buying it, and I wouldn't have waited for my stipend either. Full on no-brainer impulse buy.
3) Add the shark fin to ALL HEADS!
4) "Sonic Blaster" maintain! I think it could be such an awesome maintain power. It already has a nifty AOE advantage. Beef up the damage maybe add a disorient effect or advantage as well...Badabing! Sweet new old power.
5) Did I mention putting the Bird costume on the C-store?
Honestly I would like to see them put all of the costumes from the Vet rewards on sale, I think it would be a great money maker for CO.
Honestly I would like to see them put all of the costumes from the Vet rewards on sale, I think it would be a great money maker for CO.
Are we going to get a different Veteran Reward then? What about more RetCon tokens? If you're going to take something away, add something else of equal or greater value.
It's unwise to even further devalue subscriptions... Short-term money gain, long-term larger money loss with some pissed off customers.
Are we going to get a different Veteran Reward then? What about more RetCon tokens? If you're going to take something away, add something else of equal or greater value.
It's unwise to even further devalue subscriptions... Short-term money gain, long-term larger money loss with some pissed off customers.
Not necessarily. The Vet Rewards would still be something you get for free by just waiting, while the impatient can just buy them outright - kind of like the awarding of Retcons, which can also be purchased.
Of course, the Vet Rewards would have to be kind of high-priced to keep the value of the item up for the vets...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
1. Bug Fixes
Start need for a huge attempt. I would like the OM's fixed first, then move on to something else. Can't think of a monetary angle for this.
2. New Powersets
Water and Sonic. Make premium AT's for them for the monetary pay off.
3. Super-group Bases
Huge fun for active SG's and RP'ers. Some upgrades to the base are grindable (pay with questionite, globals or some new currency method) and some upgrades from the Z store (again for the monetary angle)
4. New Zone(s)
Will give us more content, will probably require a level increase. A new zone for level 6-20 something would be a nice alternative to grinding through MC again though. Can't think of a monetary angle for this.
5. Foundry
I don't care about a foundry, don't really want one. I wish they would expand hideouts, but so many people want a foundry, if they finally add one I won't have to see several new threads a week about it. Only monetary angle I can think for this would be make it available for Golds only.
Not necessarily. The Vet Rewards would still be something you get for free by just waiting, while the impatient can just buy them outright - kind of like the awarding of Retcons, which can also be purchased.
Of course, the Vet Rewards would have to be kind of high-priced to keep the value of the item up for the vets...
Are we going to get a different Veteran Reward then? What about more RetCon tokens? If you're going to take something away, add something else of equal or greater value.
It's unwise to even further devalue subscriptions... Short-term money gain, long-term larger money loss with some pissed off customers.
The thing is, you're one of the few LTS' that the move would seem to bother. It seems a majority, myself included, actually support the idea. And yes, I'm talking about us original LTS' who would gain nothing from doing this...
I think it would please a lot more people than it would anger...
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Not necessarily. The Vet Rewards would still be something you get for free by just waiting, while the impatient can just buy them outright - kind of like the awarding of Retcons, which can also be purchased.
Of course, the Vet Rewards would have to be kind of high-priced to keep the value of the item up for the vets...
I think you all underestimate and misunderstand me.
At this point it would make more sense for them to sell things like this:
$300 one-time
(cheap compared to the cost of other entertainment options)
* 2500 Zen for Freeform Slot
* 125 Zen per +100g increase to the 250g gold cap
* Millenial Flight, same price as other premium TPs
* 500 Zen for Veteran Costume unlocks
* 1000 Zen retcon token
LTS and Gold get a free Retcon for each of their characters once a week. And the ability to customize colors is a luxury limited to subscribers.
This gives incentive to subscribe for diehard players (who are more likely to subscribe), and gives better prices for casual players (who are more likely to stay F2P and pay-as-you-go). Overall, sales would notably increase in the long run.
Massive would have to eat their own words where they critized the $50 freeform slot, with the price having been cut in half to $25. This would also allow balance in the game to stop being Archetype-leaning as much and allow more players to experience the true beauty of Champion's customization: freeform power selection.
The thing is, you're one of the few LTS' that the move would seem to bother. It seems a majority, myself included, actually support the idea. And yes, I'm talking about us original LTS' who would gain nothing from doing this...
