The battle against Dr. Destroyer heads to the sky in the new ?Assault on UNTIL Sky Command? mission, launching on Friday November 9. Take your new vehicles into combat with this brand-new mission!
Dr. Destroyer?s invasion of Millennium City may be over for now, but his master plan has only begun. UNTIL?s Project Shiva division has worked for decades to foil Dr. Destroyer, and in doing so made it a prime target for his wrath.
The attack has come where it is least expected: far above the ground, striking against UNTIL?s Sky Command aerial HQ. Reinforcements are en route, but Dr. Destroyer?s robots will knock it out of the sky long before they arrive ? unless you and your vehicles can stop them!
Full blog post
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
This tech needs to be replicated and put into the custom alerts, i.e. Warlord, Hi Pan and Red Winter.
I really enjoyed the Sky Command mission because I was able to fight at my full strength.
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I am @RavenForce in game
On the subject of the until carrier mission, you need to make the hover disc device a permenent item obtainable some way, its the only vehicle id actually ever get, and you wont let me have it!
I ran it right after launch and succeeded first attempt.
Tricks I've seen so far:
1) Get a Hoverdisk. ALWAYS. Yes, you can use Flight if you have it, but the disc is MUCH faster and you frankly need the speed. No comments on the vehicles, but a properly built Freeform will tromp a vehicle's DPS/Healing capability any day of the week.
2) Teamwork is important. My personal suggestion is to protect just one side of engines. Yes, you'll lose out on some loot, but it'll be MUCH easier to survive the mission as a whole.
3) NEVER leave the engines (below the ship) alone! Even if it's just ONE person! It'll tell you when a group is going after the top, but pretty much a group will always be going after the lower engines. Even during the boss fight!
4) If you can heal the engines, do so! If memory serves, they have 25k HP each (and the top one about 50k), and it'll keep everything going MUCH more smoothly!
5) When Black Talon attacks the Scoop (which MUST be defended as if it goes, you lose immediately!), attack him and ignore his bots. When Talon dies, his bots immediately poof.
BTW, Trailturtle - I'd love to play an Alert at my actual level instead of being nerfed down to level 30 (and losing HALF my damage).
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Yeah....No It Doesn't!!
Everytime I have gone in,even though accepting the Lvl. 40 mission from the Until guy, since I am Lvl. 40....I get demoted to Lvl. 30. I have gone in with at least 6 other other Lvl. 40s and we ALL get demoted to Lvl. 30....this effing sucks. I would love if it Leveled to the majority of people in the group....meaning if 6 or more are Lvl. 40, than so should the Mission be.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
Just a few things I'd like you to make the Dev Team aware of pls:
1- Some Costume Pieces are missing with this patch, namely the brains and antenna from Sci-fi Costume set
2- All Interrupts in game cancel the form Inertal Dampening Field, this includes Ice Cage with Subzero Cell Block Advantage but is not limited to that power, Backhand Chop does the same.
3 - The scary monster Tech has scared itself to death and which has led to a bugging of itself, it no longer scales to personal level but nerf levels everyone to lvl 30, which in most instances (unless in truly exceptional teamwork situations) results in failure as it ruins DPS's, DPS factor and healers cant be as effective as needed for Alert to run smoothly.
4- Destructable Objects in game which can be lifted are not registering, and as a result can be picked up and are turned invisible on pick up. The throwing effect is still carried out as well as the explosion effect but the actual object is AWOL.
With regards to number 3 I was able to be level 40 on PTS final version, but capped to 30 on LIVE. I am running on the assumption that this was a minor mistake.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Whilst this is hinted at "Skilled Players" not everyone is that skilled, yes it will take time to learn but is it possible that some sort of quota for healers could be on the mission?
And I noticed that engines can be killed through shielding? once they get to around 1/5th HP, engine is critical one more tiny blast and they just vanish.
Also, just saying..where are the Champions? >_> <_<
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
What are the rewards anyway? if it's like the new custom alert rewards then I can safely ignore the mission for good.
Until boxes, mods and a 10 pack mod box (for the Mega D kill). Maybe there's more but those are the only stuff I ever got. The Cooling System is hilariously easy to defend, 1 DPS can pretty much stop the waves leaving everyone else free to defend the engines.
