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list of ingame bugs DEC 2012

jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Gameplay Bugs
list of ingame bugs DEC 2012
because the forum stays forever lets make a list of current in game bugs
make your list below
feel free to copy and paste from previous month
Post edited by jasinblaze on


  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    • droopy antenna still missing
    huge alien helmets/custom head wear accessory/ droopy antenna
    huge alien helmets/custom head wear accessory/ dual droopy antenna
    huge humanoid helmets/custom head wear accessory/ droopy antenna
    huge humanoid helmets/custom head wear accessory/ dual droopy antenna
    huge rigid helmets/custom head wear accessory/ droopy antenna
    huge rigid helmets/custom head wear accessory/ dual droopy antenna
    choice exists part is missing

    • pets cannot be unsummoned
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    -Pets don't desummon when prompted

    -A Lot of NPCs glide across the floor in cutscenes or are in odd positions when they move(whiteout, resistance)

    -Hitting Shift(making your character block) while viewing the Auction House will not make any results appear when searched

    -Picked up props disappear when held above your head. (They're still there)

    -Bird People (Head Gear) appears in the search box in the character creator for males, but does not set itself on the character

    -Hi Pan's hat (Regular Hi-pan) does not unlock when used and says that it has been used. (I have his regular hat item, it says it's used but I had never used it at all) Meaning I can't get it at all.
    - Fire Demon and Lemurian Recognition costume parts are CHARACTER ONLY and not account wide.

    - Enemies with Enrage that have the giant growth advantage (Corrupt Amphibian, Bloodgorgers..etc) don't increase in size when stacks of enrage, or enrage types of buffs, are put on them

    - Many enemies with transformative powers (Roin'esh, Dr. Zepherin, Dr. Timothy Blank) bug out and change forms or stretch models constantly. Example: Roinesh stretch really thin, go back to normal, then stretch thin again.

    - The map (M key) is zoomed in way too much at normal zoom.

    - 90s Tech and 90s Tech 2 gloves can not be changed to Leather, Brushed Metal or Metal even though it has the choices to do so when the other glove is different and doesn't have a metal texture on the other hand
  • ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Aura of Radiant Protection

    It has been stated that just from being a mind AT you lose the ability to block.
    Now, the above is a problem but the below is also a problem
    Being influenced by TWO AoRP from any two healers will cause you to lose the ability to block.
    You still play the animation but you cannot block any attack.

    WristBolter- Automated Assault and anything that procs from using your Energy builder

    We need dev confirmation that this was designed like this. It is similar to Imbue's(now old) exploits.


    One can stack what could be an infinite amount of Illumination buffs as long as you transfer into a new zone and reapply the buff. Sadly, each instance of this buff has its own timer so infinite is limited only by time.



    Does not proc twist fate but it can proc Exhausting Strikes on the player as well as any and all targets that you are allowed to target and use the power on



    Staying within a hideout for long periods of time mess around with your passives(makes them shut off and blink)

    Same can be said for any zone really...except hideouts seem to have a shorter timer for when it does happen..


    Ninja Leaves Travel Power

    Two things:

    Certain kinds of trees get...Well...best way to describe this is "**** You Trees!"

    This power forces the user to pull upwards harder than the regular teleport. Easiest way to see what I mean is to get teleport and Ninja Leaves then use your rmb to stare directly at your feet then use the two powers and move forward while using rmb to pull up and compare how high you must drag the mouse to yield an upwards flight.



    It Crits. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN!(Compassion also increases the heal but I'll give this one to you since it doesn't say that it 'can't' unlike the whole "This power cannot crit")



    Compassion increases the heal. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN!
    Although the description for it IS vague enough that this is "O-K"..

    Avoidance decreases Dodge Chance of Swinging's Flippin' Advantage.

    [Gear] + [Flippin' Buff] = Overall
    [153 Dodge & 256 Avoidance] + [XX% Dodge & XX% Avoidance] = grants 43.8% Dodge & 72.3% Avoidance
    [153 Dodge & 139 Avoidance] + [XX% Dodge & XX% Avoidance] = grants 44.4% Dodge & 61.9% Avoidance
    [153 dodge] + [XX% dodge & XX% Avoidance] = grants 45.9% Dodge & 31.4% Avoidance

    Erm....Why does this happen? Is it a very poorly implemented "balance"? Or is that just the way **** works `round these parts?


    Aura of Arcane Clarity

    ChargeSpeed scales on Pre ONLY


    Character Transfer

    I still can't transfer to pts....is this because people have become vocal about the 'odds' of getting prizes from your little chance boxes? I mean, Look at the C-store/whateveryoucallthatdamnthingnow How long has THAT been "off" for pts now?..and you still keep the forum section open for it..and over the years it has changed to cover Live's C-store/questionite exchange while still wearing the pts label..
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Science Research Problems

    Couldn't increase Science skill limit beyond 100 until level 25.

    A Level 22 mission "Dr. Silverback's New Best Friend" had Science objects that needed 201+ Science.

    Managed to get Science skill to 101 (and also 102) but still could not use Science objects that needed 101+ Science.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • fallguysoldierfallguysoldier Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Throwable objects are invisible when picked up.

    For example, crates and boxes may appear on the ground initially but when you pick them up they disappear off the screen, however your character is still in the animation position of holding onto the objects and can even still "throw" them across.
  • sarkastiansarkastian Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Couldn't increase Science skill limit beyond 100 until level 25.

    I believe that's actually working as intended. Is level-locked crafting dumb? I think so, but it's not a bug.
    Throwable objects are invisible when picked up.

    Malvou already posted this above you.

    I have a few I didn't see posted already.
    1. Chest Wear and Gear/Silverhawk: Costume piece is visible on the character in the costume editor, but the character's torso and arms become invisible. You can see inside the empty space behind the chest wear where the torso should be. This might only happen when the costume pack is not owned.
    2. Costume editor shows numerous costume packs as "already owned" when they have not in fact been purchased. The editor will allow you to apply these pieces to a character, but on exiting the editor the character will be wearing a default item (such as bra/briefs or tights on upper/lower body, or nothing at all for other locations) instead.
    3. The sashes in the Arabian Nights costume pack have a hanging part in front that cannot be unlocked from the character's global palette. This segment of the costume piece will always be the second color of the palette, even though the rest of the piece circling the waist can be unlocked and colored normally.
    4. There is a Mysticism skill object in one of the sewer missions given by Chief Surhoff (sorry, can't remember which one, but I've seen the object twice on different characters) that requires 100+ Mysticism, despite the fact that, as a Westside mission, the character can't possibly have a Mysticism skill that high yet.
    5. Defender in Ren Cen still offers the introductory missions to the Canadian and Desert crises even after the crises have been completed. If the crises are already completed and the missions are accepted, they cannot be advanced (you can't re-enter the crisis versions of the zones, and the missions cannot be advanced in the post-crisis versions of those zones). This may only happen on characters that completed the crisis zones before Defender was added to Ren Cen as a contact.
    6. Tab targeting does not work as intended in combat. This method will NEVER select a mob currently attacking you, and will target mobs that are out of range, unaware of you, or on the other side of walls with no line of sight before it will select mobs actually engaged in combat with you. No adjustment of the available settings alleviates this. Switching amongst targets currently engaged requires mouse left clicking on the intended target, which is difficult to do while evading AoEs and firing maintains.
    7. The toolbar for controllable pets that displays a health bar for the pet: none of the command buttons work. Clicking these generates "unknown command" errors in the chat window. Only the default bar (the one that doesn't display pet health) has working buttons.
  • nazacanazaca Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The cut-scene triggered by a successful completion of Radiation Rumble clones one of the player models and replaces one of the other player's model, resulting in one character appearing in two different locations for the duration of the cut-scene.

    Happens. Every. Single. Time.
    There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you aren't paying for it, you aren't the customer; you are the product being sold.

    Dollar, dollar, bill, yo. Cash rules everything around you and me.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sarkastian wrote: »
    I believe that's actually working as intended. Is level-locked crafting dumb? I think so, but it's not a bug.