I think it would please a lot more people than it would anger...
Read the above to see just how off you are.
Also, in that quote I said "subscribers" not LTS. You assumed that.
In truth the people who would be mostly likely to be angered would be the Gold subscribers not LTS.
Bumping this so TrailTurtle and other readers can find the topic I was mentioning.
This is a pretty strong list of things people want to see this year, and feel to keep adding until we run out of time this year (this topic should get locked in December 2013, until then it stays currently relevant)
* Cape Glide - Remove the default cape. Some heroes have wings on their arms and would like to appear as if they're using them.
* Spelling and Grammer Errors - I have found quite a number of them throughout gameplay.
* Seperate Social Club channels/zones for both role-players and non-role-players (some of us don't RP and it is difficult for us to meet people and have genuine conversations.)
* More Body-Morphing Ability - I noticed it's not flexible enough to make obese characters, or really long stretched out torsos, or a realisticly shaped woman.
* More Short Hairstyles for Females - There are just not nearly enough satisfying short styles for females, where as males get so many.
PS: Yes there are way too many spelling/grammatical errors in this game. Not to mention many of the descriptions on powers, advantages, and specializations are unclear, vague, or even outright intentionally misleading!
All clear? Ok, I guess I'll establish the precedent, by going first...
Bug fixes
(Do you even LOOK in the Gameplay Bugs forum devs?)
New explorable content
(Places to go & things to do. Improvements to existing missions, quest chains, zones, and alerts count.)
Revise & improve the Nemesis system
(Entirely new mission arcs based on your nemesis's personality & minion types. Alerts that involve nemesises of everyone on the team. Better customization of your nemesis from power sets, to devices & gear, and more personalities)
Address player griefing issues
(Low levels & leechers in Smash Alerts specifically, greifers/trolls in costume contests, and the player chat-ban issue. Smart, longer-lasting solutions are needed)
Consolidate the currencies
(see my signature below PLUS I feel there should be a daily & completely optional daily Questionite mission for playing 3 PvP queue matches of any kind to completion, win or lose, just don't quit or AFK.)
You've already listed my top 5. :biggrin:
I could also add in:
Balancing of same tier powers.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
I appreciate the comfirmative support! And yeah, I could easily expand my list to a top 10 to include ones like that. The reason for a "top 5" was because I wanted to get the community thinking about the essential needs in the game and write it down. The kind of thing somebody like TrailTurtle could then bring up in a weekly meeting as what needs to happen to improve customer satisfaction and keep the business healthy.
From skimming over in review of what people have said so far:
The community wants bug fixes most of all, followed by more content and/or the Foundry tool. All other priorities pale in comparison to these two it would seem, which begs the question why bugs aren't getting fixed in a timely, professional fashion.
1: Foundry
I am so ready to spend money on a Foundry in this game. Please make it happen already.
2: New Content
New Comic series and missions and a new area/map outside of Millenium City with it's own quest line and story.
3: New Powers
More Steampunk, and Plant power set(vines, trees, etc..), Shield powers(Captain America), etc.....
4: New Costume Sets/Pieces
More Steampunk, and some Plant stuff to go with the new powers. More Golden Age and Solver Age sets and more Armor that's not tech related, more weapons(there is only 1 sledge hammer why?) and etc.....
5: Polish
General polishing of existing game play, fixing bugs, implementing quality of life features, super group stuff, etc....
Bug fixes
(Do you even LOOK in the Gameplay Bugs forum devs?)
New explorable content
(Places to go & things to do. Improvements to existing missions, quest chains, zones, and alerts count.)
Revise & improve the Nemesis system
(Entirely new mission arcs based on your nemesis's personality & minion types. Alerts that involve nemesises of everyone on the team. Better customization of your nemesis from power sets, to devices & gear, and more personalities)
Address player griefing issues
(Low levels & leechers in Smash Alerts specifically, greifers/trolls in costume contests, and the player chat-ban issue. Smart, longer-lasting solutions are needed)
Consolidate the currencies
(see my signature below PLUS I feel there should be a daily & completely optional daily Questionite mission for playing 3 PvP queue matches of any kind to completion, win or lose, just don't quit or AFK.)
Now it's your turn! Please post YOUR top five, "This NEEDS to be done in 2013"
This is a lovely list, but now I'mma be a little bit selfish
I'd like to add in...
