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Suggestions for making this game better

malakhellknightmalakhellknight Posts: 16 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Champions Online Discussion
Hello everyone,
I have been playing this game since June 2011 and I have enjoyed every time I have played. I enjoy the impressive costumes and the customization of the game. But, there could be more that can be done for the game. This post is some of my ideas that I believe would make the game ever better.

The level of customization in game is excellent for costumes, but lacking in powers. For example, I make a cyber-wolf character. I like him to have the Plasma Beam and/or Chest Beam come from his mouth or a make a demonlike character with a tail that I would like to use for his tail to launch Infernal Blast. In other words I believe we need access to control the animations and emission points of powers. You can switch the change color ability to Silvers and give Golds access to this. Control of the animations work like this: For Fireball the default is two hands on either side, but my character has Mechassassin Hands, therefore I would him to use the animation for Assault Rifle instead when charging the power. Parts should also allow you to change how a power behaves like the Mechassassin Hands and Assault Rifle you opt to use the Black Talon or the Muni-bot Animation for the attack or you have the Enviro Pack (the one Viper X wears) and can choose use Concusser Beam which has it makes 4 beams, but doesn't change how the power behaves damage wise, with this you could allow it to also change it to a shoulder slot. This also includes flipping the animation from left or right. This also opens a new "market" so to speak of power animations and skins like the webslinging in the Q-Store that you can sell in the Z-Store. But, power skins need to be separate from powers to prevent someone have 3 or so of the same cooldown power. The power armor slots, Hand, Chest, Shoulder, etc., need to be renamed to A or Alpha slot to avoid confusion.

Travel Powers Separate from normal powers
One of the main reason I don't buy travel powers except when I'm make a new character or a character hits level 35 is because I have to recon the character to change the power. In the power house there should be a travel power trainer that allows you change your TP with harming your character?s progress. I believe in doing this you will sell more TPs than you do now as I believe many players feel the same as me about this as me.

Costume/Tailor options
Certain parts like High Collar and other parts need to be dissolved and moved to neck choices. Other parts need to be allowed as choices in categories like Steel Commando Helmet should be allowed in Heads and Hairs there along with numerous other parts that need to be allowed in other categories. In the Hands menu we need a few more choices such as Long Glove and Short Glove L/R and Long Glove /w Bracer. And, finally there needs to be an Extras menu, or if you have a better name for it. In this menu you have 5 choices to add to your character. For Example, I choose Rock Bracers under chest and I would like add the Roinesh Claw to it as well or I choose the Chest Wear Holo Hex Armor and I want to add the Holo Hex Field to it as well. In this area you have sliders to control the size and placement of the item like this example: Enviro Pack and Mecha Jetpack. You can add a sixth slot for such TPs and Phoenix Flight and SteelHawk Flight as not to remove back pieces from characters.

I like the new vehicles, but something is missing from them, customization. You add a new NPC on the outside ring of RenCen that allows you to "build" your vehicle. Instead of using the become system you get slot power that allows you access your vehicle. You can have this work similar to the hideout choice menu since the vehicle is bound to account. You can make your vehicle like you do characters with vehicle parts. Again, this opens up a whole new market that you sell Vehicle Part packs like costume sets and Vehicle Account Slots. There needs to be 5 classes of vehicles Air, Bike, Tank, Car, and Transport. The latter needs some explanation as the other 4 are self-explanatory. Transport allows other players to ride in the vehicle, though you can add a seat or two in the other types, transports allow you to carry the entire team as well works like a support vehicle. Another note, I'd like to see Vehicles stay on the field you can leave enter them in the world. You can have them be able to affect the area around them like a shield or attack somewhat. These would count as pets and if on team you can allow other players use the vehicle with the option of an ejector seat if you need them out the vehicle. Of course you can change this option. You can also make PH theater in the garage for "car show" contests.

Customizing Gear
Your MODS system is helping on this area and when I first started on it I was against it. Though still today I don't know why you dropped the crafting system from the game, well there is still a problem with the game as far as gear is concerned. One I find a good piece of gear at 15, but cannot find it later in levels and two I would like to add a slot to items that I'm using. Also the amount of slots on the current gear is too low. It needs to start at 2,3,4,5 (Silver Champion). You need to add more MODS to allow for other attributes such effects like Placate on target, stealth sight, or other options. Secondary gear needs to be able to be slotted as well starting a 20 or 25 1,2,3. You can use the old crafting system in two ways here. One level up gear which costs components and questionite and slot the extra slot I was talking about into an item with a special item (socket maker that can be bought with Zen or questionite) and questionite. I also suggest another item slot called Relics. These are you high-end items that can increase ranks in your powers or give you powers such Regeneration. But they have negatives as well such lowering you HP or Energy or in the case of powers they cost resources or questionite to use that power or have harmful side-effects like a miss chance that turns you into a teddy bear for an amount of time. For Example: Vampire's Fang. Grants the wearer Regeneration, but consumes 4% of your energy per tick with a chance of consuming 50% of your energy or makes you violently ill for 20s if it cannot pay the Energy cost also increases the cost of powers by 20%.

