1. Bullet beatdown still roots you in place on some of combo attacks, while patch notes tell us it shouldn't do that at all
2. Implosion's engine reverse repel no longer scales with power rank
3. Tractor beam's knock advantage ignores knock resistance vs players
4. All cooldown skills, if interrupted at the moment, when you click them by knock or hold go on cooldown without effect(includes instant spells like active defences, enrage etc.)
5. Each time u get new aura effect on your character, animation of currently charged power bugs and repeats itself many times, like if u spammed taps ( can be easily seen on roomsweeper full charges, or when your molecular self-aseembly procs first time, or inertial dampening field ticks, in cases like this animation bugs )
6. HW's lunge Decimate got additional 0.5 sec cast time before it happens, unlike other lunges
7. Palm strike doesn't get additional damage vs knock immune targets
9. If your target stealthes or moves behind obstacle even for 0.5 second, your maintain attack would continue draining energy but no damage would be done even if targets gets back in line of sight.
10. Minidrive had scaling movement speed debuff before, now it's gone
11. Burning chi fist's dot should probably ignore shields, cos otherwise it's useless
12. Shockwave's tp removal advantage doesn't apply Freedom, making it perma tp removal
13. Celestial condult can be tap spammed for 200% more healing or damage.
14. Uppercut's advantage works incorrectly
15. Dragon Claw's advantage doesn't stops working till you leave combat after it hits enemy with it for the first time
16. Breakawayshot states it should have 0.5 sec activation time, but in reality it stuns you for whole 1.67 sec animation duration
18. Pets knock working players and ignoring\not giving resistance to them
19. Telekinesis still not giving knock resistance to targets making it perma disable power if you have enough objects nearby
20. Inexorable tides should(logically) get additional damage on knock resistant targets, while Massacre should not get it(cos it currently does, even though it does knock down)
21. Orbital Cannon's advantage can't crit, unlike other summonable entities
22. Expulse's advantage doesn't slow
23. Crushing Wave's advantage ignores knock resistance
24. Bionic Shielding's advantage sometimes does base damage, intead of damage based on incoming damage(however i think it should deal always same demage, because after that nerf this advantage became useless in 90% of situations and is never worth picking over r3)
25. Force Cascade applies knock resistance and consumes energy forms on tap vs players(works fine vs npc's)
26. Acrobatics in beast stance has wrong animation for running on right
27. Swinging ignores roots\holds while swinging and can be toggled on even while being knocked(and it makes fall damage completely nullified if toggled even 0.1 sec before hitting ground)
28. Form of the Tiger's movement speed boost doesn't stack with travel power's or Protector spec Unrelenting.
29. Ego Blade Breach's advantage does nothing vs blocking targets, only gives them free hold resistance
30. Ego Weaponry's advantage heals can be dodged by user, making them heal for less
31. Shadow Shroud's energy gain scales of Con(unlike other sheathes, which give their bonuses to everyone equally)
32. Pillar of Poz's sound has around 200 ft aoe, making it very annoying power if spammed somewhere nearby.
33. Resurgence's break-free advantage doesn't work
35. Some powers, like TK lance are still considered single target attacks, even though they are aoe. (needed for some specializations)
36. Aoe spec Brush It Off from Dex, doesn't work.
37. Tough talent in Con spec tree is scaling only for half strength.
38. Device cooldowns don't scale with cooldown reductions or Int, even though tooltips show their scaled values.
39. Physical Peak in Str spec tree doesn't affect many melle powers, like Devour Essence for example.
40. Dragon's Wrath 2+advantage crits for less than rank 3 at 100%+ crit severity, probably same happens with all 30% bonus damage advantages, too lazy to test)
42. Unfettered Strikes advantage on Masterful Dodge procs only once, and not each time when you dodge, like discription states.
43. Unbreakable doesn't work like discription states, currently it's just immortality vs anything less than 3k damage, or nothing at all once u're hit by more.
44. Thundering Kicks is not a combo attacks, while it should be one.
45. If normal energy builder crit occurs while you have Imbue buff on, it gets consumed (and EB's shouldn't do that)
46. Archetypes don't have deminishing returns on their damage buffs (which leads to stuff like 15k DW crits)
47. Damage buffs like Focus or Enrage don't update all stacks with updated stat values ( for example, if you activate Intensity +dex\str active offence, it won't update damage on 8 focus stacks if you already have them( Which leads to possible abuses like pre-stacking enrage with crazy STR gear and switching out to something else.
48. Pestilence's damage to enemies counts as damage they deal to themselves, that may lead to unexpected results or plain abuses (like using smoke grenade, while still doing damage to enemy with pestilence)
49. When switching from 1 travel power to another with a charge, old travel power now instantly shuts down(started happening after that double TP patch), making you fall from the sky quite often.
