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Looking forward to the Imbue nerf

agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
edited November 2012 in The Hero Games
Let me just say this, and I'm sure there are a number of people who are so fixated on Imbue that they can't stand to see it nerfed. I know I've felt that way about it before.

PvP stands to become fun again, with one-hit insta-kills no longer as viable (not that there won't be exceptions, but it'll be much harder). I was helping a couple returning players (who had left with On Alert) get back into the swing of things and dueled a TON last night. Without Imbue blasts, it gets very fun. Almost gives me a bit of nostalgia.

It opens for more diverse options for PvP viable builds, puts renewed emphasis on self-healing, and makes fights last long enough that you can actually see people's full combos. Most fights are still over fairly quickly if there's a lot of DPS being thrown around, but it's not just a "stun/knockup followed by a one-hit killing blow".

I'll be honest, I kind of got burned out on PvP because of all the imbue empowered stuff. Imbued Unleashed Rage, Imbued Force Cascade, Imbue Ebon Ruin, Imbued TK Lance, Imbued Sniper Rifle, etc. It just made it not fun, and more like playing Snipers Only on a shooter like Halo.

In my opinion, the impending nerf to imbue and if they switch Acclaim to Questionite and Resources/gold (as Xenomorph Drone suggest I believe) would be what PvP needs to make a Rebirth.

Agree? Disagree?
Post edited by agentnx5 on


  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Meh never used imbue ima crit monkey without it :D
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nepht wrote: »
    Meh never used imbue ima crit monkey without it :D

    My sentiments exactly. ^_~ It's a waste of a power point as far as I'm concerned.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nepht wrote: »
    Meh never used imbue ima crit monkey without it :D

    But you're Nepht. You're an exception :wink:
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am waiting to see how this affects the "melee can't touch me pewpewpew" climate, where you just activate ascension and keep blasting away at someone who can't remove the flight effect.

    PvP is still in a bad place, since for melee things like stealth and masterful dodge have gone from strong to mandatory, and even so, it is just to hold on long enough to do some wimpy, complicated melee combo that only works on characters who are not min-max. Meanwhile, there are far more ranged builds out there because of things like ascension impunity and the tremendous accessibility of pressing a ranged heavy-hitter over and over at a distance of 0-100. No combos needed.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am waiting to see how this affects the "melee can't touch me pewpewpew" climate, where you just activate ascension and keep blasting away at someone who can't remove the flight effect.

    PvP is still in a bad place, since for melee things like stealth and masterful dodge have gone from strong to mandatory, and even so, it is just to hold on long enough to do some wimpy, complicated melee combo that only works on characters who are not min-max. Meanwhile, there are far more ranged builds out there because of things like ascension impunity and the tremendous accessibility of pressing a ranged heavy-hitter over and over at a distance of 0-100. No combos needed.

    Hmm, but would you agree this Imbue nerf will help PvP somewhat? Increase some build diversity & make fights more interesting?
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    Hmm, but would you agree this Imbue nerf will help PvP somewhat? Increase some build diversity & make fights more interesting?

    The fights will last longer, sure, but mostly because ascension will stop imbue from being used for 30 seconds, and the other way around.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, it is clear I use imbue for my main. I do not really like the way it is going to be changed of course. It will certainly impact my build to a great extent. However, beyond that. The issue for me however is the fact that imbue is meant to be a ONH gauranteed crit. By changing it to an AO, that drastically change the functionality and what it can be use in conjunction with. When people complained abt it, it was the fact that heals like convictions did not consume it. However, this is not being fixed but rather the whole power being changed.

    I also have to say that it is not going to balance out the situation much in PvP. Instead of Imbue + Add-your-own-100ft-spike-attack LOL we will see FG + LA/PBR much more often. But you know what, LOL that means my toon will be even harder to kill in PvP haha. I will be seeing many dots of 1 dmg. Only sad thing is, I will probably find it hard to kill people as well hehe.

    And Brou is right, it will not do much to help the melee - range imba.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I don't care which goes but want to know go or not at least. Can't even prepare for change. :(
  • skippysloreston2skippysloreston2 Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They may as well rename it while they're at it, if Its going to become an AO. Its a fundamentally different power by removing the ONH. Hopefully, they just go with 'fixing' it, instead of scrapping it, and putting out a new power with the same name.

    Make it function as a one shot deal, make the powers remove it that should. perhaps Give it a longer cooldown, a charge time perhaps to activate that can be interrupted, or reduce the severity while giving it the same 100% chance to crit? who knows... lots of options.
    "The older I get, the more I realize that some folks just rattle their gum-chewers for no more reason than they enjoy the sound of their skull echoing..."
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You're putting too much emphasis on it's offensive side. No more guaranteed crits just means folks are relying on chance again.

    The real issue with imbue has been healing. Trying to kill someone with 11k hp, masterful dodge, protector mastery, resurgence, and ascension is already rough enough. Throw in a double bubble and they're probably not dying.

    However, now that we no longer have to worry about a critting resurge and constant crit convictions, it might help a bit.

    Imbued attacks became a mainstay because of the small window you have to eliminate an opponent before they evade or heal to full.

    I'm really more annoyed for a pve perspective, having a 120% (50 base unintentional/70 added from imbue) sev FC take out master villains in one shot was gratifying.

