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Goodbye, CO :(

missmaeheymmissmaeheym Posts: 33 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Champions Online Discussion
Some of you know me, many do not, but I've been playing a few years now, over 700 days and counting, but I am hanging up my tights for good.


Tired of watching the game break further and further, tired of watching meaningless shinies being thrown at us in an attempt to placate us while PEW (yes I spelled it that way deliberately) ****s CO of everything good and leaves it to die.

It was a hard choice for me because I love CO and the people that play it. I have very low tolerance for bungled game design and glitches and bugs as a general rule, so it is testament to how much I loved CO that I stayed as long as I did, but enough is enough.

In all the years I played not one customer service ticket of mine submitted was ever answered.


SODLAG, you guys are the greatest. I mean that. Thank you for taking me in so long ago and making me feel at home always. @paulno you are the awesome!

Thanks to the Costume Contest community for giving this girl a chance and desire to stretch her creative legs in the tailor, and to make my efforts feel appreciated. Shout outs to Flare, SPEAR, ARC, RA, DE, LoW, and all the others who made CC's a bonafide part of this game.

I'll miss you all!

Miss Mayhem - a.k.a. Reaper, a.k.a. WARHEAD, a.k.a. Mynx, a.k.a Kinslayer
Post edited by missmaeheym on


  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Goodbye and good luck.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So long and sorry to see you go!

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • forutnefireforutnefire Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    CO just lost one of it's most creative costumers. Going to miss ya, take care of yourself!
    ~ Flare@Lectrohm (In-Game)

    Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
    (link under construction)
  • theprettypixietheprettypixie Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey May May, remember me?

    As you know, a group of us SODLAGers are at that other game, and going strong, slowly growing. We're nowhere near the behemoth SODLAG is/was, but plenty of familiar faces! We'd love to have you there, and certainly missed you.

    Besides, me and Kiy could use someone to show our outfits of to!

    linky to our new game site

  • kiyomikiyomi Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    People will be super sorry to see you go MayMay, feel free to drop by The Society website (GW2/CO) if you're ever missing us, a lot of the boys in our neck of the woods miss you tons! We still blame Solo for everything over there :)

    You are one of the people I miss from CO a TON.
    Aethelinde, Phantom Canary, Feles, Mnemosyne, Blackbird, Zephyrus, Flare Sparrow, Drachekanone
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The real question I always wonder about with these goodbye posts is... did you actually uninstall the game... or did the addict keep a little stash in the back of the closet just in case? :biggrin:

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you have the discs the game does not take long to re-install/update anyways (15-20 minutes).

    You really must break the CD's:tongue:
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    smoochan wrote: »
    The real question I always wonder about with these goodbye posts is... did you actually uninstall the game... or did the addict keep a little stash in the back of the closet just in case? :biggrin:

    Deleting all your character is something to make it really final. However i only heared that once
    from an old friend when he left EQ2 :frown:
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In all the years I played not one customer service ticket of mine submitted was ever answered.


    Now wait a minute... That hasn't been my experience at all, particularly lately. I don't mean to say that's not what you experienced personally, which is saddening, but in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder what you were doing wrong.

    For me, in case it helps:

    I report bugs in the in-game system and often the Perfect World support link at the top of this website. I don't let up, I keep them accountable. One way of doing that backing up any ticket you make with a link to the forums and visa versa. That way you can go "see I'm not the only one" and "hey everybody this is what they're saying / not saying and which employee said it or has been hush-hush about it". More importantly, from experience in working IT support myself it really REALLY helps when you see tickets that are clear, concise, polite, deliberate/determined, and even give reproduction steps in the case of bugs so follow-up testing is simply a matter of following directions.

    With regards to the game being made more like World of Whatisits or other PWE titles with farm-like-hell-or-pay-to-win taken a bit to the extreme, yeah... For what it's worth, this is a MMO industry trend in bad economy, not limited to Champions. Game companies are going more gambling focuses because it's been extremely successful for the F2P model in other game companies like Valve and Electronic Arts (see: Battlefield Heroes, where you have to pay for ways to even heal yourself if you're not the battle-healer/soldier class, yes really.)

    smoochan wrote: »
    The real question I always wonder about with these goodbye posts is... did you actually uninstall the game... or did the addict keep a little stash in the back of the closet just in case? :biggrin:

    Hence why the common "can I have your stuff?" comments. The majority of "I rage quit and am NEVER coming back" will either come back or continue to make "balance suggestions" on the forums to be rude to the rest of the community. Not saying the author here is one of those people who will do that, I don't know them. But it sure does happen a lot. Making "goodbye" posts to me seems like asking for a sympathy vote, I've never felt the need to do that (and I didn't when I left Battlefield Heroes for good, in fact I had people wondering what happened to me).

