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Looking For Feedback - My Champs

ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Costumes and Concepts
I'd like to get some feedback on my various Champions.

Here they are:


My main Champion. Sentinel, aka Captain Ryan Matthews, was a former R & D director for PRIMUS, who headed the Sentinel Armor project. VIPER assaulted the PRIMUS R & D facility and Capt. Matthews was forced to put on the armor, before it had been tested, in order to repel the VIPER attack. Unfortunately, the armor fused to his body, and it is now impossible for him to remove it.

However, with the help of Harmon Labs, at the direction of James Harmon III, the scientists were able to convert the armor to an expandable array, which allows the armor to deploy from a bracer attached to Matthew's arm. Using specialized controls, he can configure the armor to just about any setup, based on his need at the time. When not in use, the armor reverts back to the bracer on his arm, allowing Matthews to live a sembelance of a normal life.

Class 1 Sentinel Armor - His default armor setup
(Faceplate goes up and down, HUD turns off when faceplate is up)

Class 2 Enviro Armor - Specialized setup that can adapt to any hostile environmental condition.
(Enclosed Helmet For Clean Air setup, Radiation proof metal alloy)

Class 3 Heavy Armor - Heavy weapons platform, allowing Sentinel to deal with mega-threats.
(The idea is the head dome is like a massive faceplate, similar to the Class 1 armor)

Ryan Matthews
(Civilian, with the Sentinel Bracer on his arm)

American Gladiator

Former standout college athlete, who took some performance enhancing drugs that reacted with his body chemistry, making him virtually indestructible.

He once competed in the "American Gladiator" TV show, but an unfortunate accident due to his super strength, left his competition paralyzed. In honor of the man he hurt, AG dedicated the rest of his life to bettering the world, and took on the name "American Gladiator" to remember the man.


The Spook

Former CIA assassin on a mission to take down PSI.



Former PRIMUS Special Forces Sergeant, who is currently AWOL due to violating orders he disagreed with concerning the Qularr Invasion.


Captain Awesome

An amazing, stupendous, utterly AWESOME hero, who swings a massive hammer. (No other backstory developed as of yet.)



I developed this character, and put it on hold in anticipation of the new Nightwing powers coming soon.


Sir Lightblade

A traveller from the Pegasus Galaxy who came to protect Earth during the Qularr Invasion, and has stayed on Earth to better understand humans and the threats they face.


Mr. Meltdown

Former worker from the Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility who took near lethal amounts of radiation during the meltdown crisis in 1979. He gained mastery of latent heat and radiation, but has to wear a radiation suit to protect those around him he doesn't wish to harm.


Primal Magi

A member of an obscure brotherhood of monks who live near the Arctic Circle, these monks have the ability to control primal forces of Earth, Wind, Fire and Ice.



No backstory developed yet. A combination character using blades, explosives and martial arts.



A young hero who during his senior year in high school, suffered a shop accident when lighting struck his school, and travelled down through the electrical conduits and directly into his body. When he came out of his coma 6 months later, he had mastery of electricity.


Hope you enjoy these concepts as much as I did making them!

I look forward to your feedback. :smile:

"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Post edited by ccarmichael07 on


  • doll1989doll1989 Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Nice characters. I personally think that The Spook, Ranger, Captain Awesome and Surge are the best ones. Their colours(both skin and clothes in case with The Spook) and body part proportions are very good. Rest are good to, but some colours look out of place(I have never been a big fun of "colourful" tights heroes). Some body parts are allso to small or big compared to the rest of the body making them look to "unrealistic".

    But very good job overall.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    doll1989 wrote: »
    Nice characters. I personally think that The Spook, Ranger, Captain Awesome and Surge are the best ones. Their colours(both skin and clothes in case with The Spook) and body part proportions are very good. Rest are good to, but some colours look out of place(I have never been a big fun of "colourful" tights heroes). Some body parts are allso to small or big compared to the rest of the body making them look to "unrealistic".

    But very good job overall.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    There's something really iconic about Citadel that I just ended up loving... I think its the smooth look. Really good job there.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • tharkantharkan Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I am probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but...

