now that keys have been introduced, is there a possibility of the global cap being raised on silver accounts? either through z-store transaction or just in general? Unfortunately most high end items that appear in the auction house it seem to be starting at 300 global or so recently. it makes it difficult for a silver player to use the venue.
a lifetime gold member i say-
/signed STO has a buyable cap increase, it would be a great way to get some money from the thrifties,(likely indirectly through the q exchange)
Unfortunately most high end items that appear in the auction house in seem to be starting at 300 global or so recently. it makes it difficult for a silver player to use the venue.
The speculators will just jack the price up to whatever the new limit is.
I have nothing against the idea of raising the global cap, but that wouldn't help with this problem.
Since On Alert hit this game, people have gone crazy with the prices. Formerly, Vibora Bay costume drops for around 400 G and occasionally Therakiel's Sword for 1000 G were the most expensive stuff you would find. And Become devices sold for a set price of only 200 G. But now, people think that EVERYTHING is worth a fortune. It's not uncommon to see costume unlockers that you can get for only 10 MCPD Recognition on the Auction House for 300 G and more! :rolleyes:
What I'm trying to say is that raising the global cap for silvers won't stop all those greedwells from setting ridiculous prices that even golds can hardly afford.
Yeah, it won't solve the problem of jerks with no sense of scale, but it would be nice to have anyway. And if it's a paid for boost instead of a global one then it won't hurt the bottom line either.
That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
Quite honestly since day one of my time playing this game, I've always felt the global cap on silvers was retarded, it doesn't really give us that great of an incentive to pay it just causes irritation. I personally vote for it to be at least doubled but I'd prefer it gone entirely.
The G limit for silvers is as bad for gold/lts users as it is for silvers.
They either have to sell at 250g or less or they have a much smaller market to sell to. As well as if its anything AT related, like the cursed at, they have to sell it at 250g tops as its no use to gold/lts users and silvers cant buy it for more
originally in beta for f2p it was implemented to ward off gold farmers. But so much has changed since that time. Globals aren't as important as they used to be, I think its time for the cap to be extended.
But i still believe they don't get it that they can make more money with cheap stuff that everyone
will buy, instead of overprized stuff that nobody buys.
I'm surprised this hasn't already happened. Every F2P MMO that I've seen with some sort of currency cap in it, sells something that lets you increase that. There's no reason I can think of not to do this, and it would be a quick and easy way for CO to make some more money.
As far as having the cap increased diving up the prices of stuff. I don't see how that matters, or is a reason not to do something.
If people are selling costume unlocks that take 10 MCPD rec for 300g then, that's their call and it's not really going to effect anyone. I can't imagine that they actually ever sell something like that. But there's no reason to stop them from listing it at that price.
If increasing the cap causes prices to go up, then perhaps that's a good thing. Because it would likely mean that items are being sold for less then their real value, because the cap limits who can buy an item.
originally in beta for f2p it was implemented to ward off gold farmers. But so much has changed since that time. Globals aren't as important as they used to be, I think its time for the cap to be extended.
Honestly it actually bothers me that there aren't gold farmers - to me that says your game isn't even worth wasting the time on.
But yeah, being that gold farming isn't an issue, the 250g limit does far more harm than good.
The 250g limit prevents silver players from buying anything. What it does aswell is, it's seperating the game into a 2 class society system, in which the rich drain the poor. Forcing us to find a trustworthy person to do trades or doing multiple trades in a hideout cannot be the intended options.The 250g limit should get updated to at least 10000 or higher. To finally put a stop to the scam/greediness going on everywhere. A gold player can buy any item at auction, and resell it for 100% more, technically messing up silver purches with a few clicks. A silver who might need something that he/she cannot buy, even though that player does not only stay in the same area all of the time and actually goes out to farm does not get rewarded for doing so at all. Then when i get to read comments on zone chat like "You can easily make money by buying items cheap and reselling them for alot in the ah" it makes me wanna throw up immediatly. Everything is way too overpriced, that way i would gladly like to suggest raising the silver player's global limit by alot.
Raise the cap? I'd go so far as to say remove it completely: if not right away then as some kind of addition to veteran rewards that potential Silver players have to earn first.
I am sick and tired of feeding the rich. I cannot buy anything, i cannot sell anything, nobody accepts trades. What should i do? Sell the few r7/8 mods i own for 20g each? Maybe i should throw in a few Warlord costume pieces for 1g each? That way the players without limits who buy it can make a decent bargain off of me? This is technically screaming out loud for a fix.
And i am not the only one who seems to be pi#!*d off about the issue.
I completely agree with lifting the resource cap for silvers (and have supported the idea since FTP launched) but the quoted statement is BS.
1) If you cannot buy or sell anything then you are feeding no one.
2) The ability to pay $10 per month does not make one rich.
3) Making this an us vs them situation between golds and silvers, when many of the most vocal supporters of lifting the cap have been golds is counterproductive to your goal, and more than a bit off.
I agree with this, despite not being silver and was not silver for a long period of time.
By raising the cap, or indeed, making the resource cap no different from whatever the maximum is for Gold accounts, Silvers can contribute to the in-game economy more actively.
This is a HUGE amount of people, and by giving them this bone, you also benefit everyone else. Everyone loves having more things to buy, and if you have a large amount of traders, then logically the filtering system on the auction house will end up making it so only the best offers are available. This puts pressure on all traders to lower their prices, in other words, we get a realistic economic wave of increases and decreases in popular and unpopular item prices.
But why add more people into the pot? Why not stick with just the Golds having the funds at maximum to be able to play the markets?
Well... It's so there's more traders, meaning there's more good deals going on. I know that working the auction house isn't a major bit of the game for most people. Honestly, I agree totally. Resources are pretty much useless to most people except for Retcons and for Costume changes. But eh. Opening the floodgates to let more people trade around could benefit the game, I think.
Sorry if I repeated myself somewhere up there, headache is coming on.
I completely agree with lifting the resource cap for silvers (and have supported the idea since FTP launched) but the quoted statement is BS.
1) If you cannot buy or sell anything then you are feeding no one.
2) The ability to pay $10 per month does not make one rich.
3) Making this an us vs them situation between golds and silvers, when many of the most vocal supporters of lifting the cap have been golds is counterproductive to your goal, and more than a bit off.
Then tell me who is it, that puts overpriced items into the ah, silver players with a 250g limit or gold players??? My statement sure does make alot of sense, you should read it more carefully before posting something i guess. Who is it that sells items worth a few grant for 250g? Silver or gold players?? Who on the other side is it that happily is willing to buy said items and then resell it for more? 1 + 1 = 2, mate.
From an experienced Silver stand point of view, I for one support this idea, I have been Silver since the game went F2P and now I am an LTS.
I think the G cap increase that CanadianScott pointed out is a good starting point. However I believe it should be an unlockable feature via gameplay or amount of lvl 40s on account or something to that effect.
Personally I'd like to see it raised to 1k G on the condition that you have at least 2 level 40's on the account, or have completed a number of missions in game.
That way Silvers would have to work for it but it would still be atainable.
Although there are jerks who set the price of things JUST out of reach, i.e. I have seen an item I really wanted a couple of months ago when I was Silver for 251G:mad:
So yeah if G cap is raised whether it becomes a buyable function from Z store OR an in game achievement unlock, I, as an LTS who knows the pain of being Silver, supports this idea.
From an experienced Silver stand point of view, I for one support this idea, I have been Silver since the game went F2P and now I am an LTS.
I think the G cap increase that CanadianScott pointed out is a good starting point. However I believe it should be an unlockable feature via gameplay or amount of lvl 40s on account or something to that effect.
Personally I'd like to see it raised to 1k G on the condition that you have at least 2 level 40's on the account, or have completed a number of missions in game.
That way Silvers would have to work for it but it would still be atainable.
Although there are jerks who set the price of things JUST out of reach, i.e. I have seen an item I really wanted a couple of months ago when I was Silver for 251G:mad:
So yeah if G cap is raised whether it becomes a buyable function from Z store OR an in game achievement unlock, I, as an LTS who knows the pain of being Silver, supports this idea.
/Signed RavenForce.
I'm all for the silver G cap, and from my silver standpoint on this, every good item (i.e:DS,DA,Therakiel's wings/sword, Nighthawk pieces, etc.) is mostly priced from about 300 G to 1K G, so I would say to raise it, and since we probably will have the jerks who overprice stuff, maybe limit the AH to where 1K G is the maximum you can price something at.
Then tell me who is it, that puts overpriced items into the ah, silver players with a 250g limit or gold players??? My statement sure does make alot of sense, you should read it more carefully before posting something i guess. Who is it that sells items worth a few grant for 250g? Silver or gold players?? Who on the other side is it that happily is willing to buy said items and then resell it for more? 1 + 1 = 2, mate.
Complete disconnect on your part mate.
I read what you posted. Perhaps you should hold off on posting things you, seemingly, dont understand.
I'm not sure what you mean by selling something for a grant. I have seen golds sell things for far less than their going value. Ive seen golds give away items as well (I personally gave away about 8k-10k globals plus items and gear during the FtP launch period). I have also seen silvers be very generous with their in game possessions. So what was your point ?
If you cannot buy or sell then you are not feeding anyone, "rich," or otherwise. Your statement did not make sense.
Having $10, the monthly cost of eliminating the resource cap, does not make one rich. Period. Your statement did not make sense.
If something is overpriced for the market then it will not sell. If it does not sell then the buyer, if he really wishes to part with the item, will lower the price. If it is selling at the listed prices then it is not, by definition of the term, overpriced. Your statement did not make sense.
Again, I have been supporting a raise to the silver resource cap (or eliminating the limit entirely) since F2P launched. I stand by the idea that the limit is bad for the game. But BS is BS. If you dont like the limit say so. If you think it should be raised or eliminated, say so. But pointing fingers and attempting to portray this situation as some form of class warfare is BS.
we probably will have the jerks who overprice stuff, maybe limit the AH to where 1K G is the maximum you can price something at.
If people are willing to pay what those, "jerks," are asking then they are, by definition, not overpricing them. If people are not paying those prices then there is no need to set a max price. People who want to sell will price their wares according to what people are willing to pay. Trying to tell someone what they can and cannot charge for their property, particularly when speaking of luxury goods, is more than a bit off.
If people are willing to pay what those, "jerks," are asking then they are, by definition, not overpricing them. If people are not paying those prices then there is no need to set a max price. People who want to sell will price their wares according to what people are willing to pay. Trying to tell someone what they can and cannot charge for their property, particularly when speaking of luxury goods, is more than a bit off.
What I meant was not people that put stuff completely out of reach for silvers, but as Raven stated,people that put it JUST out of reach, as in 251 G or 260 G, when its so close to the silver cap. Still though,what I meant about the AH pricing limit was that silvers could be able to buy some of the overpriced stuff in it, like DS, costume drops, etc. that normally place around th3 500 to 1000 or more mark, and the AH cap would allow them to get it despite the fact that if somebody priced it over that and it would exceed their resource cap.
What I meant was not people that put stuff completely out of reach for silvers, but as Raven stated,people that put it JUST out of reach, as in 251 G or 260 G, when its so close to the silver cap. Still though,what I meant about the AH pricing limit was that silvers could be able to buy some of the overpriced stuff in it, like DS, costume drops, etc. that normally place around th3 500 to 1000 or more mark, and the AH cap would allow them to get it despite the fact that if somebody priced it over that and it would exceed their resource cap.
An AH cap would be bad.
1. AH is a money sink - consignment fee is 5% - 10000 item costs 500 globals JUST to post. A money sink isn't effective if people avoid using it.
2. A 1k cap wouldn't reduce prices. People would just spam zone more for rarer items, or use the forums. Even as a silver I valued a Gravitar couture at 2k+, knowing how rare it is after countless wins against her. Items sell high based mostly on rarity (assuming there's an inherent value at all) Boss unlocks from alerts typically sell so high because of their sheer rarity.
I am sick and tired of feeding the rich. I cannot buy anything, i cannot sell anything, nobody accepts trades. What should i do? Sell the few r7/8 mods i own for 20g each? Maybe i should throw in a few Warlord costume pieces for 1g each? That way the players without limits who buy it can make a decent bargain off of me? This is technically screaming out loud for a fix.
And i am not the only one who seems to be pi#!*d off about the issue.
/bump until fix is applied.
You need to re-evaluate that. I'm richer than plenty of golds, yet I'm rarely subbed. Of course, there are folks far wealthier in game than I am too.
If you're having problems tradiing, that's probably on your end. But, there's no denying its far more risky as a silver simply because of that 250g cap.
But your examples are pretty bad. If you're letting go of warlord pieces at 1g, that wouldn't be a cap issue, that be poor pricing by the seller.
What if they made it so the cap is raised on a character that reaches 40? Most items go for 500G at most so I think raising the cap to that at 40 would satisfy some players.
What if they made it so the cap is raised on a character that reaches 40? Most items go for 500G at most so I think raising the cap to that at 40 would satisfy some players.