    I kind of which I knew the author better though, they sound like a helpful member in the community. Helpful people are always needed.

    If you want to make it really final and not negative, do some kind of awesome contest that's a lot of fun which gives away all your stuff.
  • eldritchfenixeldritchfenix Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You will be missed May, take care.
  • haleakalahaleakala Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    May the long time sun shine on you, all love surround you, and the clear light within you guide your way on.

    I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.

    Willie Nelson

    T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
    Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    Now wait a minute... That hasn't been my experience at all, particularly lately. I don't mean to say that's not what you experienced personally, which is saddening, but in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder what you were doing wrong.

    For me, in case it helps:

    I report bugs in the in-game system and often the Perfect World support link at the top of this website. I don't let up, I keep them accountable. One way of doing that backing up any ticket you make with a link to the forums and visa versa. That way you can go "see I'm not the only one" and "hey everybody this is what they're saying / not saying and which employee said it or has been hush-hush about it". More importantly, from experience in working IT support myself it really REALLY helps when you see tickets that are clear, concise, polite, deliberate/determined, and even give reproduction steps in the case of bugs so follow-up testing is simply a matter of following directions.

    With regards to the game being made more like World of Whatisits or other PWE titles with farm-like-hell-or-pay-to-win taken a bit to the extreme, yeah... For what it's worth, this is a MMO industry trend in bad economy, not limited to Champions. Game companies are going more gambling focuses because it's been extremely successful for the F2P model in other game companies like Valve and Electronic Arts (see: Battlefield Heroes, where you have to pay for ways to even heal yourself if you're not the battle-healer/soldier class, yes really.)

    Hence why the common "can I have your stuff?" comments. The majority of "I rage quit and am NEVER coming back" will either come back or continue to make "balance suggestions" on the forums to be rude to the rest of the community. Not saying the author here is one of those people who will do that, I don't know them. But it sure does happen a lot. Making "goodbye" posts to me seems like asking for a sympathy vote, I've never felt the need to do that (and I didn't when I left Battlefield Heroes for good, in fact I had people wondering what happened to me).

    I kind of which I knew the author better though, they sound like a helpful member in the community. Helpful people are always needed.

    If you want to make it really final and not negative, do some kind of awesome contest that's a lot of fun which gives away all your stuff.

    It's not all about you.....you could just say Good Bye and Good Luck!

    Bye, we'll miss you in SODLAG:frown: Maybe I'll get GW2 and join you lot there, as well as playing CO. I totally get why you are leaving.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have to admit...it is very rough when you come back to a game after a few months...and the amount of bugs have grown worse...especially when old bugs are coming back.

    Luckily...CO only has DCUO for competition right now.

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • theprettypixietheprettypixie Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    Now wait a minute... That hasn't been my experience at all, particularly lately. I don't mean to say that's not what you experienced personally, which is saddening, but in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder what you were doing wrong.

    For me, in case it helps:

    I report bugs in the in-game system and often the Perfect World support link at the top of this website. I don't let up, I keep them accountable. One way of doing that backing up any ticket you make with a link to the forums and visa versa. That way you can go "see I'm not the only one" and "hey everybody this is what they're saying / not saying and which employee said it or has been hush-hush about it". More importantly, from experience in working IT support myself it really REALLY helps when you see tickets that are clear, concise, polite, deliberate/determined, and even give reproduction steps in the case of bugs so follow-up testing is simply a matter of following directions.

    With regards to the game being made more like World of Whatisits or other PWE titles with farm-like-hell-or-pay-to-win taken a bit to the extreme, yeah... For what it's worth, this is a MMO industry trend in bad economy, not limited to Champions. Game companies are going more gambling focuses because it's been extremely successful for the F2P model in other game companies like Valve and Electronic Arts (see: Battlefield Heroes, where you have to pay for ways to even heal yourself if you're not the battle-healer/soldier class, yes really.)