    Sentinel's Class 1 armor looks too much like Iron Man's armor, bordering on plagiarism. The rest look ok (although my favorite is the Class 3 armor).

    Although I have to agree with Cascadence, Citadel looks awesome. Reminds me a lot of Gort (I love me some 1951 The Day the Earth Stood Still). The rest are good/ok, but nowhere near as eyecatching as Citadel.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tharkan wrote: »
    I am probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but...

    Sentinel's Class 1 armor looks too much like Iron Man's armor, bordering on plagiarism. The rest look ok (although my favorite is the Class 3 armor).

    Although I have to agree with Cascadence, Citadel looks awesome. Reminds me a lot of Gort (I love me some 1951 The Day the Earth Stood Still). The rest are good/ok, but nowhere near as eyecatching as Citadel.

    I can understand where you are coming from on the Class 1. Iron Man is certainly an inspiration for that character. I've tried a variety of armor pieces, as well as color schemes, and it can be difficult to get the look you want, without looking like Iron Man.

    In my own opinion, I actually think the Class 3 has a bit more plagiaristic nature to it, as I felt it was a bit too close to the Hulkbuster armor. Which is why I rarely use the Class 3 in public spaces.

    I might have to play around with the Class 1 though. See if I can give it a bit more distinction.

    The color scheme...and this will likely cause some laughter...is dedicated to the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. (Notice the "Golden Dome" helmet) - Before I used the Blue and Gold, I tried a pure metal look, but ultimately it looked way too close to the Mark II prototype that eventually was converted into War Machine. Additionally, I tried a green patern, but I didn't care for how it looked in metallic.

    I'm glad you liked Citadel though. I think he turned out well, and it struck me today that there is some striking similarity to the mascot for the US Military Academy at West Point (The Black Knights)...which led me to a story line for the character, which ties back to the history of the Sentinel project.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm not too sure about Ravenwing's helmet. Do you have the Roin'esh helmet? With the right colors, it can give the appearance of a feathered ridge, and can also look really cool with the Raven Beak eye/nose piece...

    Other than that, I like them, and I don't really think Sentinel's Class 1 armor looks that much like ol' Shellhead.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    I'm not too sure about Ravenwing's helmet. Do you have the Roin'esh helmet? With the right colors, it can give the appearance of a feathered ridge, and can also look really cool with the Raven Beak eye/nose piece...

    Hmm, interesting idea. I might have to play around with that.
    Other than that, I like them, and I don't really think Sentinel's Class 1 armor looks that much like ol' Shellhead.

    There are some differences to be sure.

    Iron Man's helmet construction is certainly different. When the front panel drops on his helmet, you have the LED eyes, and the front panel is a single panel construction.

    Sentinel however, has a fully enclosed helmet, with a shield that drops over the eyes (My idea was a transparent aluminum...bit of Trek talk there...type material, which he can see through, and the HUD appears in front of that.

    Additionally, Iron Man's arc reactor in the front is a power source, where I'm using the generator emblem piece for his chest cannon. It looks similiar, but the intent was different operation, IE, not a power source.

    Also, most of the Iron Man suits, dont use shoulder plates, where Sentinel does. this also goes for the legs, where Iron Man has solid body assembly on the leg portion, Sentinel has an underlying metal armor "skin" with reinforcing plates overlaid.

    There are some differences, but I dont disagree with tharkan that there are some similarities as well. Afterall, Iron Man was the inspiration for the character.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • zebellezebelle Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Spook is eerily fantastic, and i really dig Surge's nice, clean look.

    and then there's Captain Awesome, who is just, well...awesome. :cool:


    60% of the time, it works every time...since August 2009.
  • chuckthestarchuckthestar Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ranger is very cool. A hard-bitten, no nonsense special operative. I love it.

    American Gladiator (of america) is completely epic looking. He's kind of Sparta, Nacho Libre, and Captain America rolled into one, and he's one of those characters where you can just read his backstory in the lines of his clothing. Great job with him! He's probably my overall favorite.

