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Better Info from PWE.. well, ANY info

mensarmensar Posts: 281 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Suggestions Box
Things like the event today wouldn't be such a complete failure if there were ANY of the following:

1. Patch notes (real ones)
2. Dev input
3. A working website (It's been down all day)
4. Information on the launcher that the event has been delayed after getting a partial udpate
5. Less glitches in events
6. A game-wide message about issues partaining to events

Management (if there is any) needs to be held accountable.

This message brought to you by the superhero:
Bacon Overlord

All available action figures, check.
Hit the global cap, check.
All lore and event perks done, check.
All 1K mob perks done, check.
All nemesis mob perks done, check.
Break 20,000 perk points, check.
Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
Post edited by mensar on


  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hey think positive, if PWE keeps on breaking more things in the game,
    eventually at some point the bugs are going to fix the bugs, when nomore content
    can be broken any further. It does make sense.

    *you're that guy who has told me how the tele pheros work, right? xD
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The event lasts ten days. Hardly a failure.
  • mensarmensar Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The event lasts ten days. Hardly a failure.

    Read again.. first of all, it hasn't started like it should have. Now they update the calendar (without telling anyone) and claim it starts on the 25th. but it ends on the morning of the 31st. Soo.. what? 5 days? If it works at all?

    How many of us AREN'T going to be busy/out of town/spending time with family during those days?

    Completely failure IMHO.. and that's assuming it actually works.

    The point of my rant?

    It didn't used to be this way until PWE took over.

    Now it's a complete mess.

    This message brought to you by the superhero:
    Bacon Overlord

    All available action figures, check.
    Hit the global cap, check.
    All lore and event perks done, check.
    All 1K mob perks done, check.
    All nemesis mob perks done, check.
    Break 20,000 perk points, check.
    Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

    Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The orignal plan was to start on the 20th. There was a delay. So now the event is extended one day.
    Do they need to spam over three million players to tell them every little detail?

    Go find an orphan or person without limbs and make their holiday nice.
    Stop stewing over a video game. Get a life.

    Cryptic's team is hopefully jet setting away to their families for the holidays
    and will not be around to hear you cry and moan until the new year.
  • baroness1980baroness1980 Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Stop stewing over a video game. Get a life.

    Good advice... maybe you should follow it?

    Cause you know, people stating that the game could be better, or giving suggestions only to be met by sycophants that can only repeat "they don't have the resources" or when pointed to a problem, they shrug it off.

    Want to really stop the negativity? Then Cryptic should open a real channel of conversation, your childish posts won't do a damn thing, and the more the game remains unattended the more the people will get upset.

    Some of us have stated that we are willing to dump more money into this game in order to get more content... new areas, new missions, comic series, etc... are you willing?

    You do love to white knight the company, but what is your real support for the game... to see it improved are you willing to spend on it? or just want everything for free? When the bottom line, the money is involved... if they said, they can make new areas and missions but EVERYONE including gold and lifers would have to buy them at the Z store... are you willing to reflect your support with your wallet? I know I AM.
  • jayleia1jayleia1 Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hey, nextname, you should hope that someone from cryptic listens to us about something...while we're still around to be heard.

    I don't care if they're at home asleep waiting for santa to come down the chimney, they have a business to run, and dealing with customers is part of that business, both positive and negative.

    If you want Cryptic to shutdown and close everything...they should follow YOUR advice.

    Oh, by the way, I have been doing a few minor things to make the world a less sucky place...little stuff, but I come to a video game for entertainment. Not to have to set up Occupy PWE just to get PATCH NOTES.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The event lasts ten days. Hardly a failure.

    Ofcourse it's not a failure. Whole 10 days of winterwonderland fun.
    Ring my bell.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Everything you have complained about has been complained about.
    Now we have less developers working on the game.

    To top it off its a holiday, five to ten days of trying to enjoy a years labor.
    But this is a more likely:
    "How'd work go this year, cousin Crypticdev?"

    "Every one hates everything we do, nothing is good enough. I don't know if I'll have job when I go back."

  • jayleia1jayleia1 Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Everything you have complained about has been complained about.
    Now we have less developers working on the game.

    To top it off its a holiday, five to ten days of trying to enjoy a years labor.
    But this is a more likely:
    "How'd work go this year, cousin Crypticdev?"

    "Every one hates everything we do, nothing is good enough. I don't know if I'll have job when I go back."


    Do you not get it? I WANT them to have a job, I WANT to give them my money, I want to give them LOTS of my money. But I don't want to just drop money down the toilet.

    Yes, everything has been complained about, and I'll complain until things get fixed or until I get tired of being ignored and go somewhere that does want my money.
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