I do agree that the engine/cooling system defense portion takes too long.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Thanks. Maybe I'm just unlucky with the people I get paired with. They are either made of tissue paper and drop like flies or they are all over the place accomplishing nothing. And I never see 10 people, think the most I've seen is 8 and last time I counted 6 when the mission activated.
EDIT: I think I might be wrong about the mega D kill, it might be a 5 pack not a 10 pack. Going to keep doing the mission for a while so I'll update if I see anything different.
The simultaneous attacks make things too confusing and haphazard.
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1. Is this a temporary thing, a la nighthawk, or will this be a permanant addition to the mission queue? Please say permanant, as the "spend dev time making things that are only available for a month" thing is going to get annoying quick.
2. Will UNTIL VTOLs be available for player use outside this mission? I didn't see them mentioned in the blog post, but there was no mention of bikes either. The VTOLs are the coolest looking vehicle's made with this whole thing, it'd be a shame if they were only available as temp mission powers, or trash tier novelty devices.
1. This should be perm. At least, at present there are no plans to remove it or have it time out. Someone at some point may decide to treat it as an event, but for now we're treating it as a fixture.
2. The hover discs?
Either works, but having device travel powers as well (and so far hover disc is only one likely) lets you take more than 2 travel powers (albeit for devices just the 1 option right now) for concept purposes/different costumes etc
Here's two things I noticed:
1. Black Talon. Until now it has never been made clear that there is more than one Black Talon in Dr. Destroyer's employment, while the PnP has always stated that they are simply Destroyer's elite agents.
To distinguish the Black Talon(s) we face in the Sky Command mission from the one we face in the tutorial and Alerts (I assume it's the same one), who is considerably stronger than the ones here, I'd say rename this one to something fancy: Black Talon X, Black Talon Prime, something like that.
2. Dr. Destroyer's Drone Helicopters. I want one.
3. Why not leave the instanced part of the Nighthawk event, namely the dogfight against Franklin Stone in too? It was just as fun. If updated with fitting rewards there'd be no harm in leaving it in-game, as in my opinion it is one of the coolest bossfights we have. (Also: Franklin Stone's VTOL. Can we have a small version of it, pretty please?)
The Doctor on the PDB
Fahrenheit on the PDB
Nope, the loaner vehichle that was in the mission before the hover disc, but after hawkwings. I knew I should have grabbed a screenshot. Never got a chance to test the carrier after you all added the disc. Must have replaced the VTOL instead of being added alongside it.
2. So do I!!! That's a vehicle I'd actually lay out cash money for, especially for Spider-Bat!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Yes, please don't make perm items that make powers obsolete.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
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Why not to do surveys and free offers
Thanks for the reminder, but I know my lore here; I've done that mission. My point would have been that this particular Black Talon pilot we meet in the tutorial, in Stronghold (and possibly also in the Alerts) seems to be stronger than the ones we see here in the Sky Command. Maybe he's a better pilot or his Black Talon armor is an improved version. Either way I was just proposing this to justify the fact that the Black Talons we face here are significantly weaker than the one(s) we fought earlier.
The Doctor on the PDB
Fahrenheit on the PDB
You haven't done the tutorial recently
You're comparing a fight from when you're level 4 and don't have any useful powers to when you have more powers and can easily fight the same NPC
You can be a total weakling and have trouble lifting up 5 KG's in one hand, but then work out and be able to carry 10 KG, just because it's easier when you get stronger doesn't make it weigh any less..
Also, i wonder how no one has yet to point out what seems to be a glitch in the mission:
(While swarms of destroids are still coming)
Female voice: They're retreating for a bit, let's use this time to repair and relax!
(Swarms are STILL hoarding in)
Mission fails because no time for vital repairs.
I find it actually annoying and misleading to have dialogue clearly indicating there is meant to be a pause from the waves yet they still continue, implying the waves are designed to be so hard intentionally to make you hold out till that break to repair, instead skipping that repair break but still having the difficulty remain on the assumption everything is 100% fixed when the wave starts again.