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What do you want to buy? (Champions Online, Chistmas Season, 2012 Edition)

agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Champions Online Discussion
Ho-ho-ho welcome to the thread!

Please tell me your top 5 things you'd like to buy from the Z-Store (assume you have the Zen) and top five things you'll most likely probably buy.

Please, some directions:
  • Be realistic, has to be something at is at least feasible to do.
  • Don't troll others.
  • List these top-five's in order from most to least desired
  • Feel free to include things that don't exist yet, but are feasable in the "wish list"
  • Please DO NOT include things that are not in existance right now for purchase in the "what I'll probably buy" list
  • Z-Store stuff
  • Re-read these simple directions so I don't call you an idiot who can't read directions. :wink:

I'll go first to lead by example...

My wish list to buy:
  1. Unlimited RetCon option. I know more than a few people who'd pay a TON for this.
  2. "A new major content expansion pack. (Yes, I would pay for it. Like Vibora bay x50 in terms of content)" -- thanks Malvou!
  3. Hideout training room (where you can duel) and crafting areas (auction house access?) upgrades
  4. Unlimited/Permanent teleport-to-teammate device (cetainly solves some issues with server stability, needs a cool magical or SciFi-ish teleport special effect)
  5. Emote packages (why in the hell doesn't this exist again?)

What I'll probably buy:
  1. Questionite from the exchange
  2. Cosmic Keys (sigh, yeah I know... Just being honest... At least I get more than the TF2 ones.)
  3. Shared Bank Slots
  4. Premium Travel Powers
  5. Premium Costume Unlocks

Now what about you? Tell me. Also, you don't have to sit on my lap. In fact, I'd prefer if most of you didn't. Come to think of it, I'd rather you didn't sit on me. But uh... tell me what you want regardless.
Post edited by agentnx5 on


  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. Customizable, permanent, sidekick.

    2. Frilly fancy goth loli costume set, with bwoomers.

    3. Happy wonderful magical girl costume set, with magical girl wand heavy and martial arts weapon. With bwoomers.

    4. Cute n fuzzy beast heads and skin patterns, with beast heads that can have human hairs.

    5. Increased resource limit.

    What I'll Probably Buy:

    1. Nothing. I allready bought everything I want out of the Z store.

    2. Also nothing.

    3. Still nothing.

    4. No things.

    5. This space reserved for a lack of things.

    6. I put an extra spot just so I could say I won't be buying anything because I already bought everything I wanted allready a while ago.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • baroness1980baroness1980 Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My wish list to buy:

    1.- New Area or missions to existing areas
    2.- Extended Nemesis system (Customized minions, more personalities, more missions)
    3.- Shield Costume pack with pieces for bracers/Arm detail
    4.- Unlimited RetCon option. (GREAT Idea there agent)
    5.- Staff Fighting powers. A new set for the martial arts group. Bo staff, spears, tridents skins for the weapon

    What I'll probably buy:

    1.- Premium Costume Unlocks
    2.- Hideouts
    3.- Costume Slots
    4.- Vehicles
    5.- Keys (maybe...)
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    *ahem* Smoochan you're "an idiot who can't read directions". Read the directions, please. :smile: (hey, I'm keeping my word *points* teehee)

    (i.e.: where's your second list? what's what?)

    I LOVE your shield idea, Baronness! Something other than the Mech Assassin shield, and that can cover up or blend with the Lazer Knight advantage. Would be so cool for classic "knight" characters. Actually more heavy weapon swords would be cool too.

    But I'm confused, how are you going to "buy" missions? This is more than a wish list, it's also about showing Cryptic/PWE what we actually would prefer to spend money on.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. A services token to fix broken Enrage/giant growth/aggressor

    2. Mounts (horse, Monster huge awesome motorcycles)

    3. See 1. Above

    4. See 1. Above

    5. See 1. Above

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This I would throw my wallet at the screen for.

    A permanent foam finger device.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • baroness1980baroness1980 Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    But I'm confused, how are you going to "buy" missions? This is more than a wish list, it's also about showing Cryptic/PWE what we actually would prefer to spend money on.