    Hence why the common "can I have your stuff?" comments. The majority of "I rage quit and am NEVER coming back" will either come back or continue to make "balance suggestions" on the forums to be rude to the rest of the community. Not saying the author here is one of those people who will do that, I don't know them. But it sure does happen a lot. Making "goodbye" posts to me seems like asking for a sympathy vote, I've never felt the need to do that (and I didn't when I left Battlefield Heroes for good, in fact I had people wondering what happened to me).

    I kind of which I knew the author better though, they sound like a helpful member in the community. Helpful people are always needed.

    If you want to make it really final and not negative, do some kind of awesome contest that's a lot of fun which gives away all your stuff.

    May has been a boon to this community. She enriched the costume contests community in particular, both with her marvellous creations and her high standard of judging.

    For you to to cast doubt on her sincerity is insulting in the extreme to me, your qualifiers not withstanding. If you do not know May, why even besmirch this thread with the suggestion that she's not genuine?

    Sometimes people feel the need for a farewell thread because they have so much invested in it, and May has many friends. Maybe it's a way of finalising something that has been on a person's mind for a long time, and by putting it in writing you mentally take that last step.

    Your post adds nothing to the purpose of this thread, which is to say goodbye to those that new her, and to maybe air some long standing frustrations.

    You still enjoy the game, and that's great. But that, and whether customer support is up to scratch, is not really the issue here.

  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Posts: 864 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So because this person is popular. Asking "can I haz your stuffs" is looked down upon. Heck, even a moment to pause and question the level of possible drama and hyperbole is looked down upon.

  • xaogarrentxaogarrent Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    So because this person is popular. Asking "can I haz your stuffs" is looked down upon. Heck, even a moment to pause and question the level of possible drama and hyperbole is looked down upon.


    Welcome to forum hypocrisy.

    Proceed to be a sarcastic ******* to all the players who say they're leaving, suddenly realize that some of these players are people who have been around for years and supported the game out of their pockets and/or hearts, through thick and thin... Then promptly forget what you just realized in order to go back to being a sarcastic *******.

    I remember watching some of the fanboys around the time of Vibora Pay pull a similar stunt. They all turned against Cryptic briefly, and the moment they announced that Vibora wasn't going to be pay for, went right back to their usual cheerleader squad routines. I still wonder if most of them really didn't learn anything about what was in front of them from that whole ordeal, and just had their personal tolerance levels rustled, or what. Because those of us who saw the writing on the wall were mad, but not terribly surprised.

    ...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    So because this person is popular. Asking "can I haz your stuffs" is looked down upon. Heck, even a moment to pause and question the level of possible drama and hyperbole is looked down upon.


    Will not stop me from asking for said stuff of which can I haz?
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • helbjornhelbjorn Posts: 678 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Like Paul Mooney said, "I blame Oprah".
  • lavoszxlavoszx Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bye May, never knew ya but i hope all is well in future endeavors, oh, btw, you got trailturtle'd :P
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I did not know you but have fun in whatever game you play next.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • randomchance4242randomchance4242 Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Gonna miss you at the CCs. Goodbye and good luck.
  • twg042370twg042370 Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    So because this person is popular. Asking "can I haz your stuffs" is looked down upon. Heck, even a moment to pause and question the level of possible drama and hyperbole is looked down upon.


    I don't want their stuff. It's all character bound and there's no secondary market anyway.

    But if they have some Q or a way to send me their Zen, I'll take it.

    Anyway, I've deleted the game twice since I started playing. Keep that in mind.
    Wait? Whaaaa..?
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You can't just leave. No one ever really leaves.

    *spins grindstone and cackles maniacally*
    My Amazon author page
    How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
    Demon Keypo's Building Guide
    Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
  • auldwolfauldwolf Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    See you when you get back!

    The truth is (as sad a truth as it might be) this game is the best game I've played in regards to embracing the power plateau, horizontal progression, and tossing out obnoxious grind as the cancer it is. No matter what other MMO you try, you'll always notice how cynical it feels compared to CO. So unless you're going to play solely single- and multi-player games from now on?