50. Versality advantage on acrobatics doesn't have icon anymore and doesn't stack with Unrelenting from Protector spec(only Unrelenting works then)
51. Enrage doesn't improve bleed damage.
52. All new toggles and Enrage fall off and don't refresh in combat, unless you don't refresh them manually.
53. If you take any +pet damage specs, it makes sorcery sigils do 0 damage in any case.
54. Endorphin Rush advantage on Enrage doesn't heal you on first tick, only on 2nd and 3rd one.
55. Since on alert, while you're using travel power you get stuck in place for couple of seconds, not sure what causes that, but for me it always happened after i've spammed jump.
56. Any norma root on enemy gets instantly broken once enemy uses attack(because it's counted as damage done to root for some reason, which is silly, before it was broken only Break Free button helped vs roots)
57. Electric Sheathe's advantage doesn't work like stated in tooltip(it should be using your energy bar as health instead, but currently it just adds 3500 shield, nothing else)
58. Some +stat masteries don't account for your passive improvements, for example when i pick str mastery, my aura of primal majesty gives 75 stat points, but if i would swtich from str to ego mastery, it would give me only 74 stats.
59. Sometimes, when 2 knocks are used on enemy player in quick succession, your enemy becomes immune to knocks after 2 stacks, and all consecutive knocks just refresh immunity, vitrually making your enemy unknockable till you stop knocking for 15 seconds.
Other players, feel free to add more bugs you know in this thread.
Bugs provided by others:
1.Seems to be a problem color shifting AoED's aura effect. I had to unslot and reslot it for it to apply a new color scheme.
2.The new mystice flight is color shiftable, except for the runic aura applied to the character itself. That aura is stuck as purple, and doesn't seem hue shiftable.
3.Tremor has issues when attempting to activate it and when you charge it up. It requires multiple presses while attempting to activate it (dependent on the EB being toggled on, I do not know) and Its animation plays twice when attempting to charge it.
4.Form of the Tiger still doesn't proc Focus for Ego Blade Breach or Ego Blade Annihilation.
5.Vicious Cyclone is no longer proccing Supernatural Power. Tested with both Massacre and Vicious Cyclone. The former granted an energy return whereas the latter drained completely of energy both in and out of combat without a single proc.
6.Drain Life's art has been reverted back to the old one.
7.PA toggles do not register as maintains for specializations.
8.Taser Arrow;s animation costs more than 1 second (from release key to arrow leaves bow)
9.Jetpack travel power is not tintable.
10.Concentration doesnt provide a stack with focussed stack/ballista bolt , and when you use that ability it wipes your current stacks
11.Aspect of the infernal- rank 1 gives you concentration + 8 % damage per stack
ranks 2 & 3 give you infernal strength +1.5% per stack.
12.Rain of Steel (Dual Blade energy builder) and Celestial EB don't proc Twist Fate (Sentry spec, +dodge/crit stacking buff on energy builder hit).
13.Concentration:Snap Shot won't trigger an additional stack of buff (from farther than 25ft)
14.Focused Shot won't trigger an additional stack of buff (from farther than 25ft)
Focused Shot won't trigger an additional stack of buff (Full Charged)
15.Manipulator:Taser Arrow won't trigger an additional stack of buff (full charged)
16.Pets don't have 50% baseline crit severity.
17.Aura of Primal Majesty doesn't work on The Grimoire AT.
18.Aura of Radiant Protection doesn't work on The Mind AT.
19.The Blade AT doesn't get new power at 40 lvl (all powers are moved to the new level progression - Form of the Swordsman at 14, Parry at 21 lvl, and Reaper's Embrace at 35 - but no new power at 40 lvl, AT still has 11 powers).
20.Ego storm doesn't add stacks of manipulator. With or without advantage
21.Wither from Sentinel Specialization STILL does not work
22.Aura of Arcane Clarity's +Chargespeed does not scale with Superstats.. instead scales with PRE. (Also anything less than halving charge time is worthless)
23.Conflagration doesn't proc Concentration
24.Aura of Ebon Destruction's damage is not calculated correctly(added only 50 damage on full charge of dclaw) and magic damage proc on crits doesn't affect teammates.
25.Commander Tree: Relief. The heal of the healing drones don't scale with this mastery.
1.) Seems to be a problem color shifting AoED's aura effect. I had to unslot and reslot it for it to apply a new color scheme.
2.) The new mystice flight is color shiftable, except for the runic aura applied to the character itself. That aura is stuck as purple, and doesn't seem hue shiftable.
Tremor has issues when attempting to activate it and when you charge it up. It requires multiple presses while attempting to activate it (dependent on the EB being toggled on, I do not know) and Its animation plays twice when attempting to charge it.