The overwhelming amount of bugs.
I know right now you have the Destroyer event and the holiday events right now, but I believe in 2013 you need to stop or put on hold other events and work out some these major bugs mainly rebuild the game from the ground up and integrate all these scripts and sub-code into the main code of the game this is where the lion?s share of the bugs are coming from. While you're at it you can update the game such as allowing us to climb on walls and new video enhancements that are now available to us. And hopefully, by March I won't be having Out of Video Memory crashes.

And please Devs if you read this let me know what you think. I know this is a lot of work to do for the game, but I feel it is a necessary for the survival of the game as too often than not most players move onto other games due to bugs and graphics. And as we all know the game is suffering from both of these condititions.
Post edited by malakhellknight on


  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just to let you know, you CAN change the emanation point on many of your powers between Palm, Fist, Chest and Head (no tails yet). Power Armour Powers are fixed to particular slots because of the overall theme of the Set and the ability to use multiple powers at the some time.
    Hope this helps.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    1. This topic would probably be better received in the forum specifically made for suggestions and if you broke it down into separate topics for each suggestion.

    2. I can write more suggestions here in this space than the character limit allows, and frankly I feel you missed all the important suggestions on how to improve the game. Namely suggestions involving money/revenue, hiring new developers, creating new explorable content (instead of cutting corners so much), and FFS some bug fixes. I mean has the Vibora Bay Apocalypse bug been fixed yet? You did mention bugs, but not nearly enough. If you're going to suggest with regards, you need to detail a bit more here: what it is, how to reproduce, and how you think it could be fixed.

    3. I like some of the points you make about travel powers, customization (particularly with regards to improving animations which has been mentioned many many times, also read the tip Jorifice wrote above), and Mods; but I disagree with a number of your suggestions as written. Namely things like placate cores and gameplay balance adjustments.
  • malakhellknightmalakhellknight Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    Thank you for you reply
    1. This topic would probably be better received in the forum specifically made for suggestions and if you broke it down into separate topics for each suggestion.
    Well I wanted to start more of a discussion than anything else. I'm planning on exploring more options later this week after I see the reception of this thread. No need to on making a full item and not be listened to than start small and listen to others as I write more material.

    2. I can write more suggestions here in this space than the character limit allows, and frankly I feel you missed all the important suggestions on how to improve the game. Namely suggestions involving money/revenue, hiring new developers, creating new explorable content (instead of cutting corners so much), and FFS some bug fixes. I mean has the Vibora Bay Apocalypse bug been fixed yet? You did mention bugs, but not nearly enough. If you're going to suggest with regards, you need to detail a bit more here: what it is, how to reproduce, and how you think it could be fixed.
    As you said there are numerous bug threads and I'm not hunting down bugs or going in depth in them. In my opinion we need to fix what we have first before acquiring a new zone. Because the bugs we have now will ruin the new experience. I do agree we need new areas of play, but I'm not as knowledgeable in the Champions Universe (Pen and Paper) to make suggestions. I have acquired some of the books for the game and have started reading them when I have the knowledge I need to make suggestions I will post them. And I do make suggestions for new revenue, Power Skin Packs and Vehicle Part packs that can be sold like Costume Sets.

    3. I like some of the points you make about travel powers, customization (particularly with regards to improving animations which has been mentioned many many times, also read the tip Jorifice wrote above), and Mods; but I disagree with a number of your suggestions as written. Namely things like placate cores and gameplay balance adjustments.

    I have read what Jorifice wrote, thank you btw, and I understand that we have those choices, but those choice are extremely lacking. Like my example of the power Fireball:
    Head and Chest hands at the side of the body and Palm and Fist hands at side of the body near the head. I haven't seen any other post on here about adding animation choices to powers. I'll look again and see if I can find some, if you know any please link them here please. I enjoyed the options that the crafting system gave us before they took it down. Namely, items that augmented your powers like Placate effect added to powers, which is one I can remember. I believe adding these back would help make MODs better and more appealing. The extra slot item is a suggestion to allow us to use them without sacrificing what MODs offer us.
  • orgamechorgamech Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Costume/Tailor options
    In the Hands menu we need a few more choices such as Long Glove and Short Glove L/R and Long Glove /w Bracer.

    __Hmm ... Have you seen my latest thread? It's called "Gloves: The Long AND Short of It" and it touches on this very subject. If not, you may want to take a look at it.
    You add a new NPC on the outside ring of RenCen that allows you to "build" your vehicle.

    __ Why add a new NPC? Why not just give the job to the Perk Rewards Costume Quartermaster? That poor robot has been jobless for quite a while now. Re-purposing a mechanical being as the new Vehicle Quartermaster sounds appropriately themed to me.
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