1. HP of the forcefield to scale with Primary Super Stat. Rank 1 : 12 HP/point. Rank 2 : 15 HP/point. Rank 3: 18 HP/point. This amount is increased while the player is under the effects of Field Surge.
2. All normal resistances and damage reduction applying to the player apply to the forcefield as well. Bonus HP granted to the player by gear are also granted to the forcefield. (Regen bonuses do not, but see below.)
3. The forcefield also gains additional resistance. Resistances of the forcefield to scale with Secondary Super Stats. Physical damage is reduced more than non-physical. At a target point of about 125 SSSes, R1: 8%/6% bonus resistance. R2 : 14%/9% bonus resistance. R3 : 20%/12% bonus resistance.
4. Damage dealt to the forcefield restores Endurance; non-Physical damage restores more Endurance than physical damage.
5. The forcefield cannot be critically hit. (Enemies have a critical hit chance of 0 and severity of 0 when affecting the player; or, critical hits are simply discarded. Uncertain of proper implementation.)
6. The forcefield regenerates at a steady percentile rate (so a higher HP maximum means more hp/second). This rate is also affected to a very small degree by secondary super stats, and by Intelligence.
7. When the forcefield is broken, its 'regenerated' hp is tracked separately and absorbs no damage. When it reaches its full total, it reactivates (at full strength). The power Field Surge will reactivate the forcefield regardless of its current strength (and the field is healed by Field Surge as normal).
8. Healing applied to the player applies an equal amount of healing to the forcefield. Any regen powers (such as Resurgence) count as healing (HoTs) for this purpose, but natural HP regeneration and regeneration from skills do not.
9. New 2-point Advantage : Refractive Recalibration. While your Force Field is down, you deal additional damage and recieve additional healing from healing effects. In addition, any enemy striking you takes some Electrical damage from the unstable power flux. Nearby enemies also take a small amount of damage as well.
10. New 1-point Advantage : Incautious Override. Your forcefield will re-activate when it reaches half-strength, but its regeneration rate will be reduced until it once again returns to full strength.
I like it. It's funny that reading through a list of reasonable changes for PFF makes you feel like you're reading a list of changes that would make something overpowered.
I know, right? But my target strength is just 'a little below Defiance.' I'm actually concerned that, even though the HP total of the field would be truly massive, it would need higher resistance bonuses to be competitive, or at least like a bonus percentage to incoming heals or something. (I assume that a dedicated PFF tank would superstat Con/Int+Dex or something to that effect.)
Not sure how it fits into your dynamic... but I always kind of wanted to see shield regeneration scale exponentially with shield hp...
So something like the first 10% of the shield would return almost instantly, at 20% it would be really quick, at thirty it would be fast, by 50% its pretty slow, and beyond that it's hardly regenerating at all in combat ()without field surge()
It would put ff right in between something like invul and regen... hard to crack open, but once that shell is cracked....
I don't know, I'm not really a 'mechanics' gamer...
So something like the first 10% of the shield would return almost instantly, at 20% it would be really quick, at thirty it would be fast, by 50% its pretty slow, and beyond that it's hardly regenerating at all in combat ()without field surge()
It would put ff right in between something like invul and regen... hard to crack open, but once that shell is cracked....
What you suggest and your desired outcome are actually opposites; it would be much easier to get the shield down to half than it would be to get it actually broken.
PFF already works similarly to what you want, and the way I've set it up even more so.
Like I said.... Not a mechanics sort. Still... You say it's like that already, but I have to say it sure doesn't feel that way. It just feels like a second, easier to deplete health bar
What I was trying to suggest was something that can almost nullify incidental damage, exelently protects against low-moderate damage but gets exponentially weaker against moderate to heavy damage.
Conceptually, it would make pff ideal against tick maintains and aoe's but less so against massive direct damage....
Again, mostly considering the feel of the power, not specific mechanics or numbers
Like I said.... Not a mechanics sort. Still... You say it's like that already, but I have to say it sure doesn't feel that way. It just feels like a second, easier to deplete health bar
What I was trying to suggest was something that can almost nullify incidental damage, exelently protects against low-moderate damage but gets exponentially weaker against moderate to heavy damage.
Hmm. Well, that's how Invuln and Regen work, more or less. (To give PFF that feel, you'd reverse your suggestion -- very good regen when it's already strong, but poor regen when it's weak. Shields in EVE Online work somewhat like this, although their 'strong point' is actually rather low and they only break below that.)
