I really need some help here! For the past several days since the Nighthawk patch launch I have been getting dc'd from CO at random times. Or I should say server disconnection as that is what its telling me. I play alot of MMO's and have been playing CO off and on since beta . I have tried the msconfig, then r and disable solution. I have done game exclusions in my anti-virus software and firewalls for the game. Have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Also done force verify and patch. Still getting server dc's . Anyone else having this issue and know of a solution.
Alot of people have had issues with this over the past few weeks but I know that for me I have been lagging less and less since the server stability patches have been rolling in.
A big event should be happening soon so prepare for more lagging this weeks patches dont fix you up. Although they should.
Another thing which could help is your settings. Try turning them down a notch this will help to stay in game.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Reconnecting the internet doesn't send a ping to the server to update the connection while its in that mode.
Could be that a few lost/dropped packets from our routers to Cryptic start the disconnect sequence.
Settings have nothing to do with it. Graphics quality doesn't effect network performance.