    That was really supporting information for the objects with Science 101+ not working.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • meladafmeladaf Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i recently found out there is an issue with the current CO client. i play on steam. and i use windows 7 ultamate 64 bit. now when ever team viwer is running in the back ground the CO client will not let you login no matter what itll crash as soon as you try to sign into the client. once i closed team viwer the issue was resolved. id like to point out this has never happend before hand ive been playing CO for years and using twim viwer well over a year and a half so it is some thing new that has changed
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    meladaf wrote: »
    i recently found out there is an issue with the current CO client. i play on steam. and i use windows 7 ultamate 64 bit. now when ever team viwer is running in the back ground the CO client will not let you login no matter what itll crash as soon as you try to sign into the client. once i closed team viwer the issue was resolved. id like to point out this has never happend before hand ive been playing CO for years and using twim viwer well over a year and a half so it is some thing new that has changed

    I'm actually playing onthis same exact setup:
    • Win7 x64 Ultimate
    • CO via Steam
    • TeamViewer7 up and running.

    I'm currently having zero issues with CO starting up, logging in, or running.

    It's possible that this is some sort of weird interaction with your graphics drivers.

    Can you post your system specs and your graphics driver version number on this?
  • misterspidermisterspider Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Aside from the pet menu/toolbar not understanding its own commands ("unknown command"), there's this even more annoying bug that pets randomly stop attacking or not attack to begin with. As a pet build lover, these two bugs really make me wanna beat my monitor with my keyboard.

    Further thoughts and explanations:
    I've run multiple tests and it seems to be really random! They either stand right in front of their target waiting or stand almost inside their target. Resummon them, summon more pets or using another target sometimes works and sometimes not. Sometimes they can use only ranged abilities on them. That's why I thought the pets assumed the target was out of range, so I tested it with the Fire Demon (ranged normal attacks) with completely the same result. Plus, doesn't matter if the pet has a ritual circle or not.
    I only assume the bug comes from the pet waiting for something. Like: They want to use an ability but requirements are somehow not met, so it does not use that ability, but since that ability has priority to its normal attacks, the pet just does nothing.

    I really beg for those two bugs to be fixed. Pretty please!

    Formerly unknown as @FroschMitHut
  • wacky99wacky99 Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Game manual states on page 11:
    It is also possible to lose hero points. Any time you are defeated you face losing one of your hero points. Your points cannot go negative though, so you will never have to work yourself out of a hole.
    In-game you lose two stars for the first defeat but one for each successive defeat.

    Stuffy on the old CO forums. PWE ate my username.
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My dragon helmet on my male toon is missing. He has it on but when I went in to edit the costume, it gave him some other helmet. Looking up the dragon helmet shows a helmet with the Assassin's dragon mask thing, not the helmet that I worked hard to get in the Hi-Pan custom alert. (I do have both though)

    When doing the mission chain to get into the VB Apocalypse... you never actually FIGHT Caliburn, you walk into Caprice thinking that you get to fight him and he's standing in the hallway with a question mark over his head so the mission can be completed. One of the coolest battles!!! Fix it >.<

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When swimming with Energy Swinging (Rank 1) activated the swim animation is a sped up version of the normal swim, making my character look like she is speed swimming

    Pressing "8" key on the 10 key number-pad while in chat window does an automatic scroll up and is not a problem with player bind. Something must have changed the default bind in a previous patch.. PLEASE fix asap.

    Desert Zone (also named Project Greenskin sometimes) Jet doesn't fly everywhere (not to Monster Island nor Vibora Bay) .. and has two names to confuse new players
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Science Research Problems

    Managed to get Science skill to 101 (and also 102) but still could not use Science objects that needed 101+ Science.

    An update on this issue.

    I decided to leave Area 51 and explore to see if I could find other buggy Science objects.

    In the Canadian wilderness I didn't find a bugged one nor one that would raise my Science skill. It was not extensive search but I went as far as the Gadroons.

    Reaching level 27 I finally returned to Millennium City get a Nemesis and in the area near the Dr Destroyer open team mission I finally found a Science object that increased my Science.

    I returned to Area 51 and lo, and behold, those Science objects worked for me now.