Dodge works better against heavy hitters, or at least has for most of the game's lifespan. Defiance provides equivalent (and excellent) all around mitigation.
PFF as I've proposed would be essentially the opposite of Defiance; it would work very well in shorter fights, but 'burn out' in long, sustained fights. (I think that the most problematic of all my suggestions is actually simply allowing Field Surge to immediately reactivate the field.) However, it could be built in such a way that tanking these fights becomes possible, albeit a little challenging. This would put PFF roughly on par with Invulnerability; Defiance would still ne the easiest and most obviously optimized d.passive for big battles, but the other two would be workable under the right circumstances.
Right.. sort of (I think I originally said 'somewhere between invul and regen ;p')
I do see how your set up works, now that you summarized it's intent... definitely on different pages, but a similar desire for 'feel'
You want it to be awesome in short fights, but less so in long, drawn out fights
I want to see it be awesome against low/moderate damage, but less so against moderate to high damage
I think we both invision pff in the same light... something that has a strong inital showing in a fight, but who's effectiveness gets worn away...
I think that your system is probably more technically apt (more effective)..... what I'm suggesting would feel more 'right' to gamers, as they played.
Force fields should feel impervious against weak attacks, initially... but as players take a pummeling, their forcefield should begin to drop dramatically.
I've said I'm not a mechancs person, so when I use numbers, don't take them as based on any sort of understanding or datamining.... it's just a thematic guess.
If something can't get past the pff's first line of defense (I said 10%, but whatever amount made the most sense) then it should all but literally have no effect.
This is similar to invul's blanket resistance, except that it isn't resisting/negating... its absorbing and regenerating (ala regen)
So, it has features similar to invul, but functions like regen... up to a point.
This benifit isn't a static resistance, and unlike regen, it's not a gradual scale...
I see pff as an exponential scale... wherein as long as you can keep your shield up in the 90% range, your a monster... but anywhere below 50% or so, and it's basically just a defenseless second health bar.
It makes it a different (unusual even) design that, to me anyway, feels like a force field...
...whether it would actually be effective in game, I don't know...
...I definitly like reverse defiance, as a concept, and like I say I think we're on the same page in many respects... just a different stab at the same goal...
Well, that could be done fairly easily by changing my suggested % resist increase to a flat damage reduction, like IDF or Invuln. I'm not sure off-hand what an appropriate scaling would be.
Actually, a flat damage reduction would be the antethisis of what I'm suggesting.
it's the different between a brick wall and a trampoline.
Pff should be a trampoline... it ''bounces back''.... not a brick wall.
It needs like a scaling bonus to shield regeneration
+2000% regen severity and speed, when shield is >90%
+500% regen severity and speed, when shield is >75%
+25% regen severity and speed, when shield is > 55%
+0 bonus at shield <55%
Again, numbers are just thematic....
But conceptually, you get the idea.....
You COULD break through that first 10% with constant tick damage, but if you didn't break through, any pause would allow the forcefield to recover.
So a pffer's goal would be interuppts and healing to keep that field at it's max at all times...
I don't really like the idea that the shield becomes less and less effective as you take damage... since that's one of the problems it has right now. The rate of shield regeneration should be steady, and never change. With the shield becoming less effective as you take damage, it basically makes the strategy behind PFF "Avoid taking damage so your defensive passive remains effective", which is fairly counter-intuitive for a defensive passive, especially when you consider that Regeneration becomes more effective as you take more damage. It never struck me as balanced to say that "well, you have the oppositte effect, because your passive gives you a few more hit points that have no mitigation".
The shield regeneration should remain stable no matter how much damage you take. The shield itself should provide a mitigation benefit, like Invuln/Defi do. Essentially, this power should be the middle ground between invuln, defiance, and regeneration... providing a little bit of what each provides:
- a flat damage reduction, less than what Invuln provides
- a defense increase, less than what invuln provides
- regeneration, limited to the shield, and without the "getting stronger when you take more damage" aspect that Regeneration has
Since having more hit points gets multiplicatively stronger as you have more defense protecting those hit points, then adding in just some defense would give the power what it needs to be a real defensive passive. Also, keeping the changes nice and simple like this makes it less likely that crazy bugs or ZOMGOP will happen.
Damage reduction isn't a brick wall. It's more like a mesh screen, except in reverse (little things don't get through but big things do).
I'm not sure I understand why force fields would thematically have a high healing rate.
...because its not a mesh screen....