- Expanding and working on old powersets/mechanics to make them viable for all existing and future content. i.e. making control powers and their effects worth it.
- Keeping promises made with regard to fixing and working on things for CO
Everyone pretty much has said alot of things that I agree with, so here's to CO
PERSONAL GRIPE: Look, just drop the pretense that not allowing certain costume items to be combined has anything to do with clipping. Just admit that certain items, when combined, will look too much like a character that already exists. We prefer honesty over everything else.
5. Do away with the Grab Bag/Lockbox method of introducing content. Just put the items in the ******n store; stop making us jump through hoops.
4. Make Vehicles just more detailed & visually customizable Travel Powers, instead of fumbling to create a set of alternate combat options that no one asked for.
3. Make the Alerts for ONLY level 40 characters. That way you have an excuse to raise the rewards higher than Oliver's second helping, the complaints about low-level players will end, and people might actually go back to the other Zones.
2. Either lower the cost of the items in the Q-Store, or make Questionite easier to obtain, because some of us have day-jobs, you know.
1. How about some new power sets/updates more than once in a blue moon? You know, the stuff you play the game with? I'm still waiting for a neutral element/atomic/cosmic energy projector set, and I KNOW others have problems to be fixed.
This stuff just seems like no-brainers to me. Maybe there's a leaking gas main in the CO-HQ?
1.- Foundry:Make it full access for Gold players (Creating and playing stories), while silvers can only play stories but cannot create them. Then add the option to create stories to the market. After that, some Foundry packs could be released to the market in the form of new customization options for the maps you create, or decorations, etc.
[stuff snipped] ;
Absolutely NOT!
Some of the player base are unable to monthly sub (whatever the reasons).
Just because ONE CAN PAY does not mean that ONE persons Foundry ideas are better than another persons, who would like to contribute but (for whatever reason) cannot monthly sub.
Sorry, big FAT NO to the text in red.
I have hopes that the new project up CRYPTICs sleeve is a CHAMPIONS ONLINE REBORN.
I have had this idea (dream more than likely) that as they were creating and building STO and setting up for and developing for NWO that assets and whatnot from Fight Club have been ported to the latest engine (one based on NWO with the latest tweaks/fixes of the Foundry learned from STO) and will be a "new" version of the game we all love Champions Online.
The folks at CRYPTIC have been checking out the forums. They do know what's not working, what needs to be fixed and it will be all taken care of in the REBORN game.
Then I woke up.
But one can dream.
I yield my top 5 picks to those who have come before me, with the exception of the above in red.....
"Few are agreeable in conversation, because each thinks more of what he intends to say than that of what others are saying, and listens no more when he himself has a chance to speak." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
"Forums are amazing technology. They can take a seemingly normal and
rational person and make them look like a troll. Short-sighted, misguided, creative effort deprived. Incredible." - Snarlygribbly
My personal thing would be to fix what's wrong with my account oh and yeah, give me my Febuary stipend. Now.
Yes I will submit a ticket, no need to tell me.
*I have to post this (something) because for some ridiculous reason I cannot creat my own thread even though I PAY for the game and have been registered here since forever.
__________________________________________________ This is a signature.
Some of the player base are unable to monthly sub (whatever the reasons).
Just because ONE CAN PAY does not mean that ONE persons Foundry ideas are better than another persons, who would like to contribute but (for whatever reason) cannot monthly sub.
In STO, Gold folks start with 8 slots for missions, and then you can buy 4 more for 10k dilithium (repeatable). Silver gets no initial slots, but you can still buy slots -- you get access to Foundry once you have a slot available.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
*I have to post this (something) because for some ridiculous reason I cannot creat my own thread even though I PAY for the game and have been registered here since forever.
Then why is your join date listed as March 2013, if you've been registered here since forever?
I have absolutely no idea. There are a number of errors with my account however. Not that it matters as I cannot seem to get the PWE support page to load even if the rest of their site is fine.
__________________________________________________ This is a signature.
Yeah as a silver STO player I could buy slots just with refined dilithium. You can buy 2 slots with just 7k dilithium or 4 with 10k dilithium.
My problem with the STO foundry is, well the original team that build is, works on NW and it's stuck at v0.8 there. You can't create free ground misssions like you can do it for space.
