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Demonflame needs to be fixed.

hushiforumhushiforum Posts: 27 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Missions and Content

A (very powerful) friend and I (on a very powerful character) decided to run Demonflame for fun since it's the featured adventure now. I'd run it many times in the past and, after Luther Black's end fight had been balanced in the past, I thought it would be a-okay.

How wrong I was!

Not only was the fight against the Left Hand utterly ridiculous, it glitched spectacularly -- just like it used to, which was supposed to have been fixed long before now -- and made it difficult to target the Left Hand, then almost impossible to actually hit it, though of course it could hit us. Hard.

In fact, too hard. Harder than it should have. Jack Fool I was prepared for, but Left Hand? What's this nonsense? Of course, it was made much harder than it had to be due to the glitch making it impossible for us to attack it, when it would randomly fall into the floor. That should have been fixed over a year ago, and last time I went through, it seemed to have been fixed. What happened?

That doesn't even begin to discuss how you've utterly fuffed up the Luther Black fight. He summons too many monsters -- all of whom are incredibly hard-hitting, moreso than they should be -- and he himself, despite being labelled (Weak) on our run-through, was capable of more than any 'weak' super villain should ever be. When he can one-shot a character as powerful as the ones we took in, with my experience of years and an extremely well-built character, there is a problem. This is the same endfight I have soloed more than a few times before. I hadn't played through Demonflame in a while because I got sick of it -- ran it a few too many times -- after a little balance was added to it, but apparently you've done something to upset that balance, and I'm not pleased.

Before you ask, no, we weren't at any advanced difficulty because my friend who came along had never done it before. So we were doing it on Normal. And please don't chime in with 'well I ran it and I had no problems' or 'your character must be weak' because obviously this isn't the topic for wiener-waggling. It's probably a collection of glitches we met up with, and that's why I'm bringing it up here. I know the Left Hand used to glitch like this terribly, and I thought it had been fixed. Apparently it has not. The Luther Black fight also used to be ridiculous like this, then it was reasonable, and now it's even more ridiculous than when I had a serious problem with it.

If you're going to make this the featured story, you've got some work to do on it. People aren't going to play through this casually and enjoy getting effectively black-flagged on the last lap. If this were Elite difficulty, sure. I enjoy a challenge sometimes. But this wasn't a challenge, it was a frustrating exercise in futility and also an unprecedented spike in difficulty to the point of being 'SNK hard'.

Also, I've said this before, years ago, and I'll say it again: don't put the respawn point in the final Luther Black fight so far from the actual room. It's nothing but an attempt to add artificial difficulty, but in reality it's just annoying to the extreme since it only wastes time. If you're even defeated so much as once or twice, you might as well just give up and wait for the clock to run down. Either extend the timer or make a closer respawn point.

If you like a super-challenge, no problem! Set your difficulty to Elite. But for those who want to run through on Normal? It's not happening. Please fix these problems. It's about as exasperating as coming up against Ao'qephoth in an alert who, I might add, is still for all intents and purposes invincible.

I really love Champions, and I've even introduced a number of people to the game since coming to it. I always support it and probably always will...but Demonflame has been FUBARed again, and I really wish you'd just fix it and then stop mucking about with it.
Post edited by hushiforum on


  • hawkyenarasumashawkyenarasumas Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As the friend in this story, I feel it's necessary to add my voice. I had never run Demonflame before, but it was easy to see that it was broken. Left Hand phased through the floor and became unhittable not one or two times, but THREE times. Three times in a single fight. It became a battle of endurance just trying to stay alive long enough to try to draw him out of the floor. That was bad enough.

    Then came the final boss. I'll tell you right now that my friend here has STOMPED every other enemy we've faced together. He knows the fights well enough that he can solo them when I do something stupid to get myself killed. That being said, we both got DESTROYED during the Luther Black encounter. It was utterly ridiculous. There were targeting issues similar to the Left Hand debacle, the summoned creatures did HUGE damage (I was getting one-shotted) and let's not forget that if you die you can't get back in the boss room.

    This abysmal ending cut short what was otherwise a very entertaining adventure and prevented me from being able to see the resolution of the story. As a relative newcomer to CO, I will say that I enjoy the game for the most part, but when something is as literally BROKEN as this adventure is, it sours everything. Please do check on this as soon as posssible. Thank you.
  • kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll vouch for it being broken. At least the end with Luther Black.