Unless its broken, it rebounds, returns.... regenerates... after sustaining damage...
In theme... force fields are perfect defences, until the user is over exerted or the shield itself overpowered..
So... from a mechanics standpoint, to fit the theme....
It either needs to be perfect (truely impervious) until the character runs out of endurance (then take damage without regeneration, afterwards, unless 'fixed' by surge)
....or it needs exceptional regenerative properties at the top scale of it's 'shield health', that is deminished with constant bombardment....
The shield regeneration should remain stable no matter how much damage you take. The shield itself should provide a mitigation benefit, like Invuln/Defi do.
I agree.
Since having more hit points gets multiplicatively stronger as you have more defense protecting those hit points, then adding in just some defense would give the power what it needs to be a real defensive passive.
This is exactly the case.
Most of the "changes" I propose are simply to enable this to be practical -- giving the shield a large HP reservoir and allowing gear and effects to affect the shield as well as the player's 'innate' HP and defenses. There are two unique mechanics I've specified: One is to make the shield immune to critical hits. This is both for thematic and practical reasons; the practical reason being, since the shields are 'softer' HP than that of a character with Defiance or Invuln, the rate at which they drop needs to be fairly steady and predictable for players and especially support to time the usage of their other mitigation and healing powers.
The other one is the shut off and recharge. This is to give shields a unique feel; they have to be 'tinkered with.' That is, once the shield goes down, the character will want to have Field Surge ready, or to have Resurgence available (since it will not only heal their own HP but speed up their shield's restoration) or otherwise respond.
There are a lot of ways characters can boost their defenses outside a defensive passive. Simply giving characters a truly enormous HP total to play with is inherently an invitation to find and apply these; thus, I am interested to see what could be done with it. If PFF was still weak its inherent mitigation could slowly be stepped up.
I would also like to add that with the addition of spec trees, it would be nice to see a little more synergy with the spec trees, especially with the Impulse AT which has no spec tree skill which apply to any of it's force field powers. I think tying in with the endurance spec tree could set up some useful things.
Hm, good point. I hate to sound like a snob, but I've never actually played an AT (well, I think a very little bit on Test, maybe). I'm not sure what to suggest to correct that specific issue... Hm. The only appropriate in-game effect I can think of is Matter-Energy Union. This is actually from an Electric power, but it lets you take damage as energy drain rather than health loss...
It opens some interesting possibilities for force fields, but I'm hesitant to delve too much into the tangental issue of the Endurance spec tree and AT re-balancing. Did you have something specific in mind?
just posted on a thread for changes to Force Powerset (including changes to PFF and IDF) and really like the idea you had about hard to crack but when it does, collapse! Pretty good way to think of a force field IMHO. A couple points I made are (in general):
A) why can't the PFF let more damage through (like a 75% to HP of PFF/25% to Health HP) so that your NATURAL healing can aid in damage mitigation. All the time, minor @$$ damage gets thru my PFF but is healed so fast that until it cracks, and I feel my actual healing is wasted (Full HP doesn't need to be healed). Hard to argue why ANY damage can breach a Forcefield, but it already does. Why not make it USEFUL then.
A part 2) ALTERNATIVELY, you could just make your natural healing AND the natural FLAT regen of PFF heal the Forcefield, and NOT allow damage to breach until it is gone. Better PFF healing, no damage to actual HP until the ting breaks. Makes sense to me, and you can do your best to increase your NATURAL healing to aid in its repair.
I hear (and truly believe with my own tests) that IDF and PFF do not work properly. The MINUS FLAT damage from the IDF toggle only seems to affect damage that is going towards your HEALTH and not the PFF. This should be fixed along with any other defense/avoidance/resistance abilities not currently utilized BEFORE taking HP from the PFF.
C) I, too, feel that a SS (or even a specific STAT like END or CON) should increase the HP of the PFF (of course rank 1-3 would increase the AMOUNT the stat provides). That same STAT should increase the regen over time of the PFF. Kinda adds to the QUOTE... my forcefield is better than your forcefield (Cuz I slotted for it)...QUOTE
D) PFF should provide KB/HOLD protection. PERIOD. Its a flippin FORCE FIELD. How u get HELD (at least PHYSICALLY) in a Force Field?!?