Lets face it, cryptic has very limited manpower for all 3(4) projects the are working on.
The only good point is that someday we know STO will get the toolset like "doors anywhere" and all the updated stuff but for CO who knows.................
Oh and my list.
1. MORE power sets, not vehicles, not devices. I mean power sets, look how CoX did it.
2. Nemesis, seriously once one of the key points that sold this game to me but look at what state it is. More missions, more stuff to do.
3. Endgame lvl 40 content, we need more, a lot more. A mix out of STO and CoX. Give players the option to run them normal or on elite. Maybe the Harbringer points in the right direction.
4. Zones, at last expand Millennium City. There is so much stuff there, use it.
5. Foundry, when there is a game that needs it badly, then this game!
3. Make the Alerts for ONLY level 40 characters. That way you have an excuse to raise the rewards higher than Oliver's second helping, the complaints about low-level players will end, and people might actually go back to the other Zones.
I'm pretty much agree to some of your idea, but one thing isn't right......
Making Alert only for lvl 40 can be a disaster, why? The only thing that bother is anyone who want to try out their new character will have to spent their time lvl up by same old missions over and over again just to try out a new toon as Non-Gold? Seriously
Beside there is already Alert that can only access by lvl 35 to 40 already, keeping all Alerts for only lvl 40s, won't make this game a Free For All. And this will most likely to kill the game even more, because when a game that has no more players will be gone
Now let get back to why I'm here. Few things I have in mind are..............
1. Resource Limit for Silver players: Because for Gold they can save as much money as they can, and get something unique and expansive from the AH, while Silver might be most likely to be scam without any good item to trade. I suggest a some bag token
2. More Power Sets: Water, Plant are good choice. I'm pretty sure that people want them already
3. Bug Fix: Costume Bug or other issues
4. Contents: More Zone, Maps, Comic Series, Adventure Packs, Alerts such as Rampage bosses
5. Communication in the game: such as GM and Developers, peoples want to know if the community listen to their feedback or not
Well, hope that wrap up everything, because I can't read all people mind...........
The trouble is that everyone solos this game because it's so easy and they don't miss out on rewards, which sort of defeats the point of it being an MMO. Having a healthy amount of content requiring cooperative play is what builds up in game friendships with new people and leads to a more productive and vibrant playerbase. Just say "yes" to minimum team sizes!
Well. they'd lose this player. What harm does it do If I want to solo? It gives them some single player types who play the game. 80% I do solo and love it . I spend money also. Its not quite a Skyrim like Superhero game but its as close as I'm going to see for a while.
I'd frankly rather they go to the comic adventures being paid for than forced team ups.
Some of the player base are unable to monthly sub (whatever the reasons).
Just because ONE CAN PAY does not mean that ONE persons Foundry ideas are better than another persons, who would like to contribute but (for whatever reason) cannot monthly sub.
Sorry, big FAT NO to the text in red.
I have hopes that the new project up CRYPTICs sleeve is a CHAMPIONS ONLINE REBORN
Good, then spend money. Like we Gold players do. It should be a PURCHASABLE option. The game needs money to survive, not handouts for people who can't afford $15 a month.
1. The damn targeting!
No matter what options you set it to, it's still never as good as it should be.
2. The Nemesis system
Get them more involved somehow. Don't make the nemesis clues so scarce. And pretty much just make them more than just alert accessories. A friend of mine pointed out that you can't even read their bios anywhere else but in create-a-nem. And update the power options. I've been wanting a Heavy Weapons nem for a while now..
3. More Love and Communication
SO a couple days ago, I saw the thread where a dev posted the new updates and changes to the harbinger mission. Shockingly, alot of people were happy. And alot of the responses were very positive just from the fact that a dev was letting everyone know what was going on...Even if it meant the event was being pushed back a week. There needs to be more of this. Besides that, CO needs some love. Some new powers, explorable areas, new missions and story arcs, etc. What happened to the comic series? Those were awesome.
4. Reduce the Lockbox drop rate
Because it's freaking annoying!!
5. More Hideouts
I recently got to check out the loft/penthouse hideouts and they were awesome. I'm hoping that when more are added, they're customize-able and interactive like those.
Derp. Coming from someone who struggles with the English language in almost every single post, that's some novel advice.
