Just had to share this 4:30 of WTH?
Star Wars plot broken down by clueless girl
Boldly going back to the future long, long ago in a galaxy far far away,
Professor Jedi Captain Hans McFly T. Skywalker or something like that.
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New Bonus clip
Star Wars according to a 3 year old.
"But don't talk back to Darth Vader - he'll get 'cha."
...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
Pssst...Rosebud is Marion Davie's clitor...er...his sled. I mean sled. Definitely sled!
While she only talks about the original film (SW-IV), I think she did a better, or at least a cuter, job of it. :biggrin:
7th Joint Task Force
Third Reserve Flotilla
House of Sigma
They free Hans from the stuff. Hans? Solo. Hans? Hans Solo. Han. Solo. Han Solo. Hanse. Han S. H-A-N. Right whatever.
I think it is awfully funny to me because it is the ONLY thing he felt she needed to be corrected on. :biggrin: