I was looking previously on google for another discussion thread about this, and I found an archived post of 2011, but nothing was solved on it.
Everybody who reached the top of resources playing as Silver account knows how annoying is to save currency until 250G and the needed of spend it, or worse: can't get more for buy real goods items, devices or mods in Auction Exchange.
I know that there is a obvious effort or interests for attract from silver to Gold accounts, promoting by unique options like this, but I can't understand why Silver don't have the C-store option about resource limit. I mean, a few options paying zen, in "services", where silver users may get two or three enhanced resource limits, like 250G to 1000G, 1.000G to 10.000G, and more.
I have to make something wrong because I am gold and the richest of my lvl 40 alts own around 200 G. Maybe if I will go silver i will get 250 G:biggrin:
For 625 Zen (or free with any length of sub), you can buy a hideout and store any amount of Resources in it. You can still only carry 250, limiting your purchasing power on the AH and requiring multiple trades (and lots of trust!) to trade for larger amounts in person, but the option to go over 250 is there!
_________________________________________________ @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
From my point of view... I was a silver player for...well since F2P went LIVE. After reading on the old website that the G limit was subject to change I assumed in time (after a year or so) the G limit would be raised significantly, not as close as Golds G limit per char but maybe 25kG limit per char?
Which I think would be a 10th of the Gold G limit or something.
I firmly believe that the G limit for Silvers needs to be raised. I remember one time farming for resources and I had reached the 250G limit, but I was unaware as I assumed the extra bag slots had their own G limits reaching 250G per bag. I farmed around 1kG according to what I had counted up and I looked and 250G was all I had.
I realise how frustrating the G limit can be.
I would propose a new G limit of 25k G per char limit for Silvers.
Some people would say that Silvers can just save up for stuff by buying a hideout and storing the 250Gs in the hideout banks to amount to a greater sum of G. That may be all well and good but those Silvers who dont have hideouts..then what?
The OP's idea of "services" obtainable via ZEN would mean that PWE would make money from this idea, and more Silvers would be farming Q for the Zen conversion. Which sounds like a nice idea actually, that you could buy G limit enhancers, which would be Silver exclusive I'd imagine.
I would like to reiterate that, as a Gold, and LTSer, I find the G limit to be stupid and shouldn't exist at all in any way, but if it needs to (for no discernable reason that anyone has found) then there should be a way to increase it to at least a workable level. When there are routinely things in the AH for 500G there is no reason to keep silvers, who are allegedely the largest population we have, out of the market. Even when items are priced at 100G (which is extremely regular) that leaves silvers with the ability to buy... 2 things. The whole thing causes friction between players, frustration with the game and devs, and the AH is worthless (more so) for real exchange, which then spills over into chat.
I would like to reiterate that, as a Gold, and LTSer, I find the G limit to be stupid and shouldn't exist at all in any way, but if it needs to (for no discernable reason that anyone has found) then there should be a way to increase it to at least a workable level. When there are routinely things in the AH for 500G there is no reason to keep silvers, who are allegedely the largest population we have, out of the market. Even when items are priced at 100G (which is extremely regular) that leaves silvers with the ability to buy... 2 things. The whole thing causes friction between players, frustration with the game and devs, and the AH is worthless (more so) for real exchange, which then spills over into chat.
I would like to reiterate that, as a Gold, and LTSer, I find the G limit to be stupid and shouldn't exist at all in any way, but if it needs to (for no discernable reason that anyone has found) then there should be a way to increase it to at least a workable level. When there are routinely things in the AH for 500G there is no reason to keep silvers, who are allegedely the largest population we have, out of the market. Even when items are priced at 100G (which is extremely regular) that leaves silvers with the ability to buy... 2 things. The whole thing causes friction between players, frustration with the game and devs, and the AH is worthless (more so) for real exchange, which then spills over into chat.
So, yeah. Don't raise the cap, eliminate the cap.
Agreed, this cap is silly and is not making more people sub, or is it?
Nobody asked for the AP to be free, and lo' and behold, free they are. Why can't we get this for the silver players? Is really this one of the few reasons to sub and go gold?
Obviously, I prefer to raise the resource limit for free, like all Silver accounts, but I think that is pure utopia.
With the foots on land, I think about the interests of Cryptic/PW of gain money, and this is the reason why I was talking about the Zen payment. I know that the Resource limit is totally silly, but there is a logical mean if we watch from the other side. This is not a solution when we have different places to save currency, because at the end, only counts the total money at exchange/buy , not by instalments or periods.
There is no only a limit or cap about Auction Exchange, but Full-Retcon Token, or similar. Today I was frustrated because the catalyst and mods, and the far option of obtain higher mods (lvl. 8 or 9) out of paying a expensive lot of Zen. There is a lot of reasons why the G limit must be raised, whatever will be paying zen, or free, in ordered scale.