Alternatively tie it to the number of available slots an account has. Giving further incentive to purchasing character slots instead of just making an alt account. Say increase the resource cap by 100 for every character slot above the base 2 a silver has.
I read what you posted. Perhaps you should hold off on posting things you, seemingly, dont understand.
I'm not sure what you mean by selling something for a grant. I have seen golds sell things for far less than their going value. Ive seen golds give away items as well (I personally gave away about 8k-10k globals plus items and gear during the FtP launch period). I have also seen silvers be very generous with their in game possessions. So what was your point ?
If you cannot buy or sell then you are not feeding anyone, "rich," or otherwise. Your statement did not make sense.
Having $10, the monthly cost of eliminating the resource cap, does not make one rich. Period. Your statement did not make sense.
If something is overpriced for the market then it will not sell. If it does not sell then the buyer, if he really wishes to part with the item, will lower the price. If it is selling at the listed prices then it is not, by definition of the term, overpriced. Your statement did not make sense.
Again, I have been supporting a raise to the silver resource cap (or eliminating the limit entirely) since F2P launched. I stand by the idea that the limit is bad for the game. But BS is BS. If you dont like the limit say so. If you think it should be raised or eliminated, say so. But pointing fingers and attempting to portray this situation as some form of class warfare is BS.
If people are willing to pay what those, "jerks," are asking then they are, by definition, not overpricing them. If people are not paying those prices then there is no need to set a max price. People who want to sell will price their wares according to what people are willing to pay. Trying to tell someone what they can and cannot charge for their property, particularly when speaking of luxury goods, is more than a bit off.
Sorry but if i say that i am fed up with selling expensive items for a ridiculously low price, then i most likely did sell something one would assume, wouldn't we? If i am exaggerating about prices, it surely takes a certain degree of common sense to realize it, but who are you to question (without understanding it) what i state anyway? The only one here that does not make sense is you and i kindly ask you to stop the false smartassing, now.
Sorry but if i say that i am fed up with selling expensive items for a ridiculously low price, then i most likely did sell something one would assume, wouldn't we? If i am exaggerating about prices, it surely takes a certain degree of common sense to realize it, but who are you to question (without understanding it) what i state anyway? The only one here that does not make sense is you and i kindly ask you to stop the false smartassing, now.
I am sick and tired of feeding the rich. I cannot buy anything, i cannot sell anything, nobody accepts trades. What should i do? Sell the few r7/8 mods i own for 20g each? Maybe i should throw in a few Warlord costume pieces for 1g each? That way the players without limits who buy it can make a decent bargain off of me? This is technically screaming out loud for a fix.
And i am not the only one who seems to be pi#!*d off about the issue.
/bump until fix is applied.
Oddly enough the post I quoted says something other than what you claim.
The only one here that does not make sense is you and i kindly ask you to stop the false smartassing, now.
Actually pretty much none of this post makes any sense. However what Ashensnow says does, and the fact that you can't refute it doesn't change anything.
As a LTS I'd be fine with rising the resource cap on slivers, or giving them some way of buying a cap increase.
That said, you are doing nothing to help your argument with your posts. Everyone in this thread seems to understand what Ashensnow, is saying and agrees with him. The same can't be said for you however.
On a semi-releated note...
The reason for stuff being put up for 251 may have nothing to do with the sliver cap, sorta. I'm willing to bet that a number of people, especially those of us with LTS have no idea what the sliver resource cap is, or even that there is one. That means that if I were looking to put something fairly valuable up for sale on the exchange and saw that most items were priced at 250, I might put it up there for 251 because that means a little bit more money for me.
If I wanted to do something like that to spite a sliver player I'd put it up for 250g 0n 1l.
Not saying that no one is doing it to spite sliver players, but there is a reasonable explanation besides spite. Of course if they want to do that, they're completely with in their rights to do so. It doesn't make any sense to me, and would likely mean taking longer to sell the item... But it is their item and so they can do what ever they want with it.
/signed STO has a buyable cap increase, it would be a great way to get some money from the thrifties,(likely indirectly through the q exchange)
The speculators will just jack the price up to whatever the new limit is.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
If the OP is correct then the speculators are currently setting prices above the Silver limit.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Since On Alert hit this game, people have gone crazy with the prices. Formerly, Vibora Bay costume drops for around 400 G and occasionally Therakiel's Sword for 1000 G were the most expensive stuff you would find. And Become devices sold for a set price of only 200 G. But now, people think that EVERYTHING is worth a fortune. It's not uncommon to see costume unlockers that you can get for only 10 MCPD Recognition on the Auction House for 300 G and more! :rolleyes:
What I'm trying to say is that raising the global cap for silvers won't stop all those greedwells from setting ridiculous prices that even golds can hardly afford.
