The Ultimate Guardians are looking for new recruits.
Feel free to look us up:
Name: The Ultimate Guardians
Website: Chat Channel (ask for invite): UltimateGuardians
SG Category: Medium-Heavy Roleplay. We like to stay IC as much as possible, though there are no restrictions on OOC conversation as long as it is contained within parenthesis. ((Like so))
Minimum Age Req: No age requirement, we just ask for maturity and a good attitude.
Special Reqs: We are a group of modern heroes living in a modern world that is not always black and white. However, we try to stay away from overtly violent or darker character concepts as The Ultimate Guardians are always in the public eye and we do not want our heroes endorsing unlawful behavior with their "justice."
Do you PvP? We have many people who are dedicated to finding the best builds for the best performance in PvP. Ask for our PvP guys and you are sure to find someone.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, and almost all of these are run IC unless otherwise stated.
Personal Taboos: We just ask to be respectful of all of your SG mates. IC, as stated before, no murderous rampages against criminals. Do this and any who join are sure to enjoy their time with us.
Additional SG info: We are simply a group dedicated to providing the best possible environment for any person to play out their heroic character's story. We are a large group from many time zones, so you are sure to find many friends with us. We are a simple group that likes to have fun. If interested, drop by the site, and put up an app for the character you would like to join us with in the General Applications section of our forums. If there are any more questions, don't hesitate to ask an Ultimate Guardian.
We have SG-wide story arcs and open-missions (
We also accept alliances with like-minded SGs. (Sign up on the forum or contact one of the staff members)
Here's a little video from one of our Weekly Combat Training events, have fun watching
Our current active Staff list - so that anyone interested in joining The Ultimate Guardians knows who to contact for more information!
Yes, we are. Please feel free to drop by the site or contact one of the officers for additional information.
Awesome. I'm one of their recruitment officers. Feel free to reach out to me @rexcelestis if I can provide any additional information.
He has a lot of fun making characters in the creator.
What it did for me was pique my curiosity again.
I'm an old NWN, NWN2, roleplayer.
Since CO is less mainstream now, I have more faith in an RP community being possible in an MMO.
Would love to meet up for a try out.
You can reach me in-game at Tek@lolife67 or Recharge@lolife67.
Ahem Bump
Bumping back up to the top :biggrin:
Come join us! *hedihandwave*
as for types. we have them all and some are very similar. But our focus is much more on the person behind the powers.
we are heroes. but behind that we are people. our focus is to let people develop their toon.
I am an experienced RP'er (old school) that enjoys playing Champions and prefers good story and characters to min-maxing. I have solid back-stories for my toons and RP them as much as I've been able to (Kid Impact is impetuous and just loves to jump in the middle of things, Sweet Justice is a bit more mature and aloof, etc). Would love an opportunity to do more with people who are into it.
Out-of-game storylines are mostly forum based ones, including written stories as well as forum RP. We have lot's of people who write in our group.
Hey, glad you're interested. Feel free to take a look at our website and write up an application if you're interested. , don't know if the OP is updated since that was made...Many a time ago. Working on writing up a new one right now actually.
Deliciously nutritious!
our recruitment is open so please drop by our forums to have a look around