    What I meant with that is for them to release new story arc missions but instead of them being adventure packs or comic series, just regular missions, but you can only access them if you bought the pack (Like lvl 40 Desert missions).

    For example... let's say they add a Purple Gang - Psi war story arc (which seems to be the natural progression considering what happened before) with 20 something missions that scale to your level... you have to rescue civilians and eventually stop all the big names on both sides, or choose to help one of the sides
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I meant with that is for them to release new story arc missions but instead of them being adventure packs or comic series, just regular missions, but you can only access them if you bought the pack (Like lvl 40 Desert missions).

    For example... let's say they add a Purple Gang - Psi war story arc (which seems to be the natural progression considering what happened before) with 20 something missions that scale to your level... you have to rescue civilians and eventually stop all the big names on both sides, or choose to help one of the sides

    Interesting... From the perspective of being Silver for a long time, you really want to try to make explorable content available for free as much as possible. I honestly even loathe having put adventure packs on my list, but it often seems the only way we get new stuff in this game is if they can profit off it directly (the concepts of combined value, indirect investment, and long-term customer loyalty seems to be rather lost on whomever is leading Cryptic these days, IMHO)

    So you make an interesting point. I would recommend however that (including the one I have above with adventure packs) should be a paying subscriber benefit. After all, it's been a long time since they did anything to increase the value of subbing. (but that's a whole different topic.

    Tancrediiv, come on... Don't be "an idiot who can't read directions" (PS: you all can say that back to me if I ever break my own directions :wink:) You gave a list of things you wish to buy, but what about the second list of things to buy that are there currently? Keys perhaps? Nothing of interest across the board?
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All the new stuff from the last month I can honestly say I do not want its also seems a lot of other players think that way :/
    What would get my interest is the ability to buy perm versions of stuff like the contraband devices. Or better versions of the bloodmoon devices heck Cryptic could sell things like that for 500g a pop .

    So my list would be.

    1: Also a AT that uses Video game style powers cause not all super heroes are from comic books these days.

    But being gold I wouldnt have to buy it :D

    2: Devices in c-store.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What would I buy?

    1. Colorable vehicles. I ask no more than to be able to at least change a vehicle's color on par with the ability to color my own character's tights.

    2. Hideout expansion, including a training room and crafting room.

    3. Emote packages.

    4. Adventure Pack that offers a good challenge and good rewards for the time put into it.

    5. Resource limit expansion/remover for Silvers.

    What WILL I buy?

    1. Costume sets that appeal to me.

    2. Cool travel powers that appeal to me.

    3. Shared bank slots, I guess?

    4. Questionite from the market?

    5. idon't... idon'tevenknowman, ANYTHING BUT KEYS AND/OR CRAPPY VEHICLES.

    An infinite retconner would be awesome, but likely would never happen because people blowing $10 on a retcon just because they lost a duel/can't tank Gravitar is probably a cash cow.

    Also, Nepht has the right idea. Infinite. Foam. Finger.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Posts: 3,781 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Would spend on:
    1. New PowerSet/AT (especially plant-based)
    2. New Comic Series
    3. New Costume Options (more big sword options, some elemental weapons for all weapon sets)
    4. Auras that aren't linked to powers or gear but are costume options
    5. Account-wide bag slot increase (rather than the current per-character only)
    6. Account-wide 1/character device purchase (available to all characters now and in future, much like the way STO handles starship purchases)
    7. I agree with the "summon teammate to me" power
    8. Functionality for Hideouts (zone teleporters, danger room like the one in powerhouse)

    Will spend on:
    1. Costumes (until I got all of them, will slowly be buying them)
    2. Costume Slots
    3. Hideout
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am sure they would love to know how to bleed a stone like myself.:tongue:
    Even I don't know at this point what would make me give them my $ again.

    The problem is, usually when we provide ideas that they implement, the execution is so far from what I'd expect that it always seems to lose my interest enough for me not to break out my wallet. Also, the the feeling that money we put into CO, does not get put back into CO.

