So, I thought about this while sitting on my porch smoking. And its gonna sound backwards what I'm about to say just based on that alone, but if you think about it truely, it all makes sense. And I could have brought this topic to some of the other game forums I frequent, but I decided to put it here since the Champions Online community ranks the highest in maturity level. (inb4 nept post of a cat making a face with a witty quote.)
If you stopped smoking completely. You'd be able to take that money you usually spend on cigarettes and purchase a subscription to any of the major mmorpg's on the market."
PS. I only go through a pack within a week, but at 5 dollars per pack, if I stopped all together, I'd save at least 20 dollars a month.
Quitting smoking can potentially save you a LOT of money.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Oh! i know! with one you don't risk loosing your stamina (and lung cancer)!
I put my chips on games...ALL OF THEM!
Personally, i avoid spending money on alcohol(unless unexpected sales occur) and i don't smoke, so i can safely say that my personal budget is ample enough for a sub if i gather some monies...
Just a simple Sig
Why is it so hard to make it interesting?
People who love kitties and witty phrases on them!
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
Sometimes a cigarette, is just a cigarette.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I see what you did thar!
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Quitting smoking? Great! That's a very expensive habit over time. I'm glad I don't, and money is the second reason after health for me. Why would I want to waste my money on that, or alcohol, when a game gives me many times the enjoyment per dollar spent?
Good for you for coming to this realization on your own.
You have to set money aside to gain savings. You spent that money on something else then. The question would be, what did you start spending on instead? (no really you don't need to tell us, I'm just trying to get you to realize how bad your logic is here)
However, you're missing the point of what the author is saying with this topic -- an interesting point. You could easily buy more video game stuff you wanted (but couldn't justify the cost earlier) if you stopped smoking and/or drinking (habitually).
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
And, i got the point. I bought something nice with the money i saved up for 2 years after quitting. And it wasn't videogame stuff.
Been trying for years quitting the beer and start getting filthy rich again...hasn't worked yet.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
i don't want to sound like i am promoting e-cigs, or sound like i work for a e-cig company, or anything like that. this is just my personal experience, and it kind of fit here. if you take that with the numerous stories out there now about how sitting for hours and hours a day is deadly, and is hard to compensate for even with daily exercise, then one could say that putting saved money into this game is counter productive. of course, no one wants to spend their entire life jogging in circles having no fun at all, so i recommend enjoying your game time, but moving more, quit smoking if at all possible, even if it's only moving to e-cigs, and move more..... alot more, it starts to feel good after a while, i swear.
This is me...
At least I never picked up smoking as a habit- knew enough people who did before I had the money to spend, and it just never struck me as all that attractive, even when it was James Dean (of course, being hetero, maybe it was because it was James and not Jane- I dunno...)
Booze, though? My one seriously big downfall. Someday, I'll stop- probably around the time they roll my corpse into my grave...