Spend $10, limit gets raised to 500G
Spend $25, limit gets raised to 1000G
Spend $50... 2000G
These bonuses would be *in addition* to whatever you actually spend the C-Points on, (they wouldn't have a cost in and of themselves).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
STO allows us to buy a cap increase for our characters' cash reserves; I've made that purchase. I can think of no reason that the same couldn't be done here in CO.
One of my characters currently has at least two items in the Bank that could be sold at the Auction House for well over that 250G limit. And I've accumulated over 1000G in my Joint Bank account (I'm just not finding a lot of stuff to spend Resources on, other than Stars from Charity Workers and Triumphant Recoveries from the Auction House).
#9 Your example is right, but as I see, seems to be some expensive.
#10 In my opinion, the best (fair) way goes looking other games of PW like STO, and taking a worth reference between games.
As I stated in my response, the G increase would be a reward for spending in the C-Store, not a separate charge. I don't see a reason it couldn't be available as a separate purchase, too.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
STO allows us to buy a cap increase for our characters' cash reserves; I've made that purchase. I can think of no reason that the same couldn't be done here in CO.
One of my characters currently has at least two items in the Bank that could be sold at the Auction House for well over that 250G limit. And I've accumulated over 1000G in my Joint Bank account (I'm just not finding a lot of stuff to spend Resources on, other than Stars from Charity Workers and Triumphant Recoveries from the Auction House).
I like this. It's simple, it falls in line with the rest of the cash shop, and it gives me something to continue to farm questionite for and therefore retains me ( and many others ) as an active part of the population.
You want this bunny to stick around? Keep giving meto chase!
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
For reference... this is what a happy mmo player looks like:
Shouldn't that carrot be on a stick... preferably one held just out of reach of the rabbit?
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Which I think would be a 10th of the Gold G limit or something.
I firmly believe that the G limit for Silvers needs to be raised. I remember one time farming for resources and I had reached the 250G limit, but I was unaware as I assumed the extra bag slots had their own G limits reaching 250G per bag. I farmed around 1kG according to what I had counted up and I looked and 250G was all I had.
I realise how frustrating the G limit can be.
I would propose a new G limit of 25k G per char limit for Silvers.
Some people would say that Silvers can just save up for stuff by buying a hideout and storing the 250Gs in the hideout banks to amount to a greater sum of G. That may be all well and good but those Silvers who dont have hideouts..then what?
The OP's idea of "services" obtainable via ZEN would mean that PWE would make money from this idea, and more Silvers would be farming Q for the Zen conversion. Which sounds like a nice idea actually, that you could buy G limit enhancers, which would be Silver exclusive I'd imagine.
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I am @RavenForce in game
So, yeah. Don't raise the cap, eliminate the cap.
Agreed, this cap is silly and is not making more people sub, or is it?
Nobody asked for the AP to be free, and lo' and behold, free they are. Why can't we get this for the silver players? Is really this one of the few reasons to sub and go gold?
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
With the foots on land, I think about the interests of Cryptic/PW of gain money, and this is the reason why I was talking about the Zen payment. I know that the Resource limit is totally silly, but there is a logical mean if we watch from the other side. This is not a solution when we have different places to save currency, because at the end, only counts the total money at exchange/buy , not by instalments or periods.
There is no only a limit or cap about Auction Exchange, but Full-Retcon Token, or similar. Today I was frustrated because the catalyst and mods, and the far option of obtain higher mods (lvl. 8 or 9) out of paying a expensive lot of Zen. There is a lot of reasons why the G limit must be raised, whatever will be paying zen, or free, in ordered scale.
Spend $10, limit gets raised to 500G
Spend $25, limit gets raised to 1000G
Spend $50... 2000G
These bonuses would be *in addition* to whatever you actually spend the C-Points on, (they wouldn't have a cost in and of themselves).
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
One of my characters currently has at least two items in the Bank that could be sold at the Auction House for well over that 250G limit. And I've accumulated over 1000G in my Joint Bank account (I'm just not finding a lot of stuff to spend Resources on, other than Stars from Charity Workers and Triumphant Recoveries from the Auction House).
Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
Join in the Doctor Who fan film, Doctor Who 2.0 Origins!
My ideas: Arch-Nemesis
#10 In my opinion, the best (fair) way goes looking other games of PW like STO, and taking a worth reference between games.
As I stated in my response, the G increase would be a reward for spending in the C-Store, not a separate charge. I don't see a reason it couldn't be available as a separate purchase, too.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I like this. It's simple, it falls in line with the rest of the cash shop, and it gives me something to continue to farm questionite for and therefore retains me ( and many others ) as an active part of the population.
You want this bunny to stick around? Keep giving me
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Shouldn't that carrot be on a stick... preferably one held just out of reach of the rabbit?
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
No. MMO players that always chase the carrot but never get it are UNhappy players, and leave the game. Carrots should always be obtainable.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!