1.) Seems to be a problem color shifting AoED's aura effect. I had to unslot and reslot it for it to apply a new color scheme.
Engine limitation. You can't change the color of any sort of aura (say, AoRP, Fire Flight, etc) while it's currently running. You have to turn it off (and/or unslot it) before the color change sticks. Or die/zone, I guess.
Engine limitation. You can't change the color of any sort of aura (say, AoRP, Fire Flight, etc) while it's currently running. You have to turn it off (and/or unslot it) before the color change sticks. Or die/zone, I guess.
Yes, I know. I zoned and it stayed the same. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
it is good that someone compile a list of bugs into one thread rather than several threads. Anyway, just to add, Twist Fate from the Sentry Spec Tree is not doing anything at all. No dodge Increase, no crit increase.
So, did some poking around on PTS with my Q...and found that none of the new swinging powers are color shiftable at all. don't know if thats intended or not...though I suspect it is not with the energy swinging at least. I'm hoping the chain at least is color shiftable. Vines are a bit specific though.
As of the current build FC.26.20120410a.9 (April 19th):
Vicious Cyclone is no longer proccing Supernatural Power. Tested with both Massacre and Vicious Cyclone. The former granted an energy return whereas the latter drained completely of energy both in and out of combat without a single proc.
35. Many powers, like TK lance are still considered single target attacks, even though they are aoe. (needed for some specializations)
36. Aoe spec Brush It Off from Dex, doesn't work.
37. Sentinel aura is considered an attack, so it can be dodged to stack focus\proc bcr, etc.
I saw in the list about the orbital cannon advantage, and wanted to ensure someone knew the Anvil of Dawn advantage does no damage as it is intended to do after the initial spike.
Orbital Cannon's advantage, Anvil of Dawn
*Does no damage
*Cannon won't move (or move incorrectly) to nearest foes head if the current target is defeated.
*Moving Cannon does no damage.
Taser Arrow
*Its animation costs more than 1 second (from release key to arrow leaves bow)
Vicious Cyclone is and has been proccing SNP just fine in combat.
As of today, it seems so but I haven't thoroughly tested it. Back when originally posted, it was not so reliable.
A few more concerns to add:
Tremor, when tapped, displays its visual & audible FX as well as damage numbers when the character's foot is in mid-air. Charging the ability causes the animation to play normally. This has been tested on a female character with the energy builder toggled on and off.
This is also somewhat true with Cave In, though the damage registers before the visual & audible FX connect.
Form of the Master (at least at rank 3) sometimes, when stacked to 8, keeps refreshing that 8 stack of Focus, even when out of combat. This does not appear to be an inaccurately labeled buff icon. I have not experienced this with Form of the Tempest.
Athletics' Versatility does not seem to proc. No buff is displayed nor does it appear that my movement speed increases, at least while the ability is at rank 1.
not sure if this is how it always worked but for me, wrist bolter doesn't auto target like my other energy builders and i have to reselect the target to get it to start attacking.
I noticed a problem with Ego Sprites yesterday. Somehow mooks in the Fight Club quest line were able to shrug it off after it had ticked twice. Other mooks didn't get so lucky and the effect lasted as intended.
Imbue is stacking with crit severity boosts and Base severity, instead of replacing it.
Not true, i've run alot of tests on this, neither items, not specs, not even masteries make imbue's damage go higher, only either con or pre make it scale, as intended.
concentration doesnt provide a stack with focussed stack/ballista bolt , and when you use that ability it wipes your current stacks.
Just retrained an other characetr and looked through the archery abilities, I found ONE that said can make concentration. I've probably missed some but most of them didn't say can make a stack of concentration.
Have they simply not been written in the description or does it only work with the marked ones.
- Aura of Primal Majesty doesn't work on The Grimoire AT.
- Aura of Radiant Protection doesn't work on The Mind AT.
- The Blade AT doesn't get new power at 40 lvl (all powers are moved to the new level progression - Form of the Swordsman at 14, Parry at 21 lvl, and Reaper's Embrace at 35 - but no new power at 40 lvl, AT still has 11 powers).
- Also, Medical Nanites doesn't work on The Inventor AT.
Wither from Sentinel Specialization STILL does not work Aura of Arcane Clarity's +Chargespeed does not scale with Superstats.. instead scales with PRE. (Also anything less than halving charge time is worthless)
Conflagration won't trigger stacks from Concentration even though it states that you get stacks whenever you:
1) Charge a ranged power at least half way (50% or more). - Conflagration doesn't have a charge so this doesn't matter much.
2) Maintained a ranged power for at least 4 ticks. - Conflagration ticks for way more than 4 on a full maintain.
3) Strike a target from at least 25 feet away. - Maximum range on Conflagration is 50 feet.