    Two big examples where I might've spent money are hideouts and vehicles. Neither is really customizable.
    I wanted hideouts that were like EQ2's. Places where you could load and arrange furniture, and place trophies (like the key to the city) on the walls or behind glass.
    Now that I see SWTOR's vehicles, I see multiple models that show the character (one reminded me of Metron's Mobius Chair), that is what ours should be more like. Yes one is coming, but it will be behind a gamble mechanic which I will not spend real life $ on.

    So, I *might* purchase:

    - Customizable hideout stuff.
    - Vehicles that show the rider and customizations for those vehicles.
    - A big game expansion with new zone and overhaul/improvement of UNITY, Nemesis, and Lairs.
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish List:

    - A new major content expansion pack. (Yes, I would pay for it. Like Vibora bay x50 in terms of content)

    -Emote package

    - A buyable buff that would grant %100 chance to get a costume part. (would have to be expensive/activated by device)

    - Costume Packs that have rare dropped parts.

    - Buyable Legacy Devices/parts/figures that are not dictated by chance.

    What I will buy:

    - Costume Parts

    - Hideouts

    - Travel Powers

    - Transform Devices

    - Party Bombs
  • titotito333999titotito333999 Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I wish for:

    1 cosmic key of thanks(10zen per key for Gold/LTS)
    2 awesome new power replace gear
    3 foundry
    4 level cap increase
    5 new zone

    I'll buy:

    1 cosmic keys
    2 costumes
    3 travel powers
    4 retcons
    5 vehicles

    This was awesome while it lasted
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    keikomyst wrote: »
    What would I buy?

    1. Colorable vehicles. I ask no more than to be able to at least change a vehicle's color on par with the ability to color my own character's tights.

    If it were up to me you'd have the ability to:
    • Change colors/hues
    • Change modular parts (thinking of the garage in Brutal Legend when I say this)
    • Change emblems (or none of course)
    • Have "superspeed" land vehicles in addition to "ice-slide-like flight" Hovertanks and Hawkwings

    Sadly I cannot do anything to make those happen for you, and honestly the developer resources are sorely needed elsewhere too. Multi-tasking on different projects? Prioritization? Kind of complicated, but yes those are some needed things to make vehicles truly "customizable".

    keikomyst wrote: »
    2. Hideout expansion, including a training room and crafting room.

    3. Emote packages.

    4. Adventure Pack that offers a good challenge and good rewards for the time put into it.

    5. Resource limit expansion/remover for Silvers.

    I agree 100% with these.

    malvou wrote: »
    - A new major content expansion pack. (Yes, I would pay for it. Like Vibora bay x50 in terms of content)

    Better than the related entry on my list, mind if I copy this one for my list too? :smile: I like it better than what I originally wrote.

    malvou wrote: »
    - A buyable buff that would grant %100 chance to get a costume part. (would have to be expensive/activated by device)

    Interesting... Don't think Perfect World would ever do that, but still this intrigues me. Might be extremely useful.
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Realistic and doable by the production team in the four weeks until Christmas?

    1. An emote pack.
    2. A new costume set.
    3. A new emblems set.

    4. More costume slots
    5. More shared bank slots.

    Pie in the sky wish list?

    1. The Foundry.
    2. A Nemesis system overhaul.
    3. A new zone.
    4. A new comic series.
    5. A Star*Guard power set.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,208 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    *ahem* Smoochan you're "an idiot who can't read directions". Read the directions, please. :smile: (hey, I'm keeping my word *points* teehee)

    (i.e.: where's your second list? what's what?)

    You can't stipulate a no trolling rule at the start of a thread and then do stuff like this. Sorry, I don't care how you spin it you just can't do that.
    I challenge you to start ONE thread before the end of the year and not resort to such childish behavior for it's duration.

    I'm not making a Z-Store list because I don't really use the Z-Store.