E) As for harder to crack, lets try this...why can't 100% PFF energy provide a LOW resistance buff TOO. The resistance buff (or even Dodge/Avoidance buff) would go down as the PFF lost strength. So better resistances at full strength, not so much just before collapse. Kinda would give you the feel that QUOTE...We are LOSING POWER CAPTAIN!...QUOTE
To me, PFF is a GREAT power choice and should receive a little DEV luvin to make it the truly awesome PASSIVE for DEFENSIVE role it should be.
So something like the first 10% of the shield would return almost instantly, at 20% it would be really quick, at thirty it would be fast, by 50% its pretty slow, and beyond that it's hardly regenerating at all in combat ()without field surge()
It would put ff right in between something like invul and regen... hard to crack open, but once that shell is cracked....
I don't know, I'm not really a 'mechanics' gamer...
What you suggest and your desired outcome are actually opposites; it would be much easier to get the shield down to half than it would be to get it actually broken.
PFF already works similarly to what you want, and the way I've set it up even more so.
What I was trying to suggest was something that can almost nullify incidental damage, exelently protects against low-moderate damage but gets exponentially weaker against moderate to heavy damage.
Conceptually, it would make pff ideal against tick maintains and aoe's but less so against massive direct damage....
Again, mostly considering the feel of the power, not specific mechanics or numbers
Hmm. Well, that's how Invuln and Regen work, more or less. (To give PFF that feel, you'd reverse your suggestion -- very good regen when it's already strong, but poor regen when it's weak. Shields in EVE Online work somewhat like this, although their 'strong point' is actually rather low and they only break below that.)
Dodge works better against heavy hitters, or at least has for most of the game's lifespan. Defiance provides equivalent (and excellent) all around mitigation.
PFF as I've proposed would be essentially the opposite of Defiance; it would work very well in shorter fights, but 'burn out' in long, sustained fights. (I think that the most problematic of all my suggestions is actually simply allowing Field Surge to immediately reactivate the field.) However, it could be built in such a way that tanking these fights becomes possible, albeit a little challenging. This would put PFF roughly on par with Invulnerability; Defiance would still ne the easiest and most obviously optimized d.passive for big battles, but the other two would be workable under the right circumstances.
I do see how your set up works, now that you summarized it's intent... definitely on different pages, but a similar desire for 'feel'
You want it to be awesome in short fights, but less so in long, drawn out fights
I want to see it be awesome against low/moderate damage, but less so against moderate to high damage
I think we both invision pff in the same light... something that has a strong inital showing in a fight, but who's effectiveness gets worn away...
I think that your system is probably more technically apt (more effective)..... what I'm suggesting would feel more 'right' to gamers, as they played.
Force fields should feel impervious against weak attacks, initially... but as players take a pummeling, their forcefield should begin to drop dramatically.
I've said I'm not a mechancs person, so when I use numbers, don't take them as based on any sort of understanding or datamining.... it's just a thematic guess.
If something can't get past the pff's first line of defense (I said 10%, but whatever amount made the most sense) then it should all but literally have no effect.
This is similar to invul's blanket resistance, except that it isn't resisting/negating... its absorbing and regenerating (ala regen)
So, it has features similar to invul, but functions like regen... up to a point.
This benifit isn't a static resistance, and unlike regen, it's not a gradual scale...
I see pff as an exponential scale... wherein as long as you can keep your shield up in the 90% range, your a monster... but anywhere below 50% or so, and it's basically just a defenseless second health bar.
It makes it a different (unusual even) design that, to me anyway, feels like a force field...
...whether it would actually be effective in game, I don't know...
...I definitly like reverse defiance, as a concept, and like I say I think we're on the same page in many respects... just a different stab at the same goal...
it's the different between a brick wall and a trampoline.
Pff should be a trampoline... it ''bounces back''.... not a brick wall.
It needs like a scaling bonus to shield regeneration
+2000% regen severity and speed, when shield is >90%
+500% regen severity and speed, when shield is >75%
+25% regen severity and speed, when shield is > 55%
+0 bonus at shield <55%
Again, numbers are just thematic....
But conceptually, you get the idea.....
You COULD break through that first 10% with constant tick damage, but if you didn't break through, any pause would allow the forcefield to recover.
So a pffer's goal would be interuppts and healing to keep that field at it's max at all times...
I'm not sure I understand why force fields would thematically have a high healing rate.
