This has gone on way too long, and with PvP in it's sorry state month after month and old currencies still lingering around that you can't really do much with it's high time this happened:
From this post: propose that there just be FOUR currency types:
- Gold / Resources
(as-is, acquired from PvE enemies, PvP or PvE instances and quests, and Auction House or peer-to-peer trading )
- Zen
(as-is, acquired from $$$'s or Peanut Labs or Questionite Exchange)
- Questionite
(I also suggest that Acclaim should be converted to this, entirely. All existing and all new Acclaim should become Questionite)
- Recognition
(I also suggest that all types of recognition should be able to be converted between any other type, up or down)
(recognition could be kept as sub-currencies or turned into one big, universal "recognition" currency)
There's simply too many, and several are useless currencies or cause for concern:
- UNITY Intel, UNITY Merits, Snakebuck, kind of useless and can't be used to buy anything you can feasibly trade (i.e.: Snakebucks steampunk stuff is for some insane reason still BoP, not BoE)
- Can't up-convert from MCPD, PRIMUS, or UNTIL tokens. You should be able to, and it should be a reasonable conversion rate. This also makes a TON of sense from a lore stand point. If you've done a ton of villian-fighting of enemies that drop tokens, you're probably going to be well heard of even by groups like The Champions, UNITY, and the Star Guardians. If you're nemesis is as powerful as you, your recognition from battling them will have been all over the news and known around the world. JUST. DO. IT.
- PvP has almost nothing worth buying from the PvP store, and what is there is sooo expensive in Acclaim that newcomers to PvP can't afford it. Acclaim needs to be converted to Questionite, both existing and all futher gains from doing PvP queues needs to be questionite. That way it's on equal footing and you can either farm alerts and such PvE-style, and/or do PvP queues instead. You can get your Questionite either way just fine. I can't even begin to describe how many issues with PvP this would solve, and keep the distance so we never again have that fiasco we did last spring of this year with Zombie Apocalypse and the trolling & relogging therein. JUST. DO. IT.
Here are some counter arguments but those who oppose this suggestion I've heard to this which were said to me on the coRP channel this week and last:
Counter: "But snakebucks giving BoP costumes is no different than other recognition vendors"Rebuttal: This is an excuse, and a weak one at that. The existing stuff should be able to be converted down OR up as needed. Also BoP is bound to that character, even if it unlocks something account-wide (and not all of them do), so there's a minor technical difference too. But more important, so? So what? Make the existing stuff BoE too. It doesn't hurt anything, and free market trade is IMPORTANT in a micro-economy, even if virtual. This is a cornerstone of MMO gameplay!
Counter: "I don't care about PvP, let them have their Acclaim and good riddance!"Rebuttal: Just because YOU hate PvP doesn't mean you should prohibit and discourage others from enjoying it. This is arrogantly elitist, not a good thing and shows you are of ill character. (note many people think this but don't say it outloud, they always sugarcoat it)Counter: "Adding superior items to the PvP store is all that's needed"Rebuttal: No. In fact, HELL no! To anyone who doesn't remember what happened last spring of this year, we had a very UGLY clash between hardcore PvE farmers and hardcore PvP build players. The hardcore farmers would abuse the re-logging glitch, and a few of the PvP players felt it necessary to troll or "dole out justice" on the farmers. Why did this happen? Because the best gear in the game could ONLY be earned (not talking trades for gold) from Acclaim from doing PvP queues. We never, NEVER want to go back to that. Learn from the past or we're doomed to repeat it. By simply getting rid of Acclaim and converting the existing earned Acclaim to Questionite, we kill two birds with one stone. We make PvP queues actually WORTH doing, but by no means required and equally viable with PvE forms of Questionite farming. It's fair & equal, and it's how things SHOULD be in a logical world.Counter: "We don't have the developer resources to make this happen"Rebuttal: Sorry but this is BS, no offense. Developer resources are being spent on Neverwinter and making vehicles. This is actually even an easy thing to do, you just need a programmer who understand the databases and reward tables. Hell I could do it myself if I was paid as a contractor, had knowledge of the systems, and the tools needed to edit the source code.
So now that I've laid out this relatively simple idea in detail with countering most of the arguments against it ahead of time, what do y'all think? Simple enough? Amendments for improvement? Will you support this and sign for it?
Ah well guess we see the same idea. I got some rebuttals here at least, slightly different approach too
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
If they do gear, it should probably be 'equivalent'. Ish.