That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
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They either have to sell at 250g or less or they have a much smaller market to sell to. As well as if its anything AT related, like the cursed at, they have to sell it at 250g tops as its no use to gold/lts users and silvers cant buy it for more
Once I was Grizzlan, but I got promoted
But i still believe they don't get it that they can make more money with cheap stuff that everyone
will buy, instead of overprized stuff that nobody buys.
As far as having the cap increased diving up the prices of stuff. I don't see how that matters, or is a reason not to do something.
If people are selling costume unlocks that take 10 MCPD rec for 300g then, that's their call and it's not really going to effect anyone. I can't imagine that they actually ever sell something like that. But there's no reason to stop them from listing it at that price.
If increasing the cap causes prices to go up, then perhaps that's a good thing. Because it would likely mean that items are being sold for less then their real value, because the cap limits who can buy an item.
Honestly it actually bothers me that there aren't gold farmers - to me that says your game isn't even worth wasting the time on.
But yeah, being that gold farming isn't an issue, the 250g limit does far more harm than good.
This is my thought as well. I bought the cap increase in STO, and I'd like to do it here as well.
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A reply would be apreciated.
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A grab bag with a token for color changing, gold cap raising, some random crap AND drifter salvage :B
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
And i am not the only one who seems to be pi#!*d off about the issue.
/bump until fix is applied.
I completely agree with lifting the resource cap for silvers (and have supported the idea since FTP launched) but the quoted statement is BS.
1) If you cannot buy or sell anything then you are feeding no one.
2) The ability to pay $10 per month does not make one rich.
3) Making this an us vs them situation between golds and silvers, when many of the most vocal supporters of lifting the cap have been golds is counterproductive to your goal, and more than a bit off.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
By raising the cap, or indeed, making the resource cap no different from whatever the maximum is for Gold accounts, Silvers can contribute to the in-game economy more actively.
This is a HUGE amount of people, and by giving them this bone, you also benefit everyone else. Everyone loves having more things to buy, and if you have a large amount of traders, then logically the filtering system on the auction house will end up making it so only the best offers are available. This puts pressure on all traders to lower their prices, in other words, we get a realistic economic wave of increases and decreases in popular and unpopular item prices.
But why add more people into the pot? Why not stick with just the Golds having the funds at maximum to be able to play the markets?
Well... It's so there's more traders, meaning there's more good deals going on. I know that working the auction house isn't a major bit of the game for most people. Honestly, I agree totally. Resources are pretty much useless to most people except for Retcons and for Costume changes. But eh. Opening the floodgates to let more people trade around could benefit the game, I think.
Sorry if I repeated myself somewhere up there, headache is coming on.
Then tell me who is it, that puts overpriced items into the ah, silver players with a 250g limit or gold players??? My statement sure does make alot of sense, you should read it more carefully before posting something i guess. Who is it that sells items worth a few grant for 250g? Silver or gold players?? Who on the other side is it that happily is willing to buy said items and then resell it for more? 1 + 1 = 2, mate.
I think the G cap increase that CanadianScott pointed out is a good starting point. However I believe it should be an unlockable feature via gameplay or amount of lvl 40s on account or something to that effect.
Personally I'd like to see it raised to 1k G on the condition that you have at least 2 level 40's on the account, or have completed a number of missions in game.
That way Silvers would have to work for it but it would still be atainable.
Although there are jerks who set the price of things JUST out of reach, i.e. I have seen an item I really wanted a couple of months ago when I was Silver for 251G
So yeah if G cap is raised whether it becomes a buyable function from Z store OR an in game achievement unlock, I, as an LTS who knows the pain of being Silver, supports this idea.
/Signed RavenForce.
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I'm all for the silver G cap, and from my silver standpoint on this, every good item (i.e:DS,DA,Therakiel's wings/sword, Nighthawk pieces, etc.) is mostly priced from about 300 G to 1K G, so I would say to raise it, and since we probably will have the jerks who overprice stuff, maybe limit the AH to where 1K G is the maximum you can price something at.
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
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Why not to do surveys and free offers
Complete disconnect on your part mate.
I read what you posted. Perhaps you should hold off on posting things you, seemingly, dont understand.
