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ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Suggestions Box
first of all... yay for upcoming vehicle system! so totally pumped, excited and freak'n' out about it!

now that is out of the way..... keep in mind Mystical based vehicles too please!
a few suggestions/ideas...

- a giant jewel or gem that fly's and shoots beams of fire or energy. named
"the crystal of [blank- insert suitable namebased off of lore here]"

- the dark rider, a large batwinged demonic horse with a cloaked rider

- the light rider, visually opposite of the dark rider

- Dragons!

- oh and did i say dragons?

- giant blobs

- mystical platforms

- and dragons!
space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
Post edited by ktm1 on


  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Vehicles are one thing. They are static objects.
    Animal mounts, however, are moving character models on their own. They require more work and therefore more time than vehicles. Since there is no horse model in the game, that one would have to be made first. We have a drgaon, but that one is actually a Teleiosaur with rather awkwardly attached wings (I've seen Fury of the Dragon glitch into an idle stance and solid skin once).
  • thesithkiller360thesithkiller360 Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Hey, about Those Dragons...... No. Just No.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2012
    Suggestion for magical vehicles must be as simple as technology vehicles.

    A simple magical chariot, with or without horses. Can be elaborate in design, but it would be a simple moving platform with character model. Not really more difficult to made than hover disk. No additional work with character scalling.


    Flying sail boat, again, can be ornate and fancy and there is bazilion flying ships in fantasy, but it's basically another flying platform for character model, not really more difficult to made than flying carpet. Again, little need for character scalling.
  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Vehicles are one thing. They are static objects.
    Animal mounts, however, are moving character models on their own. They require more work and therefore more time than vehicles. Since there is no horse model in the game, that one would have to be made first. We have a drgaon, but that one is actually a Teleiosaur with rather awkwardly attached wings (I've seen Fury of the Dragon glitch into an idle stance and solid skin once).

    ok.... :D but my point still stands. DONT IGNORE THE MYSTICAL VEHICLES is all im kinda trying to get accross lol.

    and there were a few static ones in my suggestion
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • illuminia87illuminia87 Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It would be best if people just stopped asking for "mounts" we are never going to get any sort of mount where you can see your character riding anything. Why do you think every vehicle we have and are getting is completely enclosed, or has windows you cant see through?

    Sure WoW and SWToR have vehicles/mounts where you can see your character, but you cant edit your bodies sizes, or at the very least can only pick from a few preset sizes that cant be modified. Champions Online allows you to edit your body to ridiculous extremes, and is quite frankly impossible, imho, to create some sort of decent looking vehicle, that will fit with the limitless variables in character size and shape.

    Anyways, yes to having more themed vehicles. Just because they are vehicles doesn't mean they cant look mystical dangit.
  • auldwolfauldwolf Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Welp, first of all, the OP isn't asking for 'mounts.' He just posited a few vehicles which are actually creatures, he wasn't aware of the restriction. Is it fair to lambast him for not knowing of that? He did take back the request for animal-like vehicles afterward.

    His primary point is that there are lots of different kinds of people who play this game, and they like different things, some of which may be things that you don't like. But if it's within the realm of the possible, the things they like shouldn't be any more ignored than the things you like.

    So I'm with the OP - don't forget Mystical vehicles, even if they're static things. The floating gem was a good idea, the flying boat was another. I'm actually really fond of the skyship. Like a magical flying yacht thing, it'd go well with the Sanctuary hideout which already exists, no?

    So... yeah. I like the overall statement the OP is making. Yes, sans dragons/horses.

  • bobgreenwadebobgreenwade Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Personally, I'll be happy enough if we can customize our Vehicles' appearance, at least to the extent of choosing colors (not necessarily external shape). Not being able to do that would be the only reason for me to never get one.

    (I do understand that there may be technological barriers to putting that ability in-game; it's just that I don't want, for example, Red Streak to be flying around in a green jet.)
    Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
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  • flechusflechus Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    No, no, no

    If you want Mysticism vehicles you could go for a hearse, with armed ghosts instead of cannons/weapons

    And of course lets not forget some flying Narwahls and Octopi golem-like-vehicles, with some structure for the character to be hidden at...