    Well, just one MMO to remind you will bring you back. Just like it does with me, every time. I play it, the agonisingly slow combat, the painfully slow movement speed, the taxes on damn near everything you do... and you think back to Champions Online when you were zipping around and just blowing up guys and having fun.

    Whatever CO's crimes, to me it still remains one of the most fun MMOs out there. And I thnk you know that too. So... like I said! See you when you get back!
  • kiyomikiyomi Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    auldwolf wrote: »
    See you when you get back!

    The truth is (as sad a truth as it might be) this game is the best game I've played in regards to embracing the power plateau, horizontal progression, and tossing out obnoxious grind as the cancer it is. No matter what other MMO you try, you'll always notice how cynical it feels compared to CO. So unless you're going to play solely single- and multi-player games from now on?

    Well, just one MMO to remind you will bring you back. Just like it does with me, every time. I play it, the agonisingly slow combat, the painfully slow movement speed, the taxes on damn near everything you do... and you think back to Champions Online when you were zipping around and just blowing up guys and having fun.

    Whatever CO's crimes, to me it still remains one of the most fun MMOs out there. And I thnk you know that too. So... like I said! See you when you get back!

    Let's just say goodbye and leave it at that. Not everyone goes back to a game when they've had enough of it.
    Aethelinde, Phantom Canary, Feles, Mnemosyne, Blackbird, Zephyrus, Flare Sparrow, Drachekanone
  • missmaeheymmissmaeheym Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    :eek: I didn't intend my departure to create such a fuss!

    For those that seem to be concerned about it, let me elaborate.

    I am not leaving due to whether or not the game is fun. As I stated previously, I have stuck with the game over 2 years through all the numerous little bugs and breaks, because while annoying, the overall enjoyability of the game and the people in it more than outweighed the annoyances. My normal tolerance level for poor quality assurance and testing is very low. The fact I would be willing to overlook things I have left numerous other games for, says a lot about the strength of CO as a game.

    That was when Cryptic was running it and I could tell they were actually trying to fix things.

    The lack of significant new content was discouraging, but again, I could deal with it and hope for something.

    Then PEW (PW for you toadies), came in and immediately things started getting worse. Every new thing broke something else. They would patch to fix the break and break something else instead. Quality assurance went down the tubes completely.

    How do they compensate? Throw broken shinies at us (broken alerts, vehicles) to distract us from the fact that they are not going to do anything significant with the game, i.e. new zones, persistent content. It is being left to die, a minimal-overhead source of cash to fund their other games, while they milk it of the talent that made it good.

    Shinies may distract some, but not me. I'm done. Game is uninstalled, screenshot files of my characters deleted, all non-bound items given away already.

    It will matter little to PEW, but I at least did the best thing any paying customer can do to display their dissatisfaction with any service provider.

    Deny them my money.
  • crashdragoncrashdragon Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Never throw money at a dead horse, because it will never win the race. :tongue:

    Oh, and a very lame and cold response on Trailturtles behalf. No wait...........that's a normal response from PW.

    My mistake, carry on.
    I like to hang around laundromats and steal hero's tights for ransom. =3
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Posts: 864 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Never throw money at a dead horse, because it will never win the race. :tongue:

    Oh, and a very lame and cold response on Trailturtles behalf. No wait...........that's a normal response from PW.

    My mistake, carry on.

    Huh? What does TT have to do with any of this? By all rights he should of locked this topic, as it is against the rules.

    Considering it is still open and TT comment free. A wise person might be grateful for that fact. Rather then bemoaning and casting accusations for lack of interest or response.
  • lotusabstractlotusabstract Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If I was a betting man, I'd say she took off to The Secret World.
    They've got a huge thread for CoH Refugees. The same Coxxers
    play this game as well, now that CO & TSW are two of the few
    modern MMO RPGs that now exist.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    smoochan wrote: »
    The real question I always wonder about with these goodbye posts is... did you actually uninstall the game... or did the addict keep a little stash in the back of the closet just in case? :biggrin:

    They haven't really quit the game until they delete all their characters. Until then they can simply log back in anytime. So 99% of the time posts like this are more an "I'm burned out playing the game so long." And then who knows they maybe will never come back or be back in 3 months. ::shrug:: But they haven't really quit without that delete.

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