    My hunch is that either the Area 51 Science objects do not recognise when you have sufficient Science skill (but other objects can and once you've started you're away) or that you need to higher than level 25 before you start using them.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • misterspidermisterspider Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Another pet bug: I got Ritual of Arcane Summoning Rank 3 and the pet unsummons randomly during combat (I did not leave the circle, I didn't even move). No other pets were summoned at that point. (in case that's relevant: I got AoED and IDF as buffs)

    Formerly unknown as @FroschMitHut
  • thompkinsthompkins Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Couple of comments on already reported bugs:

    I can confirm the Dragon Armor Helmet is missing for both male and female toons. I definitely had it unlocked, and I definitely did not have the Sorceror (sic) Hat unlocked. However now there is no dragon helmet, and there IS a Sorceror Hat with a little "unlocked" symbol by it! The Sorceror Hat is supposed to unlock from an item randomly dropped by Hi-Pan in regular alerts, not the special alert. So something I didn't earn is unlocked, but something I did earn is missing.

    For the "pets not attacking" bug, here are the best steps I know to reproduce: Create a character with at least 3 pet summon powers (the ones I used were Command Animals, Ritual of Primal Summoning w/unbound ritual and Arctic Beast). Go into an instanced map alone. Fight for awhile, without hitting the "pet attack" button (i.e., attack the enemies first, and let your pets catch up). Don't use any item-summoned pets, or uncontrollable pets. Watch the pets closely while fighting, eventually some will just be standing there, and clicking the "attack" button will not make them do anything either.

    If skill objects say your crafting skill is too low, but actually it is high enough, this is related to your character's level. You need a certain level (I think 15, 25, 35, and 40 but I might be wrong) for each "tier" of skill objects. The bug is that the game says your crafting skill is too low, but actually it's your character's overall level. The game should say something like "level 25 and 100 crafting are required" etc.

    And a new bug:

    There is no preview for nemesis minions in the nemesis editor. I can choose minions and then they will show up to attack me like normal, but the preview is blank so I can't see what they look like.

    How to reproduce: Make a new nemesis, try to preview various minion types for that nemesis.

    And my vote for which to fix first:

    The "objects disappear when picked up" bug. Seriously. Every person playing the game for the first time does see this bug, I would wager they see it within 10 minutes in the tutorial.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    meladaf wrote: »
    i recently found out there is an issue with the current CO client. i play on steam. and i use windows 7 ultamate 64 bit. now when ever team viwer is running in the back ground the CO client will not let you login no matter what itll crash as soon as you try to sign into the client. once i closed team viwer the issue was resolved. id like to point out this has never happend before hand ive been playing CO for years and using twim viwer well over a year and a half so it is some thing new that has changed
    run steam in offline mode
    i believe this is a steam issue since their big picture update
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Telekinetic Burst on a full charge DOES NOT grant another stack of concentration and it DOES NOT benefit from the ranged damage bonus. It is tagged as ranged, these things should work.

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    thompkins wrote: »

    If skill objects say your crafting skill is too low, but actually it is high enough, this is related to your character's level. You need a certain level (I think 15, 25, 35, and 40 but I might be wrong) for each "tier" of skill objects. The bug is that the game says your crafting skill is too low, but actually it's your character's overall level. The game should say something like "level 25 and 100 crafting are required" etc.

    The minimum level for extending your crafting from 100 to 200 is level 25 and you need to have 100 in the skill to be able to buy this extension. The vendor tells you this.

    So if someone has 103 Science skill and are told they can't used objects that require 101+ Science skill they have to be at least level 25, as my character was.

    However maybe the level needed is actually higher than 25 but I'm unable to test this.

    Certainly things started to work when I was higher than level 25 and used 101+ Science objects outside of Area 51. When I returned even the Area 51 objects worked.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • thechampion#0727 thechampion Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I used to be able to activate form of the swordsman and then hit my keybind for "PowersCancelAllActivations" and my sword would stay in my hand in the upright relaxed stance instead of the combat stance. Since the last patch it no longer does so and it is really hard to even get the keybind to work in order to even keep it out in the combat stance.