Yeah, and I beat it within a month. Which means that this is all there's left to do in this game. I'm just trying to get a return on the time I invested downloading this hunk at this point.
WoW popularized the theme park. The Beatles didn't technically invent rock n' roll, but every band who tried to do what they did were still Beatles clones, not Elvis clones. Use some common sense.
If you really think CO doesn't conform to a genre and add some unique hooks I have a bridge I can sell you. This game does not reinvent the wheel, it adds some unique systems to an established template. If you really think it reinvents the wheel, your intelligence is very indicative of why you play this game.
lol, it's still an integral part of the game. Seriously start using your head. You basically said there was no gear earlier. If gear didn't matter you wouldn't be able to spend hundreds of dollars on mods in the cash shop. Gear matters in this game. Stop being intentionally obtuse for the sake of defending this pile of junk, it's getting pathetic.
The entire goal of tiered content is to progress your character. It's no fun if there's no challenge. A video game is like any other game. I wouldn't want to play a basketball game and not keep score. I wouldn't want to play chess and knock all the pieces over half way through. It's pointless. The percentage of players who will have access to end game content would be 100%. If some people choose not to take advantage of that access, it doesn't make it a bad design choice. EVERY MMO worth its salt has an end game. To say you don't want one is just retarded.
Uhh look at TOR. They place great emphasis on the level up journey. They have great questing with high production value and great team specific content as you level up matching that production value. They still have a raiding end game and tiered progression. The game has about five times the content of this one and it's been out for a third of the time. They even finished it, who'da thunk. COH had a fleshed out end game too and it wasn't a "race to the level cap" game for everyone. Seriously please stop making excuses for this game. There are no valid ones.
You can raise the level cap more dynamically like COH did. Personally I thought that was a weird idea and it only served as a "lol look how unique we are!" gimmick, but it's still an option. You're nitpicking at this point.
espcially some of the one awhich have been around for a while
2. new content which is NOT grab bags or toys but actual areas or missions.
3. not a PvP person but can someone please adjust their queuing system so they get a shot with 5 not 5 from an area or whatever it is currently.
D. remote colume control for Caliga so we can lower his volume from another zone :biggrin:
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What do you mean with that?
Oh you wound meh you truly do but if you want I can say the exact same thing in my native tongues XD
Ik heb een remedie voor. Hou je mond.
There we are me telling yew to shut yewr hole in perfect grammar. That saying as most people have pointed out to yourself you struggle with English , due to the fact they dont know what the f@&k your talking about .
Everyone here knows my excuse for my awful English the question is whats yours ?
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Looks like a typical CO thread to me.
(which is not to say that pic is not accurate... >.>)
I reckon this is more accurate
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
As far as comparing CO and its content to games like TOR and WoW is rediculous and shows your new to the game. This game has no budget or Dev team. They do what they can with the little they have.
WOW and TOR's budgets could buy this game a hundred times over.
I would love for Champions to get a higher level cap and some end game stuff. Raids dungeons whatever you want to call it. I would love to have a level 40+zone. Destroyer's island would be perfect for that. I would love to have half of the content of TOR which just celebrated its 1st birthday and is heads and tails past CO.
Unfortunately it is not in the cards with this game. It is to the point where if you dont like it, then just go play WoW or ToR.
1. No more auto unlock BoP rewards items.
2. Expiring devices from events. Hate that ****. Seriously. I WANT TO KEEP MY SNOWBALLS.
I will admit to jealousy over the voice acting in the cutscenes, however...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I agree. I love the cinematic story telling and I wish we had it here. The voice acting in the other games make CO seem like it was made 10 years ago.
The voice acting in CO makes CO seem like it was done 10 years ago by amature teens in their parents basement... even without taking other games into account. Every time I see it (even before playing SWTOR or TSW) I cringe with embarrassment.
Yes, we can all see that we have been back-shelved and we don't appreciate it. It's a great start, but for heaven's sake, KEEP GOING! It's not finished!
There is so much potential here with the PnP content and the existing framework, it'll just be a crying shame if you let it peter out from neglect when it could be a truly great, lasting game.
I love the emotion! Unfortunately the only way we will get the attention of anyone who works on this game in the least bit, is to argue and start a back and forth attackfest.
So your opinion is wrong you poo poo head.