    When I tried a month or so ago, he constantly summoned Scythehands. It wasn't so bad at first. I was using a nice AoE attack to hit the mobs and him at once. Once his health hit a quarter or two thirds, he started casting that buff on the Scythehands. And again. And again. And again... Non-stop really. The Scythehands got bigger than Grond in the blink of an eye, and they ROFLSTOMPed me.

    After the fourth retry, I quit. Haven't tried it since.

    Which is too bad, I liked Demonflame before.
    100% of the world is crazy, 95% are in denial.

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  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The funny thing is: I have run demonflame on the PTS and there aren't any problems even Luther Black is doable solo. And i did run it with a Savage AT. So the fix does exist , it is just not live.
  • breathlessdraganbreathlessdragan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have to agree with the other posters. The two fights they described went exactly the same for me. The closest I got to winning the fight in the throne room was when the Key got to the 2nd to last coffer... then Black summons become impossible! I just gave up after death #15 and dropped the mission. What a frustrating waste of time.

    Fix it!
  • beandink23beandink23 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm really amazed that they play-tested this and thought it worked. Maybe they assume that players will have a full team, but I don't have time to run a 1-2 hour long adventure pack with other people, and if it is team required, then it should have required it from the outset instead of letting you waste 2 hours to go up against what is clearly a group boss.

    It's otherwise a really fun way to play even if the rewards are lackluster compared to alerts and running normal missions. I liked having a compelling story line that culminated instead of a mish-mash of quests in an area, or alert-grinding.

    Are the other Adventure Packs broken? I'm worried about wasting time on them too.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    meanwhile, my super group and I beat this into the floor, and the key never even got targeted on the last fight. Your mileage may vary. And we're not uber elite or anything like that, this isn't a brag post, it's more... There are tactics. A good tank is essential, as is a stable off tank (scourge types rock for this, that's what I tend to run for the crowd control/pulling possibilities).

    Funny enough, we did encounter a bug last week doing it, tho. Luther sank into the floor, and I was the only one that could hit him for a bit.

    Seems like the big trick is just killing the growing summoned mobs before they get to mega-d size and start roflstomping everyone.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • senzsunsenzsun Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Are you actually trying to kill Luther Black? That's how I used to do it when I started and eventually gave up.
    Now, each time (must be 7-8 times now with a whole range of builds), I provoke him just enough to hold his and his spawns' attention. The more damage you do to him, the more scythehands he seems to spawn. Also, killing scythehands only seems to land you with more of them (and bigger).

    Basically I just ensure they chase me around for five minutes at the opposite side of the room from the demon key. One time, he spawned only a single normal size scythehand. The most has been three, including two giants, but they aren't too hard to dodge.

    I am not bad at punctuation!
    MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY. :#
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Has anyone tried Demonflame recently? (I did it about two weeks ago)

    I've always done the mission with 3 or more people however and never experienced any of these issues before. I know that the mobs of Luther Black get massive, but I've never had any trouble doing the Left Hand.

    In fact the only odd behaviour I have witnessed so far is Luther's odd death he seems to summon a shield then randomly flip out and die.. then the cutscene comes (with the annoying King of Edom Avatar bobbing his head up and down >_>!)

    I know bits of it need to be fixed however.
  • tangent90tangent90 Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I did that mission with a friend. I got disgusted with the incessant mob spawning and gave up, exited and abandoned the mission in a huff. Meanwhile, my friend stayed in, stopped fighting and just blocked. And succeeded.

    I haven't tried it again, but apparently all you really need to do is waste time until the demon gets done with whatever he's doing. I agree that it's a really bogus ending to a mission, but if that's the gimmick for completing it, it's not really "broken." It just has a really sucky gimmick at the end.
  • senzsunsenzsun Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well, the Demon Key does explicitly say to keep Mr Wants-to-be-a-god busy while he magics the chests.
    But I think most people, myself included, just looked at the mission title "Defeat Luther Black" and assumed the wrong thing.
    Not all characters can block the attacks successfully; it's a question of finding the best way for your build of keeping Black and his spawns busy.

    As for the bugs with the Left hand, I've never experienced any myself so I can't comment. He's tough and some builds really have to use a lot of imagination to defeat him, but that applies to practically any boss. I had one alt that took ten attempts to find a way to get the better of Heebie Jeebie while another downed him in a single foray.

    What I might add is that when an NPC gets stuck and you can't target it, non-targeting area attacks (sphere AOEs) still cause damage. And they sometimes destroy the cause of the sticking; though based on the description, they wouldn't destroy anything in the case of the Left Hand.

