There needs to be a lot of changes towards CO in order to make it a lot better in terms of gameplay and difficulty.
First would be the current gear.
The main gripe I have is that gearing seems that a lot of gear is quite bland; most of the people tend to go for Critical Hit and/or Severity, Dodge and Avoidance and Cooldown and Cost Reduction. The first thing is to give options so not everyone is a crit-monkey pseudo dodge tank.
Gears such as:
x% Boost to Y(Damage Type)
+x% Debuff Increase (Increases the Potency of Debuffs by +x%)
x% Piercing (Attacks Bypass x% of Total Damage Reduction)
Increase Health Gear from 676 to 800-1000 (Since it?s only found on Primary Defensive Gear)
X% Y(Damage Type) Damage Resistance (This stacks multiplicatively with other same type damage resistance)
+ Flat Damage Resistance (This function similarly to IDF)
This could also be found in Mods as well, this is to add a bit more customizability towards their characters.
Secondly would be reworking the CC mechanics.
The idea is that CC gear should be a good option for characters when facing against enemies.
Resistance to CC should be based on one of the stats, and whenever a CC is applied, they get CC resistance for the next 5 seconds. 100% Duration for Minions/Villians, 50% Duration for Master Villians, 25% Legendary Villains, 1% for Cosmics, this allows CC to remain somewhat relevant without the possibility of chain CCing bosses to make it to easy. This change also allows for you to trigger secondary effects (Debuffs) found in some powers like Ego Placate. Duration of CCs should only be in the single digits.
Thirdly would be for content. A lot of people have problems with it being to easy, some people think that content is too hard. There can be a balance reached where it?s possible to play through content while, creating rewards for people who can run Elite Content.
First would be to increase the toughness and damage on Bosses themselves. The easiest way is to allow for dual passives, one defensive and one offensive to make them seem a lot tougher.
Two would be the introduction on mechanics found on most MMORPGS such as constant damage spots that you would have to avoid, mechanics that force people to have to move around to avoid them or take significant damage. These simple mechanics make gameplay a lot harder because you have to constantly move, watch for cues and block appropriately. This also forces people to certain extents to care for survivability, and not just damage
Three would be the introduction of DPS Checks, which would mean either the boss gets healed by a lot or does a lot of damage to the team (Basically Wipe)
These are just a few mechanics that make positioning and awareness useful to have in end-game content, incentivize people to get better gear and build efficiently towards what roles are necessary. A lot of normal henchmen should ideally remain as henchmen because of how both in role and in system, they should function like a regular mob.
Towards Villains and basically those that don?t constitute end-game mechanics, increasing the frequency and power of their special attacks would actually suffice, as well as using CC in order to cause havoc on the battlefield.
Most end-game content has to be done with usually a leader because a lot of the attacks a boss does, will end up one-shotting or killing them. This is to make it so that content ends up being difficult because you don?t just stand there and maintain powers all day long.
Just my two cents.