<_< >_> <_< >_> any devs looking at this yet? TT you their too? >_> <_< >_>
Seriously. My 90-man guild come over here from CoH, and *all of them* said something like, "The costume creator is so limited compared to CoH!" And I had to explain to each one that after you finish the tutorial for the first time it opens up and you get access to all the options.
The response was, in general, "WHY?!?!?!?"
And I have no good answer.
Word. Bafflingly, hair-pullingly, surreally weird choices in what is basically a very good game. Like, the only explanation I can think of is "well, we want to make sure that we're not TOO successful" they're such bad choices.
And what an amazing opportunity they have with so many CoX people coming over. If they fumble THAT ball I'll have to start taking the "we don't want it to be TOO successful" theory seriously--and that's scary.
And, to B Dubyah--YOU'RE a big poopy head and YOU'RE wrong cause your face! Put that in your pipe and suck on it!
That should get us some attention...
<_< >_> <_< >_> No? Still? My theory is gaining plausibility... >_> <_< >_>
I've been playing for so long I guess I didn't know that this was a problem. Why indeed. That's not just a bad idea, that's a DCUO bad idea.
Well, I'm .5/3 for bringing the CoH regulars I played with here.
.5 (more like .25) since one "plays" CO but mostly plays STO, which at least shares a chat system. The lack of a Mac client is keeping one of the remaining two away and one just can't get past the "look" (which admittedly took me some time to do).
It took me multiple tries to like CO. Thankfully I found out it had some version of sidekicking so I buckled down and gave it a serious try. CO does a really good job of hiding the good bits. From little things like stuffing the exit mission in SOCRATES (and never mentioning it) to the gimped costume creator until level 10.
1) Capeless "Cape Glide" travel power! As much as my caped "flightless" characters dig it. We have underarm costume pieces begging to be truly shown off.
2) LET ME BUY THE FLIPPIN' BIRD COSTUME ALREADY! Months I waited only to have it made a veteran perk.....I was actually looking forward to buying it, and I wouldn't have waited for my stipend either. Full on no-brainer impulse buy.
3) Add the shark fin to ALL HEADS!
4) "Sonic Blaster" maintain! I think it could be such an awesome maintain power. It already has a nifty AOE advantage. Beef up the damage maybe add a disorient effect or advantage as well...Badabing! Sweet new old power.
5) Did I mention putting the Bird costume on the C-store?
Honestly I would like to see them put all of the costumes from the Vet rewards on sale, I think it would be a great money maker for CO.
Are we going to get a different Veteran Reward then? What about more RetCon tokens? If you're going to take something away, add something else of equal or greater value.
It's unwise to even further devalue subscriptions... Short-term money gain, long-term larger money loss with some pissed off customers.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Of course, the Vet Rewards would have to be kind of high-priced to keep the value of the item up for the vets...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I second all those suggestions
The thing is, you're one of the few LTS' that the move would seem to bother. It seems a majority, myself included, actually support the idea. And yes, I'm talking about us original LTS' who would gain nothing from doing this...
I think it would please a lot more people than it would anger...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
I think you all underestimate and misunderstand me.
At this point it would make more sense for them to sell things like this:
$300 one-time
(cheap compared to the cost of other entertainment options)
* 2500 Zen for Freeform Slot
* 125 Zen per +100g increase to the 250g gold cap
* Millenial Flight, same price as other premium TPs
* 500 Zen for Veteran Costume unlocks
* 1000 Zen retcon token
LTS and Gold get a free Retcon for each of their characters once a week. And the ability to customize colors is a luxury limited to subscribers.
This gives incentive to subscribe for diehard players (who are more likely to subscribe), and gives better prices for casual players (who are more likely to stay F2P and pay-as-you-go). Overall, sales would notably increase in the long run.
Massive would have to eat their own words where they critized the $50 freeform slot, with the price having been cut in half to $25. This would also allow balance in the game to stop being Archetype-leaning as much and allow more players to experience the true beauty of Champion's customization: freeform power selection.
Read the above to see just how off you are.
Also, in that quote I said "subscribers" not LTS. You assumed that.
In truth the people who would be mostly likely to be angered would be the Gold subscribers not LTS.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
1. Bug fixes
2. MAJOR Nem system reworking
3. Foundry
4. More Devs to get bigger content
5. More Costumes and Powers (mostly radioactive powers)
The Nemesis system needs fixing and here's ideas:
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Henry Ford
2) Hire more devs with all the new former CoH money.