    I've actually seen Captain Awesome around Millenium City, and I remember laughing about it pretty hard at the time. Even the color scheme works to his advantage; he doesn't need bold primary colors because he's.. Well, because he's awesome. Besides, Real Men can pull off pastels. :biggrin:

    Citadel is another favorite of mine. I don't know why, but there's something really great about this costume that I have trouble putting my finger on. I think someone nailed it on the head when commenting on the smooth, retro 'war of the worlds' look.

    This is something I have a hard time doing in costume design - to create something so simple that is also very striking. I tend to want to add a thousand details, but sometimes the beauty is in it's simplicity. This is why I love to 'costume watch' at the tailor. Sometimes you just see something cool that you can't quite verbalize, and that tiny kernel of an idea can turn into a whole new costume!

    Nice work on these!
  • sturmwolf65sturmwolf65 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    American Gladiator FTW!^^

    I'm a german myself...but the star spangled heroes look great.
    I have seen a lot of them, but this one with is Gladiator style is pretty unique.
    Very good.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I've actually seen Captain Awesome around Millenium City, and I remember laughing about it pretty hard at the time. Even the color scheme works to his advantage; he doesn't need bold primary colors because he's.. Well, because he's awesome. Besides, Real Men can pull off pastels. :biggrin:

    Actually, the colors are part of the homage...

    "Captain Awesome" aka Dr. Devon Woodcomb (from the series "Chuck") is where I took the name from, and in honor of Dr. Devon Woodcomb, I used powder blue and gold, which are the colors of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) where Devon attended Med School with Chuck's sister Ellie.

    The color and the name are the only connection to Dr. Woodcomb however. :)
    Citadel is another favorite of mine. I don't know why, but there's something really great about this costume that I have trouble putting my finger on. I think someone nailed it on the head when commenting on the smooth, retro 'war of the worlds' look.

    Citadel's look was loosely based on an armor set that was available in the original Knights of the Old Republic RPG. It was silver, with a smooth helm and had the look of a "space knight" and that was the starting point for Citadel.

    Thanks for the feedback Sturm, Chuck and Zebelle!

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • chuckthestarchuckthestar Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Aha! I should have known from the avatar and name.. It's been a while since I watched Chuck, as great as the name of the show is... :biggrin:
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have The Spook winning this thread by knockout. Very clean, iconic look for him, even though you also managed to pack in a lot of detailed elements that help make him identifiable.

    I also like The Sentinel and his various incarnations, but I'm a sucker for PA toons with different armor setups. :smile:
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So I have an update :)

    First, I wanted to share two new characters I made:


    Moros, is the personification of impending doom, who drives mortals to their deadly fate. He is one of the offspring of Nyx (Night), who had conceived him without male intervention, and brother of the Moirai (Fates).

    Moros appears when mortal man is on the precipice of his own demise. Only those who are about to know the release of death, can see Moros in his humanoid form, and when he makes his appearance, those who see him should know their time is short.

    Moros is a guardian of the Dark Chamber, and direct servant of Hades and Tartarus. Everywhere Moros exists, death surrounds him, in all forms.


    AAD-395 MK IV

    The Armored Assault Drone (AAD) Model 395 is the most advanced tactical robotics platform in the PRIMUS arsenal. The AAD was developed to serve as a frontline weapon for heavy combat situations. However, in recent years, PRIMUS has made changes to the AAD programming to allow it to serve in an expanded capacity, including urban applications. Initially, the 395 series was designed to combat The Champions, in the event they ever turned on humanity. However, in the past 2 years, it?s mission directives have changed, and many 395 series drones have been assigned to assist The Champions where they can be the most benefit.

    The AAD is equipped with Live SATCOM Global Communications equipment, which gives the AAD a constant satellite uplink to PRIMUS Headquarters, allowing for instant Mission downloads, briefings, objective updates and control software upgrades. With a constant uplink to PRIMUS, the AAD is meant to fulfill the old Army motto "An Army of One." The AAD has the most advanced A.I. available which allows it to operate completely independently of standard robotic controls.