    It won't change the dynamic too much, aside from folks unwilling to adapt. Before my sub expired I pulled my imbues out. Against imbue users, I was behind, but not by much. I'm curious to see how the DC crowd deals with the lack of all those guaranteed crits.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Shall the pvp pendulum once again swing violently in the other direction? Tune in next week and find out, same bat time, same bat channel!

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    BTW, Imbue "Change" really coming? I don't feel any changes at least in PTS. :3
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    monaahiru wrote: »
    BTW, Imbue "Change" really coming? I don't feel any changes at least in PTS. :3

    Yes. Rumor has it it's in today's patch too. Finally. :smile: (we shall see though)
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The kind of PvP I enjoy the most is dueling other people without PvP advantages like CC or NTTG, because then it feels like a real fight if you will, it then takes (IMO) more skill to take them out and fights generally last longer.

    I can stand CC + NTTG on some builds but not on the ones I enjoy playing.

    So hopefully the next time I engage in PvP I'll last at least 5 seconds longer than being Sonic Deviced + Imbue + AoPM + FC dead.
  • mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The kind of PvP I enjoy the most is dueling other people without PvP advantages like CC or NTTG, because then it feels like a real fight if you will, it then takes (IMO) more skill to take them out and fights generally last longer.

    I can stand CC + NTTG on some builds but not on the ones I enjoy playing.

    So hopefully the next time I engage in PvP I'll last at least 5 seconds longer than being Sonic Deviced + Imbue + AoPM + FC dead.

    I stopped using Imbue a while back.
    I do way more damage now than before.
    :rolleyes: :biggrin: :tongue::wink:
    @Scrizz :biggrin:
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The kind of PvP I enjoy the most is dueling other people without PvP advantages like CC or NTTG, because then it feels like a real fight if you will, it then takes (IMO) more skill to take them out and fights generally last longer.

    I can stand CC + NTTG on some builds but not on the ones I enjoy playing.

    So hopefully the next time I engage in PvP I'll last at least 5 seconds longer than being Sonic Deviced + Imbue + AoPM + FC dead.

    Without Nttg, one can simply teleport as needed.

    It takes more skill to beat someone running MD with over 11k hp hitting you with ER running pro mastery than what you're used to. Pvp specific builds tend to have pretty lengthy fights unless someone gets caught early.

    Don't get me wrong, I know what you're referring to, but just hearing of someone pvping without cc/nttg just reminds of the typical "no flying" cries coming out of ren cen should I end up having to pass by.

    You really can't beat AT pvp all ATs ultimately have limitations - unrestricted you basically see variants of a core setup or someone getting farmed relentlessly.
  • wufflechanwufflechan Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I really do cringe every time someone complains about being "one shotted". People honesty need to realize if they're getting one shotted it means they're severely under geared, or don't know what an active defense is.

    I haven't been, or seen anyone get one shotted by a FC in god knows how long. The only skill left that even stands a chance is SS, and even then I've seen a 40k damage SS get reduced to only doing 5k damage. It's been retardedly hard to "one shot" anyone ever since on alert. People simply get too many stats from gear for it to happen.
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    wufflechan wrote: »
    I really do cringe every time someone complains about being "one shotted". People honesty need to realize if they're getting one shotted it means they're severely under geared, or don't know what an active defense is.

    I haven't been, or seen anyone get one shotted by a FC in god knows how long. The only skill left that even stands a chance is SS, and even then I've seen a 40k damage SS get reduced to only doing 5k damage. It's been retardedly hard to "one shot" anyone ever since on alert. People simply get too many stats from gear for it to happen.

    It still happens, even to the best geared, but generally is because said person's md was down.

    But I agree, the people who complain about one-shots typically have little understanding of the mechanics and leave themselves open to it.
  • alodylisalodylis Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you ask me make Nail to the ground turn off travel powers but they are reactivated by them self so you dont have to click it or charge again. Whats the point of use acrobatics if you can maintain it with one click? The thing is charge it over and over is so stupid i hate it and its ruining pvp for speed travel. There has to be other way to fix it make others not so hard to catch up to but your not rooting yourself. City of heroes travel powers worked perfect for pvp it just slowed down and there was no remove feature maybe holding but thats really long time ago that got changed when they fixed holding to.

    As for melee not only should we see more damage for these sets i think melee critical hits should be much more effective then any ranged crit. Example Melee cs is 100% Ranged is 100% same version of the ranged attack but melee version would deal maybe 10-15% more compared to its ranged counter part.

    Also another thought give melee new charge feature on there attacks. Allow melee to charge up an attack if he is within 20ft but to land h it you must finishen charge it then you can lunge with that attack to target so you could hit DC or DW from 20-15 ft range with full charge which would really make melee badass in pvp. And honestly if ranged complained id LOL AT YOU. Your attacking 100ft away he hit you from 20ft now your dead so shut your stupid face.

    However there is possible balence issue so i thought about how to make it work. The system itself will have a timer on it of course short but it wont allow spaming of this attack. You could use this once every 5 seconds so no spaming DW from a runing target.
    Please make the lunge really good so if your target within range moves a lil bit you still appear near them and not some other world.

    As for how to put this feature together you must choose how to make this innate power gained. It could be given to those with certain passive or maybe even melee role. And if not those the Focus forms could gain this power. However i reccomend making melee role gain this over the others. Which would create the first ROLE POWER(WOW THIS IS BRAND NEW FEATURE A ROLE POWER)

    If you create role powers you better make something for other roles to before we get people crying. Was fun making this post hope you fine people like what i wrote till next time ALODYLIS!
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