So neither condition 2 or 3 will trigger stacks of Concentration.
Has any one else noticed that R3 healing drones are stuck using the wavy beam instead of the aoe? I keep having to position people directly between my drones and myself to get them to heal them if they're stuck healing me, instead of simply standing by the person and letting the AoE do the work.
Orbtal cannon and particle mine does not consume the on-next-hit buff (toxic nanites, sonic device). Gas pellets and strafing run consume the buff but cause you to take damage, stun, shrink instead of the enemy.
Please solve the bug. I've no gadgeteer powers to proc the on-next-hit buff after the developer decide to remove energy builder from proccing the on-next-hit buff.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Telekinetic Burst does not grant stacks of Concentration. Not when charged more than half way, not when used over 25 feet. This is with or without the knock-down advantage in place.
Also, Mental Conditioning still follows the old buff format: only allowing 5 stacks, not granting energy returns, and performing poorly at best when compared to other toggle forms.
1.) Seems to be a problem color shifting AoED's aura effect. I had to unslot and reslot it for it to apply a new color scheme.
2.) The new mystice flight is color shiftable, except for the runic aura applied to the character itself. That aura is stuck as purple, and doesn't seem hue shiftable.
Protector Mastery resets the cooldown on all powers, not just Activated Defenses.
Engine limitation. You can't change the color of any sort of aura (say, AoRP, Fire Flight, etc) while it's currently running. You have to turn it off (and/or unslot it) before the color change sticks. Or die/zone, I guess.
Yes, I know. I zoned and it stayed the same. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
But as for Cryptic actually fixing bugged powers? ... Read my sig.
36. Aoe spec Brush It Off from Dex, doesn't work.
37. Sentinel aura is considered an attack, so it can be dodged to stack focus\proc bcr, etc.
Still has the updated graphics on the PTS.
Orbital Cannon's advantage, Anvil of Dawn
*Does no damage
*Cannon won't move (or move incorrectly) to nearest foes head if the current target is defeated.
*Moving Cannon does no damage.
Taser Arrow
*Its animation costs more than 1 second (from release key to arrow leaves bow)
As of today, it seems so but I haven't thoroughly tested it. Back when originally posted, it was not so reliable.
A few more concerns to add:
Not true, i've run alot of tests on this, neither items, not specs, not even masteries make imbue's damage go higher, only either con or pre make it scale, as intended.
quarry icon doesn't come up.
concentration doesnt provide a stack with focussed stack/ballista bolt , and when you use that ability it wipes your current stacks.
Just retrained an other characetr and looked through the archery abilities, I found ONE that said can make concentration. I've probably missed some but most of them didn't say can make a stack of concentration.
Have they simply not been written in the description or does it only work with the marked ones.
aspect of the infernal- rank 1 gives you concentration + 8 % damage per stack
ranks 2 & 3 give you infernal strength +1.5% per stack.
thats why it isnt scaling , I had to retrain when I n oticed the wrong bit come up
(It works properly on SuperSpeed)
Versatility advantage on Athletics
(It works properly on Acrobatics)
Snap Shot won't trigger an additional stack of buff (from farther than 25ft)
Focused Shot won't trigger an additional stack of buff (from farther than 25ft)
Focused Shot won't trigger an additional stack of buff (Full Charged)
Taser Arrow won't trigger an additional stack of buff (full charged)
- Aura of Radiant Protection doesn't work on The Mind AT.
- The Blade AT doesn't get new power at 40 lvl (all powers are moved to the new level progression - Form of the Swordsman at 14, Parry at 21 lvl, and Reaper's Embrace at 35 - but no new power at 40 lvl, AT still has 11 powers).
- Also, Medical Nanites doesn't work on The Inventor AT.
Aura of Arcane Clarity's +Chargespeed does not scale with Superstats.. instead scales with PRE. (Also anything less than halving charge time is worthless)
Kien. I will slay thee dragon!
Nevarr! ';..;'
1) Charge a ranged power at least half way (50% or more). - Conflagration doesn't have a charge so this doesn't matter much.
2) Maintained a ranged power for at least 4 ticks. - Conflagration ticks for way more than 4 on a full maintain.
3) Strike a target from at least 25 feet away. - Maximum range on Conflagration is 50 feet.
So neither condition 2 or 3 will trigger stacks of Concentration.
The heal of the healing drones don't scale with this mastery.
Lazy to search for fixed bugs, devs can do it themselves rly.
Please solve the bug. I've no gadgeteer powers to proc the on-next-hit buff after the developer decide to remove energy builder from proccing the on-next-hit buff.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Also, Mental Conditioning still follows the old buff format: only allowing 5 stacks, not granting energy returns, and performing poorly at best when compared to other toggle forms.