    What I'd be willing to throw down some money on if it becomes available as a separate purchase list:

    New zone(s)
    Level cap increase
    New unique powersets
    More options in the tailor

    inb4 I'M the one trolling
  • ariesmajorariesmajor Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd like to buy an R, Pat, and solve the puzzle. Champions online ChRistmas Season 2012 Edition.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You can't stipulate a no trolling rule at the start of a thread and then do stuff like this. Sorry, I don't care how you spin it you just can't do that.
    I challenge you to start ONE thread before the end of the year and not resort to such childish behavior for it's duration.

    inb4 I'M the one trolling

    To be fair, he did say that he would say that, and it's not like he could have known that I farmed like crazy at some point to get all the stuff I wanted.

    This is a secret message, don't tell anyone! Squish squish squish... I'm still squishin' on Nepht... but now I'm doing it super secret like! :D

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • shytalashytala Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish List:
    1. The ability to expand the resource cap for silvers, meaning you buy something to raise it from 250g.
    2. Vehicles I can customise, with at least color and emblems.
    3. Customizable Hideouts, i.e. ability to buy furniture, extra rooms, etc. for it. Also maybe use it like the Unity HQ teleporter.
    4. Game Expansion with a higher level cap, meaning a new zone with new quests, etc. or at least expansion of all the existing zones with higher level quests and such.
    5. The ability to buy some of the Legion/Legacy stuff, without gambling for it, because I dislike gambling.
    6. Beast Heads that allow you to wear hats and have hair....beast parts, ears, tails, claws, muzzles, etc. to mix and match....beast skins, as in like the leopard skin, only seperate from the tights and such, you should be able to be a leopard and still wear clothing.

    Will Probably Buy:
    1. Shared Bank Slots
    2. Travel Powers
    3. Costume Packs
    4. A Retcon
    5. FF slot or Subbing.

    [Insert Witty Signature Here]
  • sekimensekimen Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish list:

    1) Might being fixed;
    2) Emote pack;
    3) A single hat for all beast heads;
    4) New devices for the Winter Event;
    5) A Winter-themed Alert.

    Will likely buy:

    1) Questionite;
    2) Costume sets;
    3) Prolly a few keys.
  • fr0gurtfr0gurt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish List:

    1. Alternate build slot for freeform characters that lets you change your entire power selection, not just slotted passive and equipment.

    2. Travel power booster device, so you can fly as fast as those Hawkwings, and have fast combat flight speed on vehicle levels like UNTIL Sky Command.

    3. Unarmed hoverbike or holobike travel power device (or non-combat travel power).

    4. New power sets. Cryptic doesn't sell these directly, but it can spur the sales of archetypes and freeform slots. Since I'm an LTS, I won't buy these, but would likely buy a costume set associated with the new power set.

    5. Hideout expansions like a teleport pad to unlocked zone respawn points, or a vendor interface for the computer.

    Likely to buy:

    1. Loft penthouse.

    2. More hideout shared bank slots.

    3. Maybe a Cosmic Key 10-pack. Maybe.

    Otherwise, saving up for the next sale.
  • lo1processorlo1processor Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd Rather Buy A Dev Off The Black Market, With The Tears Of People Promised Werewolf Super Speed And A Victorian Steampunk Costume Set As My Currency. Merry Christmas.


    Happily processing LOL's for over 300 days and counting . . .
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish list:

    1- More sci-fi and tech-related costumes.
    2- All costume pieces available in all materials (Example: leather, metal, cloth)
    3- Faceplates with patterns.
    4- More poses, such as the 'serious' pose in DC Universe.
    5- Bug fixin's

    What I'll buy:

    1- Anything from #1 or #3 above.
    2- Probably nothing else in CO.
    3- Small racer fairing for my motorcycle.
    4- Some comic books.
    5- Nudie mags.
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I wish :

    1) Bug squishing. Don't even fix the bug. Just squish it. Don't want no robotic bugs running about.
    2) Nemesis stuff. Nemesis are fun. Everyone loves them. What we don't love, is how boring they are.
    3) Endgame stuff aside from mod madness? I'd love a stupidly difficult lair thing that you can do with ten people. Run, fellow Zerg rushers! Into battle!
    4) Um...Um...More tech stuff! Costume packs! Travel powers! I don't even what's a hero gimme a gun and tell me to go forward.
    5) More customization on vehicles? I am probably one of the few people who like them. Not the best implementation I'll say and gamble gating is a bugger and a half, but I like my tank that matches my characters armour and theme.