I'm not sure what you mean by selling something for a grant. I have seen golds sell things for far less than their going value. Ive seen golds give away items as well (I personally gave away about 8k-10k globals plus items and gear during the FtP launch period). I have also seen silvers be very generous with their in game possessions. So what was your point ?
If you cannot buy or sell then you are not feeding anyone, "rich," or otherwise. Your statement did not make sense.
Having $10, the monthly cost of eliminating the resource cap, does not make one rich. Period. Your statement did not make sense.
If something is overpriced for the market then it will not sell. If it does not sell then the buyer, if he really wishes to part with the item, will lower the price. If it is selling at the listed prices then it is not, by definition of the term, overpriced. Your statement did not make sense.
Again, I have been supporting a raise to the silver resource cap (or eliminating the limit entirely) since F2P launched. I stand by the idea that the limit is bad for the game. But BS is BS. If you dont like the limit say so. If you think it should be raised or eliminated, say so. But pointing fingers and attempting to portray this situation as some form of class warfare is BS.
If people are willing to pay what those, "jerks," are asking then they are, by definition, not overpricing them. If people are not paying those prices then there is no need to set a max price. People who want to sell will price their wares according to what people are willing to pay. Trying to tell someone what they can and cannot charge for their property, particularly when speaking of luxury goods, is more than a bit off.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
What I meant was not people that put stuff completely out of reach for silvers, but as Raven stated,people that put it JUST out of reach, as in 251 G or 260 G, when its so close to the silver cap. Still though,what I meant about the AH pricing limit was that silvers could be able to buy some of the overpriced stuff in it, like DS, costume drops, etc. that normally place around th3 500 to 1000 or more mark, and the AH cap would allow them to get it despite the fact that if somebody priced it over that and it would exceed their resource cap.
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
Petition to take in game report spam function out
Why not to do surveys and free offers
An AH cap would be bad.
1. AH is a money sink - consignment fee is 5% - 10000 item costs 500 globals JUST to post. A money sink isn't effective if people avoid using it.
2. A 1k cap wouldn't reduce prices. People would just spam zone more for rarer items, or use the forums. Even as a silver I valued a Gravitar couture at 2k+, knowing how rare it is after countless wins against her. Items sell high based mostly on rarity (assuming there's an inherent value at all) Boss unlocks from alerts typically sell so high because of their sheer rarity.
You need to re-evaluate that. I'm richer than plenty of golds, yet I'm rarely subbed. Of course, there are folks far wealthier in game than I am too.
If you're having problems tradiing, that's probably on your end. But, there's no denying its far more risky as a silver simply because of that 250g cap.
But your examples are pretty bad. If you're letting go of warlord pieces at 1g, that wouldn't be a cap issue, that be poor pricing by the seller.
Alternatively tie it to the number of available slots an account has. Giving further incentive to purchasing character slots instead of just making an alt account. Say increase the resource cap by 100 for every character slot above the base 2 a silver has.
Sorry but if i say that i am fed up with selling expensive items for a ridiculously low price, then i most likely did sell something one would assume, wouldn't we? If i am exaggerating about prices, it surely takes a certain degree of common sense to realize it, but who are you to question (without understanding it) what i state anyway? The only one here that does not make sense is you and i kindly ask you to stop the false smartassing, now.
Oddly enough the post I quoted says something other than what you claim.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Actually pretty much none of this post makes any sense. However what Ashensnow says does, and the fact that you can't refute it doesn't change anything.
As a LTS I'd be fine with rising the resource cap on slivers, or giving them some way of buying a cap increase.
That said, you are doing nothing to help your argument with your posts. Everyone in this thread seems to understand what Ashensnow, is saying and agrees with him. The same can't be said for you however.
On a semi-releated note...
The reason for stuff being put up for 251 may have nothing to do with the sliver cap, sorta. I'm willing to bet that a number of people, especially those of us with LTS have no idea what the sliver resource cap is, or even that there is one. That means that if I were looking to put something fairly valuable up for sale on the exchange and saw that most items were priced at 250, I might put it up there for 251 because that means a little bit more money for me.
If I wanted to do something like that to spite a sliver player I'd put it up for 250g 0n 1l.
Not saying that no one is doing it to spite sliver players, but there is a reasonable explanation besides spite. Of course if they want to do that, they're completely with in their rights to do so. It doesn't make any sense to me, and would likely mean taking longer to sell the item... But it is their item and so they can do what ever they want with it.