The shield regeneration should remain stable no matter how much damage you take. The shield itself should provide a mitigation benefit, like Invuln/Defi do. Essentially, this power should be the middle ground between invuln, defiance, and regeneration... providing a little bit of what each provides:
- a flat damage reduction, less than what Invuln provides
- a defense increase, less than what invuln provides
- regeneration, limited to the shield, and without the "getting stronger when you take more damage" aspect that Regeneration has
Since having more hit points gets multiplicatively stronger as you have more defense protecting those hit points, then adding in just some defense would give the power what it needs to be a real defensive passive. Also, keeping the changes nice and simple like this makes it less likely that crazy bugs or ZOMGOP will happen.
...because its not a mesh screen....
Unless its broken, it rebounds, returns.... regenerates... after sustaining damage...
In theme... force fields are perfect defences, until the user is over exerted or the shield itself overpowered..
So... from a mechanics standpoint, to fit the theme....
It either needs to be perfect (truely impervious) until the character runs out of endurance (then take damage without regeneration, afterwards, unless 'fixed' by surge)
....or it needs exceptional regenerative properties at the top scale of it's 'shield health', that is deminished with constant bombardment....
Sieve-like damage reduction isn't the same
I agree.
This is exactly the case.
Most of the "changes" I propose are simply to enable this to be practical -- giving the shield a large HP reservoir and allowing gear and effects to affect the shield as well as the player's 'innate' HP and defenses. There are two unique mechanics I've specified: One is to make the shield immune to critical hits. This is both for thematic and practical reasons; the practical reason being, since the shields are 'softer' HP than that of a character with Defiance or Invuln, the rate at which they drop needs to be fairly steady and predictable for players and especially support to time the usage of their other mitigation and healing powers.
The other one is the shut off and recharge. This is to give shields a unique feel; they have to be 'tinkered with.' That is, once the shield goes down, the character will want to have Field Surge ready, or to have Resurgence available (since it will not only heal their own HP but speed up their shield's restoration) or otherwise respond.
There are a lot of ways characters can boost their defenses outside a defensive passive. Simply giving characters a truly enormous HP total to play with is inherently an invitation to find and apply these; thus, I am interested to see what could be done with it. If PFF was still weak its inherent mitigation could slowly be stepped up.
It opens some interesting possibilities for force fields, but I'm hesitant to delve too much into the tangental issue of the Endurance spec tree and AT re-balancing. Did you have something specific in mind?
just posted on a thread for changes to Force Powerset (including changes to PFF and IDF) and really like the idea you had about hard to crack but when it does, collapse! Pretty good way to think of a force field IMHO. A couple points I made are (in general):
A) why can't the PFF let more damage through (like a 75% to HP of PFF/25% to Health HP) so that your NATURAL healing can aid in damage mitigation. All the time, minor @$$ damage gets thru my PFF but is healed so fast that until it cracks, and I feel my actual healing is wasted (Full HP doesn't need to be healed). Hard to argue why ANY damage can breach a Forcefield, but it already does. Why not make it USEFUL then.
A part 2) ALTERNATIVELY, you could just make your natural healing AND the natural FLAT regen of PFF heal the Forcefield, and NOT allow damage to breach until it is gone. Better PFF healing, no damage to actual HP until the ting breaks. Makes sense to me, and you can do your best to increase your NATURAL healing to aid in its repair.
I hear (and truly believe with my own tests) that IDF and PFF do not work properly. The MINUS FLAT damage from the IDF toggle only seems to affect damage that is going towards your HEALTH and not the PFF. This should be fixed along with any other defense/avoidance/resistance abilities not currently utilized BEFORE taking HP from the PFF.
C) I, too, feel that a SS (or even a specific STAT like END or CON) should increase the HP of the PFF (of course rank 1-3 would increase the AMOUNT the stat provides). That same STAT should increase the regen over time of the PFF. Kinda adds to the QUOTE... my forcefield is better than your forcefield (Cuz I slotted for it)...QUOTE
D) PFF should provide KB/HOLD protection. PERIOD. Its a flippin FORCE FIELD. How u get HELD (at least PHYSICALLY) in a Force Field?!?
E) As for harder to crack, lets try this...why can't 100% PFF energy provide a LOW resistance buff TOO. The resistance buff (or even Dodge/Avoidance buff) would go down as the PFF lost strength. So better resistances at full strength, not so much just before collapse. Kinda would give you the feel that QUOTE...We are LOSING POWER CAPTAIN!...QUOTE
To me, PFF is a GREAT power choice and should receive a little DEV luvin to make it the truly awesome PASSIVE for DEFENSIVE role it should be.
Just my take, luv what you all suggested so far.