    What I'll get :

    1) Eh...Costume sets...
    2) ...Travel powers...
    3) ...More costume slots...
    4) Maybe if I feel generous a freeform slot for a buddy, since he likes the game but is financially troubled.
    5) Kidney removed. Sell it to science for Cosmic Keys.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • xcaligaxxcaligax Posts: 1,096 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish List:

    1: A permanent sidekick you can customize, gear, AND choose it's powers.
    2: Emanation points for ALL powers.
    3: A permanent nemesis you can customize, gear, AND choose it's powers.
    4: More reliable and anti-knock Enrage mechanic for defensive combo, beatdown, demolish, etc etc.
    5: An actual fight with THE Doctor Destroyer.

    What I will actually buy:

    1: Retcon
    2: Retcon
    3: Retcon
    4: Sidekick device
    5: Retcon
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. Cutie mark emblem costume set.

    2. Rainbow speed travel power.

    Okay okay..I'll be serious now.

    What I wish:
    1. Traditional Japanese clothing costume set (I so want a kimono).
    2. A bike vehicle that's shaped like an actual bike, with or without wheels.
    3. Weapon costume set featuring sports equipment.
    4 A pack with a boatload of new social emotes.
    5. More hideouts.

    What I will actually buy:
    1. ZEN for questionite exchange
    2. Retcon token
    3. Cosmic key (for profit)
    4. Cosmic key (for profit)
    5. Cosmic key (for profit)
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    1) Hair (additional styles),Tattoo, and Body Art (piercings, jewelry, etc) "costume" set.
    2) Fully functional (and non gimped) expanded Power Replacer system.
    3) Costume Sets.
    4) Customizable Vehicles.
    5) The Foundry

    Will Buy:

    Not really sure. Just spent several thousand Zen on all of the costume sets that I didn't have (except for the few that just dont appeal to me).

    Currently I am refraining from spending money on Zen beyond my stipend so long as the player driven chatban system is in place.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Errmmm how about this:

    1) A dev who will listen and implement all the GREAT stuff suggested

    2) A 2nd dev who will help the 1st dev

    3) A 3rd dev who will help the first 2

    4) and so on...
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »

    Tancrediiv, come on... Don't be "an idiot who can't read directions" (PS: you all can say that back to me if I ever break my own directions :wink:) You gave a list of things you wish to buy, but what about the second list of things to buy that are there currently? Keys perhaps? Nothing of interest across the board?

    Well since you broke the second rule of No Trolling, nothing you have to say means much. Pot, meet kettle.

    End grab bag madness and make everything available for fair market value is the only thing I would consider adding.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,360 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    • a new costume set every week
    • new travel powers
    • more cool things in the q store
    • become animal devices, to emulate shapechanging
    • non tech vehicles or simple everday vehicles, like the motorcycle in the vigilante hideout
    what i prob will buy
    • any costume set released
    • any travel power released
    • 30 keys in the first 4 hours of any dropbox
    • rename token if i get bored with a toon
    • new q set gear from q store for any new toons
  • xanna31xanna31 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wish list:

    1)Fully customizable, level upgradable sidekick.

    2)Restructure of the Nemesis system.

    3)Auras in the costume creation

    4)Teammate teleport

    5)Ability to show weapons out of combat.

    What I bought:

    1) I bought 2 cosmic keys and on the second one I got a tank vehicle.

    2)Ranged weapons pack.

    3)More character slots

    4)Distortsion travel power.

    5)Some temp sidekicks(Duratok FTW)
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    xanna31 wrote: »
    What I bought:

    This is future tense please, not past tense. What will your probably buy in the new future with your Zen in Champions giving what there currently is for sale? Versus what would you wish buy if they simply offered it? Two top-five lists. A comparison.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,360 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    who knew taking polls can be so stressful, it would be much better to do it php
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Bug fixes.