    Was this inadvertent or intentional? It was a small but enjoyable thing to have my sword out and stand upright during costume contest and just to interact. If this was intentional then you made a mistake in taking a small joy out of the game, if it was not then this should be fixed asap.

    Also people have been asking since beta for one-click ways to keep weapons out in ready stance and relaxed upright stances. It is high time that you add this feature. Heck charge zen for it if you need to but sheesh do it,
  • tehpawstehpaws Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    EDIT: Disregard. Found the fix.
  • thompkinsthompkins Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    blumoon8 wrote: »
    My dragon helmet on my male toon is missing. He has it on but when I went in to edit the costume, it gave him some other helmet. Looking up the dragon helmet shows a helmet with the Assassin's dragon mask thing, not the helmet that I worked hard to get in the Hi-Pan custom alert. (I do have both though)

    The new version of the Hi-Pan alert (currently running) drops the costume pieces as bind on equip, so there are a bunch for sale in the auction house. I picked up a helmet and bound it, and it appears now I have it back again, in addition to the sorceror hat I'm not supposed to have.
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    thompkins wrote: »
    The new version of the Hi-Pan alert (currently running) drops the costume pieces as bind on equip, so there are a bunch for sale in the auction house. I picked up a helmet and bound it, and it appears now I have it back again, in addition to the sorceror hat I'm not supposed to have.

    Really? Well, I'll be sure to do it then. A pain since I got it.. I think paid for it once already too, but at least there's a way to get it back. Thanks!

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • fallguysoldierfallguysoldier Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    thompkins wrote: »
    The "objects disappear when picked up" bug. Seriously. Every person playing the game for the first time does see this bug, I would wager they see it within 10 minutes in the tutorial.

    Agreed. It's such a small, minor bug, yet it's so easy to spot that it's actually off-putting. I've played CO earlier this year and never encountered it, then took a long extended break, and came back (this month) only to find out this is happening. What gives?
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The minimum level for extending your crafting from 100 to 200 is level 25 and you need to have 100 in the skill to be able to buy this extension. The vendor tells you this.

    So if someone has 103 Science skill and are told they can't used objects that require 101+ Science skill they have to be at least level 25, as my character was.

    However maybe the level needed is actually higher than 25 but I'm unable to test this.

    Certainly things started to work when I was higher than level 25 and used 101+ Science objects outside of Area 51. When I returned even the Area 51 objects worked.

    My big issue is "why are crates requiring 101+" showing up in lower level missions?

    On each of my characters, starting in the mid teens, doing missions in and around MC will occasionally spawn crates with this prerequisite.

    If this is WAI, please explain the reasoning behind this I'm still fairly newb, so this is a major wall-banger for me.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My big issue is "why are crates requiring 101+" showing up in lower level missions?

    On each of my characters, starting in the mid teens, doing missions in and around MC will occasionally spawn crates with this prerequisite.

    If this is WAI, please explain the reasoning behind this I'm still fairly newb, so this is a major wall-banger for me.

    I believe it this is because the skill levels were very different before, see this wiki page to see that 100+ was possible in your mid-teens.

    As a result you will find objects scaled to the old progression, generally in missions.

    Also note that the skill level of objects depends on the neighbourhood you are in and MC is not solely a low-level area.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I believe it this is because the skill levels were very different before, see this wiki page to see that 100+ was possible in your mid-teens.

    Ah. That makes sense. Still annoying as hell that it wasn't fixed. But at least I understand the nature of the bug now.
  • thunderchild99thunderchild99 Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My big issue is "why are crates requiring 101+" showing up in lower level missions?

    On each of my characters, starting in the mid teens, doing missions in and around MC will occasionally spawn crates with this prerequisite.

    If this is WAI, please explain the reasoning behind this I'm still fairly newb, so this is a major wall-banger for me.

    Its pretty immersion breaking. Its actually kept my son and wife from joining me playing but I'm working on them:)
  • animaniac0451animaniac0451 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Anytime Poe is the villain in an Alert, the announcer declares it's a "Mindslayer Alert" on the VS screen. Just one more thing for Poe to hold against PSI.

    Nemesis Minions are not visible on the selection screen during Nemesis creation.