3) Integrate more Champions PnP content.
Step up and make the game what it should be. PLEASE.
I really like this list, but I LOVE your suggestion topic in your signature related to your #2 priority for 2013. I'm sorry I missed it originally.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
This is a pretty strong list of things people want to see this year, and feel to keep adding until we run out of time this year (this topic should get locked in December 2013, until then it stays currently relevant)
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
* Cape Glide - Remove the default cape. Some heroes have wings on their arms and would like to appear as if they're using them.
* Spelling and Grammer Errors - I have found quite a number of them throughout gameplay.
* Seperate Social Club channels/zones for both role-players and non-role-players (some of us don't RP and it is difficult for us to meet people and have genuine conversations.)
* More Body-Morphing Ability - I noticed it's not flexible enough to make obese characters, or really long stretched out torsos, or a realisticly shaped woman.
* More Short Hairstyles for Females - There are just not nearly enough satisfying short styles for females, where as males get so many.
Actually... I'd say males too.
Read this awesome suggestion, I think you'll love it:
PS: Yes there are way too many spelling/grammatical errors in this game. Not to mention many of the descriptions on powers, advantages, and specializations are unclear, vague, or even outright intentionally misleading!
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
You've already listed my top 5. :biggrin:
I could also add in:
Balancing of same tier powers.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
I appreciate the comfirmative support!
From skimming over in review of what people have said so far:
The community wants bug fixes most of all, followed by more content and/or the Foundry tool. All other priorities pale in comparison to these two it would seem, which begs the question why bugs aren't getting fixed in a timely, professional fashion.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I am so ready to spend money on a Foundry in this game. Please make it happen already.
2: New Content
New Comic series and missions and a new area/map outside of Millenium City with it's own quest line and story.
3: New Powers
More Steampunk, and Plant power set(vines, trees, etc..), Shield powers(Captain America), etc.....
4: New Costume Sets/Pieces
More Steampunk, and some Plant stuff to go with the new powers. More Golden Age and Solver Age sets and more Armor that's not tech related, more weapons(there is only 1 sledge hammer why?) and etc.....
5: Polish
General polishing of existing game play, fixing bugs, implementing quality of life features, super group stuff, etc....
Making Champions a priority.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
This is a lovely list, but now I'mma be a little bit selfish
I'd like to add in...
- Expanding and working on old powersets/mechanics to make them viable for all existing and future content. i.e. making control powers and their effects worth it.
- Keeping promises made with regard to fixing and working on things for CO
Everyone pretty much has said alot of things that I agree with, so here's to CO
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
5. Do away with the Grab Bag/Lockbox method of introducing content. Just put the items in the ******n store; stop making us jump through hoops.
4. Make Vehicles just more detailed & visually customizable Travel Powers, instead of fumbling to create a set of alternate combat options that no one asked for.
3. Make the Alerts for ONLY level 40 characters. That way you have an excuse to raise the rewards higher than Oliver's second helping, the complaints about low-level players will end, and people might actually go back to the other Zones.
2. Either lower the cost of the items in the Q-Store, or make Questionite easier to obtain, because some of us have day-jobs, you know.
1. How about some new power sets/updates more than once in a blue moon? You know, the stuff you play the game with? I'm still waiting for a neutral element/atomic/cosmic energy projector set, and I KNOW others have problems to be fixed.
This stuff just seems like no-brainers to me. Maybe there's a leaking gas main in the CO-HQ?
Absolutely NOT!
Some of the player base are unable to monthly sub (whatever the reasons).
Just because ONE CAN PAY does not mean that ONE persons Foundry ideas are better than another persons, who would like to contribute but (for whatever reason) cannot monthly sub.
Sorry, big FAT NO to the text in red.
I have hopes that the new project up CRYPTICs sleeve is a CHAMPIONS ONLINE REBORN.
I have had this idea (dream more than likely) that as they were creating and building STO and setting up for and developing for NWO that assets and whatnot from Fight Club
The folks at CRYPTIC have been checking out the forums. They do know what's not working, what needs to be fixed and it will be all taken care of in the REBORN game.
Then I woke up.
But one can dream.
I yield my top 5 picks to those who have come before me, with the exception of the above in red.....