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  • vorshothvorshoth Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Police vehicles. Regular cruiser, Kodiak's monster 'crusher' as I call it, etc. Maybe even helicopters. Because I ask for these on every vehicle thread so they do not get forgotten which may be spammy in which case I'm sorry I'll stop.
  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    vorshoth wrote: »
    Police vehicles. Regular cruiser, Kodiak's monster 'crusher' as I call it, etc. Maybe even helicopters. Because I ask for these on every vehicle thread so they do not get forgotten which may be spammy in which case I'm sorry I'll stop.

    lol still fits the main point in my opening post.
    - namely dont ignore all the other types of characters :D i could go for a monter truck or a helicopter
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't think I'd mind anything. But knowing most people, they'd be squalling because they can't ride their dragon in Caprice.
  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't think I'd mind anything. But knowing most people, they'd be squalling because they can't ride their dragon in Caprice.

    lol ya, and all the people that would be complaining of dragons taking up space. and complaining its not d&d or wow so why have dragons etc.....
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • bobgreenwadebobgreenwade Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ktm1 wrote: »
    lol ya, and all the people that would be complaining of dragons taking up space. and complaining its not d&d or wow so why have dragons etc.....

    The same reason we have wizards, demons, and all sorts of other magical stuff in this game. Superhero comics have featured elements of fantasy almost since the beginning, with characters like Dr. Fate and the Green Lama. And if (to give an on-point example) the Shining Knight and the Black Knight can get around on winged horses, why couldn't our magical heroes?
    Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
    Join in the Doctor Who fan film, Doctor Who 2.0 Origins!
    My ideas: Arch-Nemesis
  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think mystical "vehicles" such as dragons, pegasi, demons and the like would be awesome for shape shifting characters...

    But I think folks need to get the idea of actual mounts out of their heads, cause that ain't gonna happen...

    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The same reason we have wizards, demons, and all sorts of other magical stuff in this game. Superhero comics have featured elements of fantasy almost since the beginning, with characters like Dr. Fate and the Green Lama. And if (to give an on-point example) the Shining Knight and the Black Knight can get around on winged horses, why couldn't our magical heroes?

    hey, not arguing, after all i am the OP and SUGGESTED the magic stuff :wink:, just was agreeing that there would be people complaining about dragons
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Let's say they added a giant bat or a Roc; have the mouth or eyes be the emanation point for the attacks, and the player character could assume a generic sitting pose or stand atop the creature. They already have the wing flapping animation, so that wouldn't be hard to do. They could then add a fairly generic "looking around" animation for the head (when not attacking). And for simplicity's sake, just don't allow them to land - have them always be flying.

    An even simply idea would be to have something like a more elaborate magic circle that you stand on, and have runes that circle around you - a rune would "snap" to the front and be the emanation point for attacks.

    You could also have it where you stand on a large weapon or shield w/ similar magic tones/effects on it.

    They could also have things like you stand on a sideways obelisk or other such mystically engraved column thingy.
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  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Let's say they added a giant bat or a Roc; have the mouth or eyes be the emanation point for the attacks, and the player character could assume a generic sitting pose or stand atop the creature. They already have the wing flapping animation, so that wouldn't be hard to do. They could then add a fairly generic "looking around" animation for the head (when not attacking). And for simplicity's sake, just don't allow them to land - have them always be flying.

    An even simply idea would be to have something like a more elaborate magic circle that you stand on, and have runes that circle around you - a rune would "snap" to the front and be the emanation point for attacks.

    You could also have it where you stand on a large weapon or shield w/ similar magic tones/effects on it.

    They could also have things like you stand on a sideways obelisk or other such mystically engraved column thingy.

    YES lol

    an elaborate carved throne on a platform, with floating mystical orbs hovering on/over/beside it

    ...... every time i look at the thread im inspired another one
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As much as I love dragons, I can't say that they'll be perfect as mounts here in CO.
    I mean, I saw the dinosaurs and I didn't quite like them.
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  • cptvanorcptvanor Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Superhero comics have featured elements of fantasy almost since the beginning, with characters like Dr. Fate and the Green Lama

    Don't forget Fin Fang Foom.
  • bobgreenwadebobgreenwade Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cptvanor wrote: »
    Don't forget Fin Fang Foom.

    I didn't, but he came a little later.
    Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
    Join in the Doctor Who fan film, Doctor Who 2.0 Origins!
    My ideas: Arch-Nemesis
  • cptvanorcptvanor Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I didn't, but he came a little later.

    True, but he is a Dragon featured fairly often in comic books, so it sorta kills the whole "Dragons don't belong in CO" argument.
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    in terms pn vehicle suggestions,I have a bit
    • Character Models on open vehicles
    • Lower the range of those attacks down to 100 ft or up ours to 200 ft to be even with them
    • Ground vehicles for a change,like (insert hero name here) mobiles!

    Also in addition to those,can we get more realistic looking vehicles,such as fighter jets maybe with "UNTIL" pasted onto the wing or maybe a realistic open helicopter(with character models),and also,those vehicles are WAY overpowered,some of them at least,I'd also make the suggestion to lower them down tremendously according to player level,maybe have the stats correspond to player level,like if player is 40,the vehicle's stats are at level 30,if the player is 30,vehicle is 20,and so on.
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