    A costume created in the Nemesis creation and saved will load as default settings instead of the costume.

    Eldritch bolts can't be colored, if you change their color they still fire off as hot pink (Gold Member)
  • noyjitatpwenoyjitatpwe Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ran thru all of the mid and high level Canadian content on one of my characters and didn't get the mission to fight mindslayer in the mine near the bigfoots. I had just fought her not more than 2 weeks ago on another character and many times before that. Just wondering if the grav bike patch may have made the mission unobtainable or something.

    I did get the mission where you escort a big foot to the viper base and then to release the usual bigfoot hostages but nothing to enter the mine. Nothing on the crime computer either unless im just not seeing it.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ran thru all of the mid and high level Canadian content on one of my characters and didn't get the mission to fight mindslayer in the mine near the bigfoots. I had just fought her not more than 2 weeks ago on another character and many times before that. Just wondering if the grav bike patch may have made the mission unobtainable or something.

    I did get the mission where you escort a big foot to the viper base and then to release the usual bigfoot hostages but nothing to enter the mine. Nothing on the crime computer either unless im just not seeing it.

    Psidewinder needs you to do all three of the Constable's initial missions. You also need to actually escort the Photographer to safety. Escorting the Bigfoot to the village has no bearing on getting the mission, though you'd expect it to. I decided to test out if I could get the Mindslayer mission, but I had to wait over TWENTY MINUTES for the guy to appear. I actually sent a bug report because it took so long!

    Now for my own contributions...

    Crates with superglue.

    The fourth color in the costume creator not working properly.

    The DEMON, Fire Demon, and Lemurian spike recognition pieces still not being account-wide. It's been, what, eight months since On Alert went live?

    Deadman Walkin's Master Villains being named "Master Villain Default".

    Therakiel the Bright not appearing in Braving the Elements in the Vibora Apocalypse, and thus not breaking the gems/killing the Champions. It still progresses, fortunately, but I liked that cutscene....

    Therakiel the Bright and Shadow Destroyer not saying all their lines in the final Apocalypse mission.

    The rewards from Enemies Amok spelling the rewards as Handguards of the ApocOlypse.

    Mission rewards with two slots randomly changing the mods after you complete the mission.

    Tickster's Gloves from the Canadian Crisis.

    Witchcraft'stireless Gauntlets from Bloody Alliance. Yes, that's missing a space in game.

    So many typos I've given up on documenting them all.

    Prison Break, well, breaking.

    Bunker Buster breaking.

    The Baptism by Ire mission in Vibora (suicide bomber zombies) not having the holy water harm the vampires. Makes it easier since you don't have to constantly hunt down a new mob, but still a bug.

    Stealing chests in crypts instead of getting an item from them.

    Burn 'em Out from Taffy Winters requiring you to use the torch twice to burn a coffin, and the coffin's being much weaker to normal attack than they used to be.

    Fan with a Plan not letting you start the mission with the item, forcing you to discard it and hunt down Sapphire's assistant to begin.

    Foxbat not speaking to you after his time travel mission, forcing you to leave the garage and re-enter to turn in the mission. Oh, and him not giving an action figure anymore. That's the whole reason I did that mission!

    Teleios doing his dance in the Monster Island Crisis, not speaking until the cutscene ends, and taking forever to blow up.

    ...Yes, I have been in Vibora a lot lately, how ever could you tell? But there are so many bugs, I can't remember what all is broken anymore.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Can we get a JAN 2013 thread now? :smile:
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ran thru all of the mid and high level Canadian content on one of my characters and didn't get the mission to fight mindslayer in the mine near the bigfoots. I had just fought her not more than 2 weeks ago on another character and many times before that. Just wondering if the grav bike patch may have made the mission unobtainable or something.

    I did get the mission where you escort a big foot to the viper base and then to release the usual bigfoot hostages but nothing to enter the mine. Nothing on the crime computer either unless im just not seeing it.

    You get it from The Constable, not from the bigfoots. it's after the collect mind control devices, free the photographer and find the crashed helicopter
    Did it this morning.
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  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    please post in jan in game bugs
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