    I am not bad at punctuation!
    MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY. :#
  • ssplainssplain Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Regarding Luther Black; I found success in burning through the adds he spawns before they are empowered. Otherwise you will end up with some nasty bruises! Make the adds priority and keep everything off of the Demon Key. Do not worry about Killing Mr. Black, just keep him occupied until time is up! Hope this is helpful.

    Good luck! [^_~]
  • hushiforumhushiforum Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It needs to be fixed. These bits of advice aren't helpful and completely ignore what was stated very clearly in the post. We weren't newcomers to the mission, and we knew what we were doing. There are multiple bugs that are obviously not intentional by design, and there are other moments of very poor design choices that need to be corrected.

    If you're trying to give advice on something, please don't waste your time or mine.
  • senzsunsenzsun Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My, my aren't you the precious one. Plenty of replies have addressed things you didn't mention in your OP.

    I am not bad at punctuation!
    MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY. :#
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hushiforum wrote: »
    It needs to be fixed. These bits of advice aren't helpful and completely ignore what was stated very clearly in the post. We weren't newcomers to the mission, and we knew what we were doing. There are multiple bugs that are obviously not intentional by design, and there are other moments of very poor design choices that need to be corrected.

    If you're trying to give advice on something, please don't waste your time or mine.

    Get in line.

    The forum for bugfixes accepts petitions every third Thursday starting two weeks after the heat death of the universe. As to when those actual fixes will hit live? Pfft. Don't hold your breath.

    As it is, people have told you how to negotiate the mission(s) in question AS THE GAME STANDS NOW.

    E-peening about how "I already know." and "Don't waste your time." accomplishes nothing.

    If this was true, you wouldn't be complaining about how "hhhaaarrrddd" the missions are.

    The simple fact is, in the final mission YOU DO NOT ATTACK LUTHER BLACK. PERIOD.

    Doing so pushes him to go all "King of Edom" on you, at which point you get one-shotted.

    Doctor! It hurts when I do this!
    Don't do that!

    Devs! It hurts when I attack Luther Black!
    Don't do that!


    Getting snippy about it (to people who are honestly just trying to help you) accomplishes nothing worthwhile.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Me, I'd just be happy to get to the end fight of Demonflame.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I will say...Skarns Bane REALLY helps, especially if you are critting with it, for me and my mage/sorceress build it tends to wipe out mobs before he can imbue them.

    I've been in a situation where they get ridiculously large, causing lag spikes etc, I was on my FF Gadgeteer and I was glad Death Ray still worked...

    As for Luther Black himself, the fight seemed to be pretty straight forward, I actually found he was put into a state of "stun" when I removed all his HP, multiple times.

    It does need fixing, and I noted that on non Elite levels the Knight creatures have both Shadow Form and Lightning Reflexes..O_o?!
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The simple fact is, in the final mission YOU DO NOT ATTACK LUTHER BLACK. PERIOD.

    Good idea. The Demon Key doesn't need to survive anyways. Oh wait.

    Attacking and reducing Black's hp to temporarily stun him is the best way to win the fight.

    We wouldn't be having these problems if bugs were squashed when they first appeared.

    So I guess yeah, now you shouldn't attack Black at all except just to agro him. Until this piece of content that's a pretty big part of the game gets fixed that is.
  • kaosarcannakaosarcanna Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just did this Adventure Pack on Sunday, and it was pretty much a breeze for my Level 40 Electric Blast guy (I have the Regeneration Passive) until I got to Luther Black. I actually did manage to kill him ... and he got better. After that I tried to kill the 'Hands as he spawned them, and for the most part succeeded, but yeah, sooner or later he'd buff one to ginormous size and my all the blocking and Regeneration in the world wouldn't keep it from curb stomping me. I actually died when the Demon Key destroyed the final box, but as I had a self rez it did count as a victory.

    That particular fight probably added at least half an hour to the run time.

    I could see how frustrating for some toons who'd be unable to finish that final fight in a decent amount of time.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Good idea. The Demon Key doesn't need to survive anyways. Oh wait.

    Attacking and reducing Black's hp to temporarily stun him is the best way to win the fight.

    Or simply grab aggro on him and keep him distracted from the Demon Key. I've soloed him this way. I've grouped against him this way. Keep Luther's attention (just don't try to beat him down), and beat the minions down before they empower.
    We wouldn't be having these problems if bugs were squashed when they first appeared.

    So I guess yeah, now you shouldn't attack Black at all except just to agro him. Until this piece of content that's a pretty big part of the game gets fixed that is.

    See my note above about bugfixes.
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