    Additionally, I was messing around with a "Recurring Villian" who will appear as a Nemesis for a couple of my characters:

    Red Blood

    Red Blood is a Soviet KGB assassin who is unaware that the Cold War is over. In 1981, he was sent on a covert mission to assassinate the Prime Minister of Britain. However, he was foiled in his attempt by the CIA, who sent an assassin of their own to stop Red Blood.

    Red Blood escaped, but the KGB punished him for his failure. He was sent to a cryo prison in Siberia, and was all but forgotten when the wall came down.

    A recent power failure at the former cryo prison saw the escape of Red Blood. Determined to complete his mission, and prove himself to the KGB, he is making his way around the globe on a mission to topple the governments of the Soviet's enemies.


    Finally, a few alternate looks for some of my previous characters:


    I bought Ranger one of the Hawkwing Fighters, and so I gave him a sort of "Flight Suit" look. His travel power is teleportation (because Special Forces seem to appear out of nowhere, and vanish just as quick) and the idea is he can fly his fighter, then disengage and aerial drop to his target.


    American Gladiator

    This is an alternate "Heavy Armor" look I developed. Not a significant change, but a bit more armor for those harder to fight boss types.



    I did some fine tuning on Ravenwing, changed her helm a bit, as well as added the metal bird to her chest and adjusted her leotard and shoulder plates.



    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So I have an update :)

    First, I wanted to share two new characters I made:



    Most people would probably stop at just red and black, but the stony, white background works to contrast that greatly. Makes the guy look like he's either made of stone or bone or at least some kind of non-living material.


    Red Blood


    The head on him is excellent. A very good, controlled use of yellow as well to once again break up the red/black combo.




    This captured that flight-suit look perfectly.




    Much like Red Blood, the yellow contrast and head design make this one.


    These are excellent.
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  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So I have some champions approaching the creation of some Nemesis, so I took some time and developed these concepts:

    1. Sidney Pryce - Government agent, rogue spy


    2. Purple Pose - A "girlfriend" of the infamous Kevin Poe


    3. Crimson Clobber - Former female boxer who was banned from the sport for cheating


    4. Valerian Karpov - Russian Military issued Power Armor suit


    5. Sting - Former hero who has fallen from grace


    6. Slice - An up and coming lieutenant in the VIPER organization


    7. Miner 49'er - Coal Miner who encountered evil spirits in an abandoned mine shaft, who took over his mind.


    8. Lord Morticus - Dr. Destroyer style villian


    9. Kolomonn - Intergalactic Warlord, similar to Thanos and Mongul


    10. Intersection - Mega-Nerd whose suit allows him to hack into any system, network, computer and satellite, anywhere in the world, at any time.


    11. Hank Wolsey - High school shop teacher whose numerous accidents have left him with major physical scars and untold mental scars.


    12. Frigidaire - Classic ice villian, with the classic styling of 1950's kitchen appliances, which he collects.


    13. Dameios - Servant of Therakiel


    14. Cap'n Ravu - Space pirate


    15. Bad@$$ Benny - New leader of the Cobra Lords, after Hi-Pan's Massacre


    16. Red Wall - Heavy Duty muscle for VIPER


    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    15. Bad@$$ Benny - New leader of the Cobra Lords, after Hi-Pan's Massacre
    You mean after Frank Frazetti's incarceration, certainly - Hi-Pan led the Red Banner, not the Cobra Lords...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • jellycupsowbugjellycupsowbug Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    You mean after Frank Frazetti's incarceration, certainly - Hi-Pan led the Red Banner, not the Cobra Lords...

    Hi Pan runs the Cobra Lords for a minute or two, after Frank Frazetti is burned alive and before you beat him up. x3 It would be less if you didn't have to listen to him explain it every time.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Benny is my envisioned leader for the Cobra Lords AFTER the events of "The Westside Intrigue Culmination" where the Golden Dragon burns the gang leaders (except Kevin Poe) to a BBQ crisp.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
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