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Better than the related entry on my list, mind if I copy this one for my list too? :smile: I like it better than what I originally wrote.

    Go for it.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Bug fixes.

    <3:smile: Yay!

    jasinblaze wrote: »
    who knew taking polls can be so stressful, it would be much better to do it php

    Meh I just try to avoid responding to them. *shrug*

    malvou wrote: »
    Go for it.

    Thanks! Added to my #2 "want to buy" list.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    More additions? Or are we really this small these days?
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Here's what I'd like:

    1. Pseudo-vehicle "normal" travel powers - where you ride atop a hover board, giant bat, dragon, or even a giant wolf (standing on it for simplicity's sake).

    2. Animated costume pack - pieces that have moving details - like a spinning key coming out of your back or regular feet with tank treads on them that turn/move, or a helicopter backpack whose blades spin when you fly.

    3. Unusual weapon skins - organic melee and ranged weapons, translucent ranged & melee weapons, "hard light" melee and ranged weapons, giant clawed gloves that go over your hands for claws, etc.

    4. Permanent teleport teammates to you or teleport to teammates devices.

    5. Alternate skin power sets - for instance, "dark force" set which is a reskin of force, but in black. Others would include "shadow acrobatics" or steampunk/organic versions of the munitions bots and support drones and "gremlin" skins for attack toys. A reskin of the sorcery powers that uses a wand/staff.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Bumping the other thread I just mentioned to TrailTurtle, in the "NOW I am convinced" paranoid conspiracy topic.

    It's interesting, I just read over this again and it's amazing how little has changed and how obvious most of this is from a business standpoint.

    Again, TrailTurtle there are many business which would love to have feed back like this.

    And if you don't trust the accuracy, then by all means PLEASE do a multi-checkbox (not radio button) poll on this. Or use your Peanut Labs affiliate to make a survery for this. Then link that survey in official news on the launcher so that all the players logging into the game will see the poll. That would be sooo wonderful for the business...
  • rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    costume sets, we got some ninja costume tops, and i'm happy, but how bout some chinese robes, like say blatantly ripping off the coh martial arts robes..i would purchase that.
    some military stuff is sorely missing.
    Tucked pants, we have something called tucked pants, but im talking about the coh style ones that are baggy pants gathered right above the knee, usually to fit into a long armored boot. we dont have that here, and that was the basis of a lot of my coh costumes.

    plants (make buff and control heavy, like nature affinity/plant control)
    water blasting,
    some sort of elemental melee striking powers, not even a new set needed, whirlwinds and such are nice, but i want to punch a guy with a flaming fist or kick him with an ice-encased boot.
    really more buffs and debuffs would really make things fun for me. some sort of shapeshifting? i have some overtime ya know.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) More emotes. Please.

    2) Fully customizable lairs. I'd pay for that, I would. Gimme blank slate and items to place, and watch me burn! Also.....lair item packs! Twofer!

    3) Costumes. AURAS.

    4) Mission teleporter. Port directly to mission door, as long as it's a door mish. Wont' work for open areas.

    That's about all I can think of for now.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wish List

    1. Global cap incremental increase token - 250G per token.
    2. Power hue token - 1 power recolorization.
    3. Auction length increase token - 1 day per token, up to the limit for Golds.
    4. Unbind token - unbind 1 bound item that was originally BoE.
    5. Everything in Thundrax's monetization post. ;)

    What I'll Probably Buy List

    1. Nothing.
    2. Nothing.
    3. Nothing.
    4. Nothing.
    5. Nothing.

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • serpinecohserpinecoh Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The thing I most want to buy from CO is a lifetime subscription, if one or both of the following conditions were involved:

    1) It was put on sale.
    2) It gave all the veteran rewards up front like STO does.

    I would also likely buy it for one or both other people in my household that play this game (depending on the level of discount in condition #1).
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