"Few are agreeable in conversation, because each thinks more of what he intends to say than that of what others are saying, and listens no more when he himself has a chance to speak." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
"Forums are amazing technology. They can take a seemingly normal and
rational person and make them look like a troll. Short-sighted, misguided, creative effort deprived. Incredible." - Snarlygribbly
Yes I will submit a ticket, no need to tell me.
*I have to post this (something) because for some ridiculous reason I cannot creat my own thread even though I PAY for the game and have been registered here since forever.
This is a signature.
That's how it is in STO.
In STO, Gold folks start with 8 slots for missions, and then you can buy 4 more for 10k dilithium (repeatable). Silver gets no initial slots, but you can still buy slots -- you get access to Foundry once you have a slot available.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Then why is your join date listed as March 2013, if you've been registered here since forever?
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
This is a signature.
My problem with the STO foundry is, well the original team that build is, works on NW and it's stuck at v0.8 there. You can't create free ground misssions like you can do it for space.
Lets face it, cryptic has very limited manpower for all 3(4) projects the are working on.
The only good point is that someday we know STO will get the toolset like "doors anywhere" and all the updated stuff but for CO who knows.................
Oh and my list.
1. MORE power sets, not vehicles, not devices. I mean power sets, look how CoX did it.
2. Nemesis, seriously once one of the key points that sold this game to me but look at what state it is. More missions, more stuff to do.
3. Endgame lvl 40 content, we need more, a lot more. A mix out of STO and CoX. Give players the option to run them normal or on elite. Maybe the Harbringer points in the right direction.
4. Zones, at last expand Millennium City. There is so much stuff there, use it.
5. Foundry, when there is a game that needs it badly, then this game!
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
I'm pretty much agree to some of your idea, but one thing isn't right......
Making Alert only for lvl 40 can be a disaster, why? The only thing that bother is anyone who want to try out their new character will have to spent their time lvl up by same old missions over and over again just to try out a new toon as Non-Gold? Seriously
Beside there is already Alert that can only access by lvl 35 to 40 already, keeping all Alerts for only lvl 40s, won't make this game a Free For All. And this will most likely to kill the game even more, because when a game that has no more players will be gone
Now let get back to why I'm here. Few things I have in mind are..............
1. Resource Limit for Silver players: Because for Gold they can save as much money as they can, and get something unique and expansive from the AH, while Silver might be most likely to be scam without any good item to trade. I suggest a some bag token
2. More Power Sets: Water, Plant are good choice. I'm pretty sure that people want them already
3. Bug Fix: Costume Bug or other issues
4. Contents: More Zone, Maps, Comic Series, Adventure Packs, Alerts such as Rampage bosses
5. Communication in the game: such as GM and Developers, peoples want to know if the community listen to their feedback or not
Well, hope that wrap up everything, because I can't read all people mind...........
Well. they'd lose this player. What harm does it do If I want to solo? It gives them some single player types who play the game. 80% I do solo and love it . I spend money also. Its not quite a Skyrim like Superhero game but its as close as I'm going to see for a while.
I'd frankly rather they go to the comic adventures being paid for than forced team ups.
Good, then spend money. Like we Gold players do. It should be a PURCHASABLE option. The game needs money to survive, not handouts for people who can't afford $15 a month.
No matter what options you set it to, it's still never as good as it should be.
2. The Nemesis system
Get them more involved somehow. Don't make the nemesis clues so scarce. And pretty much just make them more than just alert accessories. A friend of mine pointed out that you can't even read their bios anywhere else but in create-a-nem. And update the power options. I've been wanting a Heavy Weapons nem for a while now..
3. More Love and Communication
SO a couple days ago, I saw the thread where a dev posted the new updates and changes to the harbinger mission. Shockingly, alot of people were happy. And alot of the responses were very positive just from the fact that a dev was letting everyone know what was going on...Even if it meant the event was being pushed back a week. There needs to be more of this. Besides that, CO needs some love. Some new powers, explorable areas, new missions and story arcs, etc. What happened to the comic series? Those were awesome.
4. Reduce the Lockbox drop rate
Because it's freaking annoying!!
5. More Hideouts
I recently got to check out the loft/penthouse hideouts and they were awesome. I'm hoping that when more are added, they're customize-able and interactive like those.