Or maybe Acclaim could 'convert down' to Silver Champ Rec? *shrug*
1) I think items that are currently purchased with snakebucks should be available for resources but, should require completion of an arc or mission. The current rates that have to be paid to purches anything from that vendor are a bit absurd but, I don't think people should be able to skip over that content and go straight to the reward. That or put it on the recog store. I don't see that happening though.
2) As nice as it would be to be able to upgrade recog, I think the reason it can only be downgraded is so low level characters have to actually get levels and can't just purchase the rewards from higher tier vendors early on. It also increases the amount of time people have to play a given toon by preventing them from using their lower tier recog to purchase rewards once they're higher level. This, I can understand and do agree with. Because of this, I'd like to see mods (not the level 2 core ones already available. They're fairly worthless as far as I can tell) available for purchase from the recog vendors.
3) Just like with Snakebucks, I think PvP content should be gated behind something. In this case, I think it would be appropriate that people complete a certain number of PvP instances before they be able to purchase items from the PvP store. Once again, people shouldn't be allowed to skip over content and go straight to the rewards. Perhaps the various vendors offer different items and I missed it but, I think there should be more PvP gear available for purchase as well. I only saw two items available for sale and think there should be at least one of each type meaning offinse, defense, and utiity as well as primary and secondary. It's something that should be laughably easy for the devs to make and would give people more things to spend questionite on.
As far as the counterarguements you heard goes...
You're right. I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but, I can't help thinking the same thing when people say something like that about any aspect of a game.
What a lot of people don't realize is that even if they don't care for a certain aspect of a game, there's a chance their friends do or friends of their friends. When that part of the game gets borked, people that like it tend to leave for greener pastures if there isn't something else that's a strong enough draw to keep them around. It usually starts as a trickle but, can turn into some pretty bad hemoraging of players if it goes on long enough as other players leave to join their friends on other games.
Finally, there's the simple fact that a counter like that basically amounts to, 'The only things that matter are the ones I care about.' No matter how you look at it, that's a pretty selfish attitude to have.
I don't think just adding more items to the PvP store would sovle that matter but, it would be a definite plus. LIke I said, I only saw two pieces of gear available there. Having more would help create additional time/money sinks in the game.
And finally, we most certainly do have the developer resources to work on CO. The problem is that Cryptic keeps pulling them from this game to work on other projects which isn't exactly the brightest move imo. They're getting a portion of the money needed to pay those devs from CO's players. It only makes sense that they keep reinvesting in what's already making them money rather than neglecting it.
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
This is one of the small changes that would improve the game a lot.
/signed!! :cool:
*bows respectfully*
I really do wish they'd implement this already. It's one of those simplistic ideas that benefits the whole community, no matter how you want to play
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
We need to consolidate the consolidated currencies!
Well actually the stated reason for the developers to make the recognition system was to allow people to get some good stuff for free. Reward people for putting in time playing, something to achieve with lots of costume unlocks." It was a great idea, and until Legion gear and the Drifter store showed up it was balanced well.
I also wanted to clarify, yes I strongly support vertical recognition conversion (such as: 125 MCPD = 25 PRIMUS = 5 UNTIL = 1 Silver Champ, works up or down in whole number increments)
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Get rid of the excess baggage. Assign a certain amount of grindonite for each rec token and put up an exchange vendor. Then we can either exchange our unwanted rec tokens for grindonite or, if we need another token or two to get us that last thing we want from a particular vendor, exchange grindonite for rec tokens. You don't even have to set it up as an even trade. (By that I mean that if one particular rec token could be exchanged for x amount of grindonite, have the same rec token cost x+y grindonite. - it would keep the swapping back and forth to a minimum if there was a little lost in the exchange.)
Edit to add: This would also give a little more credibility to grindonite being a "time-based" currency. As it is, I can play for hours and not get any grindonite because I didn't happen to do any of those tasks that grant grindonite. If rec tokens, which have a chance to drop virtually anywhere, could be exchanged for grindonite, that would mean that you could earn grindonite in virtually any time consuming activity.
The Forumite formerly known as Galeforce.
If you want my money, there is a fairly simple way to get it since I am fairly free with how I spend it. First, produce something I consider to be worth buying. Second, offer it up for sale. Don't lock it behind a gambling scam. If I want something, I am perfectly happy to pay for it. But I will not purchase a CHANCE to get it, When I pay money, I have